Thank You Arthur, Very Cool!

Thank You Arthur, Very Cool!

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Arthur would've hated gays and shit back then. Especially, since he got butt raped by one.

What's a terf?

Really? When did that happen?
And with the logic of your argument, then he'd hate straight men as well since they rape too, dude.
Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

simply put, a feminist who thinks that trans ''''''people'''''' aren't real women.

Unironically based

Some backwater hick raped him in the woods. It's a random encounter.

Is it just me or is /pol/ losing influence here?
Everyone seems to be against them now

Dialate, and whilst you're at it stop equating /pol/ with people who rightfully consider transgender people to be mentally ill.

Because, instead of taking their own advice. Saying shit like, "your insults and bullshit made Trump win!". They doubled down and became worse.

Based af to be honest

I never did that? But great job outing yourself.

>Enjoy your bait friendos ;)

It's dilate

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That's nice

Yeah a bunch of no IQ faggots have been flooding the bored recently with god awful opinions on things they know nothing about

>look him up on IMDB and twitter
>no kids, but talks like a high school girl
Not surprised. The vast majority of people who keep pushing for trans shit don’t have children of their own. It’s kind of funny how once you actually conceive your own child, the thought of destroying their body and encouraging them to lop off their dick slowly goes away.

>ain't got no friends
So they have????

This is a shill or a meme considering it’s copy/pasted everywhere. /pol/ absolutely gets obnoxious with their rhetoric everywhere, but it’s still miles ahead better than anything social justice related. People are annoyed by /pol/, but people are also utterly revolted by diversity and gay inclusive talk.

/pol/ never really had much influence because they were never really a united group. they're a semi-imaginary scapegoat used by sjws to justify their actions. /pol/ or whoever really exists does this too but on a scale limited to Yea Forums and associated websites, these actions are then used to justify whatever by people who oppose them. it goes in cycles.

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queers deserve to be burned alive

It's ok user, you'll get over your love of cock someday

>And with the logic of your argument, then he'd hate straight men as well since they rape too
You clearly don't understand his logic. He's saying that Arthur would have disliked gays because his brief interaction with a gay person ended up with him being raped. He was never raped by a straight guy.

Arthur enjoys killing white supremacists and protects his female gang members from harassers, so no, he does hate all kinds of rapists.
Juggle the few braincells you have elsewhere, my dude.

Sorry but no lol arthur hates trans and gays and niggers and even you user lol


I miss Arthurposting.

They're a lesser evil but they're still cunts

people just wish /pol/ would chill a bit, it's not like we disagree with them on the broad strokes

Thank god that a voice actor is NOT an actual representation the character.

>so no, he does hate all kinds of rapists
So then you concede to him disliking gay people. Nice to know.

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TERFs are based. Transgenderism is just gender blackface