You, yes (you) know have full control of the Dead space IP. What do you do with it
You, yes (you) know have full control of the Dead space IP. What do you do with it
let it die like it deserves
maybe make one last game, but its gacha and exclusive to epic store
Make Isaac a girl.
RTS or 4X with only bad endings.
Make my dream dead space game set at the bottom of europa's ocean.
Then probably leave it alone.
it doesnt need anymore games
throw it in the garbage where it belongs
Prequel/soft reboot
Here's some more.
Make a dead space game with a character that isn’t Isaac set in a radio-silent deep sea base on a moon/far planet. Your character is silent and has a similar design to Isaac. You are a member of a rogue scrapping team looking to jump in and pull some valuable tech before the actual military can get there to assess the damage.
Buy a boat I can live in and dock space in Miami via the pay checks EA sends me.
Clunkiesttraversal game ever. Should feel like a human exo-platform Alien. Underground explorarion. I haven't played the last one but it should feel like the protagonists motivations are incredibly skewed. Like every step he takes is deeper into his own grave, like DOOM but slower and clunkier. The monsters should have mostly one chance to be fast, maybe two strikes and then they have to be slow obviously undead things. A city of the dead that runs on routine and numbers. Protagonist should feel like a serial killer in a zombie metropolis populated by nearly mindless horrors. Each Boss maintains some horrid power base like Water and Power, or Electrical and Telecommunications, except instead of ConEd or MaBell it's some spinning orb of ancient screams, or a techno-organic sludge pump. Six stages to the game, Landing on the surface, making your way down through the crust and then the four bosses in the Under City.
When the game ends you unlock some beautiful angels who clear out everything you haven't killed and move on to the "livong" world. You know, a big righteous kull. No big deal, one death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic, and anyway, it would be very fast. Like Phoenix Force semi-demi-planetary rapture.
Make it a kart racing game
>braces on tits
based and brace pilled
since the 3rd game did irreparable damage I'd just reboot it
Double down on the action and give it warframe-like movement and combat.
Give the game to Platinum and have them make a new game continuing off awakening with pic related as the premise to start with and them being absolutely free to take the story wherever they want to because EA already fucked it to death.
sell it to activision
The logical decision is to make it take place on Earth invaded by necromorphs.
spin-off game like AvP 2010 since the third game almost intentionally wrote itself into a hopeless ending
You start as an Infector and you go around switching the players control to new infected Necros as humans die and try to stop the onslaught
Dead Space fighting game
Isaac and Carver crash land on Earth, find Ellie, all three go find the Ishimura, use its planet cracking abilities to crack the Mother Moon