Meanwhile, on the USG Yea Forumsshimura

Meanwhile, on the USG Yea Forumsshimura...

Attached: Usg_ishimura_full_profile.jpg (1280x720, 74K)


>play this 6 months ago
>use controller because my mouse was broken at the time
>plays like fucking shit, stop after a few chapters, uninstall
6 months later
>redownload game
>install raw input mouse fix
>knock the game out in 2 sittings, walked away enjoying it

how did this game even release on consoles and why do I need a fucking mod to get proper mouse input?

Okay, who the fuck drew blood on the wall?

Attached: Dead-Space-Cut-Off-Their-Limbs.png (900x563, 618K)

God shut the fuck up
I can hear you assholes from the fucking mining sector

Who in the ever living fuck has been breaking open boxes, those plasma cartridges are meant for the colony you fucking monkeys

wait do i need the mouse fix if i play with a controller?

Who else comfy in the vent shafts? I discovered an entire society of anons just nesting in the shafts, it's pretty fucking chill. We're gonna watch anime in the Engineering bay shafts, see you fuckers there.



Hey man I think I heard some Chinese people in the shafts earlier, you better watch out. They were making some fucking weird ass noises

I don't get why we don't just stay in the Captain's Nest. Safest place on the whole ship.

Attached: 17470_2014-05-13_00011.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

because you're a fuckin wagie who needs to do his job

>cut off their umbs
This is the Command Deck, reminding the crew that under NO circumstances is any crew member to cut off any other crew member's umbs. Those found in violation will have their pay docked and be sent to clean exterior solar panels during a meteoroid shower. Thank you.
also Command Deck here, what the fuck is an umb?

Can any visitors to the hydroponics deck please stop bringing foreign objects and biodegradable with them. I’ve been binding small red clumps of what I assume is some sort of slime mold. Please, we make your damn air.

Good thread lmao. Keep it up lads.

I've played it on console, it was fine.

Hernandez from the janitorial department here.

Whoever smeared shit all over the bathroom walls in intensive care needs to sleep with one eye open. We have people in the vents and shafts and we will find the puto with the culo avierto responsible for this.

As for any shaft brothers, I'll see you in Engineering shafts

Anyone else sick of seeing pictures of this PENG bitch everywhere? I’m here to work, not to buy... what the fuck I don’t even know what she sells.

Open elevator leads to Atrium

i heard if you ride the tram at exactly 12:01am you'll find peng

Something is fucked with the cargo hold, every time I go there my head feels hazier than usual. I keep seeing weird fucking tentacles
John joined me but I cannot see him
John is gone
Mary came but she left to join the cargo hold gang.
Guys it talks to us