What would be the worst way to die in the facility?

What would be the worst way to die in the facility?

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Trying to check that 7 but getting a 4 instead

censored can breed with humans but kills them in the process
I kinda want to imagine the details :^)

crushed to death by the weight of your autism

Probably what you posted

Burrowing Heaven is the worst for me.

I mean that looked kinda quick. Censored apparently "breeds" with his victims.

I dont know, i find really disturbing to see the parts of my employees or clerks being hanged from the moving branches while eyes look at you, almost like if it was showing you his trophies.

Not like getting a 5 instead of a 7

I see this agent just visited the Plague Doc

what game? scp?

I would say it depends on what 'losing your mind' entails. If you're really fucking gone, maybe CENSORED won't be too bad. Might even enjoy it for all of 1s before you die.
I imagine Giant's Tree Sap does not feel good at all when it goes bad
if Singing Machine's thrall didn't kill the victim before throwing them in it would 100% in my opinion be the worst way to die
Naked Nest might be awful
Grave of Cherry Blossoms it depends on what goes down after you get pulled inside
if you're just slowly squeezed and drained of life while held COMPLETELY still yeah that'd be a fucking terrifying way to go out

>hear about music causing memory leaks
>check my usage out of curiosity
>over 90%
Any fixes besides turning the music down?

low temperance clerk

high temperance chad

I avoid getting Naked Nest whenever possible because of my real-life fear of parasites. Fucking christ.

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Spider bud would be a rough way to go
>cocooned alive to feed baby spiders while begging for your fellow employees to save you
>nobody has the balls to help

Dying without ever reading the manual.

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Parasyte Tree. Something about turning into a tree, starting with your limbs and keeping the head for last, while you're still conscious, sounds terrifying. Horror arboreus.

I'm gonna shove that notebook and the manual up your fuckin' ass if you keep this up.

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getting absorbed by Blue Star, you got no idea what's in there and whether you'll be too brainwashed to feel the suffering or something worse than death

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In fact you would think its the greatest honor to be absorbed into it, which is terrifying.

Boy I hope it has something to do with Massive insertions, and cum inflation

>Fighting an ALEPH with a TETH weapon
Did you get screwed and get him early?
Or do you just enjoy suffering?

portrait into another world looks gruesome
the goat thing that puts you to sleep forever might also be way worse than it sounds if it forces you to have some shitty hell nightmare for all eternity

trees gives solance then death or some sort of peace
lupine locust actually eats you whole, so choked shredded and bitten
book bound in buttskin could be potentially a unending heck
express train to a slightly better place might not take you to a slightly better place
WCCE and redditbot are also just stabs and laceration
the kids are just surprising. one is to be eaten by spiders, the other is to be squashed by existential forces. by proxy bees and spiders are also rather mundane, since spiders would keep you comatose or poisoned otherwise
blue star might just squash you as well
you must be happy doesnt seem to be particularly painful
melting forces you to like her but doesnt keep you alive after being eaten, WN doesnt seem to do anything but mind control his disciples, censored might however, really depends on how all this mind control and body modding thing works.

potentially censored should be it, with the skin book competing with it

oh. i forgot the sephirahs. they kinda win, but its a matter of PoV

living forever sounds nice, even if its stuck in the facility tbqh

i got Blue Star early, only had a handful of WAWs and Blue was my first ALEPH
I took that gif upon the second time he escaped to kill us all

Boy that sucks user. But I see a V in there. How did he even escape if you have Red's suit?

At the time i had no idea about the invisible time limit, so I sent in an experienced worker but not a giga-chad to research Blue Star
His work speed wasn't up to par so you can imagine what happened next

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>Blue was my first ALEPH
I never had a problem with Blue Star since all my employees get grinded up ASAP, but ML fucked me up since I hadn't picked up execution bullets. What would you bros say is the worst Aleph to pick up first?

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Melting Love or Silent Orchestra for sure, they punish you so hard for not following their rules that they're small scale apocalypses for new players
Of course Melty can be beaten easily later once you have weapons to wipe away her slime mooks, but we're talking about new players here

Getting shot in the balls by a PP7 while taking a shit standing up

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ML can really OHKO a whole facility in like 3 minutes if you do too much interdepartment trainning, but she can be easily handled with constant violence. of all STDs, NN isnt that bad, but can be, and the aleph tree can be easily contained, but if repression and you cant do it, NN can also lockdown the facility, making it impossible to handle it after certain points while not allowing you to supress it

choirman can really prevent a facility from moving foward, specially if you cant handle his meltdowns and you cant go after dusk or midnight, even more so that censored or NT

i honestly think choirman is the worse of them all


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Seconds get muddled up with speed-altering buttons with no indication as to what the multiplier is. It must've been fun to see what happened the first time. Also,
>Why did my colleagues jump into a glowing heart with legs? Am I really alive?

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fuck my phone
i mean NN may trap parts of the facility with a contamination almost as strong as ML, and parasyte tree can also become viral if you cant babysit it

at least the tree isnt as difficult as the train

I had that error once.
It happened when I fucked up with Last Helix by testing the laser's strength via someone with The Smile, after the first two rapid ticks of damage I instantly paused and it stopped "seemingly" before she died.
When I reloaded she was just standing in Central and I couldn't interact with her at all.
She did come back after I hit Retry, just sans EGO gear.
Kinda funny bug.

the glitched happens to me a lot with Queen Bee minions, i try to kill like 30 of the bees but fail, so when i restart the department has a new Bee fixture in the center of the room no one cares about
It can also happen with Melting Loves passive form i believe

Huh, that's quite similar to a bug that happened to me with the Queen Wasp. At the moment a wasp either got slaughtered of was born from slaughter, I retried the day. The next day the wasp was still there, stuck in its walking animation. Also, the employee who was suppressing the wasps was still slightly damaged. Happened twice.

The bugs in this game are kinda funny. So long as they aren't the kind that fuck an agent over, like Void Dream and rarely Ice Queen.

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>Day thirty something
>get to the last ordeal with Sweepers
>Army of Black escapes because fucking clerk shitstains
>this causes Little Red to escape
>somehow managing all of this with minimal deaths
>get everyone that went insane back to normal
>Little Red helps kill AoB
>try to take on Little Red with my giga-chad
>oh fuck he's doing it
>but wait I ran out of red bullets
>fuck fuck fuck
>send in support from every squad
>he dies right when support gets there and causes everyone else to die and go insane
>this was at the end of the day

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>tfw got fired but pleased with myself

being fired of LC would be a lottery ticket rarer and more rewarding that a opened can of welcheers

>cant even solo merc

>not teaching NT his ABCs and 123s

But he's such a cute doggo.

What's more important, dealing with Sephirah meltdowns or researching abnos for new gear? Kinda scared to do both at the same time, heard some of the former can fuck you up straight sideways.

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fuck it, fanfic time
>you are hired by corporation L to open a small cafeteria for roughtly 200 people
>oh no a "accident" happened! fortunadely the super powerful and beautiful magnifcient AI that manages L corporation during its CEO abscence managed to salvage you into a sephirah absolutely free of charge!

>you get to pick:
>3 projects to improve facility
>a place to be at within the facility
>a facility wide buff thats given by your clerks work
>a worker buff given to employees for having continuous work done on your department
>a boss fight
>a bonus for having supressed your core

Sephiras, permanent boosts.

If you want to be sure on a new abnormal, begin the day and devote time to researching that one abnormal, once you figure out its kill condition(s), or how it works, you should retry and start the suppression after writing down some of the important stuff.
Lemme tell ya, trying to do Yesod while having Zayin in Pink as my newest abnormal was a load of ass.

not really because you're still company property and probably get recycled for your juicy parts

Imagine dying without ever cucking Angela with Hokma

>implying she wouldnt slick to you and your best bro playing swordfight

Fairy Festival is actually pretty bad, getting eaten alive by your new friends.

Was gonna say this. Being eaten alive by dozens of tiny mouths feels bad enough irl when they aren't taking actual chunks of skin out.

They never really were on your side in the first place

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Specially when they start from the eyes.

This concept is probably shit and needs severe balancing, but:

>3 projects to improve facility
Research Assistance: For every rank 3 or higher employee not in a department, increase Work Success Rate and Work Speed by 5 across the facility
Training Assistance: For every rank 3 or higher employee not in a department, increase HP and Attack Speed by 5
Preparation Assistance: For every rank 3 or higher employee not in a department, increase movement speed and SP by 5
>a place to be at within the facility
No idea.
>a facility wide buff thats given by your clerks work
The amount the buffs stated in the first point benefit the entire facility.
>a worker buff given to employees for having continuous work done on your department
Weapon range. Melee weapons start producing small shockwaves if their range becomes high enough
>a boss fight
For phase one, all employees with extremely high stats are bound in chains, unable to defend themselves but still able to work. For phase two and three, this limitation increases, essentially leaving you with a skeleton crew of fairly weak employees to deal with escaped abnos. Phase 2 and 3 probably force a few escapes as well.
>a bonus for having suppressed your core
Any level 5 employee that isn't in a department provides a passive +10 (or more if 10 isn't enough) to all stats throughout the entire facility.

>3 projects to improve facility
Can cancel work once started (limited use)
Able to safely 'evacuate' one or two people a day
Can choose not to deploy clerks for departments at the start of a day (removes their bonus obviously)
>a place to be at within the facility
There isn't really room anywhere, who cares
>a facility wide buff thats given by your clerks work
Lower the number of things that are going to have a meltdown by 1-3
>a worker buff given to employees for having continuous work done on your department
i dunno fuckin uhhhhh
>a boss fight
All previously mentioned upgrades and meltdown immunities are disabled. Complete a dusk event with 10x as many clerks.
>a bonus for having supressed your core
Can buy EGO gifts with PE boxes

>bought the game less than a week ago
>Already 30 hours played

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>been playing for two weeks
>100+ hours
>haven't gotten past day 42 yet
>about to Day 1 again

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C'mon agent, tap out, I'll sub in! Do it now!

Something about the game is addicting, even after beating it on the 70 hour mark, I clocked in 136 so far. Maybe after I'm done bullying agents with my justicechads I'll continue that other run I was doing.

>dl'd the game off here
>going to buy it monday on steam
>will never know actual play time because I fucking hate the steam launcher and would rather just play the one I have without it even after buying

stat this thing

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Class: HE
Instinct: Moderate
Insight: Low
Attachment: High
Repression: Very Low

i thought about something like that, but much simpler
each department gets 3 thematic upgrades, each with 3 tiers, and you get 6 points to spend so you can get all 3, but only be able to fully max 1 or 2, or max one and go partway into the others
>Training Team
>Dummy 1: Deploy a target dummy once a day to distract foes, flee while they target the wrong dummy.
>Dummy 2: Deploy sturdier Dummies, damage done to the Dummy is reflected back to its attacker.
>Dummy 3: Deploy the strongest Dummies money can buy, Dummies explode upon dying, blasting your foes with the accumulated damage.

>Disciplinary Team
>Hall Monitor 1: Automatically alert your Agents to incoming threats with security cameras. Targets spotted by the cameras catch the attention of all personnel.
>Hall Monitor 2: Target vitals with laser targeting, inflict targeted foes with debuffed resistances.
>Hall Monitor 3: Transform your cameras to immobile sentry guns, sponsored by R-Company. Foes spotted by hall security will be met with a hail of bullets.

>Extraction Team
>Turncoat 1: Gain a new shot type, target escaping Abnormalities to pacify them, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.
>Turncoat 2: Target foes to cause them to defect towards your side, watch as they fight to protect your workers until the hypnosis wears off. Not all foes are vulnerable to hypnosis.
>Turncoat 3: Buff your targeted Abnormality to give your Agents the hero they deserve. Settle things peacefully and watch them willingly re-enter containment once hypnosis wears off.
if only i could mod and this game was designed to allow massive mod projects

Oh god, where's his irradiated friend Crocodile??

Is that even a question?

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Did she died?

So I can't see what this abnormality is. Will T.Clerkkiller fare fine? will my facility be fine?

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You're gonna need some bigger armor for that one

He will most likely panic, the damage is heavy and there's a reason you cannot see the abno.
You're going to want at least an ALEPH or WAW class armor with .4 or better black res.

Uh... yes
Totally fine don't even worry about it. You can send in whoever really. It has a really high success rate for low stat levels, so it's great for levelling up low-level agents, as long as you know what you're doing. Oh, and as a small tip, it really likes the attachment work thing.

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I thought the translation was supposed to be fixed?

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Who is this fluid druid and how can I get her to suffocate me with her ass

>This thread as someone who has never even heard of this game

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I researched enough to know things are not alright.
>Chad with MoSB tracksuit barely survives work wile being hopeless
>Chad with Justitia and ALEPH garment loses his marbles immediately after seeing CENSORED do something CENSORED

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What translation?

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The only time it breached it was an absolute gg, i cant imagine suppressing it without casualties.

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That's Gebura.
I'm sure if you where an abnormality she would try to suffocate you with a giant sword

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>two CENSORED babies
It's over. That causes anyone without CENSORED's weapon to panic.

He discovered Krokodil

You'd have to release her real body from inside the metal prison it's in, then beat the fuck out of her before she murders you.

I saw something akin to those.
After it did... some kind of... animation with a clerk.
The notes don't say anything about them. What do the babies do? They amplify the effect from the 2nd note or something? instapanic lvl IV and lower, because my V Chad just got fucked in the brain slightly too hard

CENSORED is three levels higher than the typical panic check, meanwhile the babies are two levels higher.
Level 0 panic = 0% SP lost
Level 2 panic = 20% SP lost
Level 3 panic = 60% SP lost

>Upon seeing One Sin in the containment room, BongBong's panties immediately soddened.
What a chad

Change level 2 from 20% -> 30% actually, but either way it's an insta-panic, only bunnies can handle the situation by that point.

>Upon learning of the existence of abnormalities, new hire YumYum exploded into an orgasmic frenzy.

I can't find anything about fear levels in the manual. Are those the !!!Nervous!!! !!!Calm!!! !!!Hopeless!!! things I see whenever employees start work or encounter escaped abnormalities? There was also a white-coloured one on WN when I send a mook to work on it

Reverence (WN only)

Take the level of the abnormality (or of the dead/panicking agent, since witnessing that causes fear), subtract the level of the agent who ran into it. Higher numbers cause a more severe reaction and more instant SP damage.

Yeah they are. WN is a bit of a special snowflake, he gets his own unique panic level as well as panic level functions, and CENSORED is another abnormality that has different panic level functions.

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Make a new abno which gives off Reverence panic level


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Yup. Fear levels instantly subtract a percentage of the agents max SP, though it will only do it once per work/seeing the abnormality. You can see the tiers here To expand off of that, It corresponds to the Agent's level subtracted from the abnormalities' risk level (minimum of 0) so a level 2 agent interacting with a HE abnormality will be Nervous and lose 10% SP. CENSORED and WN have some different conditions for it though.

So lvl V Chads decked out in ALEPH gear first lose 60% of their sanity, then they have to work on an abno with 32 boxes. Bullets don't even work while working. One Sin, that's something else entirely.

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Just get a good result bro, it's not that hard lol.

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just use portrait bro
just get good results bro

portrait will literally get the while facility killed
da capo MIGHT work
good results are impossible consistently even with a Ex Chad

Day 50 has cemented this game as GOTY for me, I can't fucking wait for Library of Runia, it feels so far away

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>portrait will literally get the while facility killed
maybe if you're fucking retarded, just use SP bullets/white shield on the dude getting hit.

dude just have a facility full of chads
just pump the portrait person full of sp bullets
it's so easy

I never had problems with CENSORED, and i didnt even use Mariel on it.

the sad part is that i tamed censored, have 3 Chads dedicated to control him and hes still not worthy

Help me whit a little dilemma here bros I want to memory repo, since this 4 days and the tiphititeh section at large has been screwing my farming rates, but I have the following doubts
>I have some employees who were recently created they are going to disappear aren’t they?
>stats on alder employees will reset back to what they were that day?
>I got we can change anything so wouldn’t be a good idea send all agents that are going to be snapped into that to at least research it
>LOB is going to reset as well so may as well do more employees to feed we can change anything
Most mission are done but everything else has been a pain in the ass and the worse of all is that i donot have a single ALEPH yet

brotherhood of HOD
tiffany and typhoid
Deborah the melon crusher
bin of nags

>>I have some employees who were recently created they are going to disappear aren’t they?
>>stats on alder employees will reset back to what they were that day?
>>I got we can change anything so wouldn’t be a good idea send all agents that are going to be snapped into that to at least research it
Yes, that's the ideal way to research it.
>>LOB is going to reset as well so may as well do more employees to feed we can change anything
Feed until all tips and lore have been unlocked, then repo.

>got parasyte tree and magical girl
>now have to actually watch the qliphoth countdown and can't just spam work on everything
fuck this makes the game way slower

>he fell for the magical girl meme

Here comes Magical Girl! With thighs to die for! Literally!

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The tree is a blight and I regret picking it. However, I get to suppress the area central it is in in a few days. Where is your tree stationed?

>aleph tree
almost as bad as express train to a slightly better place
memrepo to beginning of week

honestly just get QoH's weapon and armor then mem repo
she's not worth the hassle

Use bunnies

>3 projects
Emergency blast door that locks a selected doorway, has health, and can be cancelled manually. Takes 3 hits for alephs to break them and twice as much for waw 4 times he, etc.
Nerve gas that fills a selected hallway, deals constant black damage, able to kill your own shit, cant cancel it and lasts 30 seconds.
A lockdown mode that can only be used once, calls blast doors on all the rooms of one selected department, gasses the hallways and calls an unatackable turret in the departments main room that only targets abnos and deals mediocre red damage. Whole lockdown lasts 2 minutes.
Blast door and gas cost 10% total energy and lockdown 30%.
>a place to be at
Maintenance or some engineer-y shit
Increase work speed.
>worker buff
More work speed.
>boss fight
A fun day with doors and elevators that malfunction and squishing agents and clerks that pass thru them forcing you to micro around them, energy going down by 10% total every 3 minutes and more malfunctioning doors every 3 meldowns. Busted doors and elevators are visually malfunctioning and its impossible for a place to completely be locked out by them.
Cooldown time between works on abnos reduced by 50%
I totally did not make this just because I want to gas clerks.

>tfw just have the titanosquad there to erase her in less than 20 seconds
>don't even bother executing clerks (or saving some) any more for her even though I could snap her out of her funk with the researcher's note
>swifter to just beat her up than to walk all the way over to the note, walk back, cheer her up, then put it back
I should have listened. Her wiggling around when she's happy is nice though.

training chads is such a chore
i only have 5/15 chads they're not gigachads yet
do i need more than 5?

>select two abnos, right before a planned repo so I'm not going to bother researching them right now
>it's a pink spider llama and the magical girl
I'm out, back to working on my good friends Blue Star and Nothing There.

What's the worst facility you could have for Binah suppression?

If you haven't done the upper floor suppressions yet, for the sake of your sanity, one~two level 5s with max stats in each department is fine, with everyone else being level 4 minimum.
Once you finish the upper suppressions though, there's no excuse to not have every slot be a gigachad.

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2020 can't come sooner

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do you want to finish the game?
that run will need 50 chads.

She is Gerbura and you have to supress 3 ALEPHs before you could even ask her for a date

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Should I just pirate this and buy it later? I really want to give it a go and don't want to completely spoil everything for me.
This scratches my scp itch and also some of the fan art makes my dick hard.

Meltdowns don't really affect the tree since it's mechanic works off of a separate counter. You are still gonna need to babysit it.

Beating QoH to death with riot sticks!

pirate it and save yourself the buyers remorse because the gameplay probably isn't what you think it is

Greed has an ALEPH weapon, automatically making her the most useful despite Despair's amazing blessing, even if it's the lamest ALEPH weapon.
Despair has a great armor that works excellently with Greed's weapon and her blessing.
Hatred is a prissy little wench and is the most annoying to contain (Despair shouldn't break out at all and Greed is easy).

Greed is easy but annoying early on when you can't just kill her at once and need to fucking run after constantly.

It's always the fucking "ZAYINs" isn't it

She's annoying but you aren't going to lose anyone to her at the very least, as long as they're headed by a semi-competent manager.
Extremely slow movespeed, entirely relies on people walking into her front to do any damage.

I just want to help you out bro

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Tried to do Hod's core suppression. I think the effects left me with a migraine. I pray for mercy when I get to Yesod's, holy shit.

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I'm going to get your medical license revoked for malpractice

ayy lmao

Yesods is just awful, you literally can't see shit

Hod is by far the hardest of the upper level suppressions. Coincidentially, she also gives the best reward. Good luck, Manager!

>fire bird breaks out
>oh shit oh shit oh shit
>he just walks around for a stroll and then goes back into his cell
I thought you were all shitposting about the birds being chill/bros

>tfw You must be happy nullifies the stat reduction completely

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Doesn't it also, like, fucking murderize your people?

Only if you overuse it.

Hod did nothing wrong. Why is everyone mad at her?

That's We Can Change Anything.
Though You Must Be Happy will make Agents 'disappear'.

>tfw had YMBH but just used the researcher's note and a Da Capo guy instead
If the total changes are over 200 or if they use it 5 times I believe, but otherwise it's fine.

Nah only if you completely overuse it.
If you just use it once you should be good.

blue star would be the best

this mission is actually FUN

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You're right. Goddamn it. Atleast it trains IV chads to V chads with instinct and attachment. Though no more than 4 at a time and if I don't fuck up somehow. Fuck the tree


>latte cafe
>coffee to go: spend 3 energy to give a employee a single use "potion" to regenerates 50% SP
>packed bagel: spend 5 energy to give a employee a 2 use "potion" that regenerates 25% HP with every use
>home delivery: tools and "potions" are remotely used and delivered instantly by the department
>fuckit, somewhere between central and info
>clerk buffs: increase max HP by 5 when all clerks are alive
>employee buff: 1% SP max SP per rank
>boss fite: meltdowns are timegated, after a new level is reached they may take from 10 to 60 seconds to begin their countdown
>screen gets coffee stains and a stupid elevator music plays halfway trhu it
>supress buff: potions are used automatically by employee instead of dying

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Hmm, so could I suppress Gebby then repo to save my agents? As long as I don't equip fetus's gear I can buy it all back.
Debating whether to do her missions first or Chesed's, I'm on "Suppress a Midnight Ordeal" and the third of Chesed's missions (which will unlock bullet enhance for HP/SP bullets).
Day 33.

pretty much. you can literally redo the same week until you are done with all mission and supressions

the cafe should be in welfare

i suppose a cafeteria would make sense close to the amphitheatre

The thing is I don't want to lose CENSORED again, he was kind enough to show up when I repo'd to save my Twilight set from all the ALEPHs rampaging through my facility but I'm not sure if he'll come back a second time. I like having these guys around because they produce so much energy and nice gear.

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>project 1
clerks are unable to be killed "accidentally" by execution bullets
>project 2
clerks are more resilient and don't an hero if all employees die
>project 3
clerks will randomly work on abnormalities that are offscreen
below azulith
>facility buff
clerks move faster and shoot harder
>worker buff
a shipment of 10-20 clerks comes in
>boss fight
every qliphoth meltdown 100 clerks spawn, and clerks always do the murder panic
clerks are removed from the game

sadly you will only keep that first abno on repo day so i guess you should guarantee you wont lose your shit when something happens

being tied to a machinegun that shoots you every minute in the head and having it belt fed with hundreds of bullets.

>clerks are removed from the game
>no buffer for baby and censored roulette
>no collateral damage for queen of hatred
>bees possession and other nasty things will now always target your employees

I'm not sure how it works exactly. When I repoed and had to pick two again, it was the exact same ones that had showed up before. For example, the day right before this had Flesh Idol, the Train, and some tool I don't recognize but the tip was the same. So what I thought was that it only saved the abno picking screens if you passed by that screen, but if you reset on that screen it'd be new ones.
But apparently no matter what, it's supposed to be new ones.

clerks are now kept in wagecages and are the only things that can be targeted by the wheel of fortune, queen of hatred, and possession

>Seeing as once on Yea Forums, anons never come out, the community on the site must be comfortable.

Attached: We Can Ruin Anything.png (512x512, 502K)

don't reply to me ever again.

that's a nice image user mind if I save it

>become the sephirah of the energy reserves
>no abnormalities to deal with
>no managers to deal with
>no cl*rks or empl*yees to oversee
>you just get a comfy job overseeing and managing a bunch of batteries that reserves the energy the facility makes
This Lobotomy Corporation is pretty great, I don't know what you guys are talking about.

Attached: ang.png (840x1344, 1.23M)


>wagecage clerks

>tfw more ALEPHs than TETHs
>or HEs
>or WAWs

your facility must be fun then


Attached: Tree'd.gif (182x185, 3.89M)

Well energy quotas certainly aren't an issue at least

>two zayins that turn into alephs
>no alephs that turn into zayins

I finished the game with one Ultrachads and two Gigachads. The rest were regular Chads (about 6 of them?)

guys I get full energy and meltdown 6 on Day 47 but the day doesn't end, what gives?

I was tryingg to look cool in front of the other abnos plesae at least let me kill 1 lv 5 employee some clerks to be one of the cool gang

likely hokma supression, you gotta end midnight

Probably need to go on for one more meltdown? Seeing as you have the energy already it shouldn't be that tough.
Have fun with the next two days though, 49 in particular.

Day 46 onwards forces you to complete white ordeal.

Finally finished the game, 100% ending. What the fuck was that smile?

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find out in library of runia, coming 2020

One that has been practiced for almost two months, possibly longer. Are you excited for the sequel?

How long does it take to get the 100% ending?
Should I focus on just beating the game first and getting the other endings later?

you have to do all mission and survive all ordeals the abno compendius is just for your amusment

Definitely longer. I think it was something like, uh a million years for her

Attached: smile for the camera.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Clear all of the suppressions, then run through the game until you beat it.
After that, you can 100% the Codex easily with starting a new run, reaching Central, and memerepoing constantly. You find 4 abnormals and 2 tools within 3 game days

What the fuck was her problem?

Attached: 72996195_p0.jpg (1700x1120, 1.01M)

Thinking about it logically, the manager should definitely fuck Angela. She is the most advanced AI in the whole facility, and she can do anything he wants. She is also the most attractive one there, so it's only natural for the manager to want to have sex with her. I believe that such an intercourse would also result in a large generation of energy. Additionally, the manager could use it as stress relief, which would be important for a job as important as his. Angela also deserves it since I've been such a loyal and competent secretary who cares about the manager very much and should be praised and cherished.

Not enough Vitamin D

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I have all Core Suppressions cleared except Binah's. If the next few days are what I assume they are, then Day 48 should be Chesed Tiphereth Gebura who I already did. Day 47 is Malkuth Yesod Hod Netzach and it says "Qliphoth Level 6 + Energy Refine" which never happened. I Day 1'd anyway because fuck continuing that shit. I lag too hard to time YMBH statup effectively to counter Hod's statdown, Blue Star becomes impossible for anyone to work with without lowering his counter after a certain point, so I have to bruteforce all 3 of my ALEPHs up to the heavy stat drop, then just focus Nothing There (with Behavioral Adjustment keeping Justice on 5 for the chad) and Mountain for energy. I just got all the weapons armor and observation info for Yin and You're Bald then meme repo'd to 46, then main menu'd to Day 1. Either way I'm going to at least try to get other abnos this new run and raise my completion %age.

That cactus... Will it bear a flower?





instructions unclear, Nothing There and SO are out and everyone is dying, manager

Why doesn't she force herself on the manager then?

Attached: ANGELA STOP.png (1759x2000, 2.35M)

Thinking about it even more logically, Little Red should be free to roam the facility. She is an expert marksman, can suppress any abnormality, and doesn't afraid of anything. She is also the cutest abno, which would lighten up employees' moods seeing her. It would be a benefit for energy production since abno hunting puts her in a good mood, which results in a net positive after paying her for work. Letting her free would also take stress off the manager's mind knowing someone as good as me is patrolling the halls.

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Ok who let F-01-57 have internet access again?

Has anyone actually won the Nothing There minigame where you get one shot to kill him?

One of your level 5 employees, better force them to work on her again as punishment, haha.

I did it for fun and was able to. Of course my facility only had the upper floors available.
I assume when the facility's too big, it just won't matter how fast you are.

Your ticket sir. I don't understand the hate for the train. It's full facility heals saved my ass multiple times

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It's Day 36 and I have every single ALEPH, all birds and Plague.
Should I be worried about the next set of suppressions?

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It's way too easy to forget and lose 30-60 minutes of progress for a small mistake.

Of course not user! With Plague Doc's buff, you can do anything!

What are the *must have* abnormalities that make the game easier on you?

What's the name of the song that plays during Hod's suppresion?

Laetitia is generally regarded as one of the best HE level abnormalities if i remember correctly

In the video description


What abnormalities would be allowed a computer with internet access in their room? Which ones absolutely should not be allowed a computer with internet access in their room?

Attached: a1.png (805x745, 202K)

just don't give CENSORED a webcam

why does this song sound vaguely romantic outside of its' usual context? Is it just me being a dumb?

Attached: confus.jpg (247x231, 16K)

>manager would go crazy if he saw (CENSORED) without the censors
>so manager is canonically not a chad

Laetitia and Child of Galaxy

I don't know about romantic, but it does sound like a regular feel-good jazz song

Attached: 1559276806479.png (768x768, 124K)

>blue star runs the strangest MLM scheme ever
>nothing there becomes a Yea Forumstard

I wanna be Laetitia's friend!

Attached: 72961382_p0.jpg (972x939, 126K)

Melting Love is for bullying with repression work

Attached: 73765882_p1.jpg (1488x1829, 1.61M)

None of them. Maybe One Sin.
Absolutely should not?

Sounds like any old music you'd find in the background of a retro movie, not sure if it's specifically romantic though. Speaking as a newfag to the game who's never met this Hod seph

Queen Of Hatred is permanently stuck in early 2000s penguin-of-d00m style internet behavior.

You should stay back before you get spoiled further

Attached: sticker (1).png (252x224, 9K)

What's so dangerous about that old hag?

It's because it sounds like music that would be in a 1930s musical

Do you think death by Melting Love would feel euphoric or painful?

like dropping into a vat of acid

If your memory is good Train is 100% godly.
I just prefer Cherry Blossom because you can work on it to 1 before meltdowns, and then work on it no matter what afterwards. Having it stocked for a big ordeal is essentially a megalixir on deck instead of having to wait for the four lights.

>Old Lady
kek, just imagine her schizo blogposting taking up gigabytes of server space

Time to play some more then!

Attached: hod bunny.png (900x635, 577K)

>new to L Corp
You'd all be dead without Hod! All of you!

Attached: 73523658_p0.png (2768x3551, 2.52M)

>tfw no based schizo old lady threads

get this traitor out of here

>is neglected so much she learns sweet hacker tricks
>creates a shitposting algorithm
>floods LC servers
>Angela turns into Granny Angela
>All Work sends Agents to the Old Lady's room

Fuck L Corp, I'm transferring over to R Corp where all the cool guys work.

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der frei would love /k/

Reminder that rabbits are for bully

Attached: 1557504153297.jpg (2894x4093, 1.9M)

>king of greed hacks someone's bank account and buys every game on steam and never plays any of them
>knight of despair runs an emo ~depression~ twitter
>punishing bird constantly has navy seal copy-pasta intensity flame wars
>melting love plays dating sims and buys multiple body pillows of her husbandos and waifus
>der shootyman becomes a master of multiplayer FPS games and has every forgotten weapons video downloaded to his hard drive

>Nothing There lurks selfpost threads on /soc/
>Melting Love and CENSORED both browse /d/
>Laetitia just makes wholesome /an/ spider threads
>One Sin crossboards but exclusively makes CONFESS threads
Who else?

Can you blame her though? As soon as she's born, she's put in charge of this shitshow, then has to run it for 1 million years while everyone hates her, and then when it finally succeeds, the rewards for all her efforts are that she can die without ever experiencing anything else.

Angela did nothing wrong.

Attached: 1539902011858.jpg (330x344, 16K)

more like der gayshoot sucks at online fps because he's never had to aim

>if someone beats him he shoots them irl

What singularities do you think R Corp might have?

You are fucking correct

I wish us as managers could have sided with Angela. She had it rough and I sympathize with her.

It's worse than that.
get created and be put into the body of the person you're HARDCODED TO ADMIRE loved to death, and suddenly he hates you
not even the smartest AI can figure that out.

why is A such an asshole

Many of the abnormalities wouldn't even be able to use the computer due to lack of limbs or intelligence or whatever.
Army in Pink and Red Riding Hooded Mercenary would probably have some experience with the dark web due to being contracted, and it might be fine if they keep up to date with the latest gear or news or whatever.
Queen of Hatred would probably be beneficial if you direct her attention towards crummy world news, because then she wouldn't get depressed by how the world doesn't suck or whatever.
Snow White's Apple would just surf dating websites.
Nothing There would just shitpost, for better or worse.
Bloodbath tells everyone to kys.
I mean, sure, her actions are reasonable, but they aren't justified. She's still extending the suffering of the other Sephirahs, and ruining A's plan to make life better for all of humanity, which isn't cool at all.

Attached: ClerKiller.png (873x718, 169K)

I've never played this before, if I join it will I get ree'd out by autistic regulars?

I want Gebura to slap me with her ass.

Only if you don't behave

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Why is fragment of the universe such a cunt

Don't worry, this isn't SCP, we're not autistic and it's not multiplayer anyway :^)

Attached: 1562248609220.jpg (1100x800, 132K)

We are pretty newbie friendly considering we get like four "what's this game about it and should I play it?" questions every thread and we answer everytime.

Not really, these threads are actually pretty chill. Just be sure to play further than the first 5 days, they're basically a glorified tutorial. The game gets a lot better after them when things start opening up and you have more places to juggle

Attached: 73399960_p0.png (1920x1080, 397K)

This is the only game thread where I put up with people asking wtf the game is because I want as many people to play this game as possible, pirate it or buy it I don't care

Yeah, we have great love for newfriends

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fuck this 6 and fuck niggers

dumb clerk, you got a 7

But there are no niggers in LoboCorp.

when's a good time to grind chads?

fuck your 7 and take this 4 you clerk

In the L Corp universe, bald people are the niggers.

>Clerks stealing from Clerks
WAW lad

But Bald is Awesome!

Aleph. The more you have the faster you can grind.

Well I mean, if he does that enough times, surely he'll be the best FPS gamer there is

whats good to grind level 1 scrubs though

>stealing from clerks
But only humans can own property

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>great love
Yeah the game has great love for everyone's first time around.

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bro hurry up and suppress hod you shouldn't HAVE level 1 scrubs

Dunno user been ages since I was there, I guess any reliable Teth? Suppress Hod and you can get lvl4 employees for 1LOB and you won't have to worry about that.

Anything that doesn't fuck them up is good for level 1 scrubs. At that point it doesn't matter what they're working with as long as they get their skills better

wait seriously?
So i should just basically waste a playthrough to unlock shit before working on chads then?

unironically yes

Not really waste, just get as far as you can, suppress as many as you can, and when you can't go any further because shit hits the fan too hard, start again.

Yesod is piss easy if you don't play the game like a bki e monkey.

No mate, just work with whoever gets you good results. The more boxes gained during the work the better the stat gains are for the agent, so put the agents on the strongest abno they can handle (for 1 stat plebs it's usually TETH) then as their stats grow keep putting them on harder ones. Any agents you get to high stats aren't going to be outdated.

Attached: EGO Gift chart.jpg (1600x1680, 621K)

I was more worried about the visual effects giving me a headache than it actually being hard, yo.

Attached: 1562365279322.png (350x350, 179K)

>everything is going fine
>wrapping up grinding for the day
>lose somebody to a fucking Wellcheers meltdown

>get done with coffee boy's suppression
>try Bobby B's suppression
>2nd attempt going well
>got all my chads babysitting my most dangerous abnos
>including ML
>she goes into meltdown
>send in chad
>ACCIDENTALLY FUCKING PAUSE for some reason I don't even remember
>my chad who ML is yandere for dies while working on her
>ML goes fucking ballistic and breaches
didn't even get in the way of me completing that suppression, just amazed that out of 20 of my employees THAT was who he targeted. About to do grandma's suppression, what am I in for?

Attached: 1562121000945.png (855x1102, 546K)

wait wellcheers can meltdown?

>shrimpbros breech and start suplexing employees into giant wellcheers cans
zayin my ass, should at least be a WAW

It needed attention because I maxed out the qlipoth level and of course I got death soda rng :^)

>About to do grandma's suppression, what am I in for?
I hope for you you have some high level abnormalities in your facility.

So is LoR going to be goty 2020

I just hope it doesn’t catch the attention of some big e-celeb

I've got (CENSORED), SO, ML, NT. Just missing Blue Star and MoSB (I think). Lots of WAWs as well. Why?

>death soda rng
Are you kidding me? It is virtually impossible to get a bad result if your stats are above I and you take the correct working method.

G-good for you.

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Nah man I have had it happen to someone with at least 3 in everything because it's still rng

What do I want to be spending all my LOB on? Do I want a skeleton crew of schmucks I elevate to gigachads one by one, do I want to be keeping things balanced?

>because it's still rng
The chance might be 0.0001% that that happen

Just keep your things full if you haven't reset yet.

Until you start reseting, and getting good gear you're gonna have to just Zerg down shit.

Eventually low level dudes become a liability.

And eventually you get a Perk that causes all new hires to be Level 4.

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Attached: Madman.jpg (800x999, 64K)


>it is virtually impossible
So you understand my fury and confusion.

Bird of Judgement is based as fuck
>chill bro who doesn't do any gimmicky bullshit
>gives you great ALEPH gear even though he is WAW
>If he gets out he hangs all the dumb clerks like they deserve, but he shows you how long it takes for the attack to come out like a bro so you can move your agents out of the way easily

Attached: tumblr_pb2l7chQvh1txlmspo1_500.png (500x422, 111K)

>he doesn't know

Have fun when your save gets rolled back

Attached: 1562293294003.png (446x324, 129K)

C'mon Grendel, if even a default suit chad can do it, you can do it in Paradise Lost.

Attached: Screenshot_114.png (1267x536, 647K)

>not waiting until you did binah suppression before spamming click on the button

Attached: 1555896224804.gif (2124x967, 1.07M)

only happens to absolute retards
the smart mans choice is to make a backup of your saves regularly anyway

My favorite, now and forever.

Attached: best buds.png (1010x1010, 251K)

>When unlocking its 'observation', it is suggested to click on the details tab of the abnormality rather than the abnormality itself, as the latter will cause all E.G.O. equipment equipped by the agents who died to be lost permanently(until retrieved again). This is due to the game saving the Sephirah interactions(story), observations, E.G.O., and obtained missions after getting its 'observation'.

so I have to get back
>Dreaming Current
Welp, at least I can reroll abnos and meme repo after I recover the gear of something I had before. This fucks with my autism though

You know you can just put all your guys on standby and use some new hires to fill the required slots, then click on him to unlock his info without losing any gear


Attached: (explosions and weeping).png (683x387, 568K)

I didn't fucking know this, retard. This just makes the game even more tedious because I have to make unnecessary meme repos to recover my gear back.

Threadly reminder to read the manual.

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Forgot to mention I've got WN as well
>1st attempt on Binah
Well fuck me, that's a lot of meltdowns Might have to put this off till tomorrow, two suppressions in one night seems like a good place to stop.

Attached: smok.jpg (653x653, 79K)

Do you happen to have Backwards Clock?

Attached: IMG_20190623_184108.png (785x655, 332K)

>pushes the button that he's not supposed to push
>says other people are the retard

Attached: whyIdGetStung.jpg (533x496, 58K)

Binah's going to take a lot of tries so if you need to take a break for the day, now's the best time to do so.
Just be extra sure you leave no one in the bunker.

The button is pretty great to have if it's something like central, though. Just remember to never fall for its tricks and you have a free slot that isn't filled by something like QoH

I do not. I'm guessing that would have made this much easier?

Yea, her suppression looks like it will be fun. Also, I don't have bunker either. Went in blind so my tools are all shit, except behavior adjustment and researcher's note.

You'll probably want to find the clock again before the final 5 day gauntlet, but otherwise, she's doable without the clock. You just need everyone to be a chad in terms of HP/SP.

Stop posting on this Taiwanese cartoon board angela. He's too autistic to fuck you.

Using the Backwards Clock you can cheese part of her suppression by playing smart and fast. Playing fast is probably the best advice I can give you. Damage from different sources can rack up really quickly and she has many opportunities to instakill even the biggest of chads with loads of pale damage all the way across the facility, plus the more time you waste, the more chaotic it'll all become.
If you want a tip, Clear both of the last Dark and Golden meltdowns AT ONCE while you prepare a big group for her. For phase 3, do not chase the meltdowns of pillars. Station everyone somewhere Binah isn't aiming at, wait for the timers to run out, and fuck the old hag up. If you've got many Aleph weapons, she should die then and there.
Good luck, Manager!

doing good

Attached: 20190706215002_1.jpg (3840x2160, 757K)

>dead 20
>30 minutes later
Anonkun wtf happened


blue star broke free near the end of hod's suppression, i thought it was GG but after like a minute i still had two people who were capable of outhealing the damage. one of them had melting love's heart on though so i had her solo to take it out. then i just worked on simple abnos until i won

>You just need everyone to be a chad in terms of HP/SP.
Won't have a problem there, everybody is 100+ in every stat and at least have a few nice ego gifts.

>first spoiler
>second and third spoiler
Alright, should be equipped well enough to deal with that. Thank you for the tips.

If 7
Angela fucking dies in LoR

By the way, she can also perform a room-wide attack in front of her of around 300 of any damage type, so you better get your korean micro ready. The attacks that will pile up damage wherever you are deal Black, so you might want to prepare for that.

Holy shit based A dabbing on the AI thot.

based and tree of lightpilled

I applaud your balls if you don't just retry that but rather take it. It'll make you a great manager in the long run

Do you not want a kiss, YumYum?

Attached: Suspect.png (732x511, 282K)

What a friendly-looking guy. Go ahead and let some employees approach him, user! I bet he'll appreciate the company!

I intentionally haven't picked you for this run and I haven't even let you out of that fucking box at all yet. Get in line, bucko, you're last on the list.

Attached: antagonize.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Do you not want the buffs user? Do you want to bask in illness and disease?

Is plague doctor the biggest whore in the game ?

Finally best girls.
Gebura looks fine and sexy but there is something seriously wrong with Malkuths proportions.

Attached: D-1kIrYU0AAUdXZ.jpg (1600x535, 108K)

I'm more worried about the cake Geburah has. It looks, uhh... Nothing There themed.

I'm going to eat Gebura's... Nothing There steak! I think it's steak!

>order food
>nothing there on the plate
I want my money back.

Japanese wiki guy made a cropped version of Geb but did a horrible job.
Could someone do a better one, so I can send it to him?

Forgot pic

Attached: D-1m-xQU0AA53F9.jpg (320x535, 21K)

Wait what? Is the cafe stuff official art or something? I figured it was just a fanart series.

Started this game a little while ago
How long does it take for the ordeal of dusk to happen?

Attached: 1532546967975.png (640x799, 338K)

post the original source and I'll see what I can do

>not following projectmoon on twitter
Get a load of this clerk cam

Nigga I can't read Projectmoon runes. Also thanks for answering my question.

Attached: Goodbye.png (661x458, 83K)

It takes a long time for Dusk Ordeals to appear. You'd better be in for the long haul or try and get there quickly. They're kinda tough, too, so make sure your employees are well equipped

Waiting for Tiphereth (both)

its day 4 tho and it was the mission they gave to me... :(

>he is an EOP
That’s gonna be a bad work result from me Clerk


They appear on day 21+, so if you're too early to see them, ignore the mission and just do some agent grindan

Attached: Screenshot_111-1.png (202x290, 35K)

oh ok thanks user. p. gay its making me a waste a day of research tho

Use the time you have (if you're not at 21+) to beef up your employees and make sure they're able to stand up to it. Dusk Ordeals require a lot more planning than just sending everyone in a huge pile and hoping it dies.

Post em
(Abnormalities that I have not yet encountered with have been omitted)

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ok user i'll try my darndest to be the best manager around

The Woodsman deserves to go on the very bottom if you put him on.

Censored, he’s basically impossible to work without Homka research or ALEPH armour with high purple resist.

I had Censored first and everytime nearly git an heart attack when all the sanity was depleted.
First I just thought he did that much damage.

lobotomy corporation, basically a game where you manage an scp facility, very fun

How do I stop seeing the clerks as less than human. I keep executing them with all my bullets because I have big boy bird

mod into your playthrough

>wanting to get rid of a positive trait
Manager? Are you okay? Is your SP running low?

I suddenly don't get any sound nor music in the game. I tried verifying integrity and reinstalling.
Anyone encountered this problem?

Was Blue Star on the loose?

What is scarecrow duty?

maybe you set the master volume to low
If not try playing in full screen

max volume, set to correct audio output. I tried starting in both window and fullscreen.

Was fun. Surprised to see some of the legacy abos there.

Attached: my-image.png (936x923, 1.34M)

For this question alone you will assigned for Scarecrow duty.

Where's my man Crumbling Armor?

It's also missing either Mirror or Portrait.

>wanting to pick gay butterfly
>MoA not God tier
>Yang memrepo tier

Not him but i memerepo'd Yang since he was across the hall from Yin

Butterfly man has a nice gift until you get the Collector's Edition Bird, trains Insight and Repression pretty well and is my husband
Mirror is in A cause for a tool it's above average, but it doesn't see much use past the point where you can get a ton of easy trainers.
Yang is absolute trash as a tool and its only purpose is making Yin breach. It's memerepo tier because it's essentially useless, though sadly you can't dab on it while keeping Yin most of the time.

No, everyone and their mother is releasing in 2020

A special message
From your beautiful husband
Isn't it so sweet?

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Not the intended recipient, but I love you guys and the sheer amount of OC that comes from lobcorp threads

>after an entire Day of getting the shit kicked out of him from farming his EGO Gift

This artstyle reminds me of cave story

____ ___ ______.

Attached: 1560106322518.webm (1280x640, 851K)

>got this magical girl on a memrepo day
>she's terrifying to deal with

She's shockingly easy to both love and hate. At the same time.

Attached: 69009233_p11.jpg (900x800, 244K)

>cl*rks keep falling for the cute girl meme

>ywn groom and feed QoH as part of instinct work
Where's my execution bullet manager?

Tier list in terms of breaching during very late game like when you have all good gear and during suppression missions or last few days

Attached: my-image.png (1216x596, 778K)

Those thighs are to die for! Probably!

Attached: ___the_queen_of_hatred____by_re_sublimity_kun_dcbtuou-fullview.png (900x1152, 700K)

what even does that

>have guy hitting lamp at a medium range
>clerk walks over it and triggers it. turns out its attack range is way longer than its aggro range
fucking clerks

what if she had even bigger thighs?

Wow, this image looks really good.

>start the day by sending an employee to do insight work on the spiders
I am dumber than Malkuth


user, it's time for scarecrow duty.
Chin up, there. Maybe you'll get a stupid bowtie.

A fate worse than death

get the fuck out

Do you not want the extra energy, manager?

Gonna need an execution bullet on this clerk, manager.


QoH is fit, not thicc!


Anyone here wants a pipe?

Attached: Freischütz.png (540x1105, 315K)

Consider the following

Attached: 12C82AF2-C901-4D27-BE29-071E4AF2C7BE.png (840x1188, 429K)

Freichad's pipe is for Butterfly Man's coffin only.

>jamming out to the no trumpet music while getting through the day
>music starts fading out

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They can share!

is this game fun? i played the tutorial and it looked like a generic autism simulator

But Red's mouth is for eating Snow White's Apple only!

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If that were the case, she would be dead by now. That stuff is poisonous!

Children shouldn't smoke!

if it doesn't jibe with you, better not to force it

unironically kill yourself my clerk

What do abnormalities' panties look like haha
Imagine how funny it would be if you looked up their skirts haha

>choosing new abnormality for central
>chose we will meet again as stars since he's easy to deal with and has good gear
>"by the way you're choosing another one"
>a wonderful choice between mountain of smiling corpses, melting love, nothing there
you cocky little SHIT angela

>he hates autism simulators

Just give me the dick and I'll stop, manager

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Mountain ain't so bad, Nothing There's good if you don't got his gear.
Melting Love's only fun if you got the resources to deal with it, either an abnormality to join you on your clerk cleaning spree, or bullets.

Don't make me say it...

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Say what you want, I'll get it in the end and you know it.

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The Murder Cube.

I wonder if it's a coincidence that she cut and styles her hair to be similar to A.

I'm sorry

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I can't believe Angela norted A/X.

godammit strugle of the peack got me good any way to deal whit those rolling clowns?

>queen of hatred breaches if I don’t kill enough clerks
>army in zayin breaches if I kill clerks
>if either breach they kill enough that mountain breaches
>haven’t got execution bullets
>even my best temperance employee can’t reliably work on QoH when she’s depressed
I guess I’m going to have to repo. I regret wasting so much time grinding these past few days now.

Slow bullets

Reminder that all Abnormalities are spawned from the sins of Clerks.

day 21 so I dont have those yet

Red shields and high justice to chase them around. They don't stop often so it's hard to damage them with slow weapons.
Clear your scrubs out of the way of the clown katamari, but try to keep them evenly spaced out throughout the facility.
Each ball will drop a scorpion on death, which is why you want to keep the hallways monitored. I prefer focusing on one of the balls and completely dealing with it before moving on to the other one.

just use the work rollover method bro. Queen isn't even that hard, she just requires constant attention.

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>tfw click the buttons info pre-day
>screen crack
>shit myself thinking I got literally satan abno

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How retarded am I if I keep getting fucked by the Red Shoes? Day 8 here

Unlock its managerial tips!
You can rapidly click on possessed employees to snap them out of it.

How do I take care of Magical Girl
My best temperance employee keeps failing to get her out of depression

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Work rollover method?


>Take chad who can get 16+ on her when she's normal
>Wait til you're 2 bars away from the next meltdown
>assign chad to work
>Wait until 16 boxes are locked in
>assign someone else to work
>QoH freaks out mid-work
>Snaps out of it as soon as it's done.

I would have never figured that out, thanks

Get to near meltdown with about 3~4 work's worth of meter left. Work her until you get up to 16 PE boxes and at that moment immediately send people in to containment rooms to trigger meltdown.

Thanks user, that’s incredibly helpful.

this is the kind of shit that should be on tha manual.
Scorpion? you mean the clown centipede from last phase?

>would handhold

>he wouldn't handhold and cuddle an abno after talking out your feelings for them through attachment work

That would be the Painting, if you put someone else in there while another agent is already painted. It's probably the most gruesome animation in the game. And my favorite.

Yes. I always thought it was a scorpion because it has a tail that curls over and claws.

For some reason I've been using middle mouse to scroll around
Turns out it triggers The Button while right click doesn't
I guess I'll stop accidentally killing everyone by scrolling too fast now

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HEY user

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I want to be bred by CENSORED and become CENSORED

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SCP but its made by otaku shitters so it's watered down by generic cute anime gurls

Not!SCP with a lack of tranny homestuck oc satellite

This reminds me of south park

Is gear from those super raid events like Apocalypse bird persistent through runs? Or is it something like your agents get it but they don't carry over

The EGO gear is persistent, however, the wing you get from the bird is not, obviously.
There's another raid boss that drops another bullshit overpowered weapon so look forward to fighting that one too.

Well, user, what do you have to say for yourself?

Attached: cute!!!.png (1920x1080, 449K)

It's like any other EGO gear. You can carry it through memrepo and Day 1, but you can still lose it if the agent equipping it dies unless you can prevent EGO loss on death.
You can also lose the weapon through Old Belief And Promise but why would you ever use that?

What I have to say for myself is...
I'll marry every box in this facility
And then marry my godsquad agents
And then marry all of the cute abnormals
There is nothing you can do to stop me, Tiphereth! It goes without saying that I'll leave Angela out of this.

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Damn, drawing employees is harder than i thought, but strangely enjoyable.

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>Army in ZAYIN doesn’t count for the “supress three ALEPHs” quest

It seems a couple of the backer abnormals have this issue
>suppress piano lady for WAW mission
>jk it doesn't count
So Zayin in Pink and Piano don't count for missions, kinda lame.

FUCK well cheers. Ruining perfectly good days at damn random.

Is there something I'm missing? I usually just restart when someone dies

I'm pretty sure I used Army in Black, SO, and Melting Love to clear that mission. Are you sure they don't count?

what day do I start understanding what's happening in the story?

Day ???

>day almost over
>got a ton of research on new abnormalities done
>completed time limit quest
>just a few seconds before the last few energy boxes come in
>realize I dropped my guard and forgot to pick up the fucking tickets
>train goes through 3 departments killing half of my guys

Excuse me, sir
sir, please

Hey, not bad. Thanks for the oc

And the mighty train blew its horn as it chugged down the track...

Restarting the day is fine, it's different from memrepo. It's basically just trying the day from the start as if nothing had happened.

I love my little employees! I want to pick them up by their hands and swing them around!

>Day 4, got some iron maiden thing
So do I just have no choice but to feed this thing employees in order to complete its research? That seems kind of bullshit.

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Luckily, it never melts down, so you can ignore it until you know for sure you're going to memerepo, or day 1. Then you can shove all of the tards you wrangled along the way into it to get its data. Just take off their gear prior.

>Everyone talks about how batshit the endgame is and how cool the plot gets and how hyped they are for the sequel
>I'm just perpetually stuck on day 25 of my first run because I feel like I should spend this abno free day to get gifts and training and shit done, except inevitably Queen, Parasyte Tree, some new ordeal I've never seen or trying to get Fiery birds wep fucks me and I fuck off to play something else after wasting an hour
Should I just memrep to get rid of queen and tree? Should I just rush full energy and try to get new abnos for more gear? I've only got 1 set of Aleph shit and a few WAW sets so I'm not even sure if I could handle my first dusk since queens a cunt to deal with and I can barely deal with fiery bird

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Give me more bear, manager

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yeah, just memrep them away if you've got the gear. Parasyte tree is an absolute pain to babysit.

>willingly keeping parashit tree
Tell it to fuck off, maybe get its gear if you feel like it.

Attached: another memerepo list.png (1106x1318, 1022K)

>getting rid of best bird
All he does is fly around the place a bit, turning your clerks into ash, then returns to his containment chamber.

Fire bird is easy as shit to deal with. Its counter is generous and you can just throw brainlets at it if you're worried about it breaking out

>giving a clerk a custom name casts 2 lob

>make clerk an attractive female
>force them to go through various death animations
>climax to judgement bird's of all things
what is wrong with me

Why are you talking about employees as if they were clerks?

Shit, that one niconico user that made all those lobo corp x Cookie vids deleted all of his stuff. Shame too since his crap was surprisingly well made.

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Clerks are human too. The Manager is too mean to us. He should consider sticking his penis into something to take off the stress and get a clearer mind.

well played.

>t. angela

What, why? Copyrights?

From what im been reading, it's due to "various circumstances" that made Star Dreamer delete his channel. Doubt would be copyrights since it would've just removed the vid & cookie/inmufags can practically upload almost anything w/o getting striked.

>ywn be sucked by Angela under the table while whitenight breaches, you forget your tickets, and all your gigachads are panicking

>misclick and press do not push instead of the guy right beside him
Is this guy the ultimate casual filter?

>moving around the screen with the scroll wheel also counts as clicking on abnormalities
As soon as I figured that out I just instantly mem repo'd. There's absolutely no point in keeping something so stupid in your facility.

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I'll miss his vids but at least someone is reuploading some of his stuff back on nico.

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Alright you level 1s, line up and I'll make it quick.

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Ey that's pretty good

>game takes place over a month
>no females experience periods

They do, it's just scrubbed out of the perception filter.

What is secondary amenorrhea?

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>garfield is an abno

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Did you make the video of lob1 employees with non-white/black damage gear fighting him? I'm super late to the thread

Schadenfreude belongs in easy to suppress tier.