What good games have they made?
What good games have they made?
Other urls found in this thread:
World of Tanks
not being white
>le tetris is le 10/10 game
fuck off already
Evil Islands
Why is the Russian military so garbage at rescue ops?
He just asked for “good games” calm down you autistic sperg
DCS World, the top war sim
Your mom
Counter Strike
Things get tricky when weapons are pointed at kids
Even if tetris isn't perfect, it is a good game
My favorit
Soundless Squall
It's Belorussian
They literally held kids hostage including bombs here and there, you can't fight those sandniggers without casualties
Well stalk-
>stalker was made by ukranians
Welp, guess nothing other than tetris then
Pathologic i guess? Honestly i googled for games made in russia and nothing really stands out
Perimeter is pretty dank.
It was too hard for me as a kid so instead I've read short stories that came with the disk.
Surprised nobody mentioned witcher
>It's Belorussian
what's the difference
The Witcher series
space rangers.
And why is the Peruvian military so based at rescue ops?
Also, IL-2
You mean Cyprean
il sturmovik series I guess
Witcher is Ukrainian.
This is unironically my favourite game.
DCS f-16
Space Rangers (until actual creator emigrated, and talentless hacks run series into the ground with their greed), Silent Storm was ok for it's time, Sea Dogs series had gems in it, but lack of decent translation would prevent people who don't speak russian from enjoying it.
That about sums it up, Russia is shit. Though the guy who emigrated later did king's bounty remake which was really good, if you are into that sort of thing.
America has made at least half of the good games that have ever existed. retard.
that's why ukraine is better
So that's why it lacked polish.
>335 deaths
How do you fuck up THIS BADLY?
Pathfinder Kingmaker
ATOM rpg
Space Rangers also Silent Storm, top tier kino
Hmmm... cool. I like DCS.
Here they fucked up with gas, yep. Anyway, why do you care about it all? Are you a buttmad Ukrainian or smth? Terrorist were faggots since decades ago, no big news that you can't deal with them without blood, check failed spec ops in Yuroop how many people died because poor decisions
Ukrainian dialect.
>f 16
>It's Belorussian
Yeah, still russians, so it counts
t. angry vatnik
Escape from Tarkov
Space Rangers 2
Ex Machina
Eador: Genesis
Atom RPG
Russian govt are corrupted jew faggots and, that deserved death penalty. You can't argue with that it is a fact.
Was Timeshift good?
King's Bounty, Sudden Strike, Space Rangers, Pathfinder, Tetris, Silent Storm, Rage of Mages, Eador, Etherlords, Men of War and some other obscure gayms.
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Death to spies, very enjoyable stealth ww2 game.
sHitman is garbage
war thunder
Nah, I don't really care, your cherry picking is boring and you lack of knowledge about terrorism, and you just being a shitter in general
Unless you are baiting, you should read about the first Chechen war. It was a fucking disaster. Not only civilians died, but countless young men as well.
Spell of Gold. Called simply the Spell in russian release.
A.I.M. (Mechanoids in Russia)
I THINK we've made the Space Rangers?
>Pathfinder Kingmaker
Wait, really?
sounds made up
Man of Prey
King's Bounty: The Legend
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
dilate igor
Politics is a boring bullshit, Taran, only retards argue over that shit
yes. Do you not think it's good, or did you not know it was made by russians?
lifeweb is literally a good one russian MMO
Everlasting Summer
Ash of Gods
is russia the brazil of eurasia?
literally no gaem wtf?
It wasn't good, and the art is shit
Space Rangers of course
>Everlasting Summer
You on webm?
The writing is absolute shit and the writer is colossal faggot.
This studio has made a lot of innovative games, like Biprolex+, Vangers, Perimeter etc. I think they are disbanded now, which is sad.
Sea dogs(кopcapы) series
>nothing really stands out
you just have outstandingly shit taste
me on the right
We've made this? I didn't know.
Bad technical optimization
Yep, it was developed by Akella.
>fentanyl gas
>in a closed building full of hostages
What the absolute fuck is wrong with the spetsnaz
>the virgin beslan siege
>the chadvín de huántar rescue
Ukraine is part of Russia.
I live in this country, we don't make good games, Ukraine makes them.
Russia never made a good game.
You don't sound very convincing.
Just saying.
>seven mentions of Space Rangers
Um, technically,Tetris was produced by the USSR, whereas OP's picture was of the Russian Federation. So Tetris doesn't count. Check your facts.
>t. Taras Onopko
I think you mean RSFSR, which indeed techically was part of USSR.
In soviet Russia you shoot school.
In soviet USA school shoots you.
>tfw gamedev in Russia is fucked
Aside from very occasional OK indie, simulator and IPL pretentiouscore literally everything is mobileshit or webshit now. Fuck 1C, fuck Nival and most importantly, fuck Mail.ru
>Fuck 1C, fuck Nival and most importantly, fuck Mail.ru
based & mailsrupilled
Pathologic and Turgor are the most valuable narrative experiences available in the gaming medium. Prove me wrong. You can't.
I thought it was the Chile flag
gee I wonder what's gonna happen when your army shoots a building full of hostages with incendiary rockets
tetris, the best game ever
absolutely based game
I've been playing it on and off for 10+ years, and I'm doing a VVS fighter playthrough now
DCS World
Space Engine
By your standards Chess or Texas Hold 'em Poker might also be meme games.
Devoloped by Ukrainians
Written by a Russian
That's a close as you're gonna get
you mean novorossiya
belorussia has kartoshka
russia has less kartoshka
A true hidden gem. But westerners are too dumb to appreciate it.
Wasnt it a russian who stole the half life 2 beta which we wouldnt see otherwise?
for me, it's:
space rangers 2
musaic box
will rock
>tfw Russian Game dev is dead
I unironicly blame Putin and his Jews for that
This is a good post.
What about the theater where they pumped a shitton of nerve gas in?
War thunder
Space Rangers is massively overrated. Yeah it's like 4 games rolled into 1 title, shame none of them is particularly good.
More common history with Poland and Lithuania than Russia.
Men of War: Assault Squad 2
Blame financial crisis of 2008
>none of them is particularly good
Just like your english lmao.
Horn of the Abyss
Intrusion 2
top tier
>Perimeter 2
why tier
Dota 2
>Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
Vasily Zotov games
I wonder what became of that madman
Space Rangers 2 is comfy jank.
The thing about Russian devs is, they severely distrust publishers.
The only Russian pub is Mail.ru and they are scummier than EA, Activision and UbiSoft combined, proving them right.
Can confirm, Ukraine has better prostitutes. But those faggots need to fuck off from my country
t. Polack
It's grammatically correct, maybe you shouldn't be touting your intermediate English on the internet.
What game? Nothing comes up with that name.
Silent Storm
Remember when Nival was based?
Now this is a real hidden gem.
They stopped?
wait, many Russian developers outsourcing to different world studios.and them don't have time for make game
>Allods Online
>Prime World
>Blitzkrieg 3
There's no such thing as a Ukrainian, just NATO-owned Russian buffer-people.
those were Latvian ethnic russians
you forgot
>Etherlords mobile
Their goal was killing the terrorists, not rescuing hostages.
Don't Starve, millions of people play it every day.
Muted Thunder.
No, real hidden gen is inde RESIN (dev delet game in steam)
Still Russians.
Everlasting Summer
It was right after the country collapsed. You try collapsing your country and then see how great your police is.
Came here to post this
Too bad the dev team is kill
Unironically a masterpiece along with Parkan. Unfortunately never was marketed well in the west and didn't become a classic it deserved to be.
Acceptable, a B- for me
Any good untranslated Russian games?
Still have it installed, been playing it with New Horizons mod and hunting for fleets carrying gold. The weather system, wind, storms and the sea itself is so far unmatched in the dynamic of its behavior even today.
Red Comrades series
Goldenland 2?
>look up the designer
>he's the guy behind Silent Storm and HoMMV
Holy shit the man is based. Also I don't see what the fuck you mean by Latvian, the studio is in Moscow and they're all Russian.
Classic slavic game
I thought it was great but maybe I'm biased I don't know
I guess he made a mistake and thought that is Atom RPG.
I want to thank based Austrians for this series. Spent at least 600 hours on them
I mean it's not exactly fucked, it just doesn't appeal to you. It's doing surprisingly well. World of Warships, Tarkov, Crossout, Warthunder, Skyforge they're all pretty big and successful. They're just not single player. Crossout is objectively better than the Ex Machina games the same studio used to make, Warthunder objectively better than Il-2. Maybe Skyforge isn't objectively better than Allods but it sure is a much bigger deal.
>tfw read it as the final solution
Allods Online was amazing though. The art direction was top notch, solid story and characters. But it was an MMO and therefore played like shit but what can you do, that's the genre they went with. Still, it's a good game.
Amazing for what? Like 2-3 month until they opened the cash shop?
Russia is the most pathetic country off them all. All that landmass and resources and they are not even in top 10 world economies getting beaten by small countries without any natural resources like Japan. Not to mention how 98% of the country is a shit hole with only Moscow and Sankt Petersburg being decent.
What shithole are you from?
That is slavs for you.
White race took a dump and a slav came out. Literally the only shitskins of white race. Every other white country is first world country except slav countries, They should not even be consider white it is an insult to superior whites such as anglos.
>muh monetisation
A great game with shit monetisation is still a great game. Get over your MUH MONETISATION mantra. It's a good game and yes, I did play it on launch. No idea what happened next, don't really care.
Well we're not weak whiny cucks, so obviously we're not white. I don't see how that's an argument.
Tough talk for someone who is irrelevant. Hahaha
>All that landmass and resources
Most of that landmass is snow and ice and most of the resources are in the middle of nowhere under snow and ice. Look at Canada or Australia. Lots of land, little of it can be used.
>Look at Canada or Australia
Both first world countries unlike Russia.
Bloodbath Kavkaz
Then why does it literally have Russia in the name?
Because they have literlally the word "white" in their name.
To distinguish from nigger russia