What went so goddamn wrong?

I decided to replay every game in the franchise before playing Re7 and Remake2 for the forst time. The original trilogy still holds up very well. Remake1 and CV are my favourites of the classic era. 0 has some issues but it's still good. 4 and 5 (4 being better than 5) are flawed, but still ok action games. Some of the spinn offs are great, like Outbreaks. Chronicles are fun. Op Racoon City is utter garbage, but I'm surprised how is that a mainline game like 6 is complete shit. Why? Why did it have to be so bad?

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>giraffe getting a blowjob

Yea Forumse like this game, don't you know.
Now please fuck off to reddit

6 is ok.

6 was the best thing that happened to the series after 4.

>inb4 hur dur it shiiiiiiiiiiit
Look at game's scores, reviews and how much it have been sold.
That's all from me. Now fuck off

Everything. From the level design to the enemies. It feels like there were two sides to the dev team and each just said they were going to do their own thing and put it together at the end. This game was hated here on release and remember that people who were in elementary school when 5 came out can post here now.

The gameplay and combat of 6 was the best of the 4,5,6 action trilogy.
The levels and scenarios were just complete trash and the absolute worst, which defeats the purpose of having good gameplay.

6 is the most ''cinematic'' tripe game I've ever played. I can't believe how fucking awful it was.

faggots who love this game objectively hate video games

Giraffe Blowjob 6

Because waste all budgets for sequel to make 2 CGI movies


It's a god damn masterpiece

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Shitty level design, poor inventory, no unlocks, forced coop, and the story is the worst where it take itself too seriously with a shitty love story. The only thing I like was Sherry

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Mercenaries is great though.

6 is a good game though.

They rushed development on it because they saw people being hyped going into E3 as there was a rumour it was going to be revealed. It's shit, but it was necessary to finally get the series back on track

It might not be a survival horror game but it's a damn good third-person action shooter

>Remake1 and CV are my favourites of the classic era.
Same here. Good taste.

Only if you're a low IQ redditor who never played the original games and preferns mind-numbing, pro wrestling tier movie "entertainment" to anything with actual substance.


RE1 is my #3 all time favourite game and RE my favourite series, I've been with it since day one

RE6 is a fantastic action game with superb controls, tons of enemy types and varied strategies, and heaps of content

If you disagree, feel free to articulate why if you can

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Guess RE4 was fucking shit then

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Come to like 6 after getting bored of 2make. Leon and ada's campaign are trash though and their removal would have made the game way better. Would like to see another 3rd person with that kind of gameplay though.

lol cope. played and own ‘em all, and I still think 6 is a good game. gotta stop clutching your pearls there, nigger

And you Read the second line of

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Best gameplay in any Resident Evil. Could be the an excellent game if there wasn't so many shitty sequences (most of them are with Leon).
But coming from someone that has analysis qualities so bad that "0 has some issues but it's still good" and "only games after 4 are action games", it could be hard to see that.

To put it succintly, RE6 is a noble failure.

Given the runaway success that RE5 was (it was Capcom's best selling game until MonHun World) they tried to up the ante by not only refining 5's action mechanics but also attempting to draw from every phase of RE, including survival horror. Three things went wrong, though. One, RE6 is designed to be an action game through and through, many of its mechanical designs are anathema to the ambience of a survival horror and thus the concept was flawed from the cutting room floor. Two, drunk on 5's success Capcom basically threw a blank check at the project, resulting in an obscenely large amount of dev members working on this project, and based on the design of the game it seems like there was little communication between teams and instead the thing just feels Frankenstein'd together. Three, as if the ambitions weren't bloated enough they also wanted that sweet CoD audience money, leading them to ALSO design the game like a then modern cinematic spectacle. Needless to say, all of this mixed about as well as oil and water. It did try something ambitious and there are good qualities like its mechanics, but boy did it all come tumbling down in execution.

Even the way you speak proves you're subhuman.

>RE6 is a fantastic action game with superb controls
And, yet, not a RE game. All it is is an action game.

Don't get me wrong when it comes to that much though. I love RE6's mercs mode and obliterated every single platinum medal across the board. It was a great action game. But it's not at all what I'm looking for in a RE game.

6 is better than 4 even if faggots seethe about it. Also sold more despite being available on less consoles

5 is better than 4. They’re almost the exact same game, with the exact same beats, just with better graphics and the ability to play it with friends.


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Best action mechanics of any RE, yes. The gameplay merits of classic RE lie in its insistence on the player making quick, optimal decisions under pressure. The actual mechanics are unrefined but it's always been more about making thoughtful choices in both level navigation and combat scenarios. RE6 is a better gallery shooter but classic RE made no bids to be that kind of game.

The resident evil games were never scary. They were originally some bastardized click and point adventure game that morphed over time to being more action adventure.

4 didn’t even attempt the facade of being an adventure game except with these little token “take item x and put it here, in the same room” segments.

The implementation of co-op makes all the difference. 4 is a much better single player game because it was allowed to do more than "mow through all the enemies so you can clear this arbitrary block that takes 2 people to clear". They play very similarly but 5's design is a bit of a regression to facilitate the flow of co-op.

Leon’s campaign has grown on me a bit. It’s better once you leave Tall Oaks, it still inferior to Chris and Jakes’s though. Ada’s campaign can fuck right the hell off.

That’s fucking bullshit. 4 is all about killing the enemies in your way from point a to point b, occasionally being interrupted by a MGS Codec

I like Ada's because it's the most like classic RE with its puzzles. Also, the crossbow is a satisfying as all fuck weapon to use. Generally though, I disliked any part that crossed over with Leon's since his campaign is a goddamned blight on the franchise.

For most of it, yes. It still allowed for moments like the hedge maze or first Regenerator encounter, whereas 5 is very content to rehash the village encounter time and again.

Well technically all RE games are action games. The fact that some of them are more action-heavy than others doesn't negate their horror-centric content.

RE6 has

- Plucky, sexy heroes partnering up and not sleeping together despite mutual attraction and intense bonding under stressful circumstances
- Bioterrorist conspiracy soap opera bullshit
- Gun porn
- Awesome monsters
- Eccentric architecture, traps, light puzzles and action movie setpieces/homages
- Inventory management
- Cheese to fucking go

Despite being different, RE6 is far more similar to classic RE than dissimilar, and it's quite obviously part of the RE series.

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>Leon and ada's campaign are trash though and their removal would have made the game way better
Explain please. How is that you consider Chris campaign even good?

You can tell the game was build around the mercenaries-mode (which is excellent), but it does not work properly in a full-fledged campaign.

Absolute horseshit meme parroted by people who don't know how to play the game

In Mercs you only ever use counters, everything else is superfluous

The campaigns require mobility because the enemies are actually aggressive, especially on higher difficulties

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Sorry I didn´t invest much time in a game I didn´t really like too much, user.

How does it feel being absolutely retarded? As in, you would legitimately need to have a tiny IQ smooth brain to not understand why the gameplay in RE6 is fucking great.

it had good mechanics (although sprinting was cancerous) but absolute dogshit level design. the splitting of campaigns also means you have rehashes of levels, really lazy. it is still a fun romp with friends and I like the final boss fight where you cqc the mutant guy in sherry's campaign

>Despite being different, RE6 is far more similar to classic RE than dissimilar
Sheer insanity. No. It doesn't even have an inventory system. It's literally just moving from area to area and killing things to progress. It bears absolutely no resemblance to any of the classic games. It's literally classed as an action shooting game. The originals are classed as survival horror.

And if you're saying that RE1 wasn't scary, you weren't even alive when it came out.

It's the same enemies. Only mercs mode has more of them. 150 per mission.

It has an inventory system, did you even play it?

>And if you're saying that RE1 wasn't scary, you weren't even alive when it came out.

I was 21 when it came out, so it wasn't all that scary for me. Creepy, sure. But not scary.

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RE6 does not have an inventory system. It has a weapon select and you can make weed pills for auto use.

>The weapons, health and ammo you're carrying isn't your inventory

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It's literally just the console equivalent of a hotbar for weapons. That's in no way comparable to the actual inventory systems of every other game in the franchise.

I like 6, but it feels way too on-rails
at least with 5 you could get lost if you're retarded but with 6 it's practically pushing you all the way forward, and once you kill the boss you get a cutscene and then you're immediately in the next area, which just kinda betrays the feeling you get during every other RE

user, I was 6 years old when I first played RE1
it was absolutely not scary, but, in fact, the coolest shit I ever played at that point

Except you have a finite amount of storage space so choices have to be made and items potentially dumped.

So saying it's 'in no way comparable' is stupid.

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