>the only way to unlock the nuclear disarmament cutscene was from a IRL hacker disarming the nukes
>the only way to unlock the nuclear disarmament cutscene was from a IRL hacker disarming the nukes
>anonymous assholes that communicate with eachother from within their own little worlds would never all agree to put down their nukes
>it took a lone hacker to figure out how to force the nuclear disarmament event
dare i say....it was an ARG?
Does Kojima not realize that NUKES are the only thing stopping war between 1st world nations
The int32 storing the number of nukes reached it's limit. When that happens the variable resets itself to zero.
Fact. You can not prove me wrong.
Thinking and saying that the FOB nuclear disarmament ending exists solely to explain Metal Gear 2's backstory claiming that "global disarmament efforts" are taking place, a plot detail that's, despite not exactly being insignificant, just as minor as Big Boss surviving Metal Gear 1, is extremely retarded no matter how you put it.
MGSV was not created in the mind of having a story that ties to the MSX games, as it's story is completely self contained when considering it's relation to the stories of the games that take place after this one. It's purpose never was to serve as a tie into the MSX games, and it's purpose never was to foreshadow remakes of the MSX games either. If you think otherwise, cope.
The real reason that the FOB nuclear disarmament ending exists is to give yourself an optional opportunity to not restrict yourself to "the fate of Big Boss." There is no other reason for it's existence, and I'll assert this statement once more:
>If you think otherwise, cope.
Nuclear deterrents were half of the plot in the MGS games user.
Nice repeat, two in a row! But I'm still unconvinced. This will forever be the only response I will make towards your shitty argument:
>Dilate, tranny. Have sex, cope and seethe while you're at it, too.
Care to explain why my argument is "shitty"? Care to explain why my argument doesn't convince you?
It's far much more reasonable than any argument that I have seen from the sperging lorefaggots on this board who can't give up on saying bullshit every single post.
Everything that Kojima said before MGSV released was a lie. Therefore, I am going to believe and take in the opposite of what Kojima and his peers have said and explained about that shitty unfinished crap hackapalooza.
Your argument sounds too Kojima to the point where I think you're 100% lying.
So you're one of those sperging lorefaggots. You can't even put a mask on, for shame...
MGSV was in fact created in the mind of having a story that connects to the SSS games.
Why haven't you dilated yet, tranny?
The games were literally about MAD
Also, you realise that this isn't a good thing, right. War is always inevitable, except now when it breaks out instead of millions dying, it'll be billions. Nukes are the worst thing brought about by man, and they will be our end. Soon.
if you were on an expanding mind meme you'd be the smallest brain in the panels
You'll have to take my bombs from my fucking dead hands you fucking hippies. Security isn't a joke.
Elaborate please
Why haven't you killed yourself yet, shit for brains?
The virgin MAD-purse clutcher vs the Chad Scorched Earth Warhead Amasser
This is game is still fun, its not fun if you sperg about infiltration % and lose your shit everytime you die on an FOB.
I never said it was a bad thing
Hackers and data miners are the fucking worst. They ruin secrets in vidya all the time
Do you know how close we were to nuking each other during the Cold War or
Remember how hyped this board was for MGS V 4 years ago?
I sometimes wonder if Yea Forums has just become so enormous that board wide events will never happen like they used too