>this thread goes on for 9 more replies BY THE SAME FAG
Why the fuck do I still go on twitter I'm sick of seeing unbased retards. Should I just pull a Hideki Kamiya and block everyone I see?
This thread goes on for 9 more replies BY THE SAME FAG
>twitter screencap
Kill yourself. This could have been a tweet directed to the person you screencapped but you came to Yea Forums to bitch about it, why?
Oh, right, you're a twitter faggot who would get embarrassed and laughed off of twitter.
Fuck off.
No I did reply, not leaking my twitter on v
>Act surprised that a Japanese animation studio hired by a company that constantly puts raunchy half-naked saucy girls as protagonists over their games makes an animation that panders both to the perverted side of overseas and Japan
Yeah, she's 16 and so is a fucking ton of other anime chicks out there in Japan. Doesn't stop people of fapping to it and somehow Twitter thinks that just by standing up and say "h-hey sexualizing little girls is bad", it automatically fixes world hunger and all the problems revolved around it when it's been going on since the beginning of times and is merely damage control over mens' animal instincts to fuck anything, be it small or wide.
16 is legal though.
>another twitter screencap thread
kys lil zoom
Game came out in 2002 she is now 32 years of age stay mad
who cares; kys
It is literally legal to have sex with 16 year olds where I'm from.
What is wrong with these people? It's not real people
Literally who is this? Oh its no one but you took the time to go out of your way and find someone "outraged". You AND the twitter faggot can go eat a dick.
here is a tip: she isn't real, sorry to disappoint you.
>not even a blue check mark
kys yourself
>incredibly gazed on
>gazed on
pic unrelated?
can we have adults stop talking about kids games please
the characters are made to look cool for kids not for men to masturbate for them. it's the same with manvaginas reading Boku no Pico Academia and then they literally shake when something anything remotely sexual occurs that teenagers do anyway and they start freaking out on twitter about sexualization of children like jesus christ.
the easiest solution is to have these people grow up and start getting interested with media made for their age range but we can't have any of that since they're mentally stuck forever since the first time they played Final Fantasy
but you have no issues posting this trash here?
fuck you zoom zoom
he meant "glazed on"
>Captain Obvious reporting that Shantae uses T&A to appeal to anyone
>Avatar/Username combo is to let you know he's jacking it to anime girls anyway
>"You guys are jacking it to 16 year olds! Now let me tell you about my wholesome fetishes in anime girls.."
Eh I'll give you credit OP. That guy is pretty retarded.
Still gonna masturbate to her.
>fictive character dressed as a belly-dancer is 16= bad
>japanese idol-band wearing tu-tus= bad
>Cash-me-ousside girl wearing a low-cut crop-top with her tits hanging out, having tats and piercings at age 14 and twerking in front of thousands of hoodrats =empowering
Look at this Ampharos
But there's alot of states in the US where the age of consent is 16? Also, she's just a drawing? What's up with this fags actually concern that people finding a fictional drawing problematic oppose to actual pedophile going after real CP. How jaded are these people?
Cue pokemon.
>le homosex soi opinions
16 is legal in the UK :^)
>Posting your own tweets
You're not fooling anybody, op.
>Incredibly gazed on
Weak b8 but made me reply 4/8
It's almost like humans are stupid that cares about drawings more than going after people that cause real harm. Just your average copy past bullshit narrative that can be said about anything, I.E video games, Cartoons, Anime, etc.
They're afraid it's gonna escalate into worse things even though their country is the one with incredibly high crime rape numbers.
>fap to shantae every day
more like incredibly glazed on
Where is her age stated
she's 16 in the first game
she's obviously older now
People who go out of their way to be offended by anime girls are just actual paedophiles feigning morality to conceal their personal vices.
Did they fuckers even start playing these games before Half Genie Hero?
Nah. It's just the latest issue of "A Thing Is Popular, Let's Complain About It".
Shantae is actually 17 because her first game came out in 2002
>How jaded are these people?
They're not jaded, they're crazy people who cant separate fiction from reality.
>Twitter screencap threads still aren't banned
I get if a game is announced via twitter or something you could make an exception but some rando bitching about whatever sand is in her vagina today isn't Yea Forums.
I'm looking at it.
What now?
Think about how much better life would be if, instead of random bints throwing fits over video game characters on Twitter, there was a bunch of Ampharos going around, doing cute things.
Um, he's right. Sexualizing a 16 year old is bad because thats against the law. You're not a criminal are you, user?
Why do they care? 16 is the age of consent in most of the world including some U.S. States.
Shut up pedo.
in a deleted wayforward tweet from like 2016
This bitch just goes around looking to get artists kicked off Twitter and shaming companies.
Has anyone ever stopped masturbating to things they like to masturbate to just because some brainlet Twitter user with a shitty opinion decided to share that opinion with the world?
jesus christ, thank you user.
>can get a 13 year old to suck your dick in Romania
Jokes on you, no one cares about laws and rights.
>the characters are made to look cool for kids not for men to masturbate for them
You've never played Shantae.
Reset the clock.
neither do I, I'm just informing the uninformed anons.
>Only after talking to themselves for 15 replies do they pull out the "psh I have better things to do nerds" card
>Proceeds to find the time to block a bunch of people for hours straight anyway
Every single time, without fail.
>sexualizing a 16 year old is bad
they... kinda sexualize themselves. in real life. most teens lose their virginity anywhere between 15-17. i lost mine at 15 to another 15 year old.
Kill yourself, OP
>their criticisms of SatPC were literally just "this puzzle has an offbeat solution", "this character is made fun of for being fat (despite having the same body shape as the rest of the characters aka that's the joke)", "this character has X-Ray glasses that aren't even used to look at women but the implications OMG", and "thing happens to the protag that they don't like but I DON'T LIKE IT EITHER"