What was the deal with this guy?
What was the deal with this guy?
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He modelled his whole life after a movie and it didn't work out very well for him.
he fucked Rinoa and Edea though.
Fpbp. Also he was gay for Squall and lost his shit when he got rejected.
Low key best villain in all of final fantasy. He gets largely ignored because he's not the main villain, but more of a rival of the hero. He does what he thinks is the right thing and ends up on the wrong side. An interesting foil and I always get hyped when he shows up throughout the game.
Seifer was just a Chad trying to do Chad things but then Beta Leon had to go and ruin everything
This. And probably that mute chick, too. Forgot her name.
He wanted to fuck Squall badly, but he was tsundere.
cut his face on his own edge and was ever after really mad
Lol, no.
Unironically this. His "Romantic Dream" was literally just that... to be the Proud Knight to Royalty or an Almighty. It's actually kinda cringe.
squalls bull
He was set up under the delusion he was the hero character, and couldn't handle the truth when it became apparent later on
She's not mute, she started talking normally during disk 3, revealing she was just trying to LARP as a neanderthal or something. Shit character.
the best part is it was all inspired by his rival's dad
he got cut in the same fight where he cuts squall
but you only see it for a split second
They're all shit characters, except Quistis.
I actually lol'd irl
Such a great character
autistic chuuni
He was Squall. but like, an evil version
>people actually unironically enjoy FF8's story
But he becomes good in the end.
I'm not sure if he was doing it because he wanted to or if he was being manipulated. He never seemed like a bad guy to me.
Doubtful. Ultimecia doesn't seem like the type to pursue her attack dog sexually, and Seifer likely lacked the confidence to do more than go beyond his desired role, so the opportunity to even give him an amused pity handjob as a reward for being bold likely never came up.
>Low key best villain in all of final fantasy
Play Shadowbringers
Infatuated with idols, like Matron, Laguna and Edea.
Well, for the series Cifer represented a familiar element that connects Rinoa and Squall. He also served as a binding piece to the otherwhise mostly faceless (first 2 discs) enemy, making it a bit more personal for Squall.
Looking at simply his motivation, it may seem underwhelming first. He starts with a rivalry towards Squall, and the school fuck-up that he is, with the wish to be something "bigger". He has a lot of pride, and wants to be leader, as shown during the dollet attack. He ends up just being used by the witch. But he himself believes him to be important at that point. At the final confrontation with him he even makes uo new stupid reasons just to keep fighting you. Because he cannot accept his place in the world.
He has like a book in his desk he borrowed from the garden library. Something with "romantic witch-knight" or some shit. Also let's not forget that Rinoa is a witch too. So in the end... YOU become the romantic witch-knight lol
I also forgot to mention:
He may or may not represent people going seperate ways when people grow up. Everything is easy when you are a child or young teenager. Fuujin and Raijin follow him only up until a point, out of loyalty; and they have an argument with squall, and I think Xell just "wants to go back to the old days". My memory is fuzzy about it.
But yeah... everyone knows people that started to have ideological differences, or part ways for various reasons. Putting them on opposing sides. As the world gets more complicated around us. Or inside us for that matter.
He's some dumbass kid that wanted to be an action hero, and just ended up being an asshole. To his credit, he managed to be just good enough at fighting to be given a chance at a leadership position, but ultimately proved the Peter Principle right by screwing it all up royally - abandoning his position to chase hostiles, abandoning his squad in-country to chase other hostiles, maintaining no contact with SeeD forces so that the message to withdraw has to be personally delivered to him, and then abandoning his squad in-country while engaged with hostiles to withdraw to the rendezvous by himself. Unfortunately, he took the resulting "you are an incompetent idiot" speech to be the "damnit, McBain, you're on thin ice!" speech, and broke out of the stockade to try and take the president of a foreign country hostage on live TV. When he realized just how badly he fucked up, he was on the verge of a breakdown until the Sorceress showed up and offered him an out - be her "knight", and people would take him seriously. As a result, he became an even bigger joke than before.
Squall chased his sloppy seconds the whole game. Truly a beta through and through
So was that theory that Squall actually died ever verified? Similarly was the one about Rinoa and Ultmecia?
If I recall, the writer's response to the "Squall died" theory was "it's a very interesting theory, but no."
>faggot bringing in his unwanted opinion
This hasn't grown tiring at all.
both were denied
Devs directly stated that Ultimecia isn't Rinoa and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't even bother humoring some anti-FF8 internet personality's headcanon
Fuck off autistic weeb. No one wants to play your shit wow clone
>paying $13 a month to play garbage plus $40 tip expansions
they're both retarded theories made up by people who didn't understand the story or didn't feel satisfied by it and wanted to attach their own bullshit to it
neither r=u or squall being dead is supported by anyhing in the actual game and all of the r=u evidence is a stretch by people who desperately want to believe it, when there are simpler explanations available
his hair is kino as fuck
Seifer ditched Balamb to pursue his dream, raged war against the world, fucked Edea, cut Odin in fucking half with one hand and got away with everything in the end as NO ONE was man enough to confront him about it.
>pay $60+3x$40 expansions +$15 sub
fuck you cocksucker
He didn't win the 7 Up so he be mad.
Best girl
Did Seifer kill Odin? Wouldn't that mean he is strong as fuck?
>Shadowbringers came out this year with plenty of FFVIII inspired content
>FFVIII remaster is gonna release as well
It's a good year to be someone who's favourite FF is VIII.
He only kills Odin if you get him too early. If you get him after fighting Seifer for the last time you can avoid that piece of shit Gilgamesh
Squall's killed Ifrit, Cerberus, Diabolos, and Brothers before, user. Slaying a GF isn't impossible, it's just really fucking cool.
literal chad
not slayed just humbled
Tfw ff8 still a daily topic and will be forever
Is Gilgamesh worse than Odin?
b-but r=u makes ultimecia an actual character instead of being completely bland
Yes. Odin only shows up against people he can kill (and Seifer) and always kills them in one hit. Gilgamesh has a 25% chance of using his instant kill attack, 50% of using one of his heavy attacks and 25% chance of doing 1 damage. He will try to use Zantetsuken against enemies it doesn't work on and can kill Rinoa during the Adel fight.
He had access to two cuter girls including one who threw herself at him who he ignored, he deserves this.
R=U is only interesting to people that are too dumb to understand a Final Fantasy plot
Rinoa? No. Edea or Ultimecia?? Maybe, but probably not.
She was talking as early as disc one.
Hell, you can't get her to shut up at Galbadia Garden.
This, desu. And it was a cheesy Laguna movie, too.
He was never in the same time as Ultimecia's body so his only option was to fuck Edea's body while Ultimecia was possessing her.
IIRC, early on it seems to be a case of Seifer's emotions and chidlhood dreams being manipulated, but appears to be more mind controlled towards the end.
They never should have let Nomura leave his spot as character designer. Both because he sucks at everything else, but also because when he's doing good work, he's doing really great work.
I want to fuck that witch
I said talking normally, as in she stopped grunting when she ditched Seifer at Lunatic Pandora and started talking in full sentences.
Sorceress, pleb.
>The phrase "Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec" is an anagram of the phrases "Succession of Witches" and "Love"
She's a witch harry
Never got to finish FFVIII when I was younger cause my older brother was a dick who would delete my saves. Thought about buying it on the PS3, but was kind of hoping for remastered like pretty much every other Final Fantasy pass VII.
Just found out today it was announced at E3 and it's actually happening. Nobody ever tells me shit. What the fuck.
>Characters who are strong as fuck but still have an inferiority complex for a dumb reason
I like this trope when it isn't the main character.
They're also releasing FFCC for Switch/PS4/phones. I'm moderately excited for the phone version
>becomes literal beta white knight for sorcerers
> looses to squall not one but 3 times
he just had a romantic dream, and followed through with it. you have a romantic dream too, right user?
She made my penis happy in ways I was years from fully understanding back when I first saw this scene in grade school.
have sex incel
>Looking at simply his motivation, it may seem underwhelming first. He starts with a rivalry towards Squall, and the school fuck-up that he is, with the wish to be something "bigger". He has a lot of pride, and wants to be leader, as shown during the dollet attack. He ends up just being used by the witch. But he himself believes him to be important at that point. At the final confrontation with him he even makes uo new stupid reasons just to keep fighting you. Because he cannot accept his place in the world.
Sefier seems like he just wants to make a mark on history, whichever side he is on. One of my favorite parts of FFVIII is Fujin and Raijin chasing after him and trying to get the old Sefier back.
Wait, you actually thought those theories had any legitimacy to them? Jesus Christ.
i know right? i watched most of e3 but missed square somehow. then i only found out about the remaster like 4 days ago. no one talks about the most interesting/best thing that happened at e3, pretty sad.
ive been dreaming about an ffviii (my favorite game ever) remaster/remake since x came out and i saw what ff graphics could be like.
Frustrated LARPer who was secretly gay for Squall.
Good to know. Never played it, but I'll definitely check it out on the PS4.
No, since FFVIII his designs have gotten worse and worse and worse.
You have all these amazing Final Fantasy games finally being remastered and ported to current gen consoles and PC, and yet FFVIII was the only one noticeably missing from the group.
Sure, it's definitely the oddball of these games, but that's no reason to shun it. It's good to know it had love this whole time.
>One of my favorite parts of FFVIII is Fujin and Raijin chasing after him and trying to get the old Sefier back.
I like how they eventually give up on him when they realize he's gone too far.