Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with BoTW? Surely this amount of sodium isn’t healthy

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with BoTW? Surely this amount of sodium isn’t healthy

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I haven't seen a single BOTW thread get more than 100 replies today. Dilate, OP.

Salt is Sodium Chloride, not just Sodium

Ive been holding a shit in for couple of hours and needed to fart but thought nah im going to do a shit and it was runny as hell blasted out into the toilet if i had farted it would have been real messy and i would be posting this in squishy shitty pants let me tell you

I just like ass

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Can’t blame you

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Why are nintendies so obsessed with people not liking their game?

Gotta justify their hardware purchase somehow.


go drink some bleach, shit for brains

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BOTW is so shitty that Skyward Sword is better

I like it because I'm a Pokemon fan and I'm not used to companies actually trying at least a little bit

they never left their childhood behind so they tie their identity to franchises

How are they going to bring Link back to square one in BotW 2 in a logical way?

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Oh yeah, cool man.

Because low IQ tribalism. If a good game is made for a platform you don't like, you're supposed to get really angry, even though logically it's almost strictly a good thing because it expands your options and adds another good thing to the medium. Maybe you won't get to play it for a while because you're unwilling to buy that platform, (maybe it's overpriced relative to the amount of good games it has) but odds are you will still get to play that game at some point in the long run, through emulation, or maybe you will purchase the console sometime in the future when it isn't so expensive and has a more impressive library.

>being proud of people not liking the game
I guess? Meanwhile Odyssey bros and Splatoon chads actually like their game because they find it fun and don't shove it down everyone's threats like you do.

I love how there's like four different "second" versions already.
Also grab pic related while you can you'll need it. A lot.

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That's not what's happening. It's more like they have some kind of weird battered wife syndrome relationship with the game. They alternate between loving it and hating it, but always outwardly claim to hate it, most of them have never played it, yet they're obsessed with it.

>most of them have never played it

It's a bad game

Hylia's power is drained of Link.
That's it, gets rid of the hearts the stamina and the master Sword.
Now Link has to find another powersource. This has neat implications.

Look mah, i made the thread again to pretend people care about this shit game again.

Defend equipment durability

This is autism. I bet you look like someone that lives under a bed and showers once a month.

This is autism. I bet you look like someone that lives under a bed and showers once a month.

It’s literally game of the decade


It forces you to stockpile for long travels.

Shit that was hard, I hate that mechanic.

Cursed existence

Mass Effect 2 is consistently rated higher

>Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with BoTW? Surely this amount of sodium isn’t healthy
I used to like Zelda games and it makes me sick seeing the trash that are modern Zelda games that the absolute ninteniggers defend.
BoTW was a let down for all true Zelda fans.

If I wanna play ubisoft openworld games I play ubisoft open world games.

iconic. and to think that this pic will be max relevant again with botw2...lmao

Amazing, Im flattered at how lazy you are. I stand by what I said, you would never actually argue with anyone in person or on a mic over this game. Its like talking to a wall of autism.

I loved botw but genuinely dislike this mechanic.
im praying one of every weapon is spread around the world to find.

i cry cuz no zelda gf

This is autism. I bet you look like someone that lives under a bed and showers once a month.

PLEASE don't look this shit up in the archive, it's fucking unreal.

I think people who claim it's the best zelda are retarded.

>ubisoft shitposter

because people with the slightest foresight can see that it destroyed zelda the way the wii destroyed nintendo

what's the best one then

BotW is the best series of RLM really

Because it killed Zelda.

>game of the decade
>literally only shitposted about and baited for replies
>every zelda fan would never play it twice, git boring for most
>zero developers have taken anything from its no content design
>literally one clone made by a chinese company and it already looks better

I'm not seeing it. The only thing big about this game is how much Nintendo spent advertising it. Superbowl ads, late night shows, literally giving away switch consoles and the game to ANYONE including retarded "influencers". Its literally the biggest advertising budget tied to a single game that Nintendo has ever paid off.

Last (you) unless you are brave enough to voice chat with me.

Best Zelda game
Sequel soon

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This is autism. I bet you look like someone that lives under a bed and showers once a month.

>yfw people were bitching about BOTW before Trump took office
>yfw people will still be bitching after he leaves.

Im sure zaldo has as salty sweaty ass

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Why would that even matter? These threads are cyclic in nature.

You have the 3 or 4 people that love the game baiting replies, refuse anything negative, run away from critism or discussion, and literally offer nothing in the way of rebuttals or decent discussion. This game is now more of a tool of shitposting tendies since everyone already knows its mediocre, and the Switch is still a no games machine.

Majora's Mask.

I don’t remember this board talking about other bad games for two years lmao

>you’re not a TRUE fan if you like a thing I don’t


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How? The sequel is just going to be botw but good.
People still talk about New Vegas though.


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I like BOTW

I have a Shitch, i just dont pretend its good.

that's because you came here last summer

BoTW literally shares nothing with other Zelda games brainlet.

>3 or 4 people that love the game
cope harder
>run away from criticism or discussion.
I'll give you a chance then, what is OBJECTIVELY wrong with the game that makes the whole thing bad?

I dont remember games being baited with negative discussion every few days by the same people with the same bait images either. People call it autism.


Sure, lets hop on voice and discuss it then. Whats your skype or discord ID? We can even video chat id you like and i can record it and post it on this thread.

P5S makes me sad, I really wanted it to be a half franchise roster with Door Jesus and Chad, since there's no way Boy with the Earrings or Tatsuffering would make it in.

Why does this tranny post this picture all the time? You're not even allowed to have a dissenting opinion on Yea Forums anymore without the tranny mafia like OP shitting their pants.

Op here
I’m not trying to say you can’t dislike the game, I’m saying it’s kinda pathetic to be whining about if for two years. Plenty of youtubers I watch don’t love the game, and I could care less. Now if they mentioned how shit it is in every video...

id's habbiding

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The cope will never EVER end ahahahah

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The Shitch is shit. Get over it.

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>thing is bad because it isn’t the same tired old thing that everyone whines about in Skyward Sword
Ok boomer


I'm on a forum, user. I came here to discuss videogames.
Plus I don't use discord, sorry.

But you seethe every thread anyone says anything negative about it. What do you think people talk about in Zelda threads? Zelda games.

Typical zoomer response

You do realize you perpetuate the hate by making daily threads? It doesnt go away. This just becomes a scheduled circlejerk of Nintendo fans sucking eachothers dicks over a game no one really cares about past the month it released.

You dont have to use it, i can generate a linked server and it puts you straight into voice. Its anonymous.

I’m not taking about general Zelda threads. I’m talking about the threads shitting on BoTW directly.
There’s a difference.

Why do people get so worked up about shitposting about botw? Is this what gen Zfags act like if you criticize shit like fortnite?

>Nintendo fans
Not even. There are great Nintendo games to actually circlejerk over, like Mario Oddysey this gen and far better fairly recent Zelda games like ALBW and Wind Waker's remake which is guaranteed to be better solely because it's a remake of the The Wind Waker. BOTW fans are just trannies who saw Link dressed up like a girl and go "omg just like me".

>a game nobody really cared about a month after it’s release
Yet you still make daily threads about it.

Why is her dad having a nosebleed

Based and redpilled, fuck off zoomer trannies

why are you so against having a discussion outside of discord?
I don't go to forums and tell people the only way we can discuss something is on discord. That's fucking retarded.

>OP here
>procedes to say I make threads about it
Sure thing schizo

The seethe is extra spicy today, reminder that as we draw closer to BotW 2, the rage and cope threads over the current GotD, BotW, will only increase. And when finally we reach the climax, and BotW 2 dethrones BotW and becomes game of the century, all these people will explode into an autistic fit of rage not even smash faggotry can rival.
I can't fucking wait.

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Typing dowsnt convey a lot of things, ruins discussion, and allows for spam. Why cant you put your voice on the line for something you are clearly passionate about? Shying away only shows doubts.

>discord tranny that desperate for human interaction
fucking YIKES

Op here again
There are plenty of switch games I like more than BoTW (Odyssey and MHXX are my favorites), but that doesn’t change the fact that BoTW is a fantastic game IMO. You don’t have to like it, but I would prefer if you came up with actual arguments.

you are so fucking cringy, literal top autism tier holy fuck

so you can't express your opinion on a forum and coherently express your thoughts in text?
That signifies doubt to me.

I was more talking about the entire cesspit of Yea Forums, not you specifically
And Yea Forums still makes daily threads about it

Not that guy but one major gripe I had about the game was the dungeon design along with bosses. All the shrines had that same techno shiekah aesthetic that got old after a while, as well as the 4 divine beast dungeons. I didn't think the bosses we're very memorable and Ganon in the castle looks so close to the 4 blight bosses. Zelda has always been known for it's varied and interesting design between bosses and dungeons so I thought botw was underwhelming in that aspect.
Another was that there was really no music at all and running through the land would get boring when you hear the same piano jingle every time. Botw isn't an objectively bad game but it was lacking alot of what made Zelda, Zelda. I'm hoping botw 2 makes up for the first game's weak points.

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you faggots have a DLC shoe-in (Joker) and you still dont have the Persona 5 port Nintendies were begging for, shut the fuck up

Already you just exposed yourself Eric. No one will take you serious if you keep using that name. I shouldn't have even give you this (you).

Holy shit it’s actual criticism
Can’t argue with it either. I don’t blame you for getting tired of the shrine aesthetic desu

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see? I can respect that criticism because it makes sense. I enjoyed the puzzle like shrines, but I agree that I think I would have preferred some fleshed out dungeons, too.
The music and enemy design didn't bother me as much.

Yea because mods will make sure to spam the thread full of Botw 2 threads and everybody will tell them to fuck off already.

>weeb trash
Only faggots want it.

Yep, your all caps strawman argument is totally on point. Exactly what I said.

People wouldn’t hate it that much if it wasn’t made by Nintendo
People wouldn’t love it that much if it wasn’t made by Nintendo

Yea Forums just can't let it go. This isn't about BotW being a 10/10 game or "97" or GAME OF THE DECADE or whatever. It runs deeper than that.

This is all about the humiliation this board suffered at the hands of Nintendo. After nearly a year-long hate campaign of shit posting, cherry picking screenshots and flat out spreading lies, Yea Forums attempted everything in it's power to belittle the game and Nintendo's new console.

You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to be one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.

Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere near as deep into Yea Forums's psyche like BotW.

They'll never get over it and that's why they've spent the past THREE FUCKING YEARS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.

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Well imo I disagree and think it's mediocre.


It's honestly embarrassing being a fan of Zelda with how militant these kids are in enforcing it's "superiority" over other games

>Discord tranny tries desperately to shill for a Chinese VOIP

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Ahem the board full of Botw 2 threads*

>Actual arguments
Little enemy variety
Shitty braindead dungeons / shrines
Tacked on story which was bad, with bad VA (English issue only on the VA side, can't comment on writing story for Japan side but I can't imagine it was too different)
Low difficulty game in general
No incentive to fight enemies, which I guess is to the benefit of the game due to lack of variety, but also basically a waste of your resources to do

I think that, as a game, it's alright. A solid 6.5 - 7/10. But it's probably the most overrated game of this generation. It's like The Force Awakens of Zelda games. Maybe Zelda BOTW 2 will be better.

Why do you have such a persecution complex? Yea Forums is Nintendo Central.

Why are nincels shilling a 97 when GTA4 came out years before it and got a 98? BOTW didnt even got close to their its brother OoT

yeah the bosses were non-existant. It was cool solving the beast puzzle and the way Nintendo wraps story beats around it is masterful, but come on.

The Switch was only "successful" since it was nintendos latest console. They don't have anything else to offer and BotW was only "successful" since it was one of the very few games on the switch. To this day most people complain that there are almost no games on the switch besides breath of the wild.

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Learn English before posting?

Literally every other thread is saying the switch sucks, user

You first


braaaaaaaaaapftffp ppfpfptpfppp PLOPPPPPPP

ahhh... thats better... here's your Zelda game bro, 97 10/10 goty

Get your eyes checked faggot.

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So the nintendo fanbase?

Old and busted. Everyone is complaining about pokemon now


>is saying the switch sucks
same with the PS4, PC, Xbox, 3DS, Vita, etc.
Yea Forums shits on every system no matter how new or old it is, you just proved him right

Yeah. It does. It's not the hardware people buy the Switch for, it's the games. You just have a chip on your shoulder.

I can't wait till the sequel comes out, Yea Forums won't know how to contain itself


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holy based

Is that why I keep getting banned for shitposting yet snoys get a free pass?

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There's no threads claiming that the Switch sucks, yet we get multiple threads shitting on the other consoles.

Yea Forums is a nintendo board through and through there's no denying this

>shitposting is against the rules
>cries when he gets banned for shitposting
get dabbed on by mods monkey

That's very clearly a low quality post, and it was clearly in violation of the rule it was purported to break. This thread is the same, but it's not been banned. Is that "giving Nintendo a free pass"?. Victim complex.

I have news for you. It's not children who militantly defend BotW


Oh shit, I hit a nerve with that comment about your nigger fathers, didn't I?

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger

It's very fun. So far my only two gripes would be weapon durability and rain. I don't like only being able to use a weapon for like two encounters and I don't like not being able to climb when the game decides to throw rain storms at me every 10 minutes

Damn thats BASTE af

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I'm not American/African, so I wouldn't know.

>about your nigger fathers

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>Yea Forums shitposts about a game

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obsessed and cringe

>OP images filename is fucking guaranteedyous.jpg
>anons still respond
The absolute fucking state of this board.

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>that post

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Yeah they're all laughing at his mental illness.


Look at this massive seethe right there. Face it BotW is forgotten by now.

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Nintencels can't help themselves. They go into a blind rage every time someone criticizes BotUbishit, it's an involuntary response for them

Remember when snoyqueers copied this same image but put that Horizon game there? Lol. Does anyone even remember that game?

March 2017 was a good time on this board. The total fucking meltdown from shitters will reverberate for the ages.

You're halfway correct. There are two camps on this board: those who see BoTW as absolutely flawless and refuse any criticism of it, and those who think it's a severely overhyped piece of shit. Both camps don't want any discussion, they just use the game as a tool to shitpost, spout consolewar faggotry, and post Wojak edits.

>The absolute fucking state of Nintendies*
Sure they are buddy

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Remember when Nintendies copied the whirr posting macro?

>BOTW is forgotten by now
What did he mean by this?

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>Does anyone even remember that game?
>namedrops it in the same post
Yes people remember it

ITT: Fanboys calling other fanboys losers and pretend they're not the same

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>The Switch was only "successful" since it was nintendos latest console.
Then why did the Wii U fail?

>snoys get a free pass
Holy shit user.
M8 I don't even care for botw, I thought it was boring but come the fuck on now, E3 wasn't that long ago and they announced a sequel.

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So a typical consolewar thread?

How cool would it be to have all that shit you can discover in BotW to have some sort of lore? Like the Lon Lon Ranch ruins, for example.

Couldn't care less. Also its basically the same engine, so if I wanted to play it for free there is CEMU.

I want adult amputee Link from the concept art.

>inb4 lol the wiiu didn't fail

In fact, it's so forgotten that Yea Forums is still the only one talking about it!

>blown the fuck outed

Wii U was marketed mainly as portable, right next to the 3DS. So it was more or less redundant. The Switch is some sort of Hybrid, I mean not really but hey it sold better.

>Nobody's talking about my shit game anymore? Better make a thread claiming that people can't stop talking about it!

It has to be on wiiu for that user, and chances are they'll want people to move to switch only so it likely wont be out for it.

How the dungeons are designed with you having the freedom to do puzzles in any order you want and also being able to come up with solutions that might not have been the intended one (Like lining up a bunch of metal weapons in Vah Naboris instead of getting a metal ball.) were all really good changes to the dungeons. If I think back to the dungeons in BOTW then I like how the puzzles are designed more than many of the other 3D Zelda games but I would lie if I said that they pop into my mind when I think of Zelda dungeons, what actually pops into my mind are stuff like the atmosphere of the Forest Temple, the lore and gimmick in Stone Tower Temple, the entirety of Arbiter's Grounds, the time stones in Skyward Sword etc. I'm hoping that they give us a mix of memorable scenery and enemies along with the open puzzle solutions for the sequel.
Also Hyrule Castle is the best dungeon theme youtube.com/watch?v=MgK_OfW7nl4

Theres a bait thread for it that's still up.


ourguy made a video on it a while back.
I've been considering getting it ever since he did this review because he's never recommended a game that I didn't love.

fuck wrong thread.

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That isn't even an original meme, why are you pretending that BotW fanboys invented it?

This is some next level samefagging. Those were horrible criticisms. Try again.

>It's another faggot creates anti-botw thread and this thread
I'm absolutely shocked

>BOTW had the best dungeons
Said no one ever

I wrote the shrine aesthetics didn't bother me during my playthrough and it's only something I noticed looking back. BotW is my second favorite Zelda game but the dungeons are not as memorable as the inside of a whale or an ancient pirate ship on a sand ocean. But I'd take the divine beasts aesthetic over the same forest, fire, and water themed dungeon for the 100th time.

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Kenshi is fun at first but it starts to feel a bit grind later. If you do intend to play it, know the devs are planning on making another set before the original that will be better optimised and apparently they'll update the first one to have all the engine upgrades and such to improve performance.

Snoys have PTSD

It is tough being the Four Time Undefeated Console War Champions.

Try again faggot, that was valid criticism and you have no counterargument

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Yeah and Toyota sold 44mil Corollas. What's your point?

That Toyotas are fantastic cars and Toyota probably doesn't care about what Caterham is doing. What is YOUR point?

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bottom already has more interesting landmarks than bore of the wild lmfao


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You're in one

Sony doesn't even need this new game, Horizon Zero Dawn is already the best Zelda game of all time.

>Sony doesn't even need this new game
Sure, PS4 is a Bloodborne machine for a reason.

If the PS4 is a Bloodborne machine, how come Bloodborne has only sold a fraction of the numbers that the PS4 has? What are those other 90 million PS4s doing?

that sales dont matter

>farm shrines: the game
>empty fucking world with the same shit copypasted over and over again (shrines, kokor puzzles, monsters) to fill it
>shitty MMO tier "fetch me 10 grasshoppers" side quests as """content""" for the soulless towns
>Gerudo + Zora the only places in the ENTIRE map that have an actual story to tell
>instead of caves and elaborate dungeons we get hundreds of soulless samefagged COPYPASTED shrines
>like 5 types of normal monster in total in the ENTIRE game, recolored for harder areas, just more samefagged copypasting to fill their shit empty world
>garbage combat literally inferior to previous games (TP had more moves, WW was more flashy and cool, SS had wii motion gimmick), what the fuck were they thinking?
>even putting aside the shit combat whose crowning achievement is "do le sidehop for flurry!!XD", you constantly pause battle to stuff your fat face with food and switch your broken weapon, disrupting flow and breaking immersion
>might as well leave weapon """rewards""" in their chests, or throw them off a cliff because hey, they break after 5 hits anyway and you're back to bokor clubs, so no point in even hassling with your inventory space
>seriously, how the fuck does military grade weapons breaking after 5 hits make sense at all?
>how the fuck is "break 10 different weapons to kill one boss" a thing? Are they armored with fucking adamantium?
>how the fuck is link able to stash away dozens of swords, axes and spears? Nonsensical bullshit all to make their forced, contrived durability meme "work"
>literally no story/plot, just "you are hero, this is ganon the villain, you stop him"
>immersion breaking DLC shit being obsessively marked as such (why the fuck do you put EX before everything just to remind the player that it's tacked-on after-thought DLC content?)
>immersion breaking amiibo garbage like literal switch T-Shirts

Right, only paid reviews matter. Nintendo can't control sales so they "don't matter".

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how are you idiots too stupid to understand they're making fun of you, unbelievable

Making shit up & Lying: The Post

Literally everything he said is true though.

>thread has 200 replies and counting

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Nope. Nothing but complete and utter horseshit bub. Can't handle it can you?

Both are trash.


why do you think we're not doing the same thing to them?

being loyal snoy bootlickers to piss of the nintendies with OH NONONO threads.

All true.

Not really. The pausing and "storing a bunch of items" thing also made me laugh.

>Nintendo has nearly three times as many consoles and has been selling them for twice as long
>Barely has sold more
God damn I'd be embarrassed if I was Nintendo.

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they're incapable of shame at this point

because they keep btfoing everyone else. no need to be embarrassed.

Cry Harder fag. Nintendo are the most celebrated name in gaming history.

Nintendo have sold more consoles than anyone else.

Nintendo hardware innovations have shaped the way we game and are visible in every rival console.

Every time someone makes a "BEST GAMES EVER" list, its always completely saturated with Nintendo titles.


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>210 million more sales is barely more
>only 40 million sales less than being half the total lifetime of Sony

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>Nintendo have sold more consoles than anyone else.
>that sales dont matter

Make your mind Nintentards.

>being ashamed of curbstomping your competence
cope harder.

it's shit

that 200 is shrinking in the blink of an eye bud, handhelds are dead now that phones and tablets have better hardware than undocked switch

I just love watching you squirm kiddie.

>handhelds are dead now


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According to who? The mobile market is only growing. People like portability and don't want to be stuck in one place.

this is something you post or say when someone is already talking shit about it my guess is you're new

D-D-D-Doesn't c-c-c-c-c-c-count!!?

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Mobile means phones, not dedicated handheld consoles.

>No citation or numbers, just "well they won".

I can make up shit too.

>G-Give me source!
>Here senpai

Whats the opposite of Trump derangement syndrome where you dont sperg out about him but you still bring him upin unrelated scenarios?

Literally not a source

Portability goes hand in hand with mobile. The numbers don't lie and you have zero evidence to validate your statements.

botw killed my parents


>N-No source!


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>fastest selling
>for one 10 month period
>in one region

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where's your source that the portable market is dying and Nintendo is falling behind? Oh wait.

I love Kass!

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It wasn't that bad

You should also love Gas, as in literally asphixiate your furfag ass in it.

>those who see BoTW as absolutely flawless and refuse any criticism of it
Those people are dumb, but I would argue they are small in number. Most people want more depth to the game overall, whether it be better exploration (more than shrines and korok seeds which just expand how many weapons you can carry), a different weapon degradation system, better combat, better dungeons, etc. I'm a big fan of it, but I would say it's a 8.5/10. Even the supporters know it's not perfect and it can be better.

>brand new thing out sold 4 year old devices


I love being alive thanks to Kass, though! This lifetime might be the only opportunity I have to spend with Kass, so I'm going to live as long as possible!

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Why can’t they be like Kingdom hearts fags?
To get the full story you need a PS2, GBA, DS, PSP and you’re choice of a PS4/ XB1
Kingdom hearts might be cancer but at least everyone was idorts

>forgetting the all in one compilations on PS4

Its actually outselling year-on-year sales.

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Kek based

Playing GTA V and fifa
Blissfully unaware of these threads

>some twitter post

I think it's the only reason to like the game, had some ok jerk off bait but that's were it stops
Game itself is incredibility boring


BOTW is a very good game with incredible graphics and atmosphere when it's emulated on PC

The vanilla port on Switch/Wii U runs at a framerate consistently dropping under 30 with garbage ass textures and environments, ruining the whole experience. It's one of the only games that is near unplayable vanilla and significantly better to play emulated.

I'm excited for BOTW 2, but only if it doesn't run like the inexcusable garbage port that is on the switch wiiu.

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>Switch is most sold console this year for 6 months straight
>suddenly you See 0 threads about Console Sales


tell that to my DEAD PARENTS

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S-S-Shitch will beat PS4 in its last year, you'll see!

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>It-its ok guys! SONY sold 300k more in Bangladesh!

That shit didn’t come for like 5 years


>I-it's okay guys! Shitendo sold more in United States of Muttistan!!



That and media creates is dead now.
Fucking bullshit.

My big issue with BotW is I wish there were more options for getting around faster. Yeah, you can take a horse, but too many times I'm on my way somewhere and there's a sheer cliff or a body of water in the way that the horse can't get around, forcing me to detour or abandon the horse. Climbing is also agonizingly slow even with the climbing gear, so I'm hoping the sequel introduces the hook/clawshot or a grappling hook.

and you can’t handle it

Damn, thanks man.

Based as all fuck. BotW fucked this board sideways.

Yea Forums, in its anonymity, discourages consistent, logical discourse. There's no reason to really break down a game, ask how it makes you feel, compare it to the environment it came out in, and debate it with other anons. Such an endeavor would disappear into the archive or a 404. Arguments need to be boiled down and simplified so that they are primed for reposting, things like:
>equipment durability
become legitimate complaints in this ecosystem. IMO the durability system is annoying, not because it keeps you on your toes, but because there is no quick switching and I am forced to use a menu. As you can see the mechanic mildly inconvenienced me and became quite annoying after 50 hours, but if I posted with all of those caveats nobody would listen and if I wanted to express myself properly I would have to write all of that over again the next thread. Thus, it's much easier for me to autistically nitpick this isue and act like its a dealbreaker, that it's so bad I don't need to explain it. Eventually I will do this with every aspect I dislike.

As proof, watch how this comment will either get me no replies or generate a litany of
>have sex

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TFW snoys can't stop talking about a game cause' they'll never get to play it

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care to explain this Yea Forums? was god of walking that shallow?

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thanks for the R E N T F R E E guys

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You're right, but BoTW came out 3/2017 so cut it with this THREE YEARS shit faggot.

>care to explain this Yea Forums? was god of walking that shallow
You can, unironically, experience the entire thing by watching youtube videos, the only thing you miss is spamming square and solving skyrim tier puzzles

Nah, that's a fair complaint. A quicker switching method and better fine tuning of the durability would help the game tremendously. The best durability mechanic in a game, in my eyes, would be Shadow Tower as the character's health is the resource used to repair weapons which keeps the game tense resource-wise.

I will say that I am kinda disappointed in the level of discourse in threads. It feels like it used to be better but I suppose that it's just some degree of nostalgia for me.

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It's a fucking BRAP hydra

>skyrim tier puzzles
by far the most retarded thing about the game....that and the forced "YOU HAVE TO WALK HERE CAUSE WE WANT TO SET A SERIOUS TONE!" shit

Absolutely based AF
snoyfags still cry on Yea Forums till this day

I don't see why I have explain this to anybody, but being about to play a videogame while taking a shit is a minimum 2 point bump on 10 point scale.

If any game comes out for the switch, that is the definitive version for that reason alone.


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>I don't see why I have explain this to anybody
Probably because that's a stupid fucking argument.

ass smells pretty bad.

Now put the consoles and handheld sales together.

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Woman detected

I'm not obsessed with it but it's a really good game which still manages to surprise me with the stuff you can find in it

Why do you keep breaking the rules

It's a shit game that keeps getting high appraisal for some reason. Its confusion and rage.