Yea Forums BTFO again

Yea Forums BTFO again

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well i guess that means we need more games aimed at the male audience

They only counted mobile games. Kill yourself, OP.
>favourite GOTY so far
>faviurite GOTY 2018

Why do they always have to invade every fucking hobby and community?

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A lot can change in a few years

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ah yes, another bump limit thread about women

Because gender is not relevant when it comes to hobbies?

As a minority, I feel like video games has to cater more to me. Us males has been oppressed for too long!

Was in the break room yesterday
Saw some Stacey playing bejeweled
fucking casuals

Fuck off.

*Candy Crush players

Are they counting people playing candy crush on the bus as 'games users'?

does that mean I'm now a oppresed minority and can start bitching for devs to cater to my tastes or else they are worse than mustacheman?

Yeah I bet they left out the part where in comparison, 80% of men are gamers.

Imagine being this insecure and reclusive

men are far more interesting than women so the latter just can't help themselves.

>female hobby now
>video games are the best they've ever been

women dont have hobbies user, everything they do, they do it for attention and validation, they dont actually like things, they like what other people think of things

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>female gamers
>go talk to her about games
>only plays league of legends
every fucking time

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Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't video games you gate-keeping faggots.
Women literally play more games than you. Get over it.

Half of all women in the usa play videogames? Okay?



Fuck this board
Fuck video games
Fuck everything

>Playing free games once a month on a cell phone makes you a gaming hobyist
I guess cooking dinner makes me a chef.

They only are into mobile games, which are a great share of gaming in economic terms tbf.

The Guardian thinks otherwise. Why else would they go through the effort to make a study about it?

>women play non-games
Do you suck dick?

What games do women play?

>mobile gambling
it's almost like women can't control their spending habits!

/cgl/ is laughing at us

Sales say otherwise.

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who cares

>Mobile casino "games"


they literally don't. its just clickbait bullshit articles like OP that would suggest that. Twitter rambling is so irrelevant on a bigger scope its not even funny. almost non of my female friends are at all interested in games or gaming "culture" and even when they play some mobile shit to kill time they would never have really been far even as decided to use even go want to do looke more like gamers

>Women become majority of gamers
>Gamers are now toxic bigots

stupid ones

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Did this article just assume their gender?



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>greater proportion of women play jrpgs and roguelikes than shooters and adventure games
This is news to me

>Question to a woman: Have you ever held a phone?
>You are a gamer.

Question to a man: Do you spend at least $200 a month on video games
>You are not considered a gamer

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They're an entirely different thing. It's like saying people watching YouTube are big movie watchers. I guess technically you could call YouTube videos movies but no one actually thinks of it that way.

There's no date on this image. How convenient...

>Casual Puzzle

Oh no no no booblets angries

>exclude shitty Mobil games
>female rate drops to 3%

Fuck i hate when feminists fuck with stats.

Should we examine the demographics of chick flicks to how many potential viewers of action films there could be?

My mom plays candy crush, I guess that makes her a gamer.
she can probably whoop my ass at tetris though

ah yes my favourite games,
Farmville, Candy Crush, The Simms and Animal Crossing


>They include mobile shit
Of course they do, it's to push a feminist agenda.
Fuck the Tardian, Fuck IGNorant, Fuck Kucktaku, and most importantly. FUCK Games Urinalism! Sonic always good, edginess good, Eggman good. Shadow BAD(He pissed on my fucking wife)!

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>if you're a woman that has ever, even once, as much as touched any piece of hardware capable of running software made for entertainment (aka games) you're a gamer

>league of legends

Bullshit, most of them only plays candy crush saga

Candycrush doesn't count


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My mom plays animal crossing on the 3ds my brother got her, literally the only game she plays.

>kid: black
>eye: black
>toll: paid

Life is kinda cool sometimes.

Mobile games don't count


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They aren't actually 52%. The number stems from some absolutely retarded statistic that counted farmville players as gamers or some shit.

Oh 20% attack

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What even is that thing?

yeah, fuck this survey.


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It's misleading, "52% of women we asked played a game", as if that means they are a majority.

>FGC games not even listed

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tales of has been catering to women for years where the fuck have you been?

Wow! Does this mean that half of the players I meet online are women?



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>penile plethysmography

yeah but they're not the ones that call themselves gamers

based cunny

Whatever validates your crippling loneliness and rejection

That sounds even worse.

based boomer console

This post:
>52% of gamers are women
>52% of women are gamers

So, is the number of women identical to the number of gamers?
Also, are these stats for one country or the whole world?


final fantasy has lots of female fans

>tfw big titty gamer girl will never /ss/ you

sorry but mobile games dont count

what the FUCK? how can nintendo be so misogynist? IM BOYCOTTING THEM RIGHT NOW

Lol study is mobile games.

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you know the reality is that ((they)) sold your hobby out
the normies didnt give shit until ((they)) started pandering to them

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Because women don't actually have any hobbies. They just follow men.

I made spaghetti last night I guess I'm a chef now. I mow my lawn on occasion I guess I'm a gardener.

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And what percentage of gamers are women?

Not an argument

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women or """women"""

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I appreciate the attempt, but i think its too summer in here for that meme.

Yet men still get btfo any time they mention playing video games.

cute girl, whats her name?

>52% of women are gamers
>Not 52% of gamers are women
>Gaming is female now

Its the guardian, don't expect intelligent journalists.