>Yea Forums didn't buy EDF 5
>Yea Forums didn't buy Fist of the North Star
>Yea Forums didn't buy Ni No Kino II
>Yea Forums didn't buy based God Eater 3
>meanwhile Yea Forums shill Ubisoft yearly trash, Bethesda shovelware and fapbait Visual Novel of the month
You guys are shit
This board is full of low life american liberal degenerates
Go fuck yourself
Yea Forums didn't buy EDF 5
But I didn't buy a single game that you listed whether it's the good or bad
Hell I didn't buy a single game this year.
>complains about liberal degenerates
>posts a tranny reaction image
I fucking hate Reddit
cool story brony
Don't put Visual Novels into that shit category. A shit ton of good shit. Not its fault that the genre is niche and is put into the same category as games and sold as one.
Some of those are snoy games
I don't buy snoy consoles or games. Release them for PC and Switch instead of snoystation 4.
I don't buy AAA in general, those are usually the outliers I play at this point. The only ones I'm actually looking forward to are Cyberpunk and Doom Eternal, so far this year I've been enjoying stuff like ATOM RPG and I've been waiting for the Underrail expansion.
>Yea Forums didn't buy EDF 5
I'm just not that much of a fan.
It's fun for like 5 mins.
>Yea Forums didn't buy Fist of the North Star
I did, actually.
>Yea Forums didn't buy Ni No Kino II
It's not that interesting, there's better JRPGs out there.
>Yea Forums didn't buy based God Eater 3
It's not an especially good MH clone, i'd rather play MH proper or other, more interesting MH clones, GE is really bland.
>Yea Forums didn't buy Fist of the North Star
Why did you list the weakest entry in an already bad series?
>he doesn't buy japanese games
>He would rather give money to (((Valve))) or a western dev instead
Nice fucking pajeet
He literally said Switch, wich is the new Vita.
Half the Switch library is weeb games at this point.
I just bought Vespiria on sale, why should I buy Ni no Kuni 2 as well?
rent free
Pick one brainlet.
MH:W or any monster hunter is inferior to God Eater
God Eater has story, good combat and actual team play. MH:W is just spamming button masturbation plus artificial difficulty
I keep wanting to get edf 5 but i have a slim ps4 and am uncertain about fps and solo play. I got 4.1 on pc
> Yea Forums is a single person
Fucking kill yourself you stupid nigger
What if I bought all those minus Beth/Ubi Drivel but just lurk around instead of posting faggot?
>meanwhile Yea Forums shill Ubisoft yearly trash
Oh rly
seems like a good place to ask this, how're the God Eater games on Vita?
Sounds to me you couldn't get gud.
Sorry but i don't speak to casuals.
Nobody cares about you weeb fags
Boring repetitive trash where the novelty wears off after a half hour
>Fist of the North Star
Not a big fan of the series
>Ni no Kuni II
Not as good as the first
>God Eater 3
Too busy with MHW
.>He didn't buy Ace combat 7
>v/ didn't buy Fist of the North Star
but I did buy it. Now I'm exploding fools.
EDF 5 isn't out for PC yet. When it comes out I'll buy it.
Odyssey threads are quite common.
Is that the cosplayer that has the fucked up eye that they always hide?
>artificial difficulty
yes and your next quote will be god eater is the dark souls of monster hunting games
God Eater 3 is shit. Stop acting like this game was ever any good its not even on par with Freedom Wars or even PSO. Also Code Vein is their best game in years. Neck yourself bitch
when EDF5 comes out on PC I will, I'm not falling for that double dip shit again
>implying every copy of GE3 doesnt belong in a landfill
God Eater is better than MH
Code Vein is better than Bloodborne
Fromsoftware and Capcom two most westernized companies are also the laziest. Two small teams destroyed From and Capcom with generic anime
>EDF 5
Not on pc
no pc
>Ni no kino 2
not interested
Absolute dogshit the previous games are better
the only game i bought from ubishit was r6 during operation skull rain and i haven't bought anything else since then or before
Always pirated their shit
>fapshit wanna be jap vn
i only have read type-moon vn's and that's it
Implying Yea Forums weebs aren't too busy fapping to porn "games", visual novels and gachashit praising it as the peak of grorious nippon
I don't buy games
can someone post the source of OP's image? the nose turns me on and I'm not a spook-eater so I don't care its a tranny
>EDF 5
I'm waiting on a PC release.
>Fist of the North Star
The Yakuza one? I bought it when it came out in Japan.
>Ni no Kuni II
Not my thing.
>God Eater 3
Not my thing.
You should buy BallisticNG though.