>win a boss fight
>lose in a cut scene
Win a boss fight
>are overpowered in said cutscene by the weakest enemy in the game
This should be a war crime
>durr flying shuriken!
Tomoyo > Kyou
>Character dies in a cutscene
>They didn't actually die and save you later on in the game
>win a boss fight
>lose in qte
>checkpoint is before the boss fight
>pass all the level unnoticed without even killing anyone
>mc do something really stupid on a cutscenes and enemy hits the alarm
>Boss is a cakewalk
>Cut scene makes it look like you are struggling to beat him
>boss thinks you can't win without using a certain weapon
>win without using that weapon
>"haha i knew you would lose your temper and use it!"
Mankind Divided did something like this. Except it was one of your fucking allies that tips all the enemies off and ruins your fucking ghost playthrough.
>can't progress until you let yourself lose
>boss fight is literally 1 qte prompt
>boss fight starts by disabling the sword of destiny
>beat his ass anyway, get the sword back at the very end for some kino final blows
>the unwinnable boss is the writer's waifu, so you're never allowed to beat her and she kicks your ass three times
>win a boss fight
>you lose in the cutscene
>lose the fight
>game over
Why the FUCK is this allowed?
>super hard boss fight
>"oh you need to lose this one"
>let the boss kill me
>game over
It's surprise mechanics
>beat boss that you're supposed to lose to
>get secret bad ending on the spot and kicked back to the title screen
Fucking Disgaea 2.
this happened to me recently
I was actually referring to Tales of Destiny. How many games do this? ToD was the only one I had known of.
>Win boss fight but taking damage from poison or other DoT
>die and gameover on the victory screen
>slaughter boss
>have to fight him again
Yugioh 5D’s Workd Championship on DS. A major plot fight forces you to witness him use a meklord emperor card (hard counter to syncros). If you beat him before, he gets mad and instantly challenges you again.
>fight is super difficult
>determined to win
>keep reloading as you are about to lose the fight
>accidentally die after trying for several hours
Looking at you, FF7 and Deus Ex. Biggest fucking offenders.
>Deus Ex
Which game/fight? I can't remember
>Win a boss fight that you're supposed to lose
>Get an achievement and the sequence where another character intervenes to defeat the boss doesn't occur
In the original when you and Paul get your killswitch activated and Gunther is hunting you down in New York
First fight with Gunther, when he is ordered to arrest you. It happens in a subway station.
I think it's an optional fight, that's why you don't remember.
>Win a boss fight that you're supposed to lose at the start of the game
>It counts as beating the game and you get an alternate ending
>You get different endings depending on when you beat the boss.
>boss fight where you're supposed to show how the power of teamwork and friendship will overcome hatred and isolation.
>Decide to solo for the fuck of it
>Post fight cutscene companion rambles on about defeating boss with teamwork.
Just checked it out and I've always used the killswitch in that part
>run past boss
>shut the door and lock it behind you
>boss is still absolutely SEETHING about it when he appears later
>lose a boss fight
>win in a cut scene
>Beat the boss you were suppose to lose to
>You've actually caused a disaster and and get a game over
>brutal boss of instant death appears
>completely invulnerable because bullshit plot armor
>gets totally owned in a cutscene battle against another similar superpower
>never uses her superpower again
>will never have the satisfaction of defeating her at her strongest because its literally impossible unless the boss lets you win
>she's everybody's waifu
>boss gives you pizza
imagine thinking an anime girl with the personality of a plank of wood that can kick well is good
>boss was holding back
haha thats our trails series
Finally someone that doesnt like that bitch
>imagine thinking an anime girl with the personality of a plank
So what exactly is kyou besides 'generic violent tsundere'?
Once you escape the hotel, the only way to progress the game is to die
Kingdom Hearts does this shit to no end. Everytime the characters freak out and run away from Heartless it's always just 3 fucking Shadows.
>miniboss fight
>you're actually his boss
I believe this also happened in the earthbound immortal game as well when you face the guy using the whale, if you beat him before he summons it out he challenges you again. Same game also has a duel in the beginning you're not meant to win, but can win. But you lose in the cutscene afterwards.
>beat boss by cheesing him
>he points out that you only won because you used bullshit to make the fight easier
>beat boss
>he was holding back
Beating Tiger Joe without the god hand was worth it just for that single line of text.
why is she so popular? Does it really boil down to 'muh tiddies'?
with the virgins that we have here yes, only the tits make her that popular. Its sad really because she doesnt have any personality
>beat final boss
>win the game
>have nothing left to do today
>go outside and have a smoke
>remember she is still dead and games cannot distract you forever
>finish smoke and go get grocery's for dinner
Would you rather not have the fight at all and see a cutscene of the mc getting thrashed?
unironically, yes. Beating a boss you're not actually supposed to beat only to realize it was all for nothing according to the story is just so fucking infuriating
>kill random NPC at the beginning of the game
>enter huge boss fight arena later but it's empty
>turns out that NPC was a late game boss in disguise
imo you are taking it too seriously.
How long has it been lad
>boss fight starts
>opera music kicks in
This is why the best trope is to have an unwind able boss fight which you can actually win. It means that skilled players are rewarded with an alternate cutscene and maybe some items for being what's supposed to be an impossible fight while also encouraging replay value. The KH series does "supposed to lose" boss fights perfectly in this way.
>barely scrape by a boss fight after 4+ tries
>lose in the post-battle cutscene
Can't say I'm mad, it actually shows they knew what they were doing
Zestiria did this as well actually.
>create thread
>post anime face
>beat final boss
>"haha I wasn't even trying to win I was just playing around"
Unironically can't wait for 3 localization. I wonder if some characters will finally stop holding back in 4. I hear it stars pretty much everyone from the series.
Vergil is the easiest boss in DMC3. I have no idea why people think he's hard.
what game?
Tales of symphonia didn't do that , thankfully
>beat final boss
>few seconds of silence
>final boss comes back angrier
>music goes nuts
>current objective:survive
Same thing happened to me when I was playing Alliance Alive. The demon general guy you fight in the beginning who you are scripted to lose to comes back and starts instant wiping each squad in my team with ease. I figured well I guess my guys just aren't ready to take him yet but when he killed the last team it gave me a game over screen.
did you by chance get lost on the way to reddit?
I won that fight and felt stupid because it didn’t look right. Kept replaying it until I lost fair and square.
Autism. It hurts.
>use up rare/expensive items in hard boss fight to avoid losing
>it's a fight you're supposed to lose as part of the story
I'm afraid it's been 9 years.
Deus Ex. You can run straight past Simmons when you encounter him in the underwater base.
>it's another one-man-army player character gets captured in a cutscene episode
At least Deus Ex let me fuck around for a while before bringing the nofunallowed hammer down.
It doesn't get any easier, does it?
7 years here and just the same as the first
I think Deus Ex would really benefit from a remaster, with everything the same except adding on cut routes like joining Bob Page, allowing you to kill Gunther in Battery Park and the cut White House level
Worst girl in the series. Even lightning is better written.
>Final Fantasy X has the protagonists on a journey to become powerful enough to defeat the giant monster thats been terrorizing the world for millenia
>Fight giant monsters, giant robots, monster invasions, etc
>3/4 into the game love interest gets "kidnapped" and the others go rescue her.
>Monks with shotguns stop the main party in their tracks and send them to prison.
This alone made Fallout 3's "The Pitt" DLC unplayable for me
>power armor and gatling laser
>mulching through raiders like a hot knife through butter
>open gate
>thug with a lead pipe 1-shots me
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! Obviously when it released, people were gonna use endgame characters and shit. How did they not see this being a thing?
>Boss supposedly cannot be beaten by you in the game's storyline.
>He has an unavoidable cutscene where he always kills one of your mate before the fight starts.
>You encounter him in-game when you're at lv.20 something. But he's at lv 140+.
>Yes, he's Lv.140+ in a game where the player level is capped at 99.
>You have to survive him for 3 minutes.
>Even if you somehow manage to lethally hurt him through stat hacking/bloating means, he actually has in-game invincibility that doesn't allow his HP to hit 0.
>When the time runs out. Cutscene happens where you obviously get BTFO.
>He actually was holding back the whole time and lets you live because "orders" and he has better things to do than deal with you.
>You'll never encounter him again after that because he really had better things to do than deal with your sorry ass.
>Btw, he's also taller than anyone in your party full of manlets and womanlets.
T-Thanks, Tabata.
It's funny, because someone that can win the fight needs the items less than those that can't.
>teammates get filled with bullets in every level
>you have to revive them or they won't stop bitching to you about it
>cutscene happens where they get shot in the stomach
>MC drags him away as he's slowly dying instead of reviving with the portable EKG you've been carrying around from the start of the game
>teammate's dead by the end of the cutscene
>Looking at you, FF7
Why are you lying?