To be more aligned with female empowerment, we present to you the new goddess of war!

To be more aligned with female empowerment, we present to you the new goddess of war!

Attached: god of war.jpg (1080x1350, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why isn't she bald?

I want to cum on her undercut and slap a big blob of my shaved off pubes onto where her hair should be.


>No muscles
>Not tall enough
>Not bald

So fucking bad. Not every female needs hair.

you're a fag.

Does she have a dick?

Too attractive and competent. Make her Jewish, gay, and extremely unlikable. And if you dare question the devs choices you are a bigoted incel!

athena was the goddess most closely related to warfare tho and she ded


To be more aligned with female empowerment, I present to her my dick!

my dick is ok with this!


First time I've ever wanted to play a God of War game.

Wheyfu > Edgy Boi

Aren't most Goddesses of War ugly though?

Attached: GoddessKali-58b9cdfc3df78c353c384ddd-750x1125.jpg (750x1125, 282K)

Needs more muscles
That 3 hours a week at the gym body is not good enough

give her muscles and make her bald and I'd gladly masturbate to femKratos

That's because most goddesses are brown gods.

Even the Celtic Goddessess tho

Attached: macha.png (439x666, 547K)

I would unironically love it.

2nd pic

Attached: goddess of war.jpg (1280x1600, 338K)

Make FemKaratos more like this.

Attached: HBoESdB.jpg (1200x1697, 407K)

assy of war

Attached: goddess of war 2.jpg (1280x1600, 503K)


Attached: goddess of war 6.jpg (1280x1594, 350K)

Why the fuck side shave or whatever the fuck this haircut is called is so hot

It’s not

It really isn't

>Ginger subhumans

Is it because only hot people can pull it off?

Looks like an orc desu form the strong holds

she has hair just like kratos has hair


Same cosplayer, she does a wholllleee lotta nudes.

Attached: cyberpunk character creator.jpg (3417x3712, 3.86M)


I'll see you guys in 3 days.

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Godspeed brother, this fap is for your honor m8

Thanks for killing the thread asshole!

Dam any asshole shots?

>pierced tits




Attached: cyberassy.jpg (4000x6000, 3.65M)

I'd be her boi.

It's barbarian-ish and punk-ish, which gives someone a look of wildness.

Hot people can pull off just about anything, though.

Too hot, this can’t happen. Too much “objectification”

She looks pretty unethical, go back to the drawing board!

For real though, why isnt there a Red Sonja hack and slash game?

Attached: file.jpg (800x1252, 178K)

Why do girls have boobs it's really weird

This entire time I thought this was a Skyrim screenshot

Seeming how her origin story starts off with her being raped isn't gonna fly well with today's SJW customers.


Attached: FFXIV_Ilberd.png (1000x1000, 1.68M)

And she seems to have developed a rape fetish as well, because she refuses to fuck any man who can't overpower her, which seems pretty fucked up.

What unethical things do you see?

pierced nipples are fucking disgusting, do people actually like this shit


Attached: cybertits2077.jpg (4000x6000, 3.24M)

Her name is octokuro I think


Shit's Photoshopped to Hell and back
I can tell by looking at some of the pixels

Cate Blanchett?

Dragon's Dogma

Or Skyrim, with a few mods.

Where is the analingus and buttsex?

Welcome to 99.9% of all hot females pics on the internet.

How can you be so wrong?
Belly-button rings.. now those are disgusting

I disagree, at times.
It's like a pixie cut, some girls can do it, some can't.

Good, fuck that faggot Kratos and his stupid son.
Hail the new goddess of war and her sexy daughter.

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Meanwhile, irl...

Attached: the raging faggot.jpg (633x1386, 159K)


>Kratos is a spartan
Why are you surprised?
Are you so ignorant of history?
Of course you are.

Righties BTFO.

To be fair, real-life Spartans were really damn gay.

More like the goddess of whores

>spartans had gay sex with little boys in the agogi to bring them closer together and make them better soldiers
>surprised Kratos, a spartan soldier, is a bisexual
what are you, 12?

Attached: 1542891123804.png (485x342, 209K)

Who is this semen demon? Muh dic is diamonds.

Read mofo

read the thread

My apologies.
Shit gargler.

Why isn't she topless? Kratos is topless.

Where did this side cut in ye olden times come from?

Is there any other characters like her?

>Where did this side cut in ye olden times come from?
A Norse culture thing, since you are so ignorant.
Men in particular would do it as a sign they are married.

Thank you for your sacrifice bssed user.

Remember that attempt to make an actual female-lead god of war game

Attached: imagen-i628-pge.jpg (1530x1761, 592K)

I guess you all missed the part where Jaffe retracted everything he said and got BTFO'd by both sides? One for pandering and the other for queer baiting?

Tsk tsk tsk, so eager to see the other side fall.

>homosexuality was shunned by pretty much everyone during all of human history, something that only changed in the past 20 years


*with information based on some paintings and a poem

Even if you are being ironic, you are a retard still

good lord you people are picky

>acts like this makes who spartans were and acted like in real life not matter

user, the romans and greeks were raging homos. Spatan boys were taken away from the age of 12 to train with one of the men and gay sex was part of the training.

I does matter, but we're specifically talking about Kratos and what is essentially word of God.

Now you just need to provide a source where that is stated. And not just of one occurrence, but is was actually common.
There are more preserved texts that totally shit on homos from that time than the ones telling tales of butt fucking, actually, pretty much NONE OF THE SOURCES ACTUALLY SAY ANYTHING ABOUT FUCKING.
I see people love pointing to painted vases that depict homosex, not understanding the proportion of their claims. There are like 40-50 thousand vases that currently exist, like 3-4 hundred of show something that would resemble homosex.
If I were an alien and turned on current television, I would believe that 90% of humans currently alive are gay. And you think they held fucking pride parades 3000 years ago?
You fucking retard.

Thot of War?


Boobs of Chaos


You can kys now

can't into realistic muscle girl
go outside

Attached: 981803.jpg (750x750, 81K)

>that source
Wait, wait, I think I saw some manga about gay Greeks somewhere, it might hold scientific value.

She is a 6/10 compared to OP.

>And you think they held fucking pride parades 3000 years ago?
No, because gayness was unremarkable. It would have been like having a "straight pride" parade today.


Attached: Athena.jpg (736x1192, 127K)


Attached: athena.jpg (1024x768, 201K)

Son you just wanted a cuntboy Kratos with breast pads?

back to tumblr

For those of you wondering: Maya Musser.

>she refuses to fuck any man who can't overpower her
She only requires that they can beat her in a fight, not that they overpower her. She usually just asks guys to duel her. I do wonder if she will just pretend to lose just so she can get laid sometimes.

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I would have bought it already if we played as her

So why is it always strong independent women with it then?

Shoo shoo, snow nigger

>Woman sexualizes woman
>Man sexualizes woman


Attached: liebieghaus_antike_athena_10_0.jpg (2048x3072, 997K)

>goddess of war!
is Athena. God of war is Ares.

Attached: AthenaGreekgoddess.jpg (1024x506, 496K)

>She only requires that they can beat her in a fight, not that they overpower her.
That's basically the same thing. Hell, her own movie calls this out. "So, the only man that can have you is one who's trying to kill you. That's logic."



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Ah, yes, X-Blades.

She needs bigger legs
and a young small boy she bosses around

>and a young small boy she uses to pleasure herself

Shes very different to Ares though
The latter is like the berserker side of war whereas Athena is about the more strategic, knowledge based side of war. Ares is frequently depicted as just a mindless brute

her waist looks funny and her face is shit.

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>they're not white if they contradict my narrative.
Next thing you'll say Norse and theit Valkyries aren't white either.

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This is correct.

Do NOT disrespect Kali Maa. She will come into your room tonight. You do not want that.

She has a cute side you know.

>implying he said that for historical accuracy
And by the way, homo, the law of Sparta outlawed homosex.

Women were so worthless to the eye of the ancient europe that you really only fucked them to breed. They legit saw gay sex as a better alternative for carnal pleasure.

Then again they saw small dicks as elegant and big dicks as ridiculous, and often mocked the african slaves for having silly big dicks. This stereotype bit white people in the ass later on.

>Then again they saw small dicks as elegant and big dicks as ridiculous
No, they didn't. They just put small dicks on statue to not draw attention to it, since laughing or smurking at a holy statue was sacrilege.

Amazons helped to defend Troya and was a decent warriors.

there's absolutely no way those basedboy devs would allow that much cleavage

>big boobs
No way this is getting by the ethics department.

Attached: Censorship.jpg (986x686, 161K)

I welcome this change.

Celtic gods are based.

Attached: Macha.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Not true, Christianity made women worthless because it was just like how islam is today. Pagan women were treated as equal mostly and superior in some societal roles as well, inb4 "yeah as sex workers"

>superior in some societal roles
As baby ovens maybe

why does her skin and nipples look so... unnatural?

Photoshop to remove all her flaws. That's how these thots work and that's why the men who enable them are some of the greatest cucks in the world.
Nah they are was cool

Shes real, the other is shitty CG. Stop being a pussy, go outside.

Are you using mythology to exemplify social egalitarianism?

Truth is unknown only myth are stayed.

Attached: 1537685750071.webm (900x506, 2.84M)

>Her skin is colored by the ashes of the thousands of fetuses she aborted

>truth is unknown
>myths are actually truth
You know what contradictory means?

Myths can be a truth.

there is literal artwork of dudes fucking

But the truth is unknown.

This. But also why not.

Why not what?

Why not truth. Everything possible.

Cause you said it's unknown.

It's okay, nobody gives a fuck about female child-molesters.

>and often mocked the african slaves for having silly big dicks.
This caught me off guard.
The image of it is funny to me.

Imagine if she kicked you in the balls XD

Attached: dangerous_kicks_16.jpg (700x597, 77K)

Is body makeup a thing?

She can declare war on my dick

>Not making Loki trans and shapeshifting him to a woman as the new protagonist

I'm fucking dying at the silly big dick part, put me in the fucking screencap.

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Don't worry.
The sauce should be all over your face in no time.