Is this game worth getting into now or am I too late? Is the community still alive on PC?
Tekken 7
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It's biggest on Steam and still going strong. Go for it but be prepared to get fucked online for several weeks
The community is more alive than it ever has been before. And it's never too late to pick up a fighting game, as long as you enjoy it. If this is your first Tekken though, just be warned that the game has a higher barrier to entry than most fighting games. Don't give up if start getting impatient with not being able to move around or do combos properly at first.
It’s still big on Steam and PS4.
Practise and look at the Tekken General sticky for guides. Avoiding The Puddle and Blasted Salami on YouTube are good guides too.
>Is this game worth getting into now or am I too late?
One of the biggest fighting games rn.
>Is the community still alive on PC?
Online warriors or actual FGC?
Actual FGC isn't on PC, if you just play online then yes, sure.
soul calibur is better
A lot of new comers to play and try to take it competitive with some success. It's far from too late, as it seems like they're going to add more Tekken 7 stuff later this year.
The lowest amount of players I’ve seen on the game is about 1500 on steam.
It’s a great fighting game. And it’s well worth getting into.
>fighting game community
tekken thread on Yea Forums will summon HIM
brainlets like you are why fighting games will die, everyone puts up with playing on the niggerstation 4
>3722 people ingame on steam
i think the average player count now is roughly around a thousand players daily, more than you would ever be able to fight in a single day. its got a lot of very good players online by this point. if you pick it up expect to get your shit pushed in for a couple months before you start to consistently win against people.
Yes and don't worry about getting your ass kicked by veterans, a lot of new players are trying out the game too. My winrate is about 40% even though I just started and I'm absolute garbage at the game.
i got to grandmaster then demoted to 3rd dan, now im back to expert. gotta keep practicing
You ain't FGC.
You'll never be.
FGC means physically trveling to another person's house and playing matches with them.
Going to tournaments.
Building a local community.
You're just another shitter masturbating online, never truly getting good.
You're a tourist.
Never, ever forget that.
It's the reason why Yea Forums will always be outcasts from this genre.
Fucking lmao @ this loser.
The year is 2019 motherfucker, cope
>u play on a different console so u must not go to locals
honestly genius level intellect, do you have anything else in life other than trying to gatekeep people from your exclusive local of 9 UNIST players? I can count more than 50 players I've personally included into our local community across multiple games and still continue to support despite working full time and not owning the (shit) console of choice. PC is LITERALLY the far and away best choice for locals despite the insistence on these piece of shit, input lag multiplying, terrible visual fidelity, subpar game supporting consoles. People just don't bother because brainlets like you don't want to put in the ACTUAL effort to make it happen. So you stick to consoles run by companies that don't give a shit about the FGC, who take paychecks to keep games OFF other platforms, who restrict crossplay to YOUR detriment. Are you so fucking retarded you don't realize that?
>Is the community still alive on PC?
Still kicking on Steam. Regularly see people on my flist playing and I still play it as well.
>Actual FGC isn't on PC
You know all your esports heroes that you love so much? They're all on PC. All of them.
Except for LTG but he's a scrub.
Oh goodness the level of COPE with you is off the charts
Good. If “”””people”””” like you are the fgc I don’t want to have anything to do with it
most tournaments run PS4s tho
always strange when someone tries to speak on behalf of a giant community that they aren't even a part of.
Yea Forums is Nigtendo and PC nigger central, so you will get a lot of shit, but you have a point. You have the FGC who are people who show up to events, regularly engage in talks about their games and generally try to have a good time in a competitive environment. Around this, however, there has grown a different sort of fanbase, kinda like cancer. Complete spergs who have never socialized with anybody and build their entire identity as a human being on the game they're playing. Those faggots leech off the actual FGC, create and engage in pointless drama and pointless dick measuring contests - all while never showing their faces, because their egos are fragile and they know they can't back up their shit with skill.
The triggered responses to this post all but prove this.
Absolutely SEETHING
did you really respond to yourself just to damage control? jesus christ mate
Yeah, I’m thinking based.
That just makes more sense.
>damage control
You're the expert here.
yes yes and yes.
do yourself a favor though and choose an easy character to start with like Katarina, Noctis, Feng, Negan, Lars or Law
oh god, we have come to a point where console plebs think they are what makes the fighting game community. hey zoomer, ever tried playing in an arcade?
I was just helping out a literal 0-win newbie online last night, so people are still coming in.
Still going strong, and the only fighting game so good the players actually like it
>get BTFO by third party
>claim samefag in an attempt to save face
>fgcucks calling someone else a nigger
Nice essay though, clearly it’s everyone else who’s triggered and not you
It's funny you bring up arcades since arcade machines are gimped consoles.
Why does Tekken 7 cause so much seething? UNIST is popular too but I've never seen it get hate on Yea Forums.
Triggered about what?
Capkeks going crazy because both muhvel and sf are in the shitter
Bottom line: I win, you lose.
gg no re(tard)
bless you. I ran into a really good player about 9 months ago when I was learning the game and he noticed I was new and would spam moves I had trouble punishing until I could do it consistently. we still fight every few weeks and he gives me tips. I love the tekken playerbase its very friendly
that's not the point tho, an arcade is not a console zoomzoom, how can you even compare arcade culture with 2 gay bois visiting each other's houses to play with each other? you have no idea what you're talking about
>UNIST is popular too
By what metric?
pro tip: if the game makes Yea Forums seethe it's a good game. BoTW, GoW, Smash, Souls - all fantastic games
>Mike "Get in My Ass" Ross
>Mike "4th Place EVO Winner" Ross
>Mike "Honda Sucks, We Know That" Ross
>Mike "Gootecks! PLEASE!" Ross
>Hating real fighting games
I refuse to believe it.
An arcade is also not a fat incel sitting at home masturbating to Chinese cartoons, faggot. Besides, arcades have been dead for a while now and fighting games are 95% played on consoles at tournaments.
If you do buy the game, start up a Yea Forums lobby for new/bad players and we can try playing together.
As best said by a nigger posting with his phone who never does any of what he just posted.
Kill yourself. You ain't FGC.
>Tekken community
>mascot is a shitposting fat, smelly, balding hobo who doesn't even play the game anymore
don't feed the reddit trolls man, they dont come into threads to have conversation, it's all for attention.
Post your mains!
Negan, Steve, Feng
he smells surprisingly good
Akoomer, just to harvest tekkuck tears.
he's a different man now user
*sits down in your path*
*starts spinning*
I get it though. He's an OG. I was the same way before I was forced to play Tekken. Tekken USED to be a really shitty series that was almost impossible to take seriously. He most likely never gave the series a chance due to 1-4 being such jank.
*jumps 2 inches to avoid messatsu
nothin person kid
>fat incel sitting at home masturbating to Chinese cartoons, faggot
lmao i can literally say the same thing with console plebs nigger holy shit you are one delusional nigger
>before I was forced to play Tekken
I'm gonna save myself some time and pre-emptively get angry at the retarded shit I assume you will say. You jumped on the SFV hate train and switched to Tekken to "stick it to Capcom".
>Not being there for the redemption arc
Its a real quote, I'd find the clip for you but i'm too lazy. Hes right though Tekken is trash thats still missing basic features most other fgs have. If you want an actual good 3d fighter play VF5FS.
>*buffers inputs during focus cancel and activates right in front of your face*
Another useless insect.
He's a pillar of the BGC community
>picture of Gootecks and up-and-coming Guilty Gear player "Waxl"
what was this supposed to prove?
its never too late as long as its alive and yes its very alive on pc. probably the most alive version and best version in fact.
>best version
>no jukebox mode
I didn't realize how much I wanted this until I played the PS4 version.
>Virtua Fighter
Take it from one dead fighting game fan to another: I tried once and I couldn't figure shit out. If they released a new game with a tutorial, I'd buy it and learn it, honest.
i'd rather have lower input lag, better graphics, disable v-sync, and more than play songs in game that i can play in the background on my pc anyway.
Waxl seems like the type of player who keeps things old school FGC. With enough practice, he could become a real icon, not only in Guilty Gear, but the fighting game community as a whole.
Tekken may be missing basic features, but the core gameplay in Tekken 7 makes it the most exciting fighting game to watch and play at the moment. Fighting games don't need tons of features to be good games anyway. You get most of your mileage from a fighting game out of playing online or locally so who gives a shit about the other stuff.
What are chances of S3 DLC? Harada said no more character plans on twitter.
>sold my copy of tekken on the ps4 because matchmaking is taking hours
uh-huh sure bud console gaymers are real fighting game "enthusiasts" huh? go back to playing movie games retard
My main issue with tekken these days is that rank means nothing, they fucked it up. It's annoying because you're less likely to find equal fun matches, and you also don't have a solid gauge of your progress anymore. Keep playing and you can bruteforce yourself a good way up the ladder without improving.
Jesus christ just hang yourself you insecure little pussy. The projection of your sense of worthlessness here is truly astounding and completely pathetic. I want you to know you fool nobody and absolutely everyone sees through your shit.
More people play tekken on PC, since the PS4 version has more input delay and framerate issues on certain stages.
Has any1 tried Negan and is he any fun to play? Why is the soundtrack so shit?
Negan's ok, i got bored with him pretty quickly though
>I'm not a robot
>Fighting games don't need tons of features to be good games anyway. You get most of your mileage from a fighting game out of playing online or locally so who gives a shit about the other stuff.
There were some people that said this exact same thing when SFV launched.
Why yes, I only play non-gendered transsexual characters. How could you tell?
cute main
Stops working at Fujin since no more point bonus.
how does the point bonus work?
He's a lot like Noctis in the sense that he's fun, but in high-level play, he's kinda fizzled out. As a guest character, his move set is a bit limited so you're going to have to rely on a smaller set of moves than actual Tekken characters, but there's nothing wrong with picking him up for fun. He also has some of the best intro/outro's and battle dialogue in the game.
the biggest steam fighting game to date
no no no. Backed when PS3 launched, there were no online fighting games for a while. There was only T5 DRO. Had to be playing something so I said fuck it and gave it an honest shot and wound up seeing it for all shit I was never able to see it for until then. Now I'm hooked.
Tekken 7 is the largest on PC due to the console versions being unusually awful for the first few months. You're fine.
It's much easier to purchase, set up, and troubleshoot PS4s. It's not a drastically different game just because some people prefer to play on PC at home.
There's no way in hell that they're going to just let this game go without some form of support. The player base is literally growing years after launch, which is almost never seen in fighting games. Even if it's not characters, I'm sure they'll keep balancing the game and updating the customization options. But even then, no new characters or stages would be strange as hell to see. If there is no DLC planned, I really hope Tekken x Street Fighter is announced then.
Major props to whoever can aptly use this guy. He's so hard to use properly. All those just-frames and 1-frame links, mist step cancels to instant while standings. He so good but but fuck is it work trying to optimize him.
Not saying that's not happening but never listen to Harada. Most things he's said "no" about with Tekken became yesses out of the blue.
i wanted to try him after watching alot of imyourfather
SFV isn't even the main reason he fucked off, you know that right? It being shit probably was a factor but he had a legit mid-life crisis, he's a grown man with rich parents who's achieved nothing in life other than being semi-famous within a niche video game community
If you play on PS4 you have access to the entire franchise's music
On PC you have to mod non-shit music in though
I wish I could use Lee well. I'm too much of a brainlet.
You'll just quit like a little bitch after your first several loses. Do yourself a favor and play an anime fighter like DBFZ. Or even SCVI, You'll fit right in there. Tekken will never be something you'll like.
is the playerbase on xboner big enough to justify buying this game, i wanna get into tekken but my pc is ancient toaster
You just described yourself
>spent 2 years playing on the left
>played on the right today randomly and feel incredibly crippled
Why is Tekken 7 the ONLY fighting game released in the past 10 years, that doesn't have something as basic as an offline vs mode?
You convinced me! I’m getting it
>he's a grown man with rich parents who's achieved nothing in life other than being semi-famous within a niche video game community
Literally 90% of people in the world would kill to be in this situation. Without financial worries and with friends and fans is a dream come true for a lot of people, having a midlife crisis over that is stupid. You think wage slaving in an office to go home to a wife that hates you is a better deal?
I hit my first SSL->Acid Rain->float->screw->side-wall combo the other day in a match and my boner burst through my pants
I fucking love my hazubando Lee Chaolan
Check if Xbone has cross-play with PC. I know this incredibly stupid for me to say, but some Xbone games don't, so please double check before you buy it. That said, if it does, go for it. The PC community is pretty sizeable.
what do you mean? i was playing offline with my buddy a couple days ago
now you are learning
Wanting to achieve something and feeling fulfilled in life is pretty normal user. It is very much a "first world problem" type thing but even so.
I don't play often enough, but I always liked Eliza/Kazumi.
Harada's being a real cunt wiith 7 and no one knows why. There's a lot of basic, staple things that should be in the game and he outright refuses to put them in, for reasons known only to him. UE4 has replays as a standard feature that's always there and removed it completely for some reason even though it's been in every single game, going all the way to the first one. Super annoying not have replays to share in 2019.
Well it's your lucky day user because VF4EVO literally has a tutorial so good SEGA trademarked it, so you can either 1) find a cheap PS2 copy or 2) emulate it and play through that
Like 99% of things you learn from it can be applied to VF5FS, which is slightly more streamlined than previous games
Don't worry, it happens to even the best of Korean/Japanese players. Knee has even admitted that once he's on the opposite side, his effectiveness at movement and landing combos drops to 40%.
SFV's core gameplay also disappointed and is the main thing most people complain about though
But I want a community of newbies to learn along with. Trust me, I've tried getting into older fighting games long after their release. Even with the ones that had good tutorials, that shit goes out the window once you hop online because the only people left online are the people who never stopped playing.
I think Tekken is a pile of dogshit but if King, Marduk, Asuka or Leo were in a game I liked I would play them
>VF4EVO literally has a tutorial so good SEGA trademarked it
That was a seriously good tutorial. I remember it took me a few hours to complete and it felt like you were in school or college or something, getting your course in fisticuffs.
Sucks that no one puts that kind of effort into tutorials anymore.
It's worth it, but try and get some buddies to play if you can. Quick match is a trap and you will get your ass beat.Better off learning with friends.
>rank means nothing
Never understood this. Good players simply went couple brackets up. What the hell does it matter in the end if you were red in season 1 nad now a blue? As long as you play players of similar skill level.
Also it's nice to actually be able to reach the last ranks now. There's a reason why only handful of players reached emperor in season 1, and those were mostly arcade players only who already had thousands of matches.
Do you have locals? If so you can always try to play the game there and get people trying it out
Though with VF you often get people refusing because "game is dead" even though it would not be dead if people just stopped doing this
I remember hearing Skullgirls had a decent one and there's occasionally small things like GG Xrd's teaching a throw option select etc. For the most part though they're pretty lacklustre though yeah
Success breeds jealousy.
i wanted to get 2 friends into it with me but all they do is complain when they lose but dont actually put in effort in practice mode. thankfully im starting to make friends through steam after ranked games in tekken.
Don't believe Harada's lies
>game says 4 bars
>lags like 2 bars
Why does this game not have a quit button? I don't like being forced to fight like this
PC version of T7 is the definitive one, and the sale has honestly brought a lot of new players in so no real worries on that front. Every other fighter on PC is more dead.
Rank really does mean nothing though. I play online for fun, mostly in unranked so my rank sshows something low for most characters. I match with the high ranks frequently and, while most guys understand rank means nothing and will happily give it their all, plenty of dudes still seem to think rank is important and will rage quit on me for no reason other than they're getting worked over by a guy who's got a low rank.
>tfw mained this on tekken 6 being a total newb just spamming acid rain and d444444
i miss the old days
What's an easy but fun character to learn if I'm an absolute fighting game pleb? I have both a stick and a xboner pad if that makes any difference.
are you actually OP?
Asuka, Lili, Paul, Leo, Katarina, Shaheen
What about Kazumi and Alisa? They look cute.
dont look for the easy way out. try them all and find one that gels with you.
Just pick any character you want, these red rank scrubs dont know what theyre talking about anyway. Although shaheen and katarina are indeed good starting characters if you want to get ta fast start
>who gives a shit about the other stuff.
the people who want a tutorial so they can learn the game?
>Rank means nothing
Is that cope? If it means nothing why aren't TGP with all the characters?
There is some merit to it especially starting with blue ranks where you lose as much as you earn
Just admit that you are a pussy afraid to lose virtual points
One of the guys on /tekgen/ was orange in S1 and is TGP now. It doesn't mean anything because there's so much variance in ranks now and it's based far more on playtime than actual skill. Playing against reds and purples in S1 made me sit up straight in my chair and now I play against TGPs and wonder how they got their rank or against Fujins that play worse than orange ranks.
Who would you choose?