What went so right?
FFXIV Shadowbringers
Other urls found in this thread:
We fell
More importantly, what would sex with Emet-Selch be like?
Generals aren't allowed on Yea Forums
This is not a general you mongoloid.
>being a monthly pay cuck
how can you live with yourself?
Which Primal has the most underrated theme, and why is it Bismarck?
>the villain is the hero of his own story
More people play WoW and reviewed it. It has a far harsher critic base. Weebs will each up anything whereas everyone loves trashing Blizz-Act.
Shadowbringers is fine, but not amazing.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light
To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright
Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Hindmost devils, early to rise
Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Heaven's banquet leavened with lies
Sating honor, envy, and pride
One brings shadow, one brings light
Run from the light
Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
How long is Stormblood?
Should I switch from DRG to GNB or SAM?
>We defeat the Warrior of Light..by bringing him here! To the moon! He will suffocate due to the lack of oxygen!
>Gods I am a genius!
>Aren't I a genius Warrior of Light from shard #6?
The shills
They have been repeating that the story is great everywhere. which resumes in "its magic ain't gotta explain shit"
>people are discussing a game that came out four days ago
Holy smokes!
by not being unemployed
>Game is actually good
>Nope, must be shills, it's impossible that something is good.
>some parsetranny uploaded logs last night
>check my logs, have 80th percentile gnb
>didnt use food or pots or maximise uptime so have even more room to improve
>Titania EX
>Innocence EX
Keep in mind that the logs are padded as of now because of DNC. People are saying that DNC gives enormous buffs to their partner, giving that person at leas 2k more DPS than normal.
I knew DNC will be good. But not this good in a raid comp.
If I have to hear "Oh no he's hot" one more time.
I'm going to strangle every ERPer in existence.
Cool blog dude
Oh no, he's hot.
>the best content Square produces for almost 10 years already is locked in a fucking mmo
Stay dragoon, it’s really strong atm.
someone said that in my innocence trial too
is it a hot new meme?
Will ShB Hildy be as good?
It's not really an mmo. More of a single player game with MMO elements.
>fat guy turns into a chad
If he can do it, so can everyone
>logs are padded
>not understanding statistics
Hype culture. ShB is good but it's far from perfect. Majority of sidequests are still useless filler without any attempt at being fun, FATEs have remained utterly unchanged since 2.0, only adding an unashamed carrot-on-a-stick to them this expac.
Healers changes have shown just how creatively bankrupt the job designers are when it comes to that role. You clear the story and are left with 2 faceroll dungeons, even easier than the leveling ones, and two of the most insipid EX's so far.
Role quests were just an excuse to do less work, they follow the same pattern as job quests, only we get less of them.
Just more of the same. I guess some people enjoy the security that XIV brings with neither adding anything nor attempting to improve on what already exists and are just content with a good story and good music while going through the same motions since 2.0.
MFW 2k below average DRK.
God damn it, what am I doing wrong? ;-;
P2p is still the best model for MMOs.
Get outta here zoomer.
I thought they added alma's hair in a patch but i don't see it in the aesthetician. do i need to complete the ivalice raid to unlock it?
Most side quests are lore dumps and if you like lore you will like them.
>Hildy embraces the "darkness"
>Because a ridiculously posh batman
>Has Hildi-Rangs and Hildi-Shark-Repellent
>I want change for the sake of change
Go play WoW then if you want shit to change every xpac. If it isn't broken, what's the point of fixing it.
I feel like I'm so shit at this game, Anons. I kept fucking up mechanics on Titania EX.
I shouldn't have rushed the game, first playtrough I went like the classical mmorpg and skipped all dialogue. Got burntout. Tried again, and the story was actually good, and I was annoyed when the next main scenario mission had a higher lvl requirment. But in the end got burntout because I was replaying the whole damn shit from the beginning.
Wish the combat was better tho.
I actually liked the Stormblood Hildebrand quests even less than the Heavensward ones. The only especially good parts were Godbert at the very end, and the Wolf Burglar throughout. Shigure felt weaker than Cyr was as a support character.
You can buy it from the gold saucer along with the sephiroth hair this xpac.
Thanks m8
this is the woman who saved ffxiv. say something nice about her!
>webm instead of gif
Depends on what you play. Most of the classes are slow low level. What class are you?
Why are you rushing shit? Just take your time, it'll take you max 1 month just to get to shadowbringers from 2.0 just by playing 3 hours a day. Everyone's still going to be running 5.0 content even in 5.5 because of echo.
Is there any way to split the parameter bar? I want to put my simplified job gauges between HP and MP and I thought I saw a screenshot of that.
>Urianger has apparently been a family friend of Alphinaud and Alisaie since they were little
>didn't recognize him when he took off the hood and covered a little bit of his face
Urianger fucking NEVER took off the hood/goggles, that's why it worked so well.
Is MCH fun to play yet?
>the meme has already spread in game
based Elidibus posters
I went for ninja because it reminded me of invoker in dota. I didn't rush anything in my second playtrough, I'm liking the game, just that I feel lonely sometimes because nobody talks about the early story quests, and I can't understand any meme people bring up because I'm not that far in yet.
So how similar is FFXIV's high-end PvE to WoW's?
I'm guessing it's more laid back, right? At least I haven't heard of FFXIV's Method equivalent, or anything like that.
>trying to clear Titania
>tanks keep hitting everyone with the conal buster
>retards can't deal with tethers or bramble vine
>fought with you
>I guess some people enjoy the security that XIV brings with neither adding anything nor attempting to improve on what already exists
They have done both throughout the last two expansions though (atleast mostly when it comes to class design and endgame ''filler''). You shouldn't change something just because you want change, change should come out of necessity and if handled poorly, well just look at what has happened/is happening to WoW.
Not you-you. Just mortals in general.
He was a conscript at age 16 in Garlemald before he took over and turned it into an Empire.
When does Eden unlock? I'm being lazy gearing up slowly.
You mean raids? I would say they are more complex than WoW raids.
XIV's method like guild is Elysium over on Gilgamesh, but they always lose to Japs for world first clears. Not even established Jap guilds mind you, but Jap pugs with randoms.
Job design, and the fact that you can have every job on one character
Every melee job has the uptime risk/reward system, and an active DoT to maintain. On top of that, they all get bonuses from attacking bosses from certain directions, which is its own separate risk/reward system. WoW only has energy/runes/focus, which is completely redundant with uptime (and rogue is the only melee that gets bonuses from attacking from certain directions). The red mage has dual casting, which means it gets free instant casts after every hard cast, so it can take the risk of hardcasting in a boss mechanic for the reward of filling a gcd when it repositions. The black mage has instant cast random procs after hardcasts, so it has the same risk reward system, and it has a an immobile cooldown that increases spellcasting speed when standing in it (its like Rune of Power, but it lasts longer and its on a longer cooldown). So, black mage is basically the WoW mage, but it takes bigger risks and gets bigger rewards. Compare this to all the boring wow specs like marksmanship, elemental, enhancement, destruction, arcane, balance, shadow, beastmaster, affliction (in single target) that you cant even escape from because you cant mix and match specs in a class, nor change your class, and its obvious why people prefer ffxiv.
>TFW alll my high level jobs have more buttons than a control can easily allow
In 2 weeks ?
>just that I feel lonely sometimes because nobody talks about the early story quests
that's because everyone's already discussed those quests to hell and back. Especially the ARR and HW quests. SB MSQ was so boring it didn't give rise to any good speculation or memes.
I’m playing black mage just fine at level 80.
What jobs?
Emet-Selch did nothing wrong.
What armor and sword is that?
DRG 70 AF armor
that's a fucking lance retard
Level 70 DRG armor and Gae Bolg
>mfw it gets increasingly awkward since i wanted 7 macros for aether manip
>probably have to manually add fire 2 back if i get dropped in a shitty arr dungeon
Is there a better way to jump to your party members
weebs don't criticize their weebgames by the same standards. gameplay and mechanics are not that important to them, they only care about fan service and """plot""" and they're incapable of looking at things critically
How the HELL do you run out of buttons as MCH? There are so few actions you could literally mirror the dpad and still have space
seethe more wowchild
Getting mixed messages, but if you can pug high-end pve that's enough explanation, thanks. May consider getting into it since I can't be bothered with split runs and all that anymore.
>he doesn't make more than enough to pay the subscription fees of multiple anons and the bills and still have money left over for other shit
Kill yourself leech
gunbreaker has too many buttons. i have to buy a mmo mouse to fit them all.
A real genius. Hey, look at what the WoL from the Source sent us!
>playing f2p mmo
>So how similar is FFXIV's high-end PvE to WoW's?
It's very similar in the way you gear up at the very least.
The major difference being that a lot of rng is taken out thanks to tokens and end-game currencies. Otherwise I would actually argue that FFXIVs raid design is at the very least on-par with WoW but a lot less stressfull since you'll have to do less grinding and instead of playing with 10-20ppl you'll only (mostly) play with 8. That and FFXIV is a hell of a lot better at giving the player the infromation they need during the fight so you will rarely actually have to look up mechanics from outside-sources
>I'm guessing it's more laid back, right?
From what I have experienced, yes. Just avoid puging anything savage and above and you'll be fine.
>At least I haven't heard of FFXIV's Method equivalent, or anything like that.
They exist, they are just so bad in comparison to Jap-pugs that they are barely even worth talking about. It's mind boggling how much better the worst japanese players seems to be when compared to you avarage/high-end player in the west.
>2 lines on my Wonderous Tails with the possibility of 3
Should I sell the Omega-M
I doubt the price will drop anytime soon, right
Listening to fans to fix broken parts of the old game
Hiring good writers to make the new game good
I haven't played much Dark Knight this time around but their damage seems hard to screw up. Make sure you're
>not using Delirium before an invincibility/away phase
>Only pressing bloodspiller and off gcds during Delirium
>Using your off gcds as they come up
>using plunge for damage when you won't need it for movement (you can always save a charge)
>not letting your MP get to 100%
My DRK is 70, but I think at 80 the basic gameplan would be
>open with Edge of Shadow, Blood Weapon
>Gain enough blood to use Living Shadow
>After using Living Shadow, Delirium
>Spam bloodspiller
I think the timing on this will be enough to get a decent chunk of it within trick attack, assuming you have a ninja. The rest is just making sure you always have enough blood to Living Shadow right when it comes up and making sure you don't hit 100% on any resource. Also if your TBNs aren't being destroyed then you're using them at bad times.
Just one thing to keep in mind, XIV is a very heavy story focused game unlike WoW. So it's really recommended you pay attention to the story since that's one of the game's biggest focus. Every new patch they introduce more Main story quests for you to do. Dungeons and trials are fun and all, but the MSQ is what the majority of us here enjoy.
How do I get into hunting A ranks/S ranks?
To my understanding the trackers just tell me that they may be up? Do I just have to find some linkshell or something.
Dont forget that you can learn every job with one character, so you arent forced to go through the story more than once
I'm sure it's a conspiracy and not just that BFA is incredibly lazy and soulless, even by WoW standards
Look for a hunt linkshell and keep a eye out for hunts in the party finder. Also what server ya on?
>Large amount of buttons
Nigga wat? MCH is one of the classes with the least amount of shit too press currently. What's hard about their rotations is optimization and cooldown tracking.
Yeah find a linkshell that calls out hunts. You can either ask in game for one, or you can look for linkshells on the lodestone for your server then whisper the master/officer of it in game for an invite. That's the method I used to find one.
Anyone have that day where you just wipe from every mechanic in alliance raid?
I've only tanked lvl
There's that, and also the fact that every job is viable for high end raids. Occasionally you'll run into the odd group that'll require you to be a specific job because it's meta, but the majority of raiders don't give a shit and just want bodies to do the fight regardless of the job you play.
t. cleared omega savage with 2 PLDs because the other tank couldn't be assed to level DRK or WAR.
NIN has like 10 buttons max
>take a break from the game
>come back
>zurvan roulette
>50/50 chance of fucking up color matching because i keep forgetting if it's similar or different colors
Yea Forumsros...
yeah being half asleep yesterday
>mfw I had a alliance raid what wiped at the eye boss in the world of darkness because not one killed the adds with me.
>wiping city
>can't get past final boss because everyone is getting hit by the scissors mechanic
>vote dismiss
>have to re-do the entire raid again
Yeah you can definitely pug it no problem, people put practice parties up all the time, they give discord and there is always someone teaching or calling mechanics on mic, when the fight is done just leave the discord server.
>do orbonne monastery
>wipe to every fucking mechanic of the thunder dude
>pc crashes and i don't log back in until next day
Why do people like this game it’s so fucking boring and bad even compared to fucking XV
How do I stop being so afraid of doing EX/Savage content? I'm on PS4 and don't know anyone on PC so I'm just afraid of what my DPS will be and I don't know any fights inside and out so I can't tank.
>dark arts abyssal drain gets gutted so sustain in big pulls sucks ass
>blood weapon skill speed is gone for no reason
>blood weapon generates fuck all mp
>quietus no longer generates mp
>delirium generates fuck all mp
>blood price is gone
>oGCD spenders do absolutely not but a little extra potency
>”well, whatever, WAR also lost steel cyclone sustain so I guess that’s just what they’re going for...”
>PLD clemency is untouched and stronger than ever
Quietus DA AD dungeon spam was the only thing keeping me playing 4.x DRK and now it’s gone and the job is horribly boring. PLD gets best damage, utility and sustain now so I guess I’ll just play that instead.
Suggest a job for me, I will do anything but heal
/Ac "Aetherial Manipulation"
>you can learn every job with one character
That's cool, how does gearing work with that though? You have to store a set for each job, or stats work different? guess there's no busted trinkets either that everyone rolls for right?
Because people like to raid, and see how much extra damage they can squeeze in without getting killed by a boss mechanic
WoW's raids are a more complete experience than XIV's. XIV is teleporting to boss rooms, and there's essentially only 4 relevant fights at any one time. Additionally, any gearing up you do in a raid is invalidated when the next raid gets released - and I'm not talking about the typical "the new raid drops better stuff so the old stuff is useless," I mean that you literally won't use any of the gear that you get in raid A in order to start progression on raid B. They release crafted gear that is 10 ilvls higher than the previous raid tier (and is easy to get).
There's no equivalent to mythic+ dungeons or anything like that.
Fight design in general feels cleaner than in WoW, but WoW also has to deal with essentially having to balance for like 35 classes, some of which have wildly different capabilities than others. XIV jobs are all pretty much capable of the same things within their role.
XIV's much better at visually conveying what a boss is doing. There's a lot less visual clutter, too, since you can actually turn off other players' spell effects without turning off your own (I couldn't fucking believe that this wasn't in WoW last time I played)
DRK is deep in the shed now.
me rn
i fucking hate im wiping to the simplest shit im such a dumbass
This. WoW will always provide the better experience and XIV can't match it in any way.
Classes in WoW have more depth as well or at least feel better designed, XIV is held back by its low gcd.
not true
they’ve mostly culled buttons anyway, I couldn’t fit all pld buttons on controller until 5.0 came around, and I had to
make creative macros to fit sch and ast until now
Your armory is separate from your bags, so that is where your sets go
If there is a piece of gear you really want, you can look up where it drops, so you dont need to roll on everything
>Classes in WoW have more depth as well
ah yes, my 2 button rotation is very in depth gameplay.
>chad always win
You should never reply to a retard mentioning "gcd".
How come Yshtola wasn't naked when she got pulled out of the lifestream this time?
Yeah having no content for several months was wonderful
>Skipping the cutscene
She was but best boy magiced her outfit on.
She was. Emet snapped his fingers to give her back clothes immediately.
>that side quest in Raktika where you help a Vierra that's giving birth to a baby
>the nursemaid mentions that they'll tell the baby bunbun of what you did to help
>you're now going to be a hero to that bun
The difficulty in WoW raiding comes from two directions:
Number 1 you need to spend literally every waking moment of your life grinding Azerite Power or you'll fall behind the competition
Number 2 there are more lethal mechanics where a single person can fuck up and instantly wipe the raid, it's harder to recover and you have 12 extra players so 12 more chances of this happening
WoW and XIV raiding is really similar, it's just that the meta mechanics surrounding WoW are an absolute travesty right now and WoW's raids are exponentially more punishing when you do make a mistake, or when anyone on your team makes a mistake.
>There's a lot less visual clutter, too, since you can actually turn off other players' spell effects without turning off your own (I couldn't fucking believe that this wasn't in WoW last time I played)
Was the last time you played BC? because adjusting spell effect level via console command has been a thing since wrath at the latest IIRC. There should be an option to have raid-specific setting now too.
The GCD isn't the problem with XIV's class design, it's their total fucking refusal to allow classes to do anything interesting with their abilities. Even the "limited job" that's supposedly so off the wall that it can't be allowed in normal content has fucking boring abilities outside of a small handful. Dancer is supposed to be "High mobility" but that just equates to one shitty little dash every 30 seconds, fucking BLM has more interesting mobility skills with it's ability to quickly move to party members/their own leylines.
this nigga is a cutscene skipper
>Running Ramuh Extreme for 2 hours and DPS still don't pick up orbs
DPS truly are brainless
You can adjust spell effects, but as far as I was able to figure it was spell effects for everyone including you. I wanted my own to be there but not see 40,000 frostbolts.
Who's knocking them up?
Why are you running ramuh ex with braindead retards?
If the most anodyne content imaginable for you is not "broken", that's fine. But I can understand wanting more than just the absolute bare minimum.
I don't know man I have just hit 120 mostly from questing around in zandalar and I think it's pretty soulful.
Lvling whitemage to 70: Stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone
And that for 50 hours. Oh and please don't forget to do the shittiest fetch quests for dozen of hours that even vanilla wow quests to shame. But don't worry! For only 20 bucks we allow you to skip our "high quality" content so you can start further ahead! Isn't that a steal?! I love how people made fun of GW2 for having so few skills and then this fucking happens. God damnit how can lvling be this bad.
There is no “depth” in mmorpgs, the entertainment value comes from learning boss fights, and taking risks to do more damage. WoW is boring because 3/4 ranged specs have no risk/reward mechanics, and every melee is the same.
>WoW will always provide the better experience and XIV can't match it in any way.
male vierra, there's a sidequest in game where a male bunbun killed a bear with a single arrow from deep in the forest.
I hope Alpha comes back.
Explain, I don't follow e-celebs
>WoW and XIV raiding is really similar
They really aren't. XIV's raiding is much more "learning the dance" than WoW's which is also reflected in their class design. More buttons but for the majority of jobs your rotation is a true rotation in that it's deterministic. A lot of encounters will require you to perform nearly identical movements at identical times. WoW's raid design has shifted more towards simpler individual mechanics on timers that cause them to overlap unpredictably.
>Literal who twitter screencap
>Classes in WoW have more depth as well
meanwhile in another MMO with this same guy
FF games always have super direhard fanbases.
That hurt. In the end, he even smiles at you. He doesn't hate you. He never did. But he knows that he has to save his people, and he knows you have to save your people.
Nobody's the bad guy. We're just both trying to save our friends and loved ones.
>Classes in WoW have more depth as well or at least feel better designed
Having at least two of every class at max during Legion (Which had better Class design than what is currently offered in BfA) that is a total lie.
He's an "MMO reviewer" that recently did a video on XIV but paid to skip to Shadowbringers then bitched about not knowing anyone in the story and how the questing in shadowbringers is "boring compared to WoW" despite the fact he was skipping cutscenes left and right
who's this literal who fat fuck
is this worth playing just for the story? and on a ps4 pro?
he didn't even play shadowbringers. his lodestone shows proof of it. 0 exp earned at level 70
I'm at the mercy of DF
I'd use PF but then people from Shiva join and start to ERP
71 ratings lol wtf
>didn't' even play the xpac
>bitched about it anyway
holy shit
He paid to skip heavensward
On top of that, he couldn’t figure out how to play damage jobs, and bitched about that
And why not just run it unsynced by yourself?
>he couldn’t figure out how to play damage jobs
What? You just press any button in any order and you still do your job. Poorly, but it's done.
Just join learning parties. MT is often (not always) the easiest role. They stopped doing this for a while, but SE also has a habit of making mechanics just outright not target tanks (Innocence EX has a few of these, which I was disappointed by). The hardest things as a tank are
>tank busters with no cast bar or visual indicator (Living Liquid's swipe for example)
>general melee mechanics
>positioning yourself to make things easier on DPS and healers
It also helps that seemingly a lot of PUG strats were developed by lazy ass tanks. The standard Titania EX pug strat, for example, doesn't even have the MT take a lightning tether. I've eaten a few and as far as I can tell none of her other attacks are lightning element so there's no reason for the MT not to grab one of them.
>A lot of encounters will require you to perform nearly identical movements at identical times.
This is also why healing is so different between the games, damage in WoW can be unpredictable so the healers have to be ready to handle large amounts of incoming damage very quickly, compared to in XIV where in an organized group that isn't going to be facetanking AoEs, they can literally just plot out when to use what off-GCD heal to avoid ever having to cast an actual GCD heal.
based weebs bullying retarded wow attention-whores out of their game
I don't think a guy who actively plays Korean grind garbage can have an opinion on MMOs.
absolutely based fuck E-celebs.
imagine playing a mmo
yes and sure
just be ready to endure a mediocre story until the first expansion where it suddenly goes from meh to great
why did you post a pic of me in the middle of a hrothgar erp?
>this scene
>the music that starts to play
holy shit
Damage in WoW is plenty predictable, the enemies shit out AOE damage constantly so you just sit there and spam your biggest heals non-stop. That's it.
Has anyone saved and reuploaded his video yet?
>"go kill yourself" "no i'm not sorry"
>"guys it's not funny when you tell ME to kill myself"
Why yes, I main GUK. How did you know?
There's a reason we're all calling it the pure kino expac.
what a liar, he only deleted it because it got more dislikes than likes and he was getting shit on in the comments.
you can hardly call it "critique" when you paid to skip through 2 expansions
Only reason I'm playing wow right now is because all my normie friends do, XIV isn't fun enough to play alone unfortunately. And the cutscenes are annoying damnit.
Please, god, grab one of the Titania mobs if you're off tank.
>What, all by myself?
[What, all by myself?]
the questing part can be entirely done solo
but every other level you'll get a mandatory story dungeon or trial that groups you with people
even if it has a very big emphasis on story it's still a multiplayer online game
>Uses personal avatar OC in video.
>implying god would ever off-tank
Holy shit is that Ness Undertail?!?!
Yeah i wanna watch it too
What does the Innocence mount look like?
how come shitposting about xiv is always the same two or three subjects and it's usually in relation to world of warcraft, i don't care about world of warcraft
i want to play video games but idling at like 70'C
fuck off fucking sun shit.
Should u clip to use sharpcast?
are ya playing outside? god dang dude just get an AC
>dark arts abyssal drain gets gutted so sustain in big pulls sucks ass
DA AD was broken and using TBN constantly is just as good.
>blood weapon skill speed is gone for no reason
Because oGCDs generate MP now, so you spend your BW window double-weaving as much as possible
>blood weapon generates fuck all mp
Not if you use it correctly
>quietus no longer generates mp
Doesn't need to, it's an AoE counterpart to Bloodspiller now
>delirium generates fuck all mp
All these demands for easy MP, do you just want the job to play itself?
>blood price is gone
>oGCD spenders do absolutely not but a little extra potency
500 potency per oGCD isn't anything to scoff at
>”well, whatever, WAR also lost steel cyclone sustain so I guess that’s just what they’re going for...”
DRK sustain is fine. TBN gives 3-5 seconds of invincibility (even on big pulls) every 15 seconds and it pays for itself when it pops.
>PLD clemency is untouched and stronger than ever
PLD should never cast Clemency on itself during pulls unless your healer sucks dick
Bullshit, if you get your raid gear from raid A, you can go at least up to the 3rd raid B fight im just that, also if you clear 1st and second part of raid B, you will definitely be able to get raid gear B easily. That only matters is you are a parse tranny looking for world first
Bruh why is this fucking queue dead as a doornail on SATURDAY the week of release?? I'm almost at 20 minutes waiting now..
>Hey look guys I repeat what shitposters say and have no clue how XIV plays.
Anyone bringing GCDs into an argument is just a low tier shitposter, get the fuck out of here.
What class are you queueing in?
Being experimental with class design is what leads to WoW scenarios where half of the class roster is worthless garbage and nobody will let you in your party if you run it.
Say what about will about the job homogenization, at least it guarantees every job can beat every bit of content and nobody outside of the most autistic parsetrannies will care what you're playing.
Go back.
>patch notes mention that DOH/DOL are getting armory bonus
>figure it's high time I start leveling DOH/L
>no armory bonus
oGCDs do not generate MP in blood weapon. That's one of the biggest issues with the job is that blood weapon is a set amount of MP regen every use regardless of oGCD use.
>"You have to go through 100 hours of bad content to get to the good content"
>"Dude just buy the thing to skip the shit content"
>"No don't skip the shit content because it still essential to the story"
>PLD should never cast Clemency on itself during pulls unless your healer sucks dick
I know that fucking feel when I'm basically soloing the dungeon because the healer is fucking retarded and the dps don't know how to rotation nor what an aoe is.
>just use worse gear bro
doesn't change the fact that entire raid tiers are invalidated by a pittance in gil extremely rapidly. if you want to progress early at all then you're throwing away your old raid gear.
No, time it between switches of Astral/Umbral. Or whenever you swift/triplecast.
>>dark arts abyssal drain gets gutted so sustain in big pulls sucks ass
Stopped reading there. DRK is the best tank for large pulls right now. Use Arms Length you shitter.
>Spending money to not play the video game you paid for
Paladin gives up its big damage to heal.
You're retarded if you don't think classes have interesting abilities in 14, but then again Ive played with shitters like you and you're always the worst players I've ever seen.
you don't need crafted gear until the gatekeeper
That's literally wrong. The only oGCDs that don't generate MP are FoS/EoS. Have you even touched DRK a single time since ShB launched?
No One:
Literally No One:
Not even a soul:
not even people in the thread:
people in alternate universes:
Yea Forums: *Has Thread on FFXIV review*
Bros my armoury chest is almost full, I don't wanna clean it up.
more like "dude don't even bother if you don't like the game"
if you're watching a movie you don't like, you won't pay an extra 20$ to skip to the post-credits scene, you'll stop watching the movie
don't be retarded
>Twitter meme
Yes, yes Blizzcuck, it's a conspiracy by the weebs to sabotage the greatest game of all time BfA
Skip cutscenes from level 1 to around ifrit.
Don't skip cutscenes from Ifrit to ARR MSQ ending
Skip cutscenes during the first half of post ARR
Don't skip cutscenes during second half
Then you're riding high on Heavensward with a pretty good understanding of the story. You can probably get through all ARR content in 2-3 days of poopsocking
Don't give it attention.
>It has a far harsher critic base.
How do you know this?
I play both games, I like XIV better. It's not because I'm harsher to one game than the other, I'm the same person.
You can save certain sets for certain jobs and call them up at the press of a button. Just equip another class's weapon, and you switch to that class. Can't do it in combat though.
>Homogenization in the name of balance is a good thing in a mmoRPG
Have you ever raided in XIV? You don't need crafted gear up until 3rd encounter, which by then you should be using the latest raid gear that they gave you in last 2 encounters. You can even pug them and farm them easily.
Gotta say as much as I was bored through a lot of Stormbloods story those primal fights were kino.
>In darkness blooms the spider lily
>the entirety of Shinryu and Byakko
>724 mounts
>13 from cash shop (~1.8% of all mounts)
>All cash shop items including mounts can be bought with in-game gold
>Subscription can also be paid for in gold
>~140 mounts total
>12 purchased from cash-shop (~8.5% of all mounts)
>Real money only
In a perfect world all subscription games wouldn't have any MTX at all.
you fell for bait
That doesn't really apply to XIV because pre and post HW is like night and day when it comes to gameplay and content. It literally feels like a different game.
1. I don't mind the new Abyssal, I think it should have a shorter CD preferably.
2. Blood weapon only generates mana from Weapon skills not abilities, meaning it only generates mana from GCDs.
3. Blood weapon has no skill optimization and always just gives one extra Edge or Flood for the reasons stated above.
4. Quietus hits for too little and the extra MP it used to generate would go nicely to generate extra flood now.
5. Delirium is awful now, change it back to Blood Weapon extension and fix Blood Weapon. Maybe make it add skill speed or enhance Blood Weapon in some way.
6. As niche as Blood Price was, there was no real reason to remove it.
7. Agreed. I do wish they had some additional effects that made you choose to either save them or use them for potency, would lead to more interesting gameplay than just pressing them off cd.
8. Agreed DRK has insane sustain with TBN, it's just a little boring with Abyssal having such a long CD and nothing else really.
9. Most likely, can't say because I don't really play PLD.
Credits rolling right now.
Fucking amazing 10/10, it deserved every bit of hype this expac got.
Is it even possible for yoshi-p to top ShB?
>harsh critic base
It took until WoW shit down their playerbase's throats with BfA before they finally put their foot down.
Meanwhile XIV has a slight misstep in healer balancing and anybody who played that role is breaking down Yoshi-P's door with a battering ram.
Have you?
Shadowbringers is on PS4, there is lower standards there, people are happy with shadowbringers basically being a single player game with all of the flaws of WoW plus a few extra of it's own
WoW's audience has been playing MMO's for years & expects near perfection, so it gets rated much harshly
Yes. The more people that play and enjoy XIV become enamoured with it. Yoshi then uses our beliefs to summon the next expansion.
The WoW curse is going to happen to FFXIV.
>odd number expansions are good
>even number expansions are bad
heavensward was good, stormblood was meh, shadowbringers was good, next expansion is ____
I'm thinking about leveling my first tank. I've heard people say that DRK is currently in the cuckshed. Is this true? Torn between PLD and DRK since both of them look cool and fun to play.
>with all of the flaws of WoW
LMFAO Blizzard cucks are honestly hilarious
There's many more buttons to press now as PLD what the fuck are you talking about.
Ehmet...I dont’t feel so good
>getting death threats from FF fans.
Uh huh. Sure. Okay.
How do I get good parses without HRT?
>2. Blood weapon only generates mana from Weapon skills not abilities, meaning it only generates mana from GCDs.
Again, this is flat-out wrong. Abyssal Drain, Carve & Split, and Plunge all restore MP.
>slight misstep
>in healer balancing
Play what you want.
Are you retarded? Emet was literally tempered and outright stated he didn't see those born after the sundering as human beings.
Guy was fucking off his rocker.
>Have you ever raided in XIV? You don't need crafted gear up until 3rd encounter, which by then you should be using the latest raid gear that they gave you in last 2 encounters
Have you? You reach the third encounter week one or two, meaning you'll have a whopping 2-4 accessories and some pairs of boots spread among eight people.
If you don't upgrade to crafted gear you're needlessly holding yourself and your party back.
Sorry but if I can't pull than one group in a dungeon without you shitting the bed then maybe you don't deserve dps
all the tanks are in a good spot numbers wise. it all depends on which playstyle/glamour you like better. dark knight and gunbreaker are more APM heavy, paladin and warrior are less APM heavy.
>Dps rotation is literally 1 button
>slight misstep
>playing for fun
Do you faggots really do this??
git gud
The story was fucking kino. The gameplay changes are majority trash.
WAR is pretty embarrassing ATM putting out less damage than WHM and being the dullest one. Yes even more dull than DRK.
Level GNB and PLD.
>He leveled SAM
Kinda, but he wasn't exactly 100% about it. I feel like he's like Gaius, believes in might means right, thus we're right because we kicked his ass.
>thinking people really care about dungeon balancing
Go back to your smash thread.
>mfw WHM main
What you call a misstep I call "karma"
You're ignoring a lot of context that makes the new mount so egregious.
>WoW 724 mounts
Huge numbers of reskins and reused mounts
>13 from cash shop
All unique
>can be bought with in-game gold
Cannot, somebody somewhere must initially make a cash shop purchase for it to exist, it can then be sold via gold but someone originally spent money on it
Same for subs
Furthermore, XIV doesn't sell an $80 mount to bribe you into staying subbed during a content drought.
I also agree that MTX is bad, in general, but WoW uses their store aggressively in ways that XIV does not. The only legitimate complaint you can have is that people who bought the bike could go faster in the first for like a day until people did the six FATEs needed to catch up to them.
I don't have and don't plan to have a static, I pug every fight, when you pug, you will see people having shit gear for the fight and still be able to clear. I'm having a feeling that you might be a parse tranny m8.
>the side quest where the Amaro has to join their clan or kill himself
Member when A Realm Reborn came out and critics loved it and players loved it and people who didn't play the game didn't shit on it constantly?
What happened? Why does everyone act like ARR is the worst thing ever now?
I see now..... This is the passion of my ascension!
Very well, I shall embrace this trial!
It does, the ffxiv fanbase is quite a bit more content with everything
WoW implemented a 1 second gcd & people lost their minds, ffxiv's is 3 seconds & people are fine with it
Weebtrash is always overrated
If you can't heal properly in a standard dungeon then I doubt you can deal with extremes. I've been dealing with braindeads all week.
>Dark Knight is in the cuckshed
>...because it's doing like 20 dps less than warrior
The only thing cucked about DRK is its braindead rotation.
Because HW and SHB set the bar for what a good story for XIV is.
isn't that the guy who was talking shit about dark souls 2 because the jumping was awkward?
I narrowed it down between PLD and DRK specifically because I think they're flashy and look cool. I was concerned about DRK since a lot of people have been complaining about how the job has been neutered to the point of having braindead inputs. I'm not concerned whether or not it's viable in the top .1% of content I just wanna know whether or not DRK is still enjoyable to play
Because it's finally mainstream, so everyone and their mother are starting to do videos about it, by jump potions and then complain about the lack of content.
The issue is reviewers and "game" journalist don't have the time to invest into ARR like a normal player does.
I wished I saved it. I watched it yesterday. But basically the guy story skips and then complains the story is uninteresting. He goes on to say that he hopes endgame is worth it but he never actually did endgame according to his lodestone page. He also mentioned that he roleplays as a catgirl prostitute while his gf plays as a catboy and rails him like its some sort of RP fetish.
ARR is fine, its post ARR that people hate because it became such a slog. Not so much for the current players but anybody trying to catch up had to go through some shit. I didn't skip a single thing though so I feel superior
>Huge numbers of reskins and reused mounts
I can't believe your guys use this arguments when a huge amount of mounts in this game are literally reskined horses/unicorns
>What happened?
People with standards tried out ARR and rightfully called it out for being shit
I've already completed both ex, so whatever my dude. Downplaying AST's state as a slight misstep is just retarded though.
I used to hate the DRK changes because they looked fucking awful on paper, actually playing the job feels nice.
>APM heavy
Literally discount WAR
Different fanbases explains this pretty well
when Yoshi tells people FFXIV isn't meant to be played forever & they can go play something else when content is dry, people praise him
If Ion said something similar, he would be ripped apart endlessly, the WOW fanbase expects constant content updates, there is a whole lot of people who only want to play WOW & nothing else (see Asmongold)
Good for you, glad you're enjoying it. I'm probably just burnt out on the game and bitter about it
>Cannot, somebody somewhere must initially make a cash shop purchase for it to exist, it can then be sold via gold but someone originally spent money on it
>Same for subs
You, as the player. Can buy everything in the cash shop without ever needing to spend money. How the fuck you spin that into a bad thing compared to being forced to pay with real money is some next level mental gymnastics.
>I also agree that MTX is bad, in general, but WoW uses their store aggressively in ways that XIV does not.
Right, which is why there are a total of three (3) cosmetic helmets in the wow shop while there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of cosmetic glamours.
Am I supposed to know or care who this faggot is?
ARR's story is fine, the only questline that is obnoxious is the titan chain.
Everything after that is perfectly alright, the issue is retards that say shit like
It sets new players up to not accept ARR for ARR but for the "When do I get to the good part?" slog that it becomes.
Players stop enjoying the content as it comes and unlocking dungeons/raids/trials and try to mad dash it to the latest content.
It's a retarded standard that this community sets that ends up hurting newer players trying to get into the game.
XIV doesn't require any more grinding than something like MHW.
>implying any Tank has an interesting rotation.
Try it yourself. DRK isn't "braindead" and if anyone tells you that, ask them what about WAR is more interesting. DRK has a 123 rotation but regular spenders, the most ogcd abilities and an over all wider variety of button presses than it every had in SB. To say that DRK is brain dead because it is 123, is to say that PLD is somehow not brain dead because it is 123, 124. If you think that's a huge difference in complexity than you may actually be a brainlet.
You have no idea how bad WoW is if you think XIV is bad.
Did Yshtola slap Urineanger's ass in that one cutscene?
Heavensward came out and exposed it as shit. Stormblood was boring but now Shadowbringers topped even Heavensward but with hundreds of hours of story no one in their right mind would want to go through the slow ass ARR to get to the actually good stuff
just some shitty eceleb that has a garbage opinion and gets trashed for it and then makes up lies afterwards to save face.
>WOW fanbase expects constant content updates
I too was unable to understand how to play SAM fellow WoWBro, thank goodness for my 2 button rotation in the great game of BfA. Got to go level up necklace again, hahaha you know how it is
>but WoW uses their store aggressively in ways that XIV does not
>Like a million fucking cash shop cosmetic glamours
>cash shop EMOTES for fuck's sake
Ill tell you what didn't go right:
That I can't make a character yet. Even the Crystal worlds marked " preferred " are red. It has been a few days now where I haven't even been able to play a game I bought.
Inb4FFcucks go " euuuhhh its YOUR fault for not being able to make a new character! its YOUR fault for not playing this game 3 years ago! " Fuck off if I buy a game for 60 bucks I should be able to fucking play it.
Every day I've checked every single server has a red " no creation " symbol next to it. Then I have to go to work and miss my chance. Fuck this bullshit.
I think she did, I have no idea what the fuck was up with that.
>which is why there are a total of three (3) cosmetic helmets
They gave up on cosmetic gear right away because their trial selection was so pathetically shit. Blizzard don't even know what people would want to pay for.
Although I'm surprised they still haven't give round 2 a try since that was so long ago. What a fucking failure.
>Nobody's the bad guy.
Wait what? Wasn't the summoning of Hydaelyn where everything went to shit?
>that nu mou was ready to kill the fucker when he could make another pig in minutes
I feel for you user, I truly do. But I can't do shit about it.
I mean it took 7 months to go from patch 8.1 to patch 8.2 in WoW. It's not even the final patch of BFA already but they are already pulling the same length it takes to go from patch 4.5 to 5.0 in FFXIV.
just make a character at 2am pst
>buying a game with a free trial to 35
DRK is very much braindead, you literally press every oGCD as it comes off cooldown and save mana for trick windows. They have no kit synergy besides TBN procing a free oGCD. That being said WAR isn't any better.
So, I beat titania ex and ready to level another job
Where is dancer quests start?
The Ascians are retarded shadowless moon niggers who in their vaunted wisdom could invent horrific he'll spawn abominations but not time travel. They were so fucking stupid that faced with a calamity they'd rather lose all free will to a God of their own making than try to fix the problem with their own hands like we did. Fucking Ascians destroyed their own planet with their retarded creation magic and after hydaelyn splits everything so we can have societies that don't immolate themselves because they thought about dragons that day they get so fucking butthurt they have to ruin everything for everyone and try to sacrifice the people left to their retarded God for the OFF-CHANCE that he might bring the people back they fed into Zodiark meat grinder. Emet-Selch wasn't right he was a nostalgia-poisoned dipshit with Rose coloured glasses that didn't think we were real people cause couldn't make imaginary friends like he could. Fucking child.
this DESU. ARR zones are peak comfy. Especially the shroud and Coerthas.
I always tell people to take it slow and enjoy the ride, the content isn't going anywhere.
It really is your fault though, you should have made your character via a free trial 2 weeks before the fucking xpac launched.
I'm sorry to hear that, that sounds very frustrating, user. I wish I could offer a solution, but all I can suggest is wait until the flood of new players dies down.
It was a pat on the back.
>WOW fanbase expects constant content updates
And have they ever gotten that?
How is having emotes obtainable through MTX and in-game effort worse than not having any additional emotes at all.
Go on, I'm listening.
Bear in mind that a large portion of the emotes for sale were previously obtainable in-game during seasonal events.
Yeah. If you say a snarky comment in another cutscene she threatens to spank you. I think she developed a kink during her time on the First.
I'm a moron who stopped playing FFXIV as a Paladin right before the final dungeon of ARR.
How hard would it be to jump back in?
Limsa Lominsa lower decks, head south.
>Furthermore, XIV doesn't sell an $80 mount to bribe you into staying subbed during a content drought.
Wasn't the Falcon airship basically the same thing just presented differently?
Y'shtola tires of lion dick and needs an elf bootycall.
I need to level a Healer and a Tank so I can do the other two role quests, but I'm absolute dogshit at both of those so what's the most braindead job for each role?
WHM and WAR?
It's of their respective fields ya dingus. Still need to have one higher.
>its YOUR fault for not playing this game 3 years ago!
more like 3 weeks ago
not hard at all, if anything it's the best time to jump in since everyones playing and they shit out exp like crazy for low level stuff
Fucking retard
Emet was tempered doll, nothing more
He ignored true non tempered ancients who sacrificed themselves to save world by summoning mother crystal
>Buying a game with a free trial before making a character
I feel for you user, but why?
WHM and WAR ye
Not playing the meta in FFXIV is like taking a team of Magikarp to the Elite Four.
Like, you could do it. But why the rational fuck would you ever want to?
>DA AD was broken
So? It's okay to be broken. A single target 1200 potency heal on a tank that can be spammed 5 times is also broken. Between clemency and cover, you can clear any dungeon boss in the game without a healer. And you don't even need to rotate through your 1-2-3 6 times to use one spender like DRK does now.
>using TBN constantly is just as good
DRK had TBN before you stupid faggot and buffing hardly matters when everything hits like a truck now anyway. TBN is literally the only thing DRK has left at this point that is even remotely fun to use. Everything else is dead.
>All these demands for easy MP, do you just want the job to play itself?
It already does. At the very least it could be fun. Instead they gave it the red mage treatment. You press no buttons and there is virtually no difference in how your job plays between 50 and 70.
>500 potency per oGCD isn't anything to scoff at
It could be 1000 potency. A bigger number doesn't make it any less boring. The point is it doesn't do anything for the job. It's just extra damage. Before there was a feedback loop between AD, quietus, bloodprice and TBN. Get mp -> spend it on TBN -> TBN pops -> spend it on quietus to get mana -> burn excess mp on DA AD to stay alive. The way MP generation is now is just boring 1-2-3 spam, or a literal instant gratification inner release button. The whole job is fucking awful now.
No, everything went to shit even before the summoning of Zodiark. Zodiark then made things worse by requiring sacrifices of HALF the population, twice.
any vauthryxalisae doujins yet?
None of the tanks are any better, that's my point. RDM is more complex than any tank rotation and that's by design. If you're going to call any tank braindead then you have to explain what a non-braindead tank rotation is and if you start listing abilities outside of the basic 123,124 then you've got to start including DRK's other abilities too, you disingenuous faggot.
I've been really impressed by just how earnestly sad Shadowbringers has been, and how once you have the full picture there are very few people that are irredeemably evil. Vauthry's upbringing doomed him before he even assumed the throne or was even born, Emet-Selch and the Ascians are the Warriors of Light of their own story, it was never the intention of the Warriors of Darkness to doom their world.
Sorry about that mate, just gotta keep trying I guess, there are a shit ton of people right now, best bet is late night or really early or spam the button
For me it's Upper and Eastern La Noscea.
Very different. That mount was rewarded to people who subbed for 90 days during the campaign. WoW is asking you to pay up front for 6 months with no cancellations. If you decide you want to stop playing after a month in XIV, you could have. In WoW you're cucked out of your money and that's it.
I always thought you were supposed to level DOH/DOL at the same time since so many use eachothers mats. So you're saying I should pick one of each and powerlevel it first to get armory bonus on the rest?
I'm like that except a Black Mage. To keep myself moving and not burn out, I limit my progress to 10 Main Quests a day, other time is spent on side quests, leveling up other classes, or just playing another game if I want. Tomorrow I'll finally make it to Heavensward and see what all the fuss is about.
Because individual skill will always matter more than party composition until the content is extremely overtuned.
t. Cleared Gordias and Midas with a paladin, two monks, a machinist and a black mage.
Expectations don't always match results. That's why WoWcucks are so angry all the time.
He's literally pulling the Kotaku tactic. Make a controversial article that gets a ton of disagreement? Delete it and blame it on harassment.
>those FATES and sidequests in Lakeland about the shadowkeeper paints him as a really evil motherfucker that turned people into werewolves just to fight for him
>the WoD were forced to put an end to him to end the suffering of lakeland's inhabitants
>but by doing so they inadvertently fucked their world
Did they make being a tank easier/harder? I'm just afraid of resubing, hopping on and failing teams because I'm a high level paladin who forgot how to play
about as hard as paying 50$ for shb + subscription
& people say wow fans are not harsher critics
wow & ffxiv share the same flaws, one fanbase excuses them
I don't have trouble pulling large as DRK, but the fun sustain is gone. I don't have trouble pulling large as any tank, so why pick DRK over any other?
>DRK is best for large pulls because of a role action that all tanks get
If you win you can dab on the haters and the dickriders that the meta has. It isn't like Starcraft where if you don't follow meta you're dooming yourself, it only applies to speedrunners squeaking out every possible number.
For most content I can walk in with four red mages, two dark knights and two astrologians, and if everyone is competent we'll be fine.
shb is only $40 though, even cheaper on some key sites.
those classes were literally meta in gordias except paladin
They made tanking braindead easy. It's impossible to lose aggro as a tank now. You're also a paladin so you have the best mitigation in the game so don't worry.
It's aged poorly. Also if I'm being honest even back then I disliked 1-30 combat a lot. Gameplay got good once you unlocked jobs.
And then you finish crystal tower dungeon and get sad cutscene after learning how ironworks literally sacrificed themselves to send tower to the first and give source a chance,
Making Emet's points worthless
Even in the world where he almost won, people still were ready to give their own lives to save others
Il mheg looks better before you kill the lightwarden
Ah. Deflection.
Guess you won't be explaining anything.
If you're level 50 you can just make a samurai or red mage, which start as level 50, and play dps until you get your bearings back
or just go tank, there were major classes changes a week ago and everyone had to re-learn their classes
no matter how garbage you are you can rest assured that you'll be far, far, faaaar from the worst tank anyone in your groups will have played with
For Yoshi-P alone? Impossible. But... if he were to team up with say, Yoko Taro...
southern thanalan is kino but the dunes area needs to be 3x bigger.
how is anyone uploading logs when ACT is broken?
>have to do fucking 66 fates in each region to unlock the ability to buy that regions music
Why 60? Who the fuck thought that was a good number? Should have been 30 at the most.
I'm leaning butt because it was after fairly romantic dialogue
Titania's castle looks beautiful at night, we must fight.
Everywhere does.
Fuck night time.
>What the fuck bros why is my healer class not the most complex and combo heavy damage dealer in the game, especially at low levels when I have no abilities
Because you enjoy the job. That should be the end goal of all job choices.
>>DRK is best for large pulls because of a role action that all tanks get
No, it's the best because of TBN. I brought up Arms Length because you sounded like a retard complaining about sustain. If you really don't need it, then what's the problem? Abyssal Drain wasn't even necessary to live through large pulls before, so what does losing the mass heal on it matter?
you're going to be hitting that number eventually if you level any alt jobs through SHB
I'd rather they encourage fate grinding than the awful POTD/HOH
>credits are rolling
>you realize there's still 5.5 patches of story left
true, i can't explain why ffxiv fans like the longer gcd while saying wow is bad for the 1 second gcd
You've clearly not sat on top of Lye Ghiah and watched the sun come up, user.
"I need you to do this WoL"
"Yes, mother."
"Any more of that and I shall bend you over my knee."
walking onahole
how is ACT broken?
>How is having emotes obtainable through MTX and in-game effort worse than not having any additional emotes at all.
The fact that you needed this answered for you shows just how far up Square's anus you're willing to lick.
>Player is playing the game
>His buddy performs an emote
>Player tries to do the emote
>"Woops sorry, You didn't pay the UP TO $7 for this fucking emote"
Also love how you conveniently just ignored the part of how many fucking cosmetic glamours there are too.
>tfw I have to level every single combat job to 80 to get the only mount I want this expac
Why did they lock the fucking Amaro behind this bullshit
Are you actually defending it? Are you for real? Spamming 1 fucking ability for hours on end? Hilarious. Play more games retard.
Remember when WoW had oGCD spells?
XIV still does.
Look at that fucking model. It feels like the soul was carried from the early FFs, and kept in a secret cave until this very moment.
That's the fucking FF style I grew up with.
Southern jungle continent expack...
maybe i'll do that, swap to red mage. Thanks!
Yeah bro, I really love my max level rotation which consist of Bio,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Bio,,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Br..Oh someone needs a heal Lustrate,,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil,Broil.
>Cutscenes are annoying
It's a good thing you don't play this game, we don't want more of your kind
Il Mheg is cooler in can't see shit mode before the faerie magic is lifted.
Because double weaving and positionals add more complexity than just mashing a button faster. I'd rather have a 2.5 second gcd where I am expected to press 3 buttons in that timeframe than a 1.5 second gcd where I am only pressing 6 different buttons throughout a 10 min fight.
Are you retarded? That's healer at level 80, with a single DoT thrown in. And fuck off with your strawman you disingenuous shit. Wanting something to not be sleep-inducing is not the same as wanting the most complex and combo heavy damage dealer.
>It's just OPTIONAL
>If they weren't in the cash shop they couldn't exist at all!
Holy shit you guys really are on the same level as gacha/lootboxfags.
you look like you're holding in the biggest dump ever
Is this autism?
So you think rather than some people getting new emotes, nobody should ever get any new emotes?
Either way the player gets the same experience.
Unless you're just unreasonably angry when you see somebody who has something you don't. Sounds like a personal problem.
Machinist's hypercharge didn't get buffed until later, they were meta in Midas not Gordias
The best part about XIV is that there's none of that pseudo modern shit that's plaguing the current FF games. A dragoon is a dragoon, a paladin is a paladin. A dark knight isn't a faggot in calvin klein denim carrying a big sword.
>scholar goes from literally the most complex and capable job in ARR to its current state
Has any job been more JUSTed?
I think that was mostly his tempering by Zodiark speaking, since "wait we don't have to sacrifice huge amounts of people, this is stupid" was the Hydaelyn standpoint. He was still wrong, though, sharded creatures still understand self-sacrifice, even if it might not be a knee-jerk reaction or they don't see the sense in doing it en masse. Besides their godlike aetheric capacity the Amaurotines didn't seem different from normal people, beyond their insistence on similarity to one another to prevent negative emotions like jealousy cropping up.
t.casual shitter
My eureka hydatos gear lasted until level 79
I don't really get how RDM works despite the claims of it being easy. What I do get is that you cast white and black magic spells to build your bar and then spend it on your Enchanted melee combo but I have some questions. What are the normal versions of your melee combo for? What is Dispalcement/Engagement for? What is Reprise for?
They can't give away too many free mounts or Mogstation profits will drop.
emergency maintenance killed it 2 days ago, unless I'm wrong. Mine isnt working at all but worked 2 days ago
dont play whm then, retard. level a damage class if you dont want damage to be boring for a healer.
at 80 you're going to be doing alot more healing than damaging
>actually getting upset that healer doesnt have a intricate damage combo
literally fucking retarded jesus christ
>Emet-Selch dies
>in his final scene it shows Amaurot behind him reverted to its natural state of utter destruction
>somehow Amaurot on the map went back to still be under his creation magic, even to the point that it has a fucking dungeon we can run
Also, where the fuck are my Amaurot robes those ghost fucks said they would make?
>Because you enjoy the job
That's the problem now, faggot. I don't enjoy the job anymore because DA AD was shafted. When I say sustain, I mean self sustain, not damage mitigation.
>so what does losing the mass heal on it matter?
It's not fun or satisfying anymore?
Leveling in this game sure is. Doing the MSQ is so much fun!
>switch to healer
>take off all gear before queuing for roulettes
>get the easy shit every time
Healers should have something to spend resources on that's offensive to make the case for playing more aggressively with their resources.
Having 1 nuke, 1 dot, and 1 AoE mostly across the board is incredibly bland.
It always was
Is the Amaro going to be a beast tribe mount reward?
Your reading comprehension could do with some work. I wasn't suggesting that MTX is needed to create new emotes. I was stating that FFXIV has both MTX and in-game obtainable emotes whereas WoW doesn't have either. I'm not presenting a hypothetical here, these are the simple facts. It's not an opinion.
1-3 BLM
4-6 SAM
7-9 MCH
>How is having emotes obtainable through MTX and in-game effort worse than not having any additional emotes at all.
Ah yes, because the only alternative to not having MTX emotes is no new emotes at all ever. It's not like a developer could ever just add a new emote without charging for it, that's fucking crazy talk.
yeah I agree it's pretty fun desu
Its an achievement reward for every job at level 80.
>emergency maintenance killed it 2 days ago, unless I'm wrong. Mine isnt working at all but worked 2 days ago
Plugin is probably disabled for you.
This is more or less what SCH always was except you had two dots to keep up instead of one and used miasma ii to weave if needed for uptime.
It's the level DoM/DoW jobs to 80 reward.
It's already a reward for getting all combat jobs to level 80.
Again see: I'm not talking hypothetical situations, I'm comparing WoW and XIV as they exist.
XIV requires more from the player than wow does. Mechanically speaking, and in terms of how well you need to play your class.
>What are the normal versions of your melee combo for?
>What is Dispalcement/Engagement for?
Movement. Do you really have to ask?
>What is Reprise for?
Dumping when you can't use your melee combo for whatever reason.
>dont play whm then, retard. level a damage class if you dont want damage to be boring for a healer.
Ah yes why would I want to have more than 1 ability to kill stuff when playing a healer in an MMO? Silly me, back to spamming 1 for the next 20 hours in the MSQ! It's a fucking joke, not even the people in game defend this but Yea Forums of all places are rushing to defend this shit design.
It's 66, 6 for rank 2 and then 60 for rank 3.
So you have to do 66 fates in 6 regions.
well! you were right, thanks for that user.
Seriously? It's that easy? Can we name it like we can name our Chocobos?
Are you retarded?
>at 80 you're going to be doing alot more healing than damaging
Oh, I didn't know I was talking with someone fully lacking in cognitive capability. I'm sorry, carry on spouting your verbal diarrhea.
>>in his final scene it shows Amaurot behind him reverted to its natural state of utter destruction
No it didn't. Where you are at the end is not the same place as the zone on the map. G'raha said that the enchantments on Amaurot will eventually fade, not that it already has.
Doubtful. Its just a regular mount.
You might want to get your IQ checked.
Nice spoiler tags you complete fucking faggot
>talk to Unukalhai after finishing Shadowbringers to see if they added new dialog
>"I hear you soon will be traveling the rift to a world consumed by light..."
>He thinks the horses of nightmare is anywhere near as bad as wows reskins
Even XIV's reskins are cool because they play unique boss music from their trials. Infinitely better than Mana Ray #14 that just got added to wow
>Emet appears
>everyone has an angry/annoyed face
>he killed billions
>but his bants and sassy attitude
You think, without all this light vs dark nonsense, we could've been friends?
>scholar goes from literally the most complex and capable job in ARR to its current state
Bruh, you were already spamming the fuck of broil on SB.
Ultimate difficulty is easier than WoW mythic. But that's more because mythic is (and has been) far too hard for a couple of years now.
The difficulty of XIV is just about right to have a decent steady progress pace with your bros.
getting every job to 80 takes forever
nigger i just fucking logged in to test it
drain and plunge do not restore MP under BW, C&S however has an MP restore attached to it
>"its magic ain't gotta explain shit"
But they make it a point to finally explain the magic.
Good thing the best mount is the chocobo they give you for free.
You were friends, user.
F2P MMOs are notoriously shit. You get what you pay for.
>gets critique
>so sensitive to critique he has to delete his shit
>complaining about spoilers on Yea Forums
Go back to Plebbit.
>But that's more because mythic is (and has been) far too hard for a couple of years now.
isn't it because they now design the hard WoW raids around an addon called DBM or something? so they rapid fire mechanics and up the complexity to try to throw off the addon.
>notice the posture of amaurotines
>emet-selch's slouch is from using amaurotine skeletons/animations, not typical humanoids
If our goals weren't in direct conflict with each other, we could have been bros.
I hate leveling healer, I want to do side quests and fates while waiting for duty finder, but all my queues are instant!
lmao are there seriously people who defend WoW?
>So you think rather than some people getting new emotes, nobody should ever get any new emotes?
You really can't fucking read for shit can you. It's pathetic how normalized this has become for you that you think it's okay and normal for a dev to charge for emotes to the point of defending them for it.
I usually just turn off the mount music or swap it around with mods if I get tired of doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, doo, doooo. The chocobo's so customizable it fulfills almost any mount want I have.
Dang, I got baited by the master ruseman himself.
best part is that he's blaming it on death threats. if it really was true then he would post examples or make another video to get pity views.
>wow cosmetic mounts bad
>ffxiv cosmetics good, god bless japan!
fucking weebs man
>someone debunks your argument
>y-you c-can't read for shit!
>get stuck playing with controller gays
The worst of times.
>Huge numbers of reskins and reused mounts
FFXIV is any different? I mean I like the game but blatant fanboyism isn't getting you anywhere.
I fucking loved that dungeon. The music was great too.
You really aren't following this.
I'm asking why MTX emotes are worse than literally nothing at all which is what WoW offers.
>what is MSQ
the top JP parsers use controller
Honestly what pisses me off in XIV is the number of reused enemies, i'm tired of that fucking big frogs in every fucking dungeon.
I leveled to 80 as WHM and it's kind of stupid how boring it is in MSQ content.
It's also not really fair to say "well just level something else and then a healer!"
Even WoW can manage to give healers a barebones DPS rotation and in the case of Discipline Priest an entirely unique mechanic around healing via damage.
I'm playing XIV over WoW for a reason but Yoshi's approach to healers is flawed.
A totally it is. Besides the various extreme mounts and chocobos, very few mounts look remotely similar.
Thanking is as easy as being a DPS honestly. Just do it, GBN is thematically really cool and a lot of fun.
I miss him already bros.
Anyone have the link from release that dumped the whole OST?
this bothers the fuck out of me with every new expansion
When does the first balance patch usually hit? After savage?
>Besides the various extreme mounts and chocobos
But that's a huge chunk
>You think, without all this light vs dark nonsense, we could've been friends?
>we'll never have an expansion where the WoL turns into an ascian and provokes an umbral calamity.
>Grind rep in Stormblood
>Get a manta ray, a festival cart held by fishmen and an elephant
>Grind rep in BfA
>Get a horse, a horse and a horse
I'm not even fucking making this up, I wish I was
you do have more than 1 ability, you have holy, assize, aero, and stone. what more do you want, retard? it's a healing class.
>play healing class
It cuts down on it tremendously after ARR and instead segues to reusing enemy skeletons for different enemies which any competent 3D game designer does anyways because rigging and animating skeletons is a fucking heinous task they wouldn't wish on anybody. Often in quite clever ways, like Omega in O11 reusing the toad/giant frog skeleton or the Ultima Weapon reusing the I think it was Behemoth skeleton.
I already got two to 80 and I'm not even trying. 70-80 takes a day of doing dungeons and that's it. You have trusts now so don't give me that queue time excuse either.
Hardy har har.
what the fuck are you talking about
white mage has a single target damage spell, a DoT, and a multi-target damage spell
why the fuck does it need combos, or a builder-spender? the variety in the job comes from your healing spells
Parsers are even worse than controller gays
patch 5.05, the day savage releases.
"Remember... that we once lived."
(everyone immediately celebrates his death)
Holy shit did that fucking hurt, give the guy a break.
>that one dungeon boss was Quezacotl from FF8
>that brief glimpse of Eden clearly proves its Eden from FF8
Who else is ready for some kino content this expac?
70-80 yeah, but try 1-80
no, the patch with savage includes balance changes, which can be minor potency tweaks or entirely new mechanics