>better than 80% of JRPGS
Better than 80% of JRPGS
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what did OP mean by this
Remake when?
Hate. Hate. HATE.
That he's a zoomer
It's better than 95%+ of video games as a whole, so that means it's better than 80% of every single genre. No idea why you singled out JRPGs, when it's better than all WRPGs too, for example
possibly, a boomer?
I have been reading a harlan ellison collection, should I play this game before reading the story?
Read the story first, then play the game. The game expands the story.
It's not even remotely in the same genre. It's an adventure game, not a CRPG.
>better than 90% of WRPGS
Listen to the audiobook first. Read by Ellison himself.
also better than the original material, they should make an adventure game for every short horror story like this
Nice touch.
Yeah, of all the racing games I've ever played in the entirety of my life span this one is the best.
I find this very interesting. How often does an author get to expand his own creation for an adaptation? Or even narrate his own for that additional dimension to come across.
I read the story because/v/ kept circlejerking about it, and it’s mediocre as fuck.
I don’t know if it’s americans grossly overrating something because it’s american, vidya brainlets overrating it because it was made into a game, or what, but I almost regret wasting the time to read it.
It's not that good though. I recall it had some really annoying puzzle design and typical Ellisson misery tourism.
t. point & click fan
What the fuck? I've played it, it's not that great. Weird how you'd make a thread about such an old and just not noteworthy game.
I wish more books got this treatment.
Also, for all you LITERACY NIGGAS out there, check out The Machine Stops and realize it was written in 1909.
this game sucked dicks, especially with that rape scene, yall can miss me with that sickdark shit
Why dont people just enjoy both? I finished Valkyria Chronicles last week and now ive been putting a fuckton of hours in The Legend of Grimrock 2. Had a lot of fun with both, yet both had things they did well and legitimate criticisms.
Sometimes when i want something mindless, i play some senran kagura or Doom, theres no real preference though sometimes it seems like im beating doom 2 every other week
>tfw the game is official vaporware
also the GAME
>How often does an author get to expand his own creation for an adaptation?
rarely. I think it usually comes down to "how badly will they fuck it up?"
>barely have time to play vidya anymore
>v is getting me into literature again
why you do this v
>like SF
>don't like Ellisson
>like point & clicks
>don't like I have no mouth
I don't get the appeal of either at all.
No idea, but he also voices AM in the game. I think he does a superb job at it.
It's not even science fiction. You could literally replace the computer with a tree and nothing would change.
I'm not even that big of a P&C fan yet I had a nice playthrough with no mouth
It’s something w haven’t had in a long time, a fun thought out and planned story that’s neither lecturing nor trying to be “heady”
What rape scene? You mean when it alludes to someone getting raped in the past?
>raped in the past
No, but it rhymes
Well I haven't played 80% of jrpgs. Nor would I want to.
IHNMAIMS is about... 40% a good game, and 60% an underwhelming one. Would be good but the amount of unsignposted dead ends is fucking atrocious.
>Fun, Morally Challenging Scenarios
Gorrister, Benny
>Shit Scenarios That Have No Hook And Nothing Memorable
Ted, Ellen, the end sequence
>Clumsy Bullshit Scenarios
They hit onto something gold with Benny. Gorrister comes in at a neat second.
The rest is various shades of whatever.
I prefer games that don't make me want to put a gun in my mouth.
>muh ebil nazis
>muh sassy black woman engineer
But this is only way out.
>tfw I've been (probably) spoiled
It's because people think that the more depressing and hopeless something is, the more artistically excellent it is.
>though sometimes it seems like im beating doom 2 every other week
Play some mods or user-made WADs, man. There's tons of stuff out there for Doom.
I miss him bros
If you make the wrong choices in a particular scene, it's implied that the character will be raped forever.
did i forget he died?
I don't. He seemed like a major asshole.
He sounds like dr breen.
I always wanted to play this and heard so much about it. Then I play it and find it's one of the worse examples of the bullshit in P&C games. Puzzles that don't make sense, puzzles that demand pixel hunting, puzzles that are about trying everything with everything else until you find the one acceptable solution, etc. Toonstruck was better, at least until the 2nd half of the game.
the best kind of asshole
>Ellison attended Ohio State University for two years (1953-55), cursing out and punching out an English teacher who told him he had no talent. He later made a point of sending that professor copies of every short story as it was published. Discussing the incident with his friend, talk-show host Tom Snyder, he said, "I think revenge is a very terrific good thing for everybody."
even for a point and click adventure, there is not much game to this one, so how exactly is it even any good?
Nah, just an asshole.
Adventure "games" are not games. Never have been and will never be.
That being said, the story in this interactive novel is pretty good. We bad we can't discuss it because it makes all the neo-nazis uncomfortable.
This game and Rama are the only ones that come to mind.
>better than 80% of jrpgs
That’s not that hard since square makes the most
Wait, there is a mistborn game in development? I read throught the books last years and while aside from the first one I wouldn't call them great but the world and the lore is top notch material for a game.
>watch giant bomb play it
>they can't figure out basic puzzles and make fun of it
>don't even play ellen
What was clumsy bullshit about Nimdok's?
Did you expect anything different from them?
>good game is good
shut the fuck up.
Recently or forever ago and by whom?
do giant bomb play games? I thought they just parroted whatever they read on kotaku or whatever that armenian(?) feminist told them to write
It's been in dev hell for years, dude. It's bounced from different dev to different dev until Brandon confirmed it was dead a few years ago.
Shame Ellison is dead. Would've loved for an expanded version of the characters scenarios. You can see that Gorrister's scenario was the most "complete".
Which one? Also which other stories from Harlan do you faggots recommend? I have read The Beast yadaayda, Repent Harlequin and one about racing cars like Carmageddon