What the fuck was this movement even about?

I barely know anything about it and even when it was around I still barely knew anything about it.

Plus in the end, did it even accomplish a single thing?

Attached: 1409767571-GamerGate.png (1500x750, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:



it got all those faggy gamez jurnalizm websites to disclose their ethic's policies.

Don't remember that time where they kidnapped and raped a game developer? They even made a law & order episode about it

who cares

It was the holocaust for lefties and trannies considering that antipol niggers like you still make threads about it instead if letting it go

ben fishbein
zoe quinn is actually jewish

You can probably trace a line between gamergate and Trump being elected. That shit made a lot of people disillusioned and angry, and disillusioned and angry people vote for the wildcard.

it was about journalist integrity and reddit took it over to make it look like people were being sexist
blah blah blah
used it as a way to pus feminist agenda
they made you roll your eyes at it every time its mentioned now

It heavily polarized people on sjws and their behavior. Instead of everyone just accepting their ways as the new norm, which was the path we were on. Now blue hairs will never have an unchallenged foot hold in gaming culture.


It was honestly this, don't bother trying to make more sense of it

Typical answer: bunch of memes
Real answer: they needed a way to shoehorn identity politics in vidya, but it wasn't easy, so they orchestrated with the help of the mainstream media a golpe, and they used it as an excuse to shove all that shit in games and publishers. It clearly worked because even if Anita is running out of cash the cancer has taken over.
She did sleep with those people for reviews, but it was all premeditated from the very beginning.

Retards that call themselves "journalists" being told to fuck off. But at the same time it was co-opted by charlatans.
In the end I'd say it ended in a stalemate, because nowadays both "game journalist" and "gamer" are used as insults, so both sides managed to seed their influence.

Here's a basic gestalt.
>Feminist game dev makes objectively terrible game
>Gets great reviews, seemingly because she's female and liberal
>Autists investigate
>turns out she's sleeping with five of the people who gave her good reviews, cheating on her partner
>gets called out
>left cries "slut shaming"
>autists don't relent, really fucking let her have it and go overboard
>their totally legitimate findings are thrown out because of their abusive attacks against this bitch
>Now #gamergate is a banner for attacking women rather than actually exposing how fucking terrible gaming journalism is
>which it still is and is worse than ever.

normies got btfo temporarily

feminists got buffed unexpectedly

cringelords and nazis outed themselves

It was fun at first and had a good start, but then it got co-opted by /pol/ and started to be gay.

Led to a bunch of cringey beardfat YouTubers debating each other online about their cringey political opinions

was fun for the first week or so when it was a total shitshow. then people caught on and it became boring shit.


>What for?
It existed as a faceless disposable movement designed to call games "Journalists" a shit
>What did it do
Rustle the jimmies of many "Journalists"
Reveal an email chain "Journalists" were using to work together to spin a narrative
Caused websites to update their "ethics" policies
Began the process where even normalfags rag on video game "Journalists" to the point that said "Journalists" have breakdowns on twitter.

Yea Forums got tired of game journalists being awful and tried to do something about it. journalists responded by dodging the issue and saying anyone who has a problem with them is racist or sexist and this roped in a bunch or retards on both sides trying to make a buck and name for themselves. it accomplished nothing besides attract more retards to this site just like chanology did.

zoey quinn sucked alot of dicks and tried to make a political statement out of it
she got dabbed on alongside all the neckbeards journos who sold their dignity for a bit of pussyjuice

It always cracks me up when I see people still bring up gamergate and 'gators' like it's still an ongoing thing that they're legitimately frightened about. It wasn't a hate movement and they were mostly right before the waters got muddied, but it was always extremely gay.

Game journos were giving exposure to some woman's game who they slept with. About five of them to be exact. Her ex boyfriend revealed all this on a blog. Then people did some more research into shit and started seeing how corrupt and shitty "Journos" are. And now here we are in 2019, with game journos not even hiding that fact when they defend lootboxes.

>Dick Wolf and Speed Weed
That had to have been planned, right? I could have believed one of those names was real but that shit was way too on the nose.

Sex for 'reviews', although don't ask anyone to provide you with evidence of said reviews because they never existed.

Gamwrgate was never about attacking foids, and the majority of attacks against foids were done by themselves in false flag events; which is exactly why candice ownes got a bad rap and why no one except some of the "victims" ended up arrested

Attached: Gamer-Gate.jpg (640x473, 328K)

They have to keep bringing it up and reminding everyone that it was a hate movement because that's the only way the lie sticks.

>She did sleep with those people for reviews
There aren't even any reviews

The dumbest thing about it all was how even the most basic fucking claims were verifiably wrong with seconds of googling

Good press, call it however the fuck you want. She slept for favors.

someone post zoey's delicious nudes

>countless info graphics and collages about zoey quin's personal life
>zero info graphics showing the actual articles or coverage she supposedly got in return for sleeping with everyone

???? what gives?

Its revisionist history at its finest. I wonder how many of these 'What was this even about?' threads are legit or just another way to astroturf reality.


>there are people out there who are genuinely surprised that games journalism is full of nepotism and payed reviews.
It was a bunch of literal retards.

i don't think she did it for the favors, rather she just did it and the boys weren't going to shit on her crap after that

there were like 2 articles about her on kotaku at the time, only one article was by Nathan grays on the guy she slept with and the article wasn't even about depression quest but some game dev event

That's assuming a motive that you can never prove

Maybe the journalists had a professional duty to avoid entanglements but Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong

womyn release mediocre game.
game strangely heralded as good.
womyn suck penis for good reviews.
mass organized shut it down oy vey by huge chunk of game reviewers.
womyn anita found to sending self hate mail and begging for money.

that's it. anything else is squabbling or a waste of time.

nepotism is only fine if you're the daughter of the president of the United states

it also struck me as funny how most of the anti-GG people were outed as actual pedos and/or rapists

Kiwifarms has a wiki on quinn. Pretty informative stuff. Shes a bipolar whore.

Ethics in journalism. It was all brought about by a woman sleeping with reviewers for better review scores, and finding out that several reviewers from many different publications were on a mailing list that encouraged them to give higher scores to certain games.

fuck off some autist iit must have the 5 or so articles from different gaming presses having the exact same headlines concerning GG

she went to the UN to bitch about harassment. in a world where faggots still get thrown off buildings she most certainly did something wrong

Fuck women and fuck niggers

I like how everyone ignores that there were a shit load of women supporting this too.

There's going to be shittons of "ironic lefty" answers and idiotic takes so here's what actually happened: Zoe Quinn's ex wrote why she's an untrustworthy piece of shit, a journalist (Patrick something) wrote good pieces on Zoe Quinn's shitty VN due to being in bed with her which came to light after what the ex wrote. After criticizing Zoe for doing what she did and Patrick a slew of "gamers are dead" articles started popping up not only on Kotaku (where Patrick was employed), but also a multitude of different sites. They were almost identical and popped up almost at the same time which started the movement full force to find out why the fuck these kinds of articles were collaborated on and why the journalists writing about games hate gamers.

After some digging and of course a hefty amount of hit pieces from the game journalists talking about how sexist gamers are and defending Zoe and getting Anita involved it was revealed that there was a giant mailing list with pretty much all the prominent games journalists from a multitude of different outlets called GameJournoPros where the games journalists were collaborating, plotting and steering the games industry in the way they wanted it to be. They agreed on what games to give shit reviews due to politics, what kind of articles and viewpoints they wanted to push and it started to get obvious why the journalists were writing their "gamers are dead" articles in the first place.

Of course the games journalists continued with hit pieces, talking about how the movement was sexist, racist and all that noise to dampen the blow from revealing their group and what they were doing. A lot of normies and SJWs took it as fact, which fueled the fire even more. Thus the "hurr it's about ethics in journalism" thing started to happen.

In the end it didn't accomplish much, in some ways it sparked the culture war and gave ideas to other mainstream journalists how to do divide and conquer strategies towards the election.

It was about testing how blindly the average gamer will wholeheartedly swallow outrage propaganda to swarm like useless Twitter hornets and piss off a bunch of people in the process, while accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Her "good press" was a couple of shitty online pieces. Literary hundreds of those are produced every year. Gamergate was a stupid spergout from the beginning.

Fucking based

Straw that broke the camel's back.

Basically, Yea Forums found excuses to harass and send death threats to women for “muh ethics”

you're glowing.

>I barely know anything about it

all you need to know is that it was redditors thinking that they can reason with marxists through debate. To of no surprise, marxists continued on with their bullshit, and GG was a huge failure

/pol/ had a hand in it early on. Considering they have the power now to turn common hand gestures into racist symbols, GG would have probably gotten somewhere in their hands, instead of reddit

This man is correct.

I don't either and I honestly don't give a shit because in the end it didn't accomplish a single fucking thing somehow. I have been saying this shit about this type of "journalism" since the dawn of it, and so has others, and only recently when it was already too late this "movement" (it's an alleged scandal and not a movement, it's named after Watergate you uneducated fucking underage idiots) propped up.
How the fuck can it be even worse now? I mean this is an inherent problem with journalism but you'd think that it would atleast have some effect when people start saying enough is enough in droves. Can we try again and do it right this time, because all you whiny faggots do is whine about it on Yea Forums instead of actually doing something about it, making this board more miserable than it used to be.

Depression Quest got coverage because it was topical at the time, it got attention after Robin Williams committed suicide and the media was talking about depression.

It was a free game, too. I dunno, seems weird that people got pissed about that while publishers were buying game reviews all the time before that.

Literally less of a controversy than Jeff Gerstman's 8.8 for Twilight Princess yet newfags needed something to brigade about, GG was Chanology 2.0.

A pushback against woke/commies/sjw people.
That's the extreme simplification for retards still asking about this shit.

Never seen them, never will

GG was entirely Yea Forums and Twitter, Reddit was not what is it today

Kotaku, please. Pretend better.

There was no spergout, because no threats were actually proven. Remember how all the "gamers are dead" articles appeared at the same time? Literally, in less than ten minutes there were dozens. That wasn't an accident.
It was planned from the very beginning.

It was supposed to be about people who were protesting against shitty games journalism in the wake of Kotaku giving good press to Zoe Quinn and her game because she apparently fucked some of the employees (also people were already upset about her using Robin William's suicide to market her game), but in the end, it just killed a large portion of Yea Forums's userbase and fueled the SJW narrative by claiming the movement was made as a harassment campaign.

If you ever listened to journos for review you are a retard. Even your nostalgic magazines back in the day where blatantly corporate cocksuckers and hated anything unique. Killer 7 got a 5.5 from EGM and got made fun of in a barely half a page review, meanwhile AAA garbage always got its dick sucked with glowing reviews pages long.

Attached: summary of gamergate.jpg (550x521, 105K)

Stop pretending GG was some big fucking movement
It was an excuse to harass women

Your problem.

Attached: gamergate.jpg (2160x2250, 619K)

Revisionist history, this place was nuclear during GG

did anyone actually read the 'gamers are dead' thing before declaring war on game journalists?

I honestly think the only people that article would offend are the fragile people who call themselves 'gamers' in the first place.

Now that they are targetting non-pro-corporations youtubers... what will be the name of it? YoutuGamingGate?

>first 8 words of his post are not an argument
Good, I can dismiss the rest of your post.

Bullshit. It was a rejection of feminist dogma and journalists that tried to turn vidya into politics. I'm not white don't use me or my kind to shield yourselves from valid criticism.

There were no reviews

>Reddit was not what is it today

hello summerfag. Reddit was always cancer, and it was you faggots that took all the planning away from /pol/

The gay men on Yea Forums drew a line on the sand and said "GAYMERS RISE UP"

Some slut fucked 5 guys and there epic 5 guys burger and fries edits and moot told them to fuck off so they teamed up with r.eddit and tumblr to rebrand it as being about yellow journalism but moot still wanted them to fuck off so now theyre on cripple chan and regularly send their gg general here to derail anythread into politics bullshit.

Half of pol got dragged away too because a lot of their epic yt personalities covered it as well, the now gone half of pol was then seamlessly replaced and taken over by the stormniggers who got ran out of new and then filled with the 2016 election, unapologetic retarded racists (as opposed to the intelligent racists of ye old pol) which leads to todays breed of retarded vpol mutts

Oldfags jumped ship and Yea Forums's shitposting went into overddrive and never stopped. It was funny to watch the initial "Good riddance" threads combo'd by the "Why has everything gone to shit" threads weeks after.

never cared about it. the ultimate jist was to establish ethics in games journalism (LOL) because they were giving objectively bad games positive reviews.
most journalists are pieces of shit. they're there to sell a product (the news) and nothing more. it's just glorified gossip

Revisionism is arguing threats were made.

>It was an excuse to harass women

>have the power now
Is it really a power when you're just abusing the minds of the left which is literally insane/evil?

Whatever you say, it started because gamers were calling a girl with purple hair a whore. But whatever makes you think you’re anything other than an ant playing the outrage game

Shut the fuck up, you retard gave SJWs panic fuel for years. The threads were filled with people constantly calling women (women in general not just Zoe) whores and bitches and PMing them stupid them on twitter. You retards made everything worse, eat shit.

Oh fuck off
You know very well how much you cunts harassed them

but women existing is reason enough to harass women


He's making shit up.

Your mutilated penis will never be a vagina.

Women who use their "oppression" to throw everything male under the bus as if it were evil.

it was a pretty useless effort and now anyone who says anything about x company they're deemed a shill
back in the day atleast we used jidf as the go to slur

'ethics' in video game journalism that was straw manned by SJW-types into making them look like it was about harassing women online.

granted, it's a fucking stupid cause in the first place, because anyone who takes video game journalism seriously has a dent in their head, but it is kind of disgusting how it got so twisted by the 'other side'.

>The threads were filled with people constantly calling women (women in general not just Zoe) whores and bitches and PMing them stupid them on twitter.

This was a thing on Yea Forums since the dawn of time. What are you smoking?

>I barely know anything about it
then why do you care, why make a thread about it?
fuck off

You know how the left controls the media? Well it was an attempt to stop that from happening to video games. Did it work? Nope. Look at battlefield 5.

It was a perfect storm fueled by a number of factors:
Right-wing distrust of journalists and media outlets
Incel rage at the notion that two people could have sex
Mysogyny induced hysteria over games censorship
Which morphed into bashing transgendered people
At the end of the day, moot abandoned us, no one even remembers the name of the game that supposedly received good reviews in exchange for sexual favors, and you can't have a thread on Yea Forums without being told to dilate. In fact I expect someone to respond to this post telling me to dilate.


I’ve been on Yea Forums since 2008 you wasted sperm, but keep barking your sound bites

Absolutely not. It was planned from the start and would've happened no matter what. You failing to understand it was meticulously prepared to shove diversity and politics in vidya shows how truly naive you are.
Threats were fake and never proven, calling a woman earned names is not harassment, and that's it.

It was the Chernobyl of Yea Forums and the board will not be safe to browse for another 100 or more years. That's a Conservative estimate. We're all gonna die sooner for witnessing so much retardation.

Attached: ct4.jpg (640x640, 37K)

I honestly love Yea Forums when they’re just being self aware chaotic evil pricks
It’s when you start pretending you’re working for a good cause when I take issue

It died under the leftism spam "Gamers need to go", "Gamers are sexist" and "I'm reciving hatemails and being doxxed please donate to my patreon, here's a random 4chin screenshot to prove it".

ironic shitposting for the sake of being contrarian is still shitposting

>This was a thing on Yea Forums since Chanology

I’m a proud white man with an objectively bigger penis than you :^) why don’t you make anything thread about how aggrieved you are, I bet someone will read it and care

Get the fuck out refugee. I can't even call you a newfag because you know you don't belong here.

nothing is planted just look at how the deleted posts react in every stickied e-celeb thread
just because the jannies do a good job doesn't mean there arent extremely toxic and insulated people here

drink water

Attached: gg_nutshell.png (1839x196, 22K)

Imagine being told you aren't a gamer anymore by a journalist upset that gamers are traditionally white men between the ages of 18 to 35

All I remember was that nothing got accomplished except giving journalists a stupid boogeyman they still use to this very day. Other than that almost every single thing about gamergate was a massive letdown. Gaming journalism is even worse than what it was even then. People claim that the movement opened up peoples eyes to shitty journalism but thats just bullshit cause literally nobody with a brain took it seriously in the first place. We had people donate to feminists so we couldn't be called sexist, and I don't even know if that game was any good. Everyone was smuggly acting like they were going to put Phil Fish in jail only to shoot themselves in the foot when it was a nothingburger. Tons of people shat on Jontron for being spineless when he got tired of talking about GG only to suck up to him when he came back to do it again. People even tried to prop up a "based" furry. Fuck that entire movement. After it tried being anything than a shitpostfest it became shitty. Most of it was just jerking it to twitter screencaps anyway. I seriously want to find that rap video about anita that everyone here was amazed at like it was the best shit ever.

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No it wasn't. It was about this purple hair "whore" sleeping around with game developers and journalists to shill her game and write articles about it. It had nothing to do with HER, but her relationships with these journalists uncovered a web of collusion between a bunch of different sites and basically showed that none of them could be trusted to be accurate. It was about industry corruption and conflicts of interests. She was just the mole.

Of course she whined and got loud SJWs to flock to media and get them to report false information and lie about what GG was about so that the public was against it.

>some chick fucked a game journalist for a good review on her shitty VNmaker game
>people get mad at a journalist basically being bribed to lie
>people start advocating for ethics in game journalism since people realized everyone just gets paid to review good anyway
>girls start crying because HER BODY HER CHOICE
>sjws (successfully) change the narrative from "people are mad because a woman bribed a journalist with sex to get good reviews" to "people are mad because a woman fucked"
>no wait that's not what were mad abou-
>too late
>all the incels join the movement
great psyops job by the feds on that one desu

I feel the same way about twitter slacktivists. Each and every "women" who thinks pushing their politics into a niche hobby is saving the world from the big bad patriarchy deserves a brick to the head.

It started as a protest against biased reviewers with personal interest in the success/failure of games, for example reviewing a game created by a friend or partner, or reviewing a game after being offered a weekend in a 5* hotel by the publisher. It blew up after a woman was found to have a sexual relationship with a reviewer, but of course it quickly changed course and turned into simply talking shit about her for cheating, which fucked with the integrity of the original criticisms. It could've been legit, but got fucked over by people like

I miss when the people here fought against things like Scientology, now it’s just sad losers yelling into the wind about how times are changing

I’ve been here for four years and I’ve kept my beliefs
Stop pretending you’re something you aren’t. You’re a racist, misogynistic, homophobic shitposting site. You can do some impressive stuff, but stop pretending to be on the side of “morals”. It’s fucking pathetic.

>no spergeout
>threads flooding with nudes
>conspiracy theories about DARPA and DiGRA taking over games to make everything Gone Home
>death threats verified by FBI
>rape threats made on youtube
All this "user good boy he dindu nuffin" is right on schedule.

It was about viral marketing and people being opportunists. Nothing was accomplished but giving certain people more attention and a platform to make money.

basically this, but given it's size and anonymity it was inevitable.

Anyone between 18 and 35 who is well adjusted wouldn't describe themselves as a gamer, they would tell you they play games but just because you read books doesn't make you a booker.

Imagine going around telling everyone you're a gamer. Pathetic.

>surprised that 50+ simultaneous identical articles raised some eyebrows
Remember kids, the reason GG caused such a shitfit is because it was right. Gamejournopros existed and no amount of pretend ignorance can change that fact.

>Killed Gawker
>Killed Kotaku (once)
>Killed Joystiq
>Currently killing tons of other "Games journalism" sites
>Destroyed tons of indie studios
>Made over 200 sites change their review disclosure policy
What was gamergate, you ask?
A success.

>death threats verified by FBI
>rape threats made on youtube

Attached: snack.png (680x512, 349K)

Chanalogy 2.0
Except this time we invited far right morons, redditors and twitter "activitists". And they all stuck around.

Attached: 1362344904873.gif (500x452, 987K)


no one attacked anyone, they were all false flags by the femoids themselves. remember when Zoe Quinn or whatever got the Navy seal copypasta? like, everyone's seen it at that point but she used it as an excuse to cancel a speech at some con she was paid to talk in (no refunds) that she was afraid some "guerilla sniper would kill her" called FBI, news media etc.
also some chick got caught insulting and death threatening herself on Twitter when she forgot to switch accounts

Victory at all costs.
If the world is destroyed and all life eradicated, it means the Jewish Bolshevists can no longer push their agenda onto us.