Meanwhile on chinese Yea Forums

Meanwhile on chinese Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's your gamer fuel?
Mine's gutter oil.

*starves, beats and then eats dog*

>has a higher average IQ than any western country

>praying 游戏

why are they so subhuman

literally no difference between dog and a chicken

being #1 feels good

Attached: chinese century.jpg (1534x3600, 2.28M)

>Has shit infrastructure


*dies in an escalator*
>5000 social points deducted for dying.

*buys games from epic store*

This is chinese Yea Forums

Haven't you seen all the epic games store threads.

>protests because teachers won’t let his son cheat

Stop using steam and start using Epic Games Store guailo

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Color Revolutions Murder of Patrice Lumumba Exporting degenerate identitarian movement The gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Đình Diệm and Suharto Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages One drop rule Lynchings and hangings of African Americans and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of german, italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for Asian Americans Immigration act 1924


> Whatever I'm allowed
> The dog

*doesn't post because captcha is blocked*

都说是 中国 的 Yea Forums

Anyone wanna play Winnie the Pooh Homerun Derby?

yet nobody sane would want to live there


Actual cheating

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x1792, 504K)

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Tienanmen square tomorrow.

amerimutts vs based china war when
I just wanna sit in my comfy europe and watch mutts being blasted

Use chinese, fucking. This is China v/

damn i sure do love the epic games store


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winnie the pooh

check out my new weibo avatar

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Anyone here play Crossfire? the new variants are overpowered, can't wait to get my hands on them

מלחמה על טרור פטריוט חוק PRISM אדוארד Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA אתרים שחורים זכויות אדם NSA מעקב המוני ללא ספק האזנת סתר 4 הפרת התיקון ג'וליאן אסאנג 'שגעון מצוד מצוד השגרירות אקוודור זכויות עסקיות זכויות העובד בריאות זכויות חינם חינוך המשטרה מיליטריזציה כליאת כלי נשק מזויפים להשמדה המונית Petrodollar לוחמה ישראל "המיוחדת"מערכת יחסים איסור על החרםשחררו את פלסטין USS Liberty שוקעת. Mossad המוסד מכסה mossad האשמות שווא אנטישמי מדולל תחמושת אורניום מלחמה פשע התעלמות אמנת ג 'נבה קונטראס 1973 צ 'ילה הפיכה מרכז המודיעין האמריקאי גיבוי דיקטטורים בובה לא חוקי הכיבוש 1954 הפיכה גוואטמלית ד' יונייטד פרי חברה קובה טילים משבר מפרץ חזירים מבצע Northwoods Area51 הלובי הסעודי כיסוי אמריקאי של משפטים של יחידה 731 אבו גריב עינויים והתעללות באסירים MKUltra Tuskegee עגבת ניסוי זכויות האזרח מרטין לותר המלך נהרג על ידי Cointelpro הפצצת יוגוסלביההפצצת לובהפצצת תימןהפצצת סוריה הפיליפינים רצח עם של 1900 צ'וקטו רצח עםמסלול_הדמעותאנדרו ג'קסוןהפלה בלתי חוקית של ממלכת הוואיאוקינאווה אונסאמריקן מרין אונס ICE ילדים בכלובים

Operation Ajax 9/11 Larry Silverstein The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre The Guatanamo Bay Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Operation Northwoods Iran Contra American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MK Ultra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Cointelpro The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa USS Liberty incident Timber Syacrome The Mỹ Lai Massacre

Why do you think Chinese people are trying to escape

Attached: The Chinese Exam.jpg (598x523, 82K)

As someone who lived 5 years in China and has a Chinese wife, fuck China.

I think League of Legends is offensiv-
*floor underneath me crumbles and drops me into running escalator gears to get eaten*

They are misguided imperialist capitalists, comrade. They will soon embrace the teachings of Marx as we did.

Should Chinks even be considered human?

What was it like user

>plays his favoirite mmo
>some one mentions tiananmen square massacre
>5 seconds later
>no internet
>no hot water
>no electricity
>social rating goes down and now you cant use public transportation and leave the country




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>Italy 102IQ
imagine believing this


The numbers given by the Communist Party?
Yeah sure they're legit, lol.
Also, they have very low creativity, they're smart working ants.


Hong Kong 2019 Color Revolutions Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba Exporting degenerate identitarian movement The Gulf of Tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Đình Diệm and Suharto Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests No worker's rights No healthcare rights No free education Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for Asians Immigration act 1924 Iran Air Flight 655

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The communist revolutions killed all real humans, only the NPCs remain.

Is he based?

Attached: winston-vlogger.jpg (704x460, 77K)

[Deleted message]

chinks have no soul

Censorship is actually not that big of a deal in China.
Honestly think about it, if you ask a Serbian today about the Srebrenica massacre he will tell you that he "doesn't know anything about it". Or ask a russian if the Kosovo is independet or not, take a guess what he'll say. And this shit happened 20-30 years ago
They have big national pride so obviously they not gonna admit that their government murdered some students but everyone still knows about it


Which one?

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considering he can make more than a billion people SEETH with youtube videos I say yes, he based

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It was alright. Lived in Beijing for a little over a year before relocating to Henan province with my then-fiancée. Beijing was a nice big modern city, people in the country are idiot yokels who follow you around taking photos of you since they’ve never seen a westerner before. We plan to go back in the future once the kid is a little older, wanted them to be born a US citizen.


>tfw cant use water because spend all money on steam sale

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>Censorship is actually not that big of a deal in China.

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>their kids will never be white
>more huwite genocide

lmao even when white males cope they still get btfo

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Underrated post

>people in the country are idiot yokels who follow you around taking photos of you since they’ve never seen a westerner before

what the fuck

they can say L perfectly fine

Whichever one has a dick

You said fuck China then proceeded to say that it was all right. That makes no sense

8 million social points deducted for punctuating greentext.

Diablo 4 will be on the PC!


his wife is beautiful and unlike you he can have sex you seething incel

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Pisses me off but it’s honestly something you get used to. Helps to justify when you think that they honestly just don’t know any better. A lot of people only see foreigners occasionally in big cities, and typically only in school when they have foreign English teachers.

Needs face recognition to post

Didn't he have to run away from China due to threats and move to the USA?

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Uuuuuuh chingching chongching lmao

Too bad she doesn't have a soul though.

it's supposed to be a notification

I watch his content

Wow chinese kanji are way uglier than japanese.

I love Epic Games Store! Fortnite is awesome! Time to go back to the Ping Pao family's house and eat rice with my good friend Pong Ball!

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>credit cards

>That shiny Eevee in the center

any games for raising my credit score?

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Led pired

There were good and bad, but I guess I was pretty negative in my first post. The country itself I didn’t mind, I enjoyed the areas I got to live in. The worst part was unironically the Chinese people.

Yeah because the west insists on importing apes to lower the average IQ

Attached: immigration lowerin the average IQ.jpg (1236x1230, 1.01M)

>"Chinese workers leave Silicon Valley for riches back home"
>"Chinese students increasing return home after studying abroad"

Japanese use Chinese characters in their language lol

That's only half true. They have changed quite a bit in 1500 years.

Kanji is literally Chinese writing. Hiragana and katakana are Japan specific.

user, this old house doesnt have water and gas meters with WeChat payment.

What Vidya game should we collectively create and play comrades?

>commuting a heroic act
that doesnt explain all those webms where people just ignore a dying toddler

Is it true they pay for everything through wechat?

>Bugcreatures that accidently kill themselves at the same rate they reproduce

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Cant save them, because contacting with some one who jaywalked or jumped into a car gonna lower your rating

Yes, but I think Chinese people prefer AliPay because Wechat is buggy. I never took my wallet out of my apartment in China because you pay for everything with your phone

Indoctrination, the Chinese cannot think for themselves because of the government

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You know they're smart because they have a low birth rate.

>see pic related posted online
>social credit score plummets
>lose career and livelihood
>get sick from toxic chinese air
>cant get medical treatment due to low social credit score

Attached: completely harmless cartoon character.jpg (750x603, 86K)

>Visit Tieba
>There's a JoJo parody for Utaware.

The posts there are somehow much better than the constant garbage posts here, too, much like 5ch.

Something must be inherently wrong with this place.

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herro, a ching chang chong, me rikey games. how dara u make fun of grorius reader!

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>Indoctrination, the Chinese cannot think for themselves because of the government
Nah, just look at the Chinese in AU, NZ, CA, etc.
They can't think for themselves either over there.
It's them.

Is he the only based chinaman?

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Their government is one of the only good fascist governments left. That's why the Jews fear them.

Chinese culture doesn't promote individual thinking

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I worked with one in college and she was remarkably self aware of how much the government lied to them. She didn't speak much english, but she got the point across that they do not trust what they see on their media outlets. Most of them are just trying to get by without much friction, kind of like people here. No one wants the governments attention in any nation I would surmise.

What about the Chinese people did you not like?

racist chinks are like /pol/ but funny

Phoneposter or ESL?

That’s obviously a troll.

Did you fuck?

I noticed Chinese people actively avoid talking about any sort of politics to do with their own country, especially the younger ones

>racist chinks are like /pol/ but funny
Name ONE good chink comedian.
I'm waiting.

I'm gonna say the T-word.

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All the chinks are like that. Have you ever met one? They're all racist.

Silent invasion. The enemy lives on your land and fools you by giving you the illusion than they're stupid.

Jackie Chan

That's the same with how capitalists avoid to talk about politics in the West, both think they're right by de facto and that what they do (capitalism, socialism, whatever) is somehow beyond mere politics. Make no mistake, every chink out there would be willing to beat you up and eat you if you talked badly about China.

Your moms obviously a troll!

then go eat your fellow bugmen, chang

Is something like TW:Three Kingdoms seen as bad by chinese officials since Mao tried to erase their grand history and make everyone into a communist drone?

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yes. we were removed from the school for about 5 days a week and I was pretty much her assistant, driver, delivery guy, whatever since she was so new. She liked my hair a lot.
She didn't talk much about the politics, but mostly how people she knew had a mistrust of what they saw on tv and what they read in the news. She disliked our language because of the confusing words, particularly the ones that are spelled the same, sound the same, and yet meant different things. She really wanted me to teach her how to recognize that sort of thing.

when is china going to make anthro girls real

>June 4th 1989
>wake up in the barracks
>"comrade soldier user, we have explicit orders to disperse the crowd at Tiananmen, using force if necessary"
>go there with my unit
>find lots of racists shouting slogans against African black students
>find CIA infiltrators trying to drive my nation into a civil war
>follow orders: disperse the crowd as humanely as possible (not running over people even if they stand in front of tanks etc), respect rules of engagement (only fire when fired upon) and so on, something I can do thanks to my training
>basically do my duty as a soldier of the PLA, protect the workers and farmers against foreign conspirators
>mission accomplished
>go back to the barracks
'twas just another day in the glorious PLA.

>Jackie Chan
Is hated by the people of Hong Kong. For selling them out and not defending them against mainland goverment. Openly promoting Communist propoganda. Selling his son out to the Mainland goverment. Treating his family and wife like complete shit among tons of other bullshit he has done. I have no idea why people think he is awesome, spending 10 minutes looking at his actaual life shows the guy is an asshole.

>one of the oldest, greatest civilizations on earth
>commie fucktard comes along and wants to erase it all for some reason
seriously wtf is wrong with commies?

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Chink women are already anthro cockroaches

Well they're currently experimenting with genetic modification, so probably soon.

I've spoken to countless of chinese, countless of nips, countless of gooks, and they were all ignorant as FUCK and barely spoke English. How is that HIGH IQ? Explain me?

>inb4 but they dont need english
no but they have the IQ for it, supposedly, go fucking make use of it then

>abusing cows and pigs are OK, but cats and dogs are off limits
>thus dogs and people are the same
the state of Western spies!

Attached: iu.jpg (1280x1024, 79K)

ching chong ching chong

Having high IQ doesn't mean you should waste time on learning a language you won't need.

TLDR version: Not Invented Here applied on a societal level.

No, because Mao is dead and modern China likes their history. The zoomer Chinese mainlander are said to be bringing trad culture back to China.

so high IQ people rather stay dumb? How is that high IQ?

They can spend their time more productively. Why would you learn Chinese for example if you're never going to need it?

>wasting time on learning
is what a dumb person would make of it

learning something is NEVER waste of time

>bringing trad culture back to China.
>tfw Yurop will never follow suit and reinstate the SQPR

Bread and Circuses when?

Really? Most Chinese from Shanghai and Beijing are good at English

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Not that I want to agree with a Party shill, but isn't the majority of Chinese history a long list of successive subjugations?

Just donate blood and don't cheat in online games.


>88 IQ
Is this pic making fun of itself?

>cheating in online game
They cheat in real life and vidya all the time.

also for some reason they consider pay 2 win games fair, thats why so many chinese mmos has literal p2w models, fucking ridiculous breed of people

I've seen countless white people on this site that are ignorant as fuck as well

Literally every other decision Mau made plunged his people in poverty and starvation, and set them decades behind most other cultures.

China had a sliver of hope throughout the 2000s and the early 2010s, but Xi is president, and is ruining everything again - from business, to technology, to art and expression, etc.

true, TRUE. But white countries don't claim to have high IQ like Asian countries are all doing.

Xi is making everything better, what do you mean? China has never seen development speeds this great.

Winnie the pooh

>on this site
You mean the board where you can't see anyone's actual skin color? And, thanks to /vint/, has been known to be infested with gooks, niggers, and mulattos? You're proving to be low IQ yourself, faggot.

>But white countries don't claim to have high IQ like Asian countries are all doing.
Source? I only ever see white people bring up IQ

>believing IQ tests from a country where cheating is expected

>Unironically thinking China is better than the USA

Tests have shown 2/3 of their most popular bottled water brands in China has more pollutants than the L.A. River.

But yeah - sure - go there instead of Japan. Enjoy watching grandpas and little kids shit in the middle of malls and public walkways and play 'coin-flip' with your health everytime you try and enjoy a meal.

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Chinese “people”

*outlives western civilization*

Lmao you can see flags on /int/ and /pol/. It's 90% European and American flags, don't try to pretend there's even enough minorities in those countries to make all those posts.

Idk check the self reported IQ statistics maybe?

Attached: wai-u-mah-do.jpg (1050x597, 66K)

yeah, most that you saw on your lil trip or even your little course there where you hung out with -- let me guess -- other students

And? You think white countries don't report their own IQs? Are you joking or just retarded?

I don't see the similarity.

Anybody know what happened to them red candle fellers? Haven't heard from them in a while

Lmao you do realize the majority of that on that day were Yea Forums, and not /int/ or /pol/? Thanks for proving my point, moron.

Imagine living in this IRL dystopia

China's the thing that BTFOs the right. Everything is controlled. You have autonomy, until it infringes upon the government. You have freedom, until it makes people uncomfortable. Would ANY alt-right, or libertarian, or anti-SJW teenager really want that?

Your posts just prove my point so good job buddy

Then why is China triggered everytime you see the character or Xi compared to him? lol

I want to try dog meat. Really curious on how it tastes.

Go back to lefty/pol/ you degenerate faggot commie. People like you aren't gaining support for commie shit or chinese glow-niggers, they're pushing them toward Trump.


Nice pic, though.

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They report average IQ's of around 100, as opposed to Asian ones who all report 100+

Do you even read the thread?

Don't embarass yourself the cope is too obvious
A site where people say the n word every thread isn't going to be used by black people, just accept that you're all utterly retarded and don't shift the blame unto anyone else

Select schools in Shanghai report IQ

Black Mirror Nosedive

>implying Black people can even read

Gun violence is down 30% in San Francisco this year. The biggest single difference, since no new gun control laws were added? Less niggers after gentrification.

>n word

Reddit - Go back there.

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you're right, why waste perfectly good organs you can sell to the black market

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Ok and? Should they make it lower so you feel less butthurt?

Because they have higher IQ?
No, seriously, are you retarded? Do you think niggers have low average IQ because they're too humble?

would pound his bp now

Ok thanks for proving my point yet again

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sup tenda

Could he beat Thanos?

>seething cause his "points" got destroyed
Go back to Twitter retard

I want to fuck a cute Chinese dancer.

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Can you tell us more about the locals? Were they indoctrinated or stupid?

Hey user you replied to the wrong post, here's the cope:

Attached: for China.jpg (1280x1707, 427K)

cheating is okay if you don't get caught. If you cheat and get away with it, it means you are cunning.

Yeah - I'm rich and smarter than you. That's why I'm voting for Trump.

Enjoy summer school, though.

Attached: 003.jpg (1700x1200, 1.58M)

You're statistically more likely to live in a trailer park and lack any education so I'm not too sure about that one buddy

can't wait to play this masterpiece

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Why is he white and why does he hold a C96?


When buying proper eating dogs, always be sure to check the condition of the head and feet.

Attached: pressed-dog-market.jpg (545x415, 72K)

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You look very handsome in that pic President Xi.

Attached: Persona-like-Mobile-Boss.jpg (720x1280, 383K)

I stopped watching him. Life feels empty now.

Those are nearly a decade old

Oh? And where do you get those "statistics" from? Gee, can it be msnbc? Because I can pull up a bunch of sites that statistically say conservatives are better looking, smarter, and happier, but those are lying right? Retard. Go back to Twitter.

based bugwoman aiming at the head

This nigga mad

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barely better than italy, and you cheat.

forza italia motherfucker

why couldnt't they just make dr strange's sidekick bigger


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Okay guys, let's make a game. Do we...
A) Find some inspiration or creativity in the several thousand years old culture around us and make a great game
B) Rip off Overwatch again


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>pulls out income chart when we were talking about trailer parks and education
Jesus christ LMFAO

Meant for

Not after the Chinese butchered their own writing system with what they called simplified Chinese
literally soul v.s. soulless

post more crazy webms

That's not gonna play out the way you think.

I wish trump would go to war with the roaches so we could kill them all

Yeah, he's one of the few based youtubers

>that euphoric face


Attached: sFig8.1.gif (480x307, 26K)

ho ho
shi o su ez xei

they don't have epic store in china. Only steam and Tencent Games.

Attached: Job Title. President of China.jpg (515x388, 31K)


Attached: salt.webm (206x360, 1.59M)

>western devs pandering to these chinks for $$

Attached: 5830733.jpg (320x287, 15K)

>Talks about the economic problems and corruptionin china
>Morphs half way though into explaining why apartheid South Africa was better than current South africa

Attached: BaMN6TQ.jpg (960x960, 213K)

I'll await your response :v)

Post this all you want friend, can’t get banned from the web and swatted for speaking your mind in real person land


Any games I can play to raise my credit score? A man hit me with a car three months ago and since then 3 limbs have rotted off me, I really need to see the local doctor.


>t. Hong Kong

People who vote for trump statistically had higher income


I'm pretty sure the US would get destroyed if we waged war against China.

They have a much larger population, a much better economy, and a severe lack of any sort of care for human life. They will throw literally billions of humans at us if that's what it takes.


the thing that pisses me off the most about chinks is their shit taste in games. if they made and played good games I'd call them based, but all they do is make really shit rip offs of multiplayer games and steal assets, and play those and mobileshit. fuck em

they just dont care about safety procedures

Ah yeah real person land where they send kids to Guantanomo Bay to rape them and call soldiers heroes for doing it. Where there's a school shooting every week and you get killed by cops over slights. Or talk about the totally legit WMDs too much and you'll be put on a no fly list.

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Trading PUBG hacks.

Every time anyone I know goes to China, they only hear about them SEETHING towards Israel. World banks, cabal govt, genetic cheating, Hollywood, they'll throw any excuse at Israel to explain their such a small country ties or beats them at everything.

damn he is hot

No wonder commie chinks and muslim chinks got along. Both groups get a hard on from destroying history.

He who eats mans best friend is not man

Take the gongpill

Attached: 2019-3-3-sydney-campsie_01.jpg (1280x658, 232K)

Wow, maybe this tension is just a big misunderstanding. Maybe we can all get along.

i keep seeing this black car outside my house i thi

stfu shlomo

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Totatalitarian/Authoritarian regimes tend to destroy positive human qualities like Kindness and Common Decency.
Its a dog-eat-dog world, in 3rd world shitholes, being soft gets you ripped off or worse.

>by 2050
cope harder li xiang

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I actually think voices like in are a minority there. I genuinely think their SEETHINGA comes from absolute wonder, because the numbers don't make sense.

The U.S. economy is 50% larger than China's, and has the entirety of NATO to fall back on. What are you smoking?

It's all irrelevant when they have nukes.

If US waged war NATO probably wouldn't back us and we'd also likely go to war with North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and possibly even Russia.

Tfw America is now 40% white

Thanks obama

these people exist wtf

>Take someone's picture
>Hold it up to all the lockers until it works on one

Yeah and the Asians are smarter and richer than you so maybe it'a time to stop blaming others for your shortcomings

And win too



tfw white American IQ is highest in the world, so shitskins and insects have to scew the data by shoving in browns and hoping no one noticed to stroke their egos
it's all fucked


t. chink

our hero what do you think it smelled like


Attached: And a chin chong nip nong to you, young lady.png (581x443, 128K)

>white American IQ is highest in the world
Is that supposed to be a fucking joke? All you're known for worldwide is your ignorance and taking credit for other people's achievements, and here you are proving the stereotypes true. You're the only one responsible for your failures.

Attached: SAT-2017.png (933x496, 45K)

>eating dog

With the exception of having a good launcher

fucking champ

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>giving a shit about health and safety procedures
what a fucking beta


lmao what is this shit

Taimanin Square Masssacre

gee i wonder who could be behind this post

Attached: XiJinping.jpg (600x600, 48K)

>human male on female furry
Something about this combination makes my dick unreasonably hard
And it also makes me uncomfortable that get hard to it


0.50 cents have been added to your checking account

Yeah that's the worst part. There's too many goddamn Chinese people, too many to sell to. The future looks kind of shit where the world caters to these bugs.

wow hispanics are worse than blacks in school.

>not chinking account.

Reminder something like 30% of the workforce in china is reaching retiring age within the next 10 years

Mods are asleep.
Post Kuomintang.

Attached: Kuomintang.png (1280x853, 32K)


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ku wa peng dong wa hu ge to ba erh

Ching chang chong fuck Mao Zedong


This sound is what makes mandarin chinese the ugliest sounding asian language.

The xenophobia in this thread is disgusting

I like it Mandarin. Korean is the ugliest language for me.

>no cultural revolution
Really no class to this meme

The only good thing about the Chinese these days is how admirably blunt they are when expressing their disdain for nogs and fatties.
It's a real shame how much shit is censored over there, and it's all to do with maintaining the monopolies of CCP-endorsed corporations while shielding itself from any kind of foreign influence (allthough chinks sure seem to like moving to western nations). China was growing and doing fine before Winnie the Pooh, whereas right now it really is in a bubble and its attempts at rapidly strengthening the economy will backfire pretty soon.

Quite honestly most if not all asian languages sound ear grating irl.
Only in anime do I like hearing Japanese because they speak slow and it sounds intelligible

Why do mods always delete this shit? We're not a chink website, why does it fucking matter?

The xenophobia in China is disgusting

>muh xenophobia
Fuck off no one asked you to come here
fuck off to your land Chang. Also you fuckers are racist as fuck in your country yet you cry racism when you are in mine. 2 roads bitch

Attached: we dont like your kind around here.gif (500x282, 1.64M)

Please explain to me how posting it would actually benefit ANY discussion relating to video games.

Explain the benefit of this entire thread and I'll consider it. It's all shitposting, from top to bottom. One extra copypasted shitpost doesn't make a difference.

Will there ever be a video game about the brother of Jesus?

Attached: Hong_Xiuquan.jpg (349x396, 33K)

Everone speaks fast and unclear IRL, including English speakers.



Attached: 19236128351.jpg (768x432, 40K)

You fuckers sound like screeching cats

The C96 was extremely popular in a China after WW1, Western manufacturers sent thousands over there to fill the niche.

Attached: 6A9061C0-B56E-4E30-98F8-AFAB4BE16ECC.jpg (839x691, 44K)

I'm an europoor though.

Thats because you're drunk 90% of the time Ivan

I know, you and your cousins across the pond screech like cats

You'd be drunk 90% of the time if you lived in blizzard-Australia

You're a Finn aren't you?
Aka a speaker of the world's most complicated language

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No it's not, I learned it and am fluent in it too.

Why aren't there any games about the glorious Cultural Revolution?

Attached: redguards2.jpg (1074x780, 125K)

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>Only the absolute top of the top Asians allowed into schools because "muh diversity quota,"
>Surprised when the results are scewed

Wait, I thought the story went that the Finn started doing the meth so he could ski faster, not bust prisoners out?

It appears to be something ideological involving even people outside of the jannies get offended when you make fun of mainland China despite being one of the most abominable societies on earth. That copypasta is too redpilled for it's own good.

They did meth in general to outdo the russians, just like the germans did.

That's true, the .gif is just fun exaggeration.

I was there a month ago, in Shang Hai, it pretty fucking based, they also jail and shun all the SJW and trans people. Food was great and as long as you got cash, good time is all you will have.

Least I can walk outside and breath lol

I hope you choke on the metric ton of carbon monoxide in your air you murderous cunt

>buy new nintendon swatch game
>put it in and turn it on
>swatch blows up in my hand and electrocutes me
>lay on the floor of the bus while people walk over me for seven hours

And now i'm told the poison on the cartridge to keep people from swallowing them has given me cancer.

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Chinks slaughter Muslims by the bucketload and only Nip Pond has a worse history of imperial expansion between the Asian countries

So eat shit and die Tianamen