Why couldn't the P4 gang articulate a proper argument against him? Was he right all along?

Why couldn't the P4 gang articulate a proper argument against him? Was he right all along?

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Because they're a bunch of anime kids and he's the only character who seems real.
So yes, he was right

>Was he right
Adachi never trained in the midnight channel but was given a level 73 persona.
Meanwhile a group of kids with level 1 personas were able to work hard and overpower him.

this games story was garbage it doesnt matter.


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Both sides were right. You can't refute him but if you get too blackpilled you'll go nuts and ruin your life. It's up to you to make your own happiness.

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The story of Persona games past 3 isn't worth mentioning, just enjoy the wacky anime slice of life bullshit.

Silly SMTfag

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>"I didn't kill them, that world did."
>"I didn't kill them, I just pushed them into oncoming traffic."
Listen, I like Adachi for a lot of reasons, but his reasons for doing what he did and his justification for it are not part of those reasons.

The Mc as a whole is a counter argument to him

>having a hissy fit and killing people because your life isn't as high class as you want it to be
while I agree the game doesn't even try to present a counterargument, Adachi is still kind of a child.



Naoto's persona literally starts at level 55.

Killing innocent people doesn't need refutation.

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>Why couldn't the P4 gang articulate a proper argument against him?
>Was he right all along?
Those are not mutuallly exlusive, dummy. I think a proper rebuttal and just throwing insults at this huge manbaby are appropiate to him. Adachi never saw the "true selves", so he wouldnt really know waht the charachters are talking about if they brought up how hard it was to face their true selves, accept the imperfections of their beings and come on top with reality and their own individual value.

Anyone else love P4 now?

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Shadows are only so aggressive and liable to attack due to the subconscious of the world sometimes there are good ones like Teddy, the world did in fact kill those people. Although it is still his fault.

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>persona 4
>the most law aligned of the games
I bet they all suck ANGEL TOES

Yep, the whole mentality is "You're right, it sucks for a bunch of people, but if they realize it, it would get worse for the others, so please bear with it"

He never really gave an argument too though.

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Why do people pretend that adachi did nothing wrong? He’s a serial killer

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And what's wrong with that?

Adachi may just be the reason we still see "X literally did nothing wrong" threads to this day.

Imagine actually thinking that. There's a reason Yu can join him.

Wrong actions, right thoughts

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No. Adachi is a self-centered, entitled trash who believes nothing is ever his fault, and treat everyone like they're shit.
The reason the gang can't criticize him is because they're morons, and to make it seem he has actual arguments, but when you think about it, he doesn't.

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How many people does one need to kill in order to be a serial killer?
>right thoughts


Go on

Why couldn't a bunch of teenagers who only just addressed their own personal issues refute the arguments of someone who has lived almost twice as long as them and had a lot more time to come up with his bullshit excuses?

Gee, I don't know, man.

Teddie was the Velvet rooms pet guide, just like Morgana. He was never a shadow.

Should have aspired to a higher ideal. He had the power to filter the scum of humanity, those who refused to accept themselves, and reward the worthy with the power of persona. He should have made it his goal to shove everyone into the tv world, and ushering in a new era of enlightened mankind, a modern day bodhisattva

How do you think the P4 gang would react to and handle the tribulations and trials of warfare if they were enlisted en masse as part of some hypothetical future bloody war?

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The horror.
The horror...

P4 was his fault.

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They would become leaders or exceptionally great individiduals in the respective areas they participate in, even then they wouldnt be able to do much because they cant use their personas.

because he was a murderer. not only did he murder people, he set up this whole game knowing that people would die so he could sit back and laugh. any argument he could make is invalid

ITT a bunch of incels who somehow think adachi was right and probably wear Joker shirts

I imagine they could adapt to many aspects of the military life
But could they really handle killing others? How much of their morals would they be willing to compromise? Could they keep themselves whole and remember who they are outside of the war?

See before you accuse me of wearing a Luke Skywalker shirt.

He didn't set anything up. He just accidentally shoved one, and then not accidentally shoved another; the possible witness who might talk, into the TV. He had no idea it would kill them. But he didn't want to get caught either.

The actual game being played was a bet by Izanami on who would beat her first, Adachi or Yu. They both help each other in the final arc, one from prison, the other a dumbass at Junes, and beat her.

after the first one he did know it would kill them, you dipshit. he was a cop and was there when the bodies were found. also he suggested to natarame to push people into the tv KNOWING that it killed people

Probably pretty poorly, most of them didn't have particularly strong mental resolve apart from the MC.

>he knew so that's enough
Tell that to the victims of asbestos and the nuke testings. Nobody went to prison from deaths caused by side effects.
I guess because he's alone and he has a face you go hard at him. But not faceless groups like news corporations who advocate for violence and shootings. No, those types of groups are just to your kind.
He didn't do nothing wrong because he played according to the rules of this world.

i mean, that stuff was definitely wrong and i think people should have been or should be charged for it, but that's neither here nor there. not the same thing at all IMO

imagine there's a mentally ill person who doesn't understand what death is and doesn't understand that guns kill people. what if you told him "you know, if you shoot someone with a gun, it'll save their lives!"

I see your point. But, in Adachi's case it was almost impossible for the system to charge him for multiple cases of manslaughter because they just didn't understand how he did it.
It was simply death in another realm.
I don't know how they managed to put him behind bars but that must have taken a lot of faith in Adachi and in his talking skill.

Adachi was the OG incel

i wish they weren't cut from Ultimax

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