Sequel is garbage compared to the first game

>sequel is garbage compared to the first game

Attached: 571gua5mbey21.gif (400x534, 136K)

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based trollface dancing on shit memes

Based and ragepilled

yooooooo this shits gettin outta control im calling the po

Stop posting 9fag memes you newfag.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Gravity Rush 2
Dishonored 2

>game has exploitable mechanics

Attached: 70.png (1276x874, 151K)

dark souls 2


>Gravity Rush 2
A man of taste who's not swayed by simple female body
>let's shove the entire lore that we've been teasing into the last hour of the game so we can fill the rest 15h with some shit filler story and garbage characters