Earthquake in Commiefornia didn't kill SNOY and their SJW censors employees

>Earthquake in Commiefornia didn't kill SNOY and their SJW censors employees


Attached: Earthquake.png (632x312, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rent free

Still waiting for a 9.0

Attached: 1562277923683.png (963x792, 539K)

>Look up Snoy in the archive
>Said over 17000 times in the last year
You are mentally ill.


Attached: nvd01.png (500x856, 191K)

It's not right to wish death on anyone no matter how much of a piece of shit they are.



based and redpilled

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>Live in the bay area
>Felt absolutely nothing
Can't get me that easily

Attached: Flareon.jpg (665x1201, 147K)



>overpriced living
>liberal hellhole

Who in their right mind would wanna live there? Just califags who think the entire universe except California is a flyover state i guess.

Shut up, cuck.

Attached: cope.jpg (466x587, 46K)

Don't forget the monthly wildfires.

I guarantee a 8+ is coming, i've succesfully predicted the japan fukushima earthquake, the christchurch earthquake and the cali earthquake.

Every fucking time it happens after a severe increase in solar flare/power

16 posts and a califag hasn't come ranting about flyovers yet. maybe they got hit by a 10.0 just now and all died.

Hope they all die

>earthquakes affect all of commiefornia
Imagine being dumber than the average retard living there

Go die, you Californian shit.

Hopefully the next Californian fire kills them all.

Yes it actually is. It is absolutely fine to wish for the death of someone you despise.

>ITT: seething flyovers

I live in San Diego and haven't felt shit. I got a shitload of people texting me if I'm alright. It's getting annoying.

>I got a shitload of people texting me if I'm alright
You mean ur mom?

>implying he even has one

>doesn't mention the fact that the entire state spends most of the year on fire

i've lived in california all my life and slept throught every earthquake

Why americans are retarded?


Based niggers


It was out in the middle of nowhere, not even close to the fault line or subduction zone

imagine not understanding how big california is


Silicon valley and Hollywood make the world a worse place every day desu


have sex virgin

Are you implying that only one person has ever said Snoy?

Why do American right wingers think California is insanely left wing? You guys wouldn't last five minutes in certain parts of the the UK. I love California but it feels centrist compared to where I'm from.

London doesn't count

imagine taking pride in being knowledgeable about california.

san fran is just so insane that it's what most people think of when they think of californian politics

Burgers don't know what left wing is anymore. The FBI managed to spook them into thinking that paternalist conservatism is left wing.

They announced a bigger one next week

What part of San Diego? I'm visiting family in Coronado and I felt shaking.

>You guys wouldn't last five minutes in certain parts of the the UK.

Yes, that's what both he and I are implying.

>only 40 seconds long
>no fatalities

Attached: 15574073259776.jpg (286x357, 71K)

Americans don't even know what actual left policies look like, they still think Bernie Sanders is a socialist and live deep in the red terror since decades.
Besides, most americans in here just look for boogeymen and California being the slightly odd sheep in the farm is very convenient to them.

London isn't that left wing either.

We're here to stay and there's nothing bigots like you can do about it.

Then you might just be retarded.

Nah it's just that lefties got mind fucked by TPTB into being what they are today, the old left doesn't exist

Are there left wingers n UK? Since when?

Is that a challenge?

>Pattern recognition is retarded

Kill yourself retarded racist

Dude, the first four posts prove you wrong.

SF was more left than LA but not as left as I was expecting.

No just a fact.

>even their earthquakes can't get a score better than a 7
o i am laffin

You must have missed the 4000 repost threads of the same image and text

And even then a lot of the state is unrecognizable from what you would think of as LA or San Francisco. I grew up maybe 40 minutes outside of SF, and it's a conservative mostly white ranching town.

Of course, what country are you from?

>earthquake happens in the middle of nowhere
>be surprised that nobody dies
Pick up a map, nigger

Considering there's no pattern there, yes your lack of it does make you retarded. Just look at how the second post there uses it in support of Sony to shit on the Xbone controller while further down it's used to berate Sony.

There's absolutely no patterns or evidence suggesting one person does it. Unless you're trying to say that it's a legitimate schizo doing it.

dilate redditfaggot

Some people just dont deserve to live another day

Kill yourself retarded racist

>Complaining about silicon valley on board run on technology created by silicon valley
Didn't think this through huh

And the 10000 unique ones?

>the rest of America hates California so much it's literally trying to push it into the ocean

Spain. You dont look very left from here let me tell you. Being an hypocrital progressist pro LGBT is not the true left and your labor party has been dead since decades ago (not like Spain is any different mind you)

No you're just actually falling for propaganda. Even in the US there are bastions of the tankie and maoist left, like the PSL.

>Are there left wingers n UK?
I mean, you hear stories every once in a while from some nowhere places but otherwise it's not very common here.


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>labour is dead

Do you still think Tony blair is in charge or something?

John Mcdonnel is the shadow chancellor.

lmao and they all have opinions fed to them by corporations

The spongebob sonyfag posts end after the second page and it's nothing but different ones after that.
You have that persecution complex bad.

even earthquakes are low t now

>Being an hypocrital progressist pro LGBT is not the true left
Yeah but that's what we're all referring to, so this comment is pretty irrelevant.

It's a Japanese twitter meme.

Based on what evidence? have you ever been to a meeting?

imagine taking pride in being a retard.

You're kidding right? Whereabouts in the UK are you from?

>477 posts
>only 10 of the same post
>across roughly 20 days
Wow, it's like you don't know how to identify patterns.