What's your opinion on Pokemon Gale of Darkness?

What's your opinion on Pokemon Gale of Darkness?

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Fuck off newfag

Miror B's theme is TIGHT

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After beating Collosseum 100 percent, I pre ordered and bought gale of darkness on launch day. Played it for 4 hours and then never played it again. It just didn't have the staying power like Collosseum, or perhaps I was already tired of the formula. Never really figured it out, but I would play it again to completion if given the chance.

I liked it, XD 001 was pretty badass.

Miror B is Miror BASED

Would prefer another game set in Orre than Sword & Shield.

why did you edit cover?

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Propably the only good pokemon game that exists. Kinda reminded me of digimon

more like XD of darkness

Why the fuck was it called XD again? Autism?
I really liked both it and Colisseum. Really comfy games.

That Japanese obsession with adding random English letters to the end of their titles.

more like Xtreme Dogshit

Orre was a far more interesting region than literally any region in the mainline games. From the layout to the lore behind it to the characters that resided in it. It was a great world to explore.
Also had some of the most threatening villains that didn't rely on boring anime world-destruction cliches like the modern Pokemon games do.
The only weaknesses are the Pokemon variety and the fact that it was made before Gen 4's physical/special rebalancing.

I would seriously purchase a modern Orre game in a heartbeat.
And Miror B. is the most based character in the entire franchise and is criminally underused. The fact that the main series outright refuses to acknowledge the entirety of Orre's existence is a crime.

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In the game, Shadow Lugia was given the codename XD001, so they took the XD and slapped it on the title. The XD had to do with it being a supposed "permanent Shadow Pokemon", and the 001 was indicating it being the first of its kind. I think what it actually stands for is explained briefly in-game, but it's been years since I played it so I don't remember.

What's so funny about Bulbasaur asshole?


eXtra Dimension

Yeah instead it was i'm evil because i'm evil and control this place hahaha

no using the one from Colosseum

>based mexican tune

The one from Colosseum sucks in comparison.

am I remembering this correctly but was there not even gyms in the game and an elite 4
I still remember it being fun tho

I remember I hastily gave this game one playthrough but aside from miror b's theme this one stuck in my head for some reason youtube.com/watch?v=IjcY-UDihi4


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What does the XD stand for?

GoD is way better paced than Colo, anf has better battles, but Colo had that gritty, edgy atmosphere that we all fell in love with, where as GoD toned that down

Sadly, Genius Sonority has been memory-holed into making Pokémon Shuffle. Game Freak felt inferior, I guess.

Xtra Dark = Completely shadow

There is literally no reason why even mainline Pokémon games should have gyms and an elite four. Really.

colosseum and xd are my personal favorite pokemon games.

It's not about Orre, it's about Genius Sonority. Gamefreak is fucking shit.

Not what I was asking but okay


flat out best pokemon theme ever created

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion.

Jesus Christ what did I say lmao


youtube.com/watch?v=5QvMqYZTR5Y this game even has better sounding music than sw/sh. just listen to the fucking lead up in this theme. i love it.

Fuck off redditfags and your fucking XD bullshit fucking shit gay meme games with fucking emoticons in the title I swear you 12 year olds will be incels

Is this based or cringe or XD fucking shit eating tiny dick retards

That's why you're still virgin

>the fact that it was made before Gen 4's physical/special rebalancing.
Fun fact all the shadow moves in GoD were the first moves to introduce the physical special split.
Yet another thing gs thought of before gf

>PMD games
>Ranger games
>tons of other side-games
>even the main-line pre-Gen VI (All could have been better, but at least they tried back then)

Honestly GoD was released late enough in Gen III that they had probably already decided on the physical/special split in Gen IV, it had Munchlax and Bonsly in it after all.

Munchlax is the best baby Pokemon.
It's just about the only cutemon I love.

What's that red box? Are you hiding something?

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Cringe Redditors

Okay game that limits itself by sticking to the mainline formula. Same with coliseum. Kills the interesting world coliseum had and makes qol improvements to the shadow Pokémon system. These games aren’t that great and I have no clue why everyone overhypes the shit out of them.

I love Megaman! X3

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That people should the upgraded superior version.

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Because they will be far better the sword and shield.

Yes and? There are a lot of things that will be far better than sword and shield, it’s not a very high bar to pass

why so serious mang :P :DDD


It shows how bad Gamefreak is, getting twarted by these spin off games, they even absorbed most Genius Sonority.

I have it installed on my Wii, but haven’t played it yet, what does it do better do you think?

I guess it’s because they are unique compared to mainline, leaves a strong impression. They aren’t fantastic, but Colo nails the atmosphere while being a 5/10, while XD is a polished 7/10.

It applied the attack/special split, it improved and made viable many pokemon, increased overall difficulty and etc.

You mean nu-gf right? I mean yeah, it’s pathetic how that shit looks worse than the sequels to the stadium games that had a little story mode to give the game more value

>game is released, am sixteen
>Shadow Lugia fucking water-nukes a ship
>turns out the ones you steal were mindfucked into being batshit crazy aggressive
>turns out the game is kinda clunky in terms of movement?
>"I have mixed feels on this game."

Not as good as Colosseum but still better graphic than SWSH

Colosseum and this had some good music.

Sounds cool

Because it has aged way better than SWSH despite SWSH not even being released yet


is that basically bw2's challenge mode?

Kinda, it adds more interesting stuff than that.

unironically the best pokemon game and i wholeheartedly believe this

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eXtreme Darkness

F-Zero GX
Pokemon XD
Mario DX

Better gameplay, but Wes and Rui were more interesting as protagonists and Cipher had the better villains' roster in Colosseum.

These were also the games that introduced the Aura concept before Gen4 and Lucario.

fuck Rui. Colosseum was supposed to be a badass story where you go around the world stealing pokemon with the snagger arm you stole from your old gang, but Rui turns it into a hero quest. "You can only snag shadow pokemon!" Fuck that shit

>hating SALSA

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it was 2005

a game which could greatly benefit from modern tech. Please blintendo and gamefreak, give Geniues a chance at another pokemon

OP confirmed being a fucking faggot.

Not perfect by any means but this and Col are unironically better than anything Gamefreak has or ever will produce

You do not want this.
The majority of Genius Sonority's staff had been absorbed into GameFreak since Gale of Darkness, and what few games GS has worked on since then haven't been all that great.

Fuck off to your hugbox

This isn't reddot, retard

That's because of Game Freak's toxic influence.
I'd still rather spend $60 on an updated battle revolution style game that connects to USUM and has amazing graphics/animations amd that lets you battle online over Gen 8 any day of the week.

>games you can't discuss on Yea Forumsitter

This. Problem also lies with shitty management and lack of originality in the industry. Nobody is willing to take a risk.

Holy fuck, I has this theme stuck in my head since forever but I didn't know where it was from. Based user

My point is the Genius Sonority of 15 years ago is not the same as the Genius Sonority of today, and expecting a product with similar or greater quality to Colosseum and Gale of Darkness is a fool's dream. Just forget about it and move on.

Sure I agree, in the same way that the Game Freak of today aren't the same Game Freak that made the decent games of Gen 1-4.

Still better than that horrible mutant brat of a sister from XD who insults your intelligence.

Risks cost money, user. If a gigantic part of your workforce, reputation, morale, and funding is riding on your next game, of course you're going to go with the option that is most likely to at least make you a profit. If that next game blunders, your company loses money. People get fired. Publishers lose interest in you. People who played your games hate you and everything you stand for (just look at Yea Forums talking about any trending game, good or bad). The worst part is you probably don't have a second chance even if you've got a good track record (unless you're fucking EA and are swimming in bullion).

GameFreak was never good. Just look at how the Gen 1 game code is held together by almost literal duct tape. The old Pokemon games were good -despite- being developed by GameFreak, not because of them.

>Col semifinal battle theme
Absolutely fucking based, here's another one of my faves youtube.com/watch?v=G-T0bn1B6Z4

>Pokemon Red: Gale of Darkness

Red gets an expansion while Blue gets nothing? Bluefags on suicide watch.

Sure but you could tell they cared back then despite them never being particularly talented, whereas now you can see they don't give a flying fuck. They're not even using their A Team to develop Pokemon anymore, that's how little they care.

>whereas now you can see they don't give a flying fuck
You try making literally the exact same thing for 20 years, and heavily pressured to do so, and still care. You can't deviate or experiment because daddy Nintendo, who not only calls the shots on everything you do but also owns a third of the shares in the IP, and uncle TPCI, who owns the other third, forbid it.

Gen 1 code is a crime against humanity, but I always thought it was because people back then didn't have enough resources to learn by themselves. Now that I think about it maybe it was because they were (and still are) just really bad at their jobs


That's exactly why they need to give another developer a shot at making a game.
Genius Sonority put all their heart and soul into making their first pokemon game back in 2003 and it just oozed quality.
The three way ownership of the franchise is the real problem here.
The only hope is that Gen 8 sells really badly and a competent developer somehow manages gets hold of the licence.

>second biggest video game IP of all time
>sells really badly
Yeah, good luck with that buddy.

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They're decent when it's not Pokemon they're making, like Pulseman and Drill Dozer.

Yeah, it sucks now. Most of those cool niche games that are talked about during the 90s and early 2000s only had a small number of people working on them (i think this game had less than 40) which meant that everything was kind of more cohesive, but I get what you mean.

She’s doesn’t follow you throughout the game though

>calling out people on stale old memes via stale old boogeymanning


I'm not saying it's going to happen, I'm saying that's what would need to happen.
The only thing they care about is money so the only reason development would change is if profits decrease significantly.

Real shit: Ruby and Sapphire had a dev team of 40 people. Firered/Leafgreen had a dev team of 20 people.

Thank goodness. I'll gladly take a full game with Rui over five minutes with that munchkin.

>Gale of
Fucking cringe.

Colosseum was a far more interesting game. XD shat over almost everything that made Orre cool and memorable.

>muh nationaldex
these games prove you don't need every pokemon in the game
gamefreak still sucks and will not do anything good with a limited roster like GS did
all complaints should be towards quality

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They weren't in the game in the main game but you can still connect Gen 3 games and trade/ battle. Based on interviews the new games won't even have that at all.

yeah i know that was the point, but the game by itself was more interesting than any mainline game

>Forget to heal
>Lose to this dumb bitch
>The game calls you a fucking loser for losing to her

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We've been complaining about quality since XY.
Fans have given them more than enough to adapt to 3D and in that time they've done nothing but reuse the same shitty models and attacks over and over again. The problem I have isn't that they're cutting the dex, it's that they're using "quality" as an excuse for cutting the dex. I've seen what real quality looks like in a Pokemon game and it isn't from anything Game Freak have produced.

She's why I could never pass the first round of the Orre Colosseum. My dumbass thought Taunt was a useless move back then.

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>sends out Entei
>uses Earthquake
>uses Earthquake again
>Entei fainted

It's called Xtra Dimension/Darkness or something like that. I know the X means eXtra though.

These fights were some of the absolute worst as a kid, and people want to talk about BW2 postgame being hard.

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Really fucking slow and grating to play because of it.

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>first town in coliseum
>that one asshole in the gym that would spam sand attack until your accuracy was in the negatives


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Only on chips bro.

Because of what?

>Shadow Pokemon will never be seen again

The fights that lead to evice were absolute ass.

>4 fights in a row, themed on type basically the Elite 4
>except you don't get to heal between them
>each of them also have a shadow pokemon that you have to capture
>then out comes NASCAR THUNDER
>who also has a Shadow Pokemon
>with a catch rate of THREE
>and you don't get to heal before OR after

Thank fucking GOD for the infinite Master Ball glitch.

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Because of how slow it is?

Back when Pokemon actually had difficulty.
My strat was to snag his Metagross then deliberately get rekt so could check the nature.

I'm pretty sure you get healed before Nascour and again afterwards, plus you skip right to Evice on the rematch if you can at least reach him before losing.