Is Claire now considered the best Resident Evil character? I barely see anyone talking about Jill, Ada , or Leon anymore

Is Claire now considered the best Resident Evil character? I barely see anyone talking about Jill, Ada , or Leon anymore

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Not that nu-goblina at least.
Also, demake2 secondaries haven't played any other of the games.

She looks like the type of girl that giggles when she farts.

Leon is alsp based. Wonder what will happen when re3make will be released. Will Jill manage to outperform Claire?

This honestly. OG Claire was great. The nu Claire looks retarded whereas Nu Ada and Leon is a huge improvement.

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It's pretty much only one guy that derails nearly every RE thread with his waifu faggotry.

I'm okay with Ada Redfield.

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That overbite is truly disgusting.
Anons, do NOT let your kids mouthbreathe, ever.

what is claire like when she's not fighting zombies haha

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Ada is a fuckung cut-throat bitch.
Also, she probably sends american trade secrets back to China

why must you remind me of what i dont have?

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Ada is an Insect

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Probably farts whenever she giggles, too

Vaping and riding motorcycles

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Who is this

jordan gf, aka claire redfield

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The model used for claire

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Fuck you. Leon is more cute.