Halo CE: SPV3.2


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I remember those screaming flood forms being the most annoying thing I have seen in game. Did they do something about that?

The brute ones? Yeah they got nerfed, they had the wrong modifiers first time around. They've also added in Blindwolf flood

No thanks

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Oh shit, Jackal ones. Uh no clue on that one

Yeah it wasn't that they were hard to kill or anything, in fact they did jack shit but scream. It became a real ear rape to the point of insanity once there was three or more them.I get what they were going for, but It felt like they were to mastered too loudly.

Attached: spv3-7.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Looks like shit.

This is that retarded shit where he puts in incest fanfiction, right?

I keep people saying this but which terminal are they talking about?

The one that was so fucked up that even 343 looked at it and went "What the fuck" on twitter.
The modder then tried to defend his porn fanfiction.

Looks like shit.


Oh fuck I wasn't expecting it happening so soon.

I'm gonna need a screencap

It was kinda dumb how there were two versions of Halo: CE
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo: Custom Edition

>make the pistol shit
>introduce the BR and DMR as replacements
For what purpose?

so they could say they had all the popular guns

>the mjolnir is still an ugly blend of EVA, Mark V and Mark VI
why though

This looks fucking terrible.

woah bungie.... hire this man !

who cares

Does it have controller support. I want to get comfy and shoot allens

The problem with svp3 is that the new areas are awfully mediocre
Most of them are just large empty spaces with some cover here and there. They're not very interesting or fun

I was really excited for the flood levels but my god those new flood forms that scream are one of the worst fucking enemies in the entire game and it isnt just their screams either.
They also added way, way too much infection forms on the m aps, and those fucking flood nests that they placed everywhere on the walls are also terrible

I'm so confused. Wtf is this. It's a graphical downgrade from CE with weapon mods? The hit detection system looks awful. The grenades throw like helium balloons wtf LMAO

Yeah it does

sweet, installing custom edition right now

this feels even worse than base CE to play and that's saying something

>Thought it was the new halo 3 for pc trailer
>It's just a custom reskin for Halo CE

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So it's something worth caring about?

So how does this compare to the other ones?

>Being so much of a newfag he's never heard of SPV

Literally Soul vs Soulless

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>consoletards too dumb to understand modding

This is the one they are talking about.

Attached: DhHXXxoXUAA0psH.jpg (1280x800, 136K)

>that terminal
so edgy

>typed out terminal
>delirious man makes sure to put "..."

Attached: 0D713ED9-7BAB-4AFD-904B-F76AFB0EA4B0.gif (480x270, 790K)

What does this add and how do I play it

Holy kek, imagine outing yourself this hard.

What the fuck. Why add that to what is a relatively tame universe? Is there even anyhint that the flood fuck your mind to a primal level?

I mean I think the assumption is that his neural implant was able to transmit his thoughts like to speech to text.

Nevermind that looks horrible.

Can I use a pirate copy of the game for this mod? I Remember something about needing a legit key. How do I get into this version of the game?

playing it feels even worse

Why would a neural implant have ellipses and caps lock?

Do you not realize what the implication is?
It’s that the gravemind is ransacking his mind and when he’s saying “inside” and “here with me” he’s literally expressing the thoughts of the gravemind. In the real terminals you see this to an extent where Keyes tries to keep the location of planets secret from the flood.
It’s not sexual here, it’s just written like that for the edge factor, but it’s clear as day that he’s just fighting the instinct of the flood to absorb.

Youre right a neural implant from 2500s should just throw your thoughts into a rambling incoherent string of text so that no one can understand what they’re looking at.
Great question dumbass use your imagination and think of creative license.

>computer goes out of its way to make incomplete sentences

t. Masterz

the sexual overtones are also clear as day, though. that said, i don't find it too bad, although i did chuckle while reading

>Poorly aping the preexisting Keyes section from the weakest Halo novel
When you decide to write fanfiction with a boner at least commit and just make smut.

I haven’t even touched this game but if you approach some fan made halo game and expect everything to hold up story wise to the same way the older games did you’re a legitimate retard

> being most confused by the punctuation of that terminal
Are you a linguistic autist?

Once again, why would a computer that you're claiming autofills stuff make grammatically incorrect statements?
The whole terminal is retarded.

>have to manually setup the controls
>can't set x to interact, reload and pick up because they override the others

jesus christ


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Reminder the guy who made this hated every Halo after CE, except for 4 and 5.

It's a shit bloated mess

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not as bad as I was expecting, I can see what they're trying to do there with the flood in key's head but yeah it's not great


The cinematic mod of halo

fuck that's accurate


That's rough.

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