Games shouldn't be censored!

Games shouldn't be censored!

They removed a foot rubbing minigame!
This id an outrage!

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Other urls found in this thread: does vr work

Thank god

Im pretty sure the foot rubbing minigame is still in the english version

That's an improvement

Is this true?

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DEATH TO FOOTFAGS long live armpitfags

>posts foot rubbing with english language
removed from where because it's still in the steam version, along with the armpit massage.

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>I can't believe how good it feels
What does it feel like?

I dunno, I'm not the one saying it, Murasaki is, but she likes it, so it must be kimochi to her and that's all that matters.

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A real Senran Kagura game for the Switch fucking when?

probably never because sony killed the series and made the producer quit Marvelous.

Whenever Takaki gets his head out of his ass, maybe a couple years after that.

Can I get a quick rundown?

Sony's censorship broke Takaki. His punished form now works at Cygames but for now he remains producer of the series.

>one foot covered with a sock and a shoe
>other foot bare

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I know Sony new censorship policies are bullshit but come fucking on the Switch already outsold the PS4 in nipland like it was nothing and it's already "stealing" a lot of niche japanese games heading as the spiritual successor of the PS Vita.

I own both Switch and PS4 but fuck arrogant Sony is back, just focus the series in Switch and PC.

Takaki was worried that Nintendo would just censor too. Paranoid, but given his state of mind I can't blame him much...except for the part where Nintendo confirmed their lack of meddling on the matter so recently that it might still be making headlines.

>Nintendo said one thing, they never changed their minds before

well the thing is Takaki wanted to make new models for the switch games, but it couldn't handle it, so he went back to the EV models. He then wanted to do new models for SK7 but then Sony's censorship would make it so that he couldn't release the game as he envisioned it, and the Switch can't handle the new models, so he's stuck because the Japanese PC market is ass. I'm hoping the Sony shit will cause a Japanese PC renaissance but.. probably not, they'll cling to brand loyalty and Nintendo will always release underpowered hardware.

I'm not really a footfag so I don't know if that's bad or good, I'll just massage ninja feets because they seem to like it.

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I wish DoA would do foot rubbing minigames

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post more pits pls

What game Tane?

To be fair, they haven't imposed third party censorship in decades. Their own games, yes, but they haven't pulled the shit Sony's pulling since the 90s. That all said, Nintendo clearly is the console alternative to Sony's bullshit at this point. The amount of games Switch is getting uncensored seems to grow by the day.

I might sound like a dick but that's fucking stupid on Takaki's side.

The 3DS games didn't get censorship for shit when Nintendo was on their height of censoring sexual content, and they already were announcing their new policy regarding censorship since the Switch launch, they are just reaffirming they are sticking with their looser censorship filters.

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Takaki is a retard for expressing that worry while publishing the shitty spinoffs on Switch with no issues. It's like biting the hand that feeds him. The truth is that he probably didn't care much about the franchise anymore and wanted an excuse to move on to bigger things.

>the Switch can't handle the new models
Nice fanfiction. I guess PS4 couldn't handle new models either for the past four games, it's not just that they were lazy as fuck.

I'm not saying Takaki's right but I am saying that he is something of a broken shell of a man. Despair makes a man do crazy things. Also, focus shifted to Sony once Deep Crimson sold worse than Shinovi Versus (even though there's numerous external factors surrounding that whole thing) so he's probably hesitant to drop that cash cow. OR, Seven's locked into a contract with Sony so they have to make it for them and they'll cockblock the whole shebang if they don't like it. It's possible that the future of the series at large isn't fucked, only Seven and unfortunately that might matter a lot.

>they never changed their minds before
Funnily enough they haven't. Not to mention senran started on the 3ds to begin with

I wish they made a regular full-blown console with VR support and not some portable bullshit

Plausible, but if that was the case then he could at least have the decency to shit out Seven before proceeding to not give any more fucks.

>Takaki wanted to make new models for the switch games, but it couldn't handle it,
You know that's not true, right? If they were making models specifically for the switch then it most certainly would have been able to handle it because they were designing around the system.

As a lifelong handheld fan I respectfully disagree. I'm only interested in VR if it does something cool with horror, and while RE7 does exist I don't want to drop a few hundred bucks just for one more playthrough in VR.

Who knows what state that game is in. It was already lagging behind in development before Sony's bullshit.

No. They should stay as far away from VR as possible, there's no future in it.

When will you kill yourself?

they only talked about doing new models when they were first giving interviews announcing Refle.. but then new models didn't happen. The next time it came up was when they were talking about SK7, pic related.

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And he hit a reset button of sorts afterwards. Whatever we get probably won't even resemble the original vision.


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I remember reading interviews for SK refle and they mentioned new models. They didn't happen. Why else would that be? Why else wouldn't they just develop SK7 for the switch and say fuck Sony?

They never said they'd make them for Reflexions.

they can still finish it right bros???

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I'm trying to find where I read that but I swear that it was brought up for reflexions.

VR as technology is already mindblowing. the main issue is almost no good games, except maybe a few for PS4, but that's hardly an argument for the technology having no future

>over two years since the announcement
>all they have to show for it are three images of a WIP character model
>development got raped by platform holder to the point the producer left the company
It ain't looking good chief.


What are you on about?

Someone said ninja pits

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imagine being retarded enough to make this fucking thread

Any videos of this? I wanna fap.

Based pitBVLL

I don't have any made, haven't downloaded software to make webms since this machine is pretty new, and it's bedtime anyway maybe some other thread.


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Why is OP always a lying sack of shit? What makes him like this?

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>VR as technology is already mindblowing
It's a screen strapped to your face with gyros. That's not mindblowing.

He's a sonyfag what did you expect?

you're a retarded and it's obvious you've never tried it

More. I expected more from him, and clearly I was wrong to.

>there's a foot massage simulator and I've learned about it just now
>they keep the shoe and sock on the other foot
>mfw I have a huge turn on when girls have only one shoe on

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Did your mom take off one of her shoes to beat you with it?

>no doujin with this....

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Not him but what do you think VR is?

it's 2 separately rendered screens for starters. I'm not gonna spoonfeed you why VR is so different than just looking at a screen up close, you can google basic theory behind and it's something you have to try out to get it anyway

So you don't know.

user, two screens still means its just a screen taped to your head.

are you illiterate? I just wrote how is it different than just a screen, or do you need some copypasted article explaining how does separate rendering for each eye creates the sense of presence, because you can't google it? does vr work
no, two screens displaying at the proper angle specific for each eye, which is completely different than just looking at a screen up close. or do expect VR to be something like matrix lol

>the switch can't handle a shitty cell shaded body with 10 polygons

ok fag

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This is heaven.