This is unironically the best video game in the world. Prove me wrong. >thousands of hours of gameplay >you will never stop learning >every match is truly unique By that I mean everything goes differently, similar things, playstyles and match ups exist but every match is fundamentally different because of how it all comes together. Not like an FPS game where everyone shoots each other but never perfectly replicates their position (or commonly occupies good spots and tricks).
Matches are hard to predict, comebacks are always possible through sheer skill and teamwork. Working together is satisfying and so is outplaying the enemy. Some people will say certain things are unfair in Dota - especially if you get a bad matchup - but that is just part of life and Dota. Real war game scenarios don't feature balanced opponents for equality in any form, if anything it just shows how far you can go even with being down a notch compared to the enemy.
I agree but that's because it's the game I always come back to in order to reaffirm my misanthropy.
Joshua Miller
I only play with bros. Dota 2 is an awful experience when playing solo.
Nathaniel Watson
>hey mid top is missing get back >dude you're going to get ganked get under the tower >ping spam him and keep warning him >he gets ganked >JAJAJAJA PUTA MIERDA NOOB CLOCK NO CALL REPORTA >reports you and then AFKs in well, you have to spend the next 30 minutes playing out a game you already lost >it's finally over >you get sent to Low Priority because you've been reported by Peruvians 3 times within a week Great game. Hard to imagine why its English playerbase has fractioned over the years.
Dylan White
and then you get to higher brackets and you have cooperative teammates and intense games
Christopher King
NAshitters have always been garbage.
EU is where it's at.
Luke Flores
If you get non-english speakers on your team you're probably not white.
Oliver Jones
The greatest lie /d2g/ ever told me. Uninstalled years ago when I peaked at around 4800.
The only difference between 4800 and 2400 is that the other team has one other player on your level. Everyone else is still a retarded burrito whisperer.
Juan Hill
>needing people to talk in the same language You are all little babbies. Come play in the SEA server for a day.
Jaxson Cooper
Don't need to, I've already played on NA West.
William Bailey
lmao mate. NA is like child's play compared to the cancer that is SEA.
Chase Edwards
NA West is just SEA 2.0. NA East is concentrated pan flute cancer.
Amazing how all Valve has to do to bring back hundreds of thousands of players is add region locks, yet refuse to do it. Even fucking LoL launched with region locks.
Zachary Gutierrez
there's soft region lock retard, you only get matched with people of similar ping ie >my team >50-70 ms >their team >120-180 ms
git gud retard
Grayson Moore
lol region lock doesn't do anything, people still play on other servers lmao
Tyler Mitchell
no region in the world is like that though fake dota player
Anthony Peterson
It is by far the greatest game humanity has ever designed.
This much is obvious to anyone who thinks thoughts.
no bitch boy actually taking control of a character in first person is important to people
it's a tedious boring game
in fps games there are actually positions to occupy, you prefer barren cooridors with literally nothing going on
fps games require far more brainpower, the Sims might be more your speed
Hudson Rogers
What are you babbling about? I'm assuming you opened the game and where to stupid to figure out how to buy items.
Jose Perry
I watched gameplay and found that the gameplay consists of controlling your sim, running down a barren cooridors with nothing going on, and activate your ability that hits a portion of the cooridor
the game requires no brainpower or intelligent though in regards to positioning, compare that with a first person shooter where you have to think on the x y and z axis, and control every action your character does in regards to movement and aim
where as moba games you just click the screen, all the complexity of controlling your character are gone, I'm sorry you fell for the mobile game of this generation, you have a low iq
It is the only game I know of where a built-in 100ms delay is seen as acceptable and a necessary part of gameplay. Now watch and some ruskie comes in and defends turn rates with "but it balances melee and ranged heroes!" as if that's the issue.
Ethan Gutierrez
It's because heroes like Riki and bristleback would not work without it.
Isaac Martinez
Dota is a moba sweatie. Dota is far more complex compared to a shooter. Shooter is about A positioning and B aiming. A fucking toddler can play a shooter.
Liam Jenkins
You absolute moron don't kow shit. Keep thinking in higher brackets you'll finally play like a pro team.
Matthew Harris
Turn rate is not delay you retard.
David Jenkins
>you shouldn't need to face your target to hit them
Bentley Brooks
Not since 7.x, arguably before hand.
James Rogers
You are babbling once again, what fucking corridoors? You play on a huge map? Your movement in mobas are just as integral compared to shooters retard. Each hero has different ranges and rage on their abilities, so you have to possition yourself considering all these veriables. Go back to fortnite zoom zoom.
Nathaniel Jones
Why is every MOBA that adds monkey king automatically turns to shit, is it because they cater to chinks?
Christopher Hughes
Even if he is a complete fucking moron about it, he's right in the sense that Shooters demand more moment to moment movement. But then, you're right, positioning in these games are also important, but it is like a high speed arena shooter where you have to be always moving. With these games you always have to be doing something, moving or not.
Justin Nguyen
They sure as fuck would. Characters can still just face one direction even if turn rates were basically non-existant (see cross-ups in fightning games for example).
Turn rates have nothing to do with facing. It simply is that when you click in a direction there is a delay because the character has to stop and turn in that direction on the spot before actually doing anything. Many games prevent players from changing facing immediately (flying and racing games for example) but in games like that you turn on a curve, not on the spot.
Tyler Collins
imagine thinking dota is good and complicated strategically
Daniel Campbell
>Be bad >Get matched with bad 3rd worlders Checks out.
Julian Thompson
run down your narrow cooridor activate ability done, no concern for elevation or positioning, no concern for controlling your character, it's the most braindead genre of video games
Jonathan Morris
EU is fine, Russians aren't that bad, it's just a meme because there are a lot, Russia server games are usually comfy as fuck t. Med
Jonathan Thompson
Turn rate isn't delay lmao.
There is a reason why ranged in league is inherently imbalanced, because you can kite for fucking days, stutter step is the most basic bitch thing you can do in these kind of games, and DOTA actively punishes it.
James Evans
they don't turn on the spot before moving, they move towards the point while turning at the same time. try actually playing the fucking game before trying to lie about it
Luis Johnson
Used to be, not anymore.
Too much free gold, now you turbo farm teamfight and push, like league of legends, but not as bad.
I want -em meta to go away, they should never have added those 4-6 extra creep camps, bounty runes, or deny gold.
>B-but it makes support playable No it fucking doesn't, it just gives more gold for carries to farm.
Leo Torres
run down narrow cooridor with no concern for positioning and elevation, activate ability, only control over your character is clicking the screen, requires far less brainpower than almost every other genre of game
Matthew Williams
>ASSFAGGOTS 99% of people who say ASSFAGGOTS are good are in the bottom brackets.
Kayden Robinson
There is no fucking difference between clicking an ability over a target and clicking a crosshair over a head.
Try harder.
Ryder Long
You know this argument can be applied to RTS games as well right? Now, I am not saying ASSFAGGOTS are as complex as RTS games, but I am just pointing out your shitty argumentation.
Austin Long
i was hoping BR was going to finally kill your kind assfaggots, but it looks like BR is going to die long before yours
Andrew James
I unironically really enjoy watching high level DotA play.
Dominic Perez
it puts heroes on a smooth 360 degree orientation that feels natural and units actually feel like they're present on the field in the game thus
units in LoL however are orientated on a hexagonal plane, and are uncanny valley as fuck. fuck that shit
but also fuck nudota there's more gold in all pick now than there was in apem back in the day
Aiden Rivera
>gets almos $30 mils from battlepass >shits out a year beast rehash with 2 months of delay based valve am I right guys
Oliver Fisher
Yes there is moron if you have the high ground in Dota there are many variables, for example the fog of war or the fact that you can miss attacking a target that has the high ground. You constantly have to possition and reposition yourself when playing. Also Dota has no "cooridors" you fucki g mongoloid.
Nathaniel Lopez
Matchmaking isn't fun. You get the sense that you know when you're going to win or lose, because the game forces you to keep a ~50% win rate. And everyone argues with each other and lectures each other on how to REALLY play the game, because nobody wants to lose, because it makes them feel bad. However, winning doesn't feel good either, because you argued with your team the entire time and probably don't feel like you contributed at all.
I had anxiety with every match I went into in Dota and I finally quit when one day someone asked me, "Don't you want to get better at the game?" And I never realized that that's exactly what everyone is trying to do. Everyone is trying to climb the ladder at the expense of others. I heard that and I thought, "No! I don't want to 'get better,' I just want to play the game. When do people just play the game? Never?" And so I quit and never looked back. Waste of 3000 hours.
Isaac Clark
How come DotA 2 uses the Quake 3 Announcer for killstreaks, anyway? I never got how or why they did that.
Ryan Jones
>No mention of lol whatsoever. >dotards immediately start comparing their game to lol because of their fucking inferiority complex. Like clockwork, really.
Isaiah Martinez
I blame all you dotards for going so hard against Siltbreaker. We could have had that shit but no apparently it's too hard.
Now we're only getting Year Beast garbage because that appeals to the chinks.
Noah Moore
>When do people just play the game? Never? in turbo mode and/or smurf pools
Juan Robinson
Depends on the RTS game, SC:BW, AOE2 and WC3 are pretty complex but thats mostly wrestling with the unit AI such as macroing dragoons or sniping creeps and farming the right camps for items.
But SC2 is kind of a joke, so much so RTS fags went back to broodwar, AOE2, and WC3 because SC2 lacks depth, its pure build orders and the execution is simplistic as fuck
William Richardson
>Not playing with your mates using shit post builds
>Quake 3 It's not, but to answer your question regardless, it is because the original mod uses it. As for why it is still being used fuck if I know
its always lol faggots who complain about turnrate, no exceptions
Hunter Kelly
>Characters can still just face one direction even if turn rates were basically non-existant Riki, batrider, and a few other heroes effect turn rates and are balanced around it. The delay in turn facing is hugely important, especially if you ever use offensive force staff.
Joshua Rodriguez
It's the Unreal Tournament announcer not Q3 and it's due to the original WC3 map having them
Jacob Gonzalez
People complained about Siltbreaker? The fuck? It was an attempt by Valve to have a more RPG adventure like thing with the DOTA world and actually doing SOMETHING with the lore? What type of fuck hated it?
James Sanchez
I am trying to think of an analogy that can help me express how absolutely retarded you are but I honestly cannot. How can you have no knowledge of something while having such wrong and stupid opinions.
Christian Campbell
none argument league is the easiest and most known game to compare turn rate mechanic with but (You) already know this, don't you?
Charles Evans
you're right, its the best game in the world it gives me freedom of speech and allows me to grief and throw as much matches as I please and still not banned based valve
>>every match is truly unique so's every shit i take
Ayden Butler
not an argument, nice try, but you failed
must be that low iq
Thomas Morales
Of course I do, I'm just farming (you)s in this thread, it really is too easy.
Christopher Richardson
>do this >eventually my mates give in and start tryharding They were all normalfags anyways so i didn't lose much, but damn it sucks. 2016 really did a number on their sense of fun
Jaxon Perez
This.I always wonder why LoL looked diffrent and unappealing.I have never play that game but the graphics and everything in general is so convulated and from what i can see the abilities are so basic and dumb down.
Alexander Jones
I only ever played bot matches in HotS
Austin Clark
I'll be honest I watched league and assumed Dota 2 was the exact same thing, if it actually has elevation and obstacles to overcome instead of bland cooridors then I'm wrong
Cameron Diaz
Valve might be a company in damage control only when their margin projections are threatened regardless of the geopolitical landscape, but one thing for sure is that Dota 2 is one of the dullest franchises in the history of MOBA franchises. Seriously each game following the Dunning-Kruger and his pals from Mainland China as they fight assorted fantasy heroes has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the game’s only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of particle effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make money from hats.
Perhaps the die was cast when Valve vetoed the idea of Icefrog directing the series; GabeN made sure the franchise would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for hats and card games. Dota 2 might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-fun series in its refusal of race realism, wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least wc3 dota was good though
The scripting is dreadful; the map was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a teammate went for a walk, the player instead just "had 0 impact and fed"
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Icefrog's mind is so governed by the chinese and hat metaphors that he has no other style of balancing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Dota 2 by the same Guinsoo. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these ching chongs are playing dota at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to spend millions on hats." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Dota 2" you are, in fact, trained to spend yuans on particle effects.
Because it was a long ass kino campaign that required you to have mostly non-retard team mates to make it work. And as we all know, our lovely community of dotards is comprised mostly of retards so no one could actually finish that properly. It was only during the final weeks of the Battle Pass did things get better because the only players left playing it were the ones who actually knew what they were doing.
Angel Flores
rts games typically have varied elevation and more units to control, as well as managing a base, the mobas I've seen are, literally run down narrow cooridor that's completely barren, activate your ability, then run away
Grayson Ramirez
I hate how retards can shift the perception of what is an interesting take on the DOTA formula so much. I would honestly be making my own single player maps like Siltbreaker's campaign if it wasn't for the fucking disgrace that is DOTA 2's scripting
DOTA 2 literally has an entire mechanic based on elevation.
Daniel Ross
the only complaint anyone ever had is its difficulty and how you need a well coordinated team of people who now what they're doing if you want to complete it, so stop trying to defend volvo last year was fun too and even rubick was arlight this year it feels like they either had no manpower to make something good or they wanted to make it shit on purpose to be sure that people play underlords instead of morokai either way I blame shitty stillborn chess game
Daniel Hernandez
I remember the first time I played mobas and being disgusted that you couldn't control tower targets or keep units from suiciding into the enemy tower. I still gave them a chance because of my friends and it never got better, the more I learned the more I hated. Except for the griefing, damn is it fun to grief in mobas. Despite being so eager to throw games and afk in the well, people get really upset when you throw their game instead.
Oliver Long
is it still on a narrow cooridor, with the only way to flank being similar narrow cooridors that connect in the middle
if the Maps literally consist of cooridors then it's braindead, but if they have varied elevation and ways to use positioning intelligently then I'm wrong
either way still is about 1/10th of what an rts game has, and first person shooters require more decision making while actually having to control your character
Hunter Hill
>disgusted that you couldn't control tower targets or keep units from suiciding into the enemy tower imagine being this autistic
Parker Bell
Mobas have varied elevation and strategical positioning but it's really barebones and the most common thing you'll be doing is exploiting fog of war so people can't target you with single target spells. The rest barely matters, flanks are meaningless and the entire game is about dumping as many spells as you can before dying
Logan White
imagine being so shit at games that you need the enemy creeps to suicide into your tower to give you free gold and exp. There's no strategy to any of this
are you stupid? the other team has creeps too, they wont suicide into their tower if you know what the fuck youre doing and stop pushing the lane
Asher Garcia
Denying for lane control is a retarded mechanic and takes no skill while actively taking away from strategical opportunities.
Jack Sanders
>HotS was the best option for casuals >It died the hardest why
Bentley Sanders
Normalfags don't want to have fun. They want to hate every moment and spend money on cosmetics to ease the pain. Normalfags are cancer
Julian Ward
> Denying for lane control is a retarded mechanic and takes no skill go ahead and show me how you can hold your lane in place while killing as much creeps as you can at least for 5 minutes
Chase Martinez
What the fuck do you think is difficult about lane control? All you do is attack your own creeps the moment you can and only attack the enemy creeps for the last hit. There is nothing complex about this, there's very little counterplay to it other than timing your hits so the enemy doesn't get a last hit. >but bodyblocking! as if spamming right click and the stop key while in front of your creeps for a bit is difficult either. This is all shit you learn in your first 5 hours
Ian Johnson
If a kid tried to convince you that the sun won't rise tomorrow, would you waste your time giving him "arguments" as to why he's wrong?
Ethan Bennett
>inb4 lane pulling You shouldn't need to do that unless you absolutely suck as lane control, and it's something you'll always want to do for the extra gold it brings in because the enemy creeps will suicide into your tower.
Owen Martinez
>He doesn't know about creep aggro Lolbabs should stop posting
They can't be compare Is like combaring chess to a common board game.
Nicholas Peterson
>attack your own creeps the moment you can lmao go ahead and show me how you do it and how you end up with your lane balance being under your tower
Cameron Hernandez
>enemy right clicks you to pull creep aggro >you right click them back once aggro drops >nothing has changed Fuck this casual crap, it's an excercise in tedium.
Christian Ross
You re missing at least 3 core laning mechanics you don't even know about. It's thing like this that make DotA so good, it's so deep and complex on its mechanics it's so easy to out people trying to give their retarded opinion while not having played the game past 10 games.
Nathan Anderson
>every match is truly unique i'd argue. mechanically it may be unique, but overall feel is the same old shit all over again.
Landon Watson
>admitting to being bottom-tier trash even peruvians can do it. >3 core laning mechanics you don't even know about Go ahead and list them then, you're probably just going to nitpick minor bullshit that wasn't worth mentioning like attacking the enemy hero to pull the creeps or niche hero skills that kill your own creeps
Hudson Price
>4800 >high You were still a shitter
Wyatt Adams
>That faggot that complains about turnrates I bet he doesn't even have 200 hours in Dota.
Connor Reyes
I'm not which 3 he is talking about but pulling and stacking is one I can think of off the top of my head.
Brody Williams
but 7.06 was really good and the patches after that too. The 7.20s are quire bad, but once Ember gets murdered and Sven gets nerfed out of the game it might get good again.
Jacob Foster
The only 3 'impactful' mechanics I can imagine are using the pull camp to maintain or disrupt lane control, cutting the creep wave and dragging it to your t2 towers, and playing aggro minigames with the enemy in your lane. The first is a given and not complex, the second is incredibly niche outside of certain suicide heroes, and the third does nothing but annoy both sides.
Michael Cook
No one plays Dota 2 anymore. Everyone plays League of Legends.
That's not how it works, but ok, and the scenario you described ends up on the second player's death 99% of the time.
Evan Cook
Pull/stack Creep aggro Right click harass aggro management
Jacob Sanders
Does she play League and would she date me if I did so?
Owen Gray
Pressed the post button to fast, wanna add up that any player that has a good grasp of these mechanics will absolutely shit on someone who doesn't to the point of ragequit.
Dominic Ward
If you think this is an argument against the OP, let me share with you a cold hard truth about the average person...
Joseph Young
If you're a retard who walks solo into both the enemy heroes while your partner stands at the tower, don't pull aggro from the safest range, then you stand still because you were stunned/bodyblocked and allow the full creep wave to harass you while the two pepper you with autos and finish you with spells, sure. Lane control is a baby game and only gets interesting if one side has a hooker, but hookers always make the game interesting anyways.
Brayden James
No and no.
Josiah Reyes
Valve is milking out Dota right now, they are doing absolutely 0 updates, I hope Steam and Valve dies anytime soon, so Epic can buy the Dota IP. No fucking joke, thank you for morkai jewben you fat fuck.
Leo Parker
I'm lonely
Xavier King
Only the most braindead mouthbreathers don't have a good grasp of those mechanics. You need to be bottom bracket and playing with 3rd worlders to see people who don't understand how any of that works. There isn't anything to be proud of if your major point is that 60 iq brazillians don't know how to do it.
Hunter Reyes
>they are doing absolutely 0 updates >they literally just did one last big update before International Qualifiers started because they won't update during tournaments
Elijah Gray
People don't have a good grasp of those even in 4.5k, only at 5k+ you see it consistently and even then most people do it without understanding why and when to do it.
Grayson Bell
The fact that people are playing LoL more than this just trumps your argument.
Maybe dotards are just generally retarded? I mostly played HoN, I have several thousand ranked matches across several accounts and the only times I ever saw people that retarded was when I was in the bottom brackets. The exceptions were just people deliberately throwing or being so upset they can't think straight. I gave Dota a chance a couple years ago and in my first few competitive matches people seemed to understand the concepts. Considering I just started playing I assumed those were the people just above bottom tier, and if they understood it then it makes sense the rest do too.
David Perez
You know if Dota 2 was popular people will think the majority of Dota 2's playerbase are retarded. The majority equals retardation all the fucking time.
Bentley Moore
Smaller communities tend to have a higher concentration of hardcore people.
Matthew Carter
Same can be said for something like Tekken, and then even that is less gimicky and you can't blame teammates for your own shit. What gives? It's like this shit is lowest common denominator or something
Cooper Thomas
There'll be another update after qualifiers. You can't update the game during "official" tournaments.
Landon Ross
Yep v7 totally ruined the game. Just added way too much and it spoiled the recipe
Nathaniel Hill
if dota is 1/10th of a rts game, when you add up all the other players you got 9/10ths of a rts game going on. not bad i'd say.
i'd also argue that team cohesion is such a hard problem to solve that relatively simple base gameplay is acceptable. large team games in RTSes are total clusterfucks of deathballs hitting one another.
Luke Butler
hot take: dota is the most complex and intellectually-demanding sport on the planet
You're right, but Dota 2 makes Boomers seethe because they believe it killed off Starcraft (it didn't, Starcraft 2 was just a diastrous unfun piece of shit) and Zoomers cry about how it's too hard and complex. It's amazing that even after 13 years it's still so fucking good. It stumbled a bit with 7.00 but 7.22 is one of the best patches in the game's history.
>boomers >starcraft only zoomers worship starcraft. Real boomers recognize Starcraft as the gookclicker shit it is
Jeremiah Price
Imagine there's millions of alien races in the universe. One day, one of them stumbles upon our planet.
They are not impressed. Everything we have here they've seen already in thousands of flavors. Except one thing, DOTA. They've never seen anything like it. Their calculations show it's the most amazing game possible.
They try to play it. They tell about it to other empires. Even these extremely intelligent, can't play it good. The best alien, grey looking ayy lmao motherfucker, who has been called THE SAVIOR OF PLEYADIANS. This fella calibrated at 1700 MMR.
By this time DOTA is played in the whole galaxy. Empires bet entire planets on BO3's.
Watching human TI's sets the mood for the whole Milky Way.
Alien overlords decide they will breed humans to play DOTA.
They contact us and tell us the whole deal. Entire Earth industry and economy means nothing. Our technology is shit, we are primitive. What matters is that we are genetically engineered to play the best game possible.
People don't have to work anymore, playing DOTA earns you millions if you are able to achieve at least 3k mmr. Anyone who can calibrate at 2000 can become local star system HERO for the aliums. These who play at 5k become instant billionaires. Aliens give them anything they want, 10 tonnes of gold, advanced electronics, everything just so they play for their teams.
>Leaguefags always talking about player numbers >Dota 2 releases its numbers to the public >League doesn't
Lmfao. Pathetic.
Noah Stewart
>then the alien removes the probe from user's ass and user wakes up >remembers he challenged an AYY to a game of dota thinking he'd score hot alien pussy >user weeps, because the HFY stories he read were false and because his anus is bleeding
Juan Morris
Just because of that pic I will spoonfeed you. She is a heartless marksman, which means that >With heatless she makes the enemy lose armour >With marksmen she and other marksmen have a chance to attack twice in a single attack The reason she is nutty is because most heartless and marksmen are 2-4 gold. She is 1 gold. Not to mention the passive gives insane attack speed as well so in a marksman army she can make them attack like crazy.
Asher Harris
you basically you dont even use your own creeps to farm off lane jungles get gold and at the same time deny farm from enemy team. what the fuck are you playing mobile SEAnigwards legends?
Gavin Martin
>that horrid english >calling others SEAnigwards Lane pulling is easy as fuck, being proud of that is as pathetic as being proud of crouch jumping.
I used to like playing this but after seeing 4k hours on my steam profile I never wanted to touch it again
Jackson Cooper
It's funny how Beastmaster is... beastmaster... in DOTA but he is a really good pick in Underlords when you have that perk that gives +50 health per kill to brawny units.
Brody Parker
user, it's okay. You can't help the fact you were born as an ESL.
Beefmaster is good even if you don't have the Brawny buff, he's one of the best hunters.
Levi Walker
both are perfect
Jaxon Edwards
actually there are, such as your position relative to your enemy, bullet travel time, bullet drop, whether they are behind cover, not only does it take greater positioning it takes greater awareness as you aren't limited by fog of war and can be hit from any direction, fps games are far more complex than mobas
Easton Gonzalez
I guarantee you would be absolute garbage at all 3 of those concepts.
Josiah Green
Why do I get the feeling you're some 3k shitter?
Matthew Walker
>Playing with third worlders Lmao fucking fags
Ayden Walker
Nah. The old one used a negroid facial model. Shit was awful.
The whitewash is better.
Ian Rodriguez
you will never have 5 characters on one lane, at most you'll have 2v2
at that level, it's a shitty rts on more lacking terrain
you don't get to control all of the characters, only the one you play
why would I post mine when you're the one acting like a god and calling everyone else retarded?
Isaiah Green
>one map that never changes >all heroes and lore based off a Warcraft 3 mod from 500 years ago >no story >team based competitive game with randomly assigned teammates
Caleb King
I don't need you to post yours. Your belief that stacking and pulling is a complex strategy that only 6k players are capable of is all I need to affirm my superiority in an ASSFAGGOT
stacking and pulling is not complex, however doing it properly is. it's also funny that you should mention 6k players as they frequently do not pull properly and seeing how you're too much of a bitch to post your dotabuff while talking all this shit I'll just assume you are in fact the 3k retard projecting, or maybe even 4k. assuming you even calibrated that is.
Angel Sanders
A real update not just changing some numbers for balance issues, retarded valve drones
Gabriel Diaz
>however doing it properly is The only time you wouldn't want to stack and pull is if there's someone waiting to gank or if one of you is low enough that the enemy can dive, and only 3k shitters let themselves take that much damage without having regen.
Justin Jenkins
What would you want in a "real update"?
New heroes? Two a year is enough and arguably too many.
Hero reworks? New gameplay mechanics? That's balance changes and you saw how many people reacted when major changes (for the better) happened. Ask how these same players feel about new Lich.
Fluff? Who cares, you're playing dota to play dota
There is nothing to do with this game than to provide proper and well-thought out balance changes semi-regularly, while addressing the historic design issues in some heroes, like Lich.
Dylan Campbell
Oliver Allen
That's after TI you dumbfuck.
Andrew Rodriguez
>enemy team peaks super aggressive heroes and not greedy cores >teammate last picks antimage to "counter" WK
Luke Moore
>such a 3k baddy he couldn't mention the obvious reason why I gave you an in by leaving out that you'd want to push, but you're so bad you didn't notice, just like you probably don't notice in game.
Logan Torres
Mireska has arrived. You can start kissing her boots.
>Promised events like morokai but not shit >A fucking functional tutorial >Fucking functional ranked system >Fixing the fucking performance by not adding more slot machine particle effects >A real esport system with a tier 2 system >A real major/minor system I can go on Reddit faggot but you are sucking too much jewben cock it's too embarrassing
Sebastian Wilson
or if you want to gank? or if you want to play the lane with your core? or if you want to check runes? > only 3k shitters let themselves take that much damage without having regen. what a retarded statement. as if only 3k shitters can get harassed out of lane
Easton Clark
God if only.
Valve needs to give in already and let loose with the pandering cosmetics. Shotavoker is already a step in the right direction. The next one is loli Pugna.
Carson Ross
>Voiced by Ashley Burch >Still gives me boners But no, my heart belongs to another
Are you braindead valvefaggot ? They add everything pre ti to get the battlepass shekels,post ti is vacation time for them, newfaggot
Hudson White
Same but my heart belongs to CM.
Grayson Butler
>or if you want to gank? Pulling doesn't prevent that. If anything, it decieves them into thinking there isn't a gank coming, seeing how you think that way. >play the lane with your core Unless you're confident you can get the kill without a trade and it's worth the effort, there's no reason to pass up the extra exp and gold the pull will give you. Even if your core misses a few last hits because of it. >if you want to check runes >he doesn't know how to do both at the same time
Carter Bennett
Every double down token I used has resulted in a loss I'm back in the trench now Dota is a game of suffering
Nolan Diaz
A single pull to bring their wave into your tower, yeah, but not a stack unless you have the means to nuke it quickly. This is a bit niche because it requires planning ahead, if you stacked the camp prior to the decision to push now you have a problem.
Jace Howard
I like Dota 2 because it's the best reminder of why I hate humanity.
Jaxson Cooper
> Every double down token I used has resulted in a loss thats why I dont use it this year at all shit's cursed
Jaxson White
>valid, morokai seems like utter shit >I personally don't care, because I do not need it, but I can see why it is necessary >ranked works, but goodboy points should be turned off, it's affecting the actual ranks of people too much >yes, that would be nice >the DPC is a mess, correct
Good post. You recognize many of the issues with dota today. You are right about all of that.
But only one of those things affects the people who play the game already and can be fixed with an update. The DPC is a mess and we will see how that goes. I hope they figure something out, but I doubt it.
Wyatt Jackson
First off, pulling depends heavily on who you are laning against, what you are playing, what your carry is playing. If you are against a dark seer or an axe or a centaur, if you pull even once or bully them too hard, they'll just fuck off and backlane behind the t2 tower and if you go there you're losing out of a lot. They don't give a shit about pulls or what you do to them. If your carry is weak, then you shouldn't usually pull at all and focus on actually zoning the offlaner. If the offlane is a kill lane pulling just means feeding kills.
Luke Lopez
>If anything, it decieves them into thinking there isn't a gank coming yea, generally with a single pull. I specifically remember aui talking about this years ago. doesn't mean it's possible to always pull before ganking without missing an opportunity > there's no reason to pass up the extra exp and gold the pull will give you. completely fucking wrong and I constantly see pros complain about afk supports like you with this exact same mentality >he doesn't know how to do both at the same time stacking can potentially cost you bounties >A single pull to bring their wave into your tower a single pull so as to have a double wave with catapult at 5 minutes
Logan Hernandez
>It can be fixed But there is the problem user, valve already abandoned that road, they are now just milking the remaining playerbase
Jose James
It's really not that complex. There are very few heroes that pose a problem, both against and with. Many of those specific scenarios would just alter where you stand and nothing more, and bullying them out of the lane entirely is to your benefit. They either fuck off to their jungle, their friend's lanes, or they provide easy kills by cutting your lane. >I constantly see pros complain about afk supports like you with this exact same mentality That's because they're used to playing in 5 queues and don't understand solo/duoq strats. Rule of thumb is your carry is a fucking retard and you need that slight boost so you can babysit him harder. >stacking can potentially cost you bounties You can stack from any side, you know.
Josiah Cruz
You don't have to pay to play dota, yknow? Unlike some of the games.
Robert Moore
>they provide easy kills by cutting your lane. it's not easy to kill a dark seer behind the tier 2 and it's not even worth it for you to be walking there.
Jordan Cox
>Two a year is enough and arguably too many Jesus christ imagine being this much of a retard
Kayden Jones
It's not worth it for them to be their either, otherwise they wouldn't want to stay in your lane. Their absence just gives your team more room to do other things and even give someone juicy solo exp.
Isaiah Sanders
imagine wanting to mechanically dilute the hero pool
Logan Green
Cutting the wave gives them solo xp and allows their support to do other things. Which is why you draft dark seer alongside things like spirit breaker, tusk and earth spirit.
Grayson Turner
Yea Forums talking about video games is the funniest thing
>It's a free game Ehm not really, the most features nowadays are behind a paywall (ranked roles, ignoring user etc.) But yes I don't need to play a shitty game
Brayden Garcia
>play pubs >Friendly techies suicides on top of rune spawn to chip damage enemy pa and pudge >Pudge level 1 flesh heaps >PA has the items for pms in her inventory >Friendly Pugna is waiting patiently in the jungle to try out their experimental jungle build >Enemy Juggernaut kills our courier whom unknown to me was conscripted into the Radient v Dire creep army >Pinging literally everywhere >We are down by 2 kills >Friendly Weaver is salty and sitting in the fountain because he didn't want a lane partner >He is just shitposting the voice clips and all chatting to the enemy about a lack of teamwork >That faggot bugle sounds off and the runes finally spawn >I'll be strapped in for some interactive entertainment for the next 25-65 minutes now >fml
nobody plays ranked roles, you have 20 minute queue times.
Colton Allen
Ranked roles is garbage. I'm fucking glad it's dead because I swear it's the dumbest fucking shit this community has asked for in a long time.
Joshua King
I don't get what's special about what you're saying. If they cut into your creep wave, it's an easy kill for whoever wants to come get them. If they do something on their side, it's still beneficial for you because that's less people fucking with your team, it's less efficient for them, and they can't call out your actions as easily making it easier to roam.
Colton Sanders
level 1 flesh heap is objectively the correct way to play pudge, get the with the times, grandpa. Learn to play. +6HP regen at level 1 is absurd, it's a FREE permanent tango. The current, optimal skillbuild for pudge is something like 1-2-2, because flesh heap is absurd in lane.
It's like a better version of reactive armor on a hero that actually needs it.
Dylan Turner
Yes... Yes... But league is miles better
Kevin Brooks
lmao just play siltbreaker in the custom game lobby what the fuck
Xavier Taylor
It's dead because it's behind a paywall + valve is too braindead by not adding position que, a classic valve feature
Oliver Williams
> Matches are hard to predict, comebacks are always possible through sheer skill and teamwork. Working together is satisfying and so is outplaying the enemy. Some people will say certain things are unfair in Dota - especially if you get a bad matchup - but that is just part of life and Dota.
biggest cope faggot, stop defending shit game design
Benjamin Edwards
>sheer skill and teamwork >enemy carry suiciding into your well and giving your whole team a massive boost in gold and EXP is sheer skill and teamwork
Liam Sanders
Good. Doesn't matter if it died by either incompetence or greed or both as long as no one uses it and it eventually gets removed from D+.
Awful awful idea. Game never needed ranked roles.
Adrian Baker
>playing this shit RNG game >have to play MID because biggest impact position, otherwise have minimal impact pos5 following retards around, ward, gank no reaction from teammates >some heroes are just superior to others >can't 1v5 straight face like in an FPS, you have to rely on your team in some way
Luis Stewart
abandoning your drow in lane so she can get shafted 2v1 is not a strat >You can stack from any side moreso about stunning or harassing the enemy before the runes spawn
Adrian Perez
>Friendly techies suicides on top of rune spawn to chip damage enemy pa and pudge is this a bad thing?
Isaiah Peterson
Game made me learn to hate eastern europeans, russians and other undesirable nationalities.
Time well spent.
Josiah Thomas
I have over 7k hours in Dota2 and while its addicting, it is not a fun game because of the community / the people who play this game. It gets slightly better at higher mmr but not much. If you want to climb MMR ignore Reddit and learn 3-4 heroes its good to know a cheezy hero like Meepo so u can solo win up to 4k mmr, then you can pick safe shit picks u mastered and climb more. Dota2 is suprisingly addictive for some reason but its not a good game.
Jonathan White
God I wish I could shaft Drow with another user.
Aiden Gomez
Well said.
Austin Diaz
It's all about that 10k behavior score now mate. Getting non-retards the higher MMR you get is a meme.
Joshua Morris
list me best heroes to solo my way up then senpai
Nolan Martin
Flesh heap is retroactive so you're giving free stacks to Pudge by dying near him even if it's a suicide
Christian Wright
>abandoning They can handle being in the tower for 15 seconds. The creeps should be right outside of tower range and if they still die, I made the right decision focusing my attention elsewhere for a few moments. Hopefully mid is less shit. >harassing the enemy before the runes spawn Is there anything preventing me from doing that?
Hunter Sanchez
I loved it. So much better than League. But the third worlders on my NA SERVER going Afk in a Ranked Match and being dickheads in chat made me abandon the game
Austin Peterson
Dota turns people into racists. With a success rate of almost 100%. The last based game out there.
Justin Reyes
you cant help it with techies. at least he forced them to buy more regen and made this lane easier
Samuel Hernandez
Any team game with matchmaking will.
Tyler Myers
Depends, I would only play mid because other lanes are fucked at low mmr because of the XP leech, support fucking up lane equilibrium, bad farm.
So go MID at low MMR you can safely play heroes like Lina, Huskar, Meepo, Bloodseeker, QoP, Arc Warden these are all around good heroes to climb 1v5 , if you really want safelane then Juggernaut, Pa, Terrorblade, Luna (since her buff)
anyway you shouldn't focus on MMR since it will kill your soul. Enjoy the game make it fun, ranked doesn't get better at high mmr, there is just more ppl that know what to do / team but you will get acc buyers, immortal smurfs, griefers and just bad games where everyone flames and its 50mins.
Christian Barnes
Because it shows clearly as day the differences between different people that are set in stone. It proves the belief that people are different, and some are born and raised simply better than others.
Thomas Parker
whichever hero you area actually good with and manage to consistently win with across many, many games.
Really, in dota it doesn't even matter what hero you play as long as you play your role properly, I suggest playing support sniper.
Alexander Green
Very true but the systems in place around Dota's mechanics amplifies it even more. Not to mention no region lock.
Dylan Cook
At that's a good thing. It's fun to guess how Gaben will fuck up my game again.
Nolan Gutierrez
I'm legend 7 but every game I get matched with immortals and divines. What's going on here? Is noone playing this game anymore?
Julian Gonzalez
It's true but some heroes are just not good at soloing games, so learn Arc Warden, Meepo, Huskar and you get easy mmr.
Bentley Ortiz
I've never seen so many mentally ill people in a game ever, I think its the most toxic community ever. Even in LoL I get better people in term of manner and game knowledge. In dota2 everyone has this huge ego but everyone plays so fucking shit, everyone does his own thing and ignores team and blames team. Its really interesting.
Zachary Ramirez
Arc Warden is heavily team and role dependent, Huskar is a dogshit hero that snowballs into a brick wall, no matter how hard you go early and he doesn't even do anything against competent opponents and Meepo is the same but not as dogshit as Huskar.
Meepo and Huskar also need to go mid no matter what, Arc Warden needs a core role. Those are the contested roles.
Just pick a role, play it well and then you will gain mmr.
Levi Lee
That's because you can't even say "you're bad" in LoL without risking a ban. People are scared of talking
Nicholas Long
It's just that it breeds this sort of environment where you have to be 100% confident that you are right about everything. Because other people are confident that they are right, even when they are obviously wrong.
You cannot doubt your knowledge in this game or you will lose, but you also have to be disciplined and play out every game from start to finish (this is something that most people can't do). People are used to surrendering, but in dota you shouldn't.
Jayden Morris
Don't listen to this guy, you will have to play thousands of games to gain any mmr, if you look at boosters they all play those heroes I mentioned like arc, huskar, meepo and they go mid no matter what.
go ahead pick CM, IO and pray you get a decent team because you will need it no matter how good you are because some heroes are very team dependent and limited, meanwhile arc is a 1v5 hero.
Do you blame your team when you fail to carry despite being given a free lane, wards, and a stacked jungle?
Alexander Davis
>invest 5k hours into dota2, manage to climb to 2800 mmr >get into a losing streak lose to 1700 mmr >start playing rainbow six siege, lol, cs:go >my mmr is rising and I feel like I'm in control
dota2 is a really bad game, you have 0 chance winning because of shit team unless u go mid and snowball.
Hunter Walker
>you can solo but it's really hard especially if your team is retarded and keeps feeding >once you're on the losing side it REALLY feels fucking bad and the winning team can extend that feeling for however long they want >no surrender button >chance to get matched with people who can't/won't communicate with you despite the importance of communication in the game >mistakes are punished HARD
Wyatt Adams
You are falling for a falacy because retarded Russians speak and scream in Russian, and those fuck your game up, so you remember them, but you don't remember the Russians that played properly and didn't chat or did so in English, you've been carried countless times by Russian players. Your brain is just poor.
Angel Taylor
R6s, LOL, and CSGO are all bade games too. Competitive matchmaking is a cancer that you should avoid
Jayden Bailey
How come they don't remember the retarded non-russians then? Why are russians the only ones that consistently do that? >others are more rare you'd think, given their rarity, it would stand out more when they do show up since one of the few times you meet them is when they scream.
Ayden James
Who the fuck says "pick CM or Io" No, you pick supports that flash farm and push waves. You pick things like Sven, Sniper, Jakiro, Leshrac, Kunkka. There are many farming, high impact supports in the game. Maybe you need to step out of you and your team's comfort zone, but that's fine. What you're doing right now doesn't really work anyway, no?
Or you just go offlane and farm and listen to BSJ for once and actually start shoving the dead lane. Play Dark Seer, Sand King, Centaur, Pango or even Pudge. Those are high impact heroes that can 1 vs 5 and win a game, without needing you to take a contested role.
The big mistake people make when talking about grinding mmr is to tell people to play nothing but the two roles everyone wants.
Ayden Perez
As a dude who's tried nearly every major server I can safely say that:
they are bad games, but at least I can climb mmr there for some reason. There were many situations in Siege where I literally 1v5 clutched a round and its the best thing ever. In dota2 you can't do that, you can't face 1v5 you have to play around them and its fucking annoying and you have to rely on your team in some form.
but yeah siege is an fps game so I wouldn't really compare I'm just saying that ranked is better because you can actually own the enemy face to face. In dota2 u have to split push, look for ganks, even if you are strong u will enver take an 1v5 fight.
Liam Clark
I dont think there as been a positive addition to the game since 2014, the balance changes are whatever but the talent system and the jungle and map changes and the roshan items and the new items theyve added have all just bloated an already obtuse game.
Evan Moore
Russians are joy to play with compared to iranians and turks. I'd take Russians every game over having ONE more fucking Arab shitstain in my games.
Austin Baker
play meepo and strong snowball heroes you dumbdumb
ez mmr
Hunter White
the biggest mistake is playing a low impact hero which is everything else except MID. The highest chance of gaining mmr on a steady rate. You don't see booster pudge, dark seer, sand king, centaur. Do you know why? I've seen many boosters and they all play mid OR RARELY SAFELANE
Dylan Clark
You don't take note of other trolls nationalities, there are a fuckload of Russians, it's like saying Americans are dumb, some of them of course but what else do you expect given there are 300 fucking million of them. All nationalities except maybe peruvians and south Americans in general have the same chance of trolling you.
Jaxson Scott
>5k hours >2800 mmr yeah, dota might not be your cup of tea after all
Jaxon Kelly
Is there a single hero that hits a brick wall harder than meepo when he reaches 25?
Jason Nguyen
Yes, because boosters are many many times better than the people they play against. You are not.
You are slightly better, perhaps. You are not that much better that if you play a cheese hero you win every time. Add in to that the games where you do not get mid and suddenly you don't really win too much after all. I'm not even saying "don't pick meepo every game", but that you need to have an alternative plan that works and consistently wins you the game.
Ethan Hill
cope and goalposting
Jonathan Lee
Do you think you are as good as a booster? Do you think you are as good as a pro player?
You are delusional. Use your games to LEARN not to grind. You need to get good before gaining mmr.
Jacob Hughes
as I said learn the 1v5 heroes this comes with farm pattern and everything else like item builds and counter/focus. Also ignore this tard trying to goalpost.
Justin Rivera
>LEARN I play to win or have fun not to learn
Michael Gonzalez
you don't win or have fun if you're not good, you're not getting good if you don't learn
Austin Stewart
There are two ways to climb consistently in this horrible game
First is to learn how to actually last hit and understand your farm rotations. Having more gold than your opponent is the first fucking step to winning a game. And if you're in a 1-2k game getting at least 50 last hits in ten minutes then you'll get up in no time flat. Second way is to play your team and not the game. Pick a strong support that can help retards and go full fucking ham on your mic. If you're a good enough tardwrangler then even if you're complete dogshit mechanically you can still reach at least 5k.
This is pure fact.
Jonathan Nguyen
I win by using cheese strategies. I have fun by using cheese strategies. I don't need to get good to achieve either. So long as the game's design is about metas rather than skill, I will be able to do this.
Nicholas Martin
huskar's lane doesn't actually matter, it's just he can't be picked every single game
Nathaniel Brooks
Interrupting this discussion to remind you of Auroth, the Winter Wyvern, widely known as the cutest dota in the game
>the game's design is about metas rather than skill Someone who is significantly better than you can play anything he wants and stomp your shit on your cheese hero by simply being more skilled than you. If you don't have absolute lastpick someone can just counterpick you and then you lose.
Ethan Nguyen
Good thing those people are as rare as a brazillian that speaks clear english and doesn't go apeshit over the slightest bump in his farm. Even better when I meet them and my cheese strat overpowers them because their team sucked, they usually start throwing out excuses, it's very funny.
Jaxon Myers
fuck the color isn't that great, I'll hunt out the lineart somewhere, thanks though
Asher Gray
>5k hours to get to 2800 MMR >somehow managed to drop 1700 Holy shit are you like legit 20IQ or something? anything below 3k MMR is literally made up of underage kids and casuals.
For people who say this, I wonder how many of you know about Conduct. I sometimes play with my friend who has 3k conduct and we always get toxic people and the occasional feeder. When I play alone with my 8.5k conduct I pick Mirana, a hero I don't even play, and go 7-0 with really friendly teammates helping along the way.
Conduct is almost as important as MMR.
Gavin Richardson
>Dota is dying hard in NA but keeps growing in SEA, CIS, and China What did we do to deserve this?
Anthony Torres
stop playing lol
Parker Gutierrez
Has MMR been inflated recently or not? I used to be 3700 MMR back before the badge system. Where would I place today?
Connor Turner
Valve actually gets 75%, so valve got 90 million from the battle pass so far, and its going to pass 120 million by my guess.
Noah Long
it doesnt seem to decay over time so depends on your calibration I guess
The playerbase is just awful. They're all at the peak of Dunning-Kruger curve and all they do is come up with patethic excuses when they lose. You are the only constant unless you play with a stack. It's a team game. It's impossible to play as solo with four randoms.
TI4 EU Hub was peak kino though.
Evan Jenkins
What new heroes do you want for this TI dotards?
I want either a hard carry or swanky play-making mid to get released.
Brandon Gonzalez
>never play ranked, only play casually a few times a week with any friends who happen to be on >only play a few heroes well >still get immortals in my matches every other game >teammates and enemies are 90% of the time reliable and dependable with their decision making, always tough games >mfw every time i see people complaining how they cant climb ranks and their teammates are always shit it's a game stupids, learn to have fun with it first
Below 5k, play as a roamer. You only pick support to satisfy your team and keep them from throwing, but you don't need to actually play as one other than to keep up the charade. You play as a roamer Above 5k you play as a support and decide who is worth your time most. Sometimes your short carry sucks and you need to shift attention to your mid or some other player with a good hero. Try to keep your short carry feeling somewhat happy though, in case the game lasts 50 minutes and they end up finally being useful.
Ayden Cox
destroy enemy midlane and safelane
Nicholas Campbell
How to get your laners to actually react appropriately to your ganks?
Luke Miller
either they're faggots or you're acting thirdish, assess the situation and call them faggots or adjust behaviour as appropriate
Jordan Myers
step 1 make sure they have a hero that can step 2 make sure that they actually can step 3 *pingpingping* on the guy you want to kill step 4 "kill"
Adam Taylor
Ping or say on mic
Adrian Nelson
Give them a 1-2 minute advance notice and repeatedly re-inform them about it to get them excited, spam pings when you're ready, and try to time your entrance after they get a last hit on a creep. This last part is important because your laners are retarded and they will sit there doing nothing for 5 seconds because they really don't want to miss that creep kill.
Ethan Flores
Thanks dotards. Maybe I'll try getting a feel for roaming with Spiritbreaker first.
John Taylor
They're locked in 2k mmr and silver in CSGO despite trying so hard, so I doubt the problem is me.
Jayden Ward
>EU servers >Little Russia
Grayson Cruz
>still get immortals in my matches every other game they casually play pubs with they low iq MMRlet friends
Xavier Walker
pudge regens it before laning even starts lol
Benjamin Gray
don't forget to pay attention to bounty rune timings as well
Owen Wright
Something complex, obviously. The Oracle + Earth Spirit release was top tier.
Kevin Martinez
This. I want tryhard autist garbage again.
Pangolier is top fucking fun though it has to be said and Mars is simple but real classy as well.
Jackson Reed
Can I play DotA 1 now? I miss it a lot but i don't know how to play son modern systems.
Henry Price
Lack of QOL. It takes too long to find matches unless you live in Russia, China, or a 3rd world shithole. Performance drops from shit thats been in the game for ages, like PL/TB/MK. Dev team that flat out doesn't care, with shot in the dark balance that generally makes the game worse. There is a soft region lock, but the game is so dead you're still more likely to get more people that can't speak your language than don't.
The raw gameplay is good but its not worth a 15 minute queue for the possibility of a match that drags 45 minutes and isn't fun for a second of it (which happens at least 10% of the time even with spotless behavior score). The game could have been a smash hit in the west with just a few small changes, the fact that those didn't happen says a lot about the investment and connectivity of the dev team.
Kayden Perez
What place do you live in? Burgerland?
Isaiah Price
Yes but a good amount of my greviences apply to players in western europe as well.
Zachary Taylor
I put in around 1k hours. Not enough fun relative to the furstration.
Liam King
It was a smash hit, but it's been out 8 years now.
Wyatt Morgan
It peaked around TI2-3
Jeremiah Stewart
I loved the original dota2 (wc3 mod), the new one seems like a cash grab
Henry Robinson
The original dota 2? You mean dota, retard?
Nathaniel Davis
Fuck, im drunk, sorry (Australia, Saturday night)
Parker Barnes
that's not a she
Jaxson Kelly
This, I'm Norwegian and a huge troll, but you won't remember it. When I scream "jævla neger faen! Drep deg selv! Nigger!" you won't associate that with Norwegians.
Nathan Walker
That is the most amusing post I've seen in a while, good job user
Gavin Anderson
>>>>>every match is truly unique HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Juan Sanders
These threads are made by a bot, probably to keep the site "active" because these threads create a lot of activity (same arguments different day)
Alexander Bennett
Isn't that the plot of Soreyuke! Uchuu Senkan Yamamoto Yohko except with aliens instead of time travel?
I haven't played Dota 2 in more than a year but I just want to mention that Undying was and will always be my favorite champion. Love you, baby. Is he still king of the early game?
Asher Ramirez
>Only way to flank being similar narrow corridors Literally every single unit on the map is accessible in some way with the number of movement options in DotA.
Christopher Turner
Thanks for the 75 (and still growing) million dollars, nerds.
Sorry but you arrived too late the game apex is long past gone. the real final nail in the coffins was 7.00 and bi-weekly updates, that shit was since then, removed but the damage was done. Everyone dropped the game, whats left are normies, newfags, people with severe addiction (cashcows and gachafags) and the ones who try to make a living out of it but the essence and the soul of the game is long gone.
He dropped off a bit these past few months but that's just standard meta shifts. He certainly is still a godly early game hero. Maybe only trumped by Chen.
Wyatt Davis
>them because their team sucked, they usually start throwing out excuses, it's very funny
If their team actually sucked its not an excuse anymore is it?