Was Bubsy 3D the best platformer of its time?

Was Bubsy 3D the best platformer of its time?

Attached: bubs.jpg (800x615, 114K)

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kys furfag

kys furfag

Continue posting...

where's her cock?

I wanna impregnate femBubsy, kiss her, and stare deeply into her baggy eyes and tell her I love her

Attached: shocked superheroes.png (471x574, 211K)

kys furfag

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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Based Ronaldo.


kys capefag

You have an unhealthy obsession

bubsy is bigger all a sudden...

how does he do it boys?
kys furfag

Say that to JustPassingThrough who thinks spamming stealth pony images/cropped pony porn in threads he doesn't like and doxing someone for not liking MLP is somehow going to erase the brony stigma and make people like their kind.

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That's not the transsexual prostitute Bubsy I remember.

Don't you have a few dozen /bant/ threads to skulk in?


You are honestly sick, I'd seek professional help. Think about it: you're obsessing over a dude who obsess over MLP. You're lower than him, and he's already dirt.

The guy posting the pony pic and him are the same person
youre not that smart user

kys furfag

So you're saying he posts the pic and then immediately replies to himself calling himself out?

barneyfag is just a persona taken on by people at this point

Arn't bronys basically dead now? Didn't that show end already?


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Yes, he does this to bait low IQ people such as yourself

Totally. Look.

Attached: Bubsy4.jpg (320x240, 30K)

I mean pretty much
90% of the world has moved on by this point.

>you're obsessing over a dude who obsess over MLP.
After he continued to spam boards with his off-topic stealth MLP images, trying to assert his agenda as being better than those he dislikes despite not contributing to overall discussion, and then doubles down on the obnoxiousness by doxing people who disagree with his behaviour, at which point on he started becoming more overt with his pedoweeb/fur obsession, such as using crolled MLP loli porn which only he posts because he's probably the only one here interested in that sort of thing, and uses a VPN so he can ban-evade all he wants and post it with little repercussions.

>Didn't that show end already?
It's supposed to end in October, but China is leaking the episodes early; the finale will be out by August 9th.

Totally. Look at those graphics, Bro.

Attached: images - 2019-07-06T040744.991.jpg (220x165, 9K)

/mlp/ is still more active than Yea Forums
>Didn't that show end already?
Will end this year, plus another movie and a reboot next year. Cons died


I'm going to say that's false


the graphics were so realistic in this game


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>he's still fallling for it after he's been told it's bait

> brony stigma
> their kind
makes me wonder how much propaganda barneyfag shilled before he got named and people aware and warned.

wonder how much of that is bullshit. he's been caught posting ponies before.

You went to McMaster, right? Shot in the dark, but do you remember James Pham?

I want to plow that washed up bimbo, femBubsy, and make her addicted to gurgling and swallowing up my seed.

i can't fucking believe i wanna jerk off to fucking bubsy now. im gonna do it lads im gonna end it all

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>It's okay user no one's judging you come down off the ladder and let's have a chat

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What a fat fuck.

Post the burned out tranny version!

You are OP


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This bubsy is shit because
a) He's not actually trans, just a male with fat ugly boobs
b) Implies trans persons are psychological wrecks
and c) furfaggotry

I fucking hate the retard that invented this shitty version.

It is so good people can't even understand it, it flies straight over their heads.
It is a 4 dimensional object and people can only see its 3 dimensional shadow.

>pro trans
>anti furry

boy do I have the image for you

Attached: KYS_tranny~3.png (670x1024, 948K)

b is literally true though

Fuck off.


You gonna cry again Cosmo?

>trans person on Tumblr makes trans version of Bubsy
>trans Bubsy is basically a trashy guy with boobs stapled on, and dependent on alcohol, prostitution and drugs to get by
>trans person fails to see inherent irony of such a depiction, as a self-loathing trans furry
>Bubsy gets "popular" due to a coincidental wave of postironic sentiment, gets a legitimate sequel and artsy fangame while invalidating the point of trans Bubsy being a failed mascot that nobody likes
Pottery in motion.

Attached: 220px-Bubsy_The_Woolies_Strike_Back_Artwork.png (220x243, 104K)


>failure can't grasp he's a failure

Dont worry bud one day you will

I am going to rub her toes into my eyes

oh my

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It was absolutely terrible and also why don't these gimmick cartoon character rip offs ever wear pants?

Attached: Pantsy.jpg (474x594, 46K)

I'd fuck his boi pussy

I'm not sure what I was expecting.

You weren't there for her(him).

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did the guy who drew this abomination get exiled from the furry community or what?
99% of all the pictures of that bubsy trans thing are gone


These just gave me a chubsy...... in 3d.... if you get what I mean.....

Idk about that. I would like to know the story behind that, tho.

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