What on earth were they thinking?

What on earth were they thinking?

Why haven't they patched this yet?

Attached: ruins your atmosphere.png (614x425, 305K)

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I haven't got her last charm cuz people say it's a "curse". Still not sure if should try to

I'm just going to flat-out spoil you because it seriously tainted the end of the game for me.

Salubra makes out with you and for the rest of the game when you use a bench, a ghostly version of salubra will dance over your head, making her annoying as shit sounds. It refills your SOUL gauge while you're resting, but considering how utterly easy SOUL is to farm if you REALLY need it and can't just make it as you go in a fight, all it really does is destroy all atmosphere the restful moments you had on benches had. Even the last bench in the final area which is clearly supposed to be this quiet moment of repose isn't safe from Salubra hovering over your head doing her shitty little dance and going "huhuhuhuhu~, huhuhuhuhu~!"

>he doesn't disable it from the options menu

lmao get on my level pleb.


can you not just ignore her? that's what I did, didn't feel like it was annoying or anything

i wasnt aware you could do this

elden ring

you can't


She already annoyed me enough that I went out of my way to avoid resting on the bench outside her shop and now she's following me around literally everywhere

The entire Godmaster DLC was trash.

They kept adding shit to the game until it lost its charm

Git gud

Nymm is based, fuck Grimm

was I the only one who thought she was an extremely flamboyant male bug at first?

Attached: 1438374915884.jpg (500x500, 30K)

Cuphead is about as hard as Hollow Knight, and I actually like that game, because it's atomsphere doesn't get fucked over by dumb shit like a floating slug ghost and their DLC looks like it's purely going to be additional content.

Godmaster is just recycling challenges the player already cleared into a shitty endurance contest. I don't care about it, because it's boring right out of the gate.

Git gud.

>Cuphead is about as hard as Hollow Knight
Is it as hard as the pantheon of Hallownest and radiant bosses? Honest question, I haven't picked it up yet.

>he thinks anyone needs to git gud for a boss rush of low-quality bosses

>their DLC looks like it's purely going to be additional content.

umm yeah, what else would dlc be retard?

Wait this shit is on EVERY bench?

The perk is fine
Too bad youll probably get it way too late for it to matter

Have sex.

Godmaster is so fucking bad that I have a hard time believing it exists, what a shitty idea for a final expansion

I don't know, both are probably super easy according to Yea Forums, all I'm saying is one is fun all the way through and the other turns into trash near the end that feels like it was tacked on by a bad game designer.

Godmaster is in no way easy, and I haven't played Cuphead, but I hear enough about it being challenging that I would believe it legitimately is

Godmaster is just a really shitty retread of existing bosses but amped up and in a row so you have to fight all of them to see the new shit that will kill you the first time guaranteed, it's a horrible grind that ruins any motivation to complete it

Yeah, exactly. Even if you were able to plow through every boss you had already killed perfectly every run, it's 45 fucking minutes just to get to the new boss, who is specifically made to be one of the most challenging in the game. Imagine if you had to run a 45 minute fucking gauntlet just to face off against Nightmare King Grimm.

I have no desire to complete the Godmaster shit because I can just play other games instead of grinding through the ending of this one just for the honor of playing against a souped up Radiance.

Godmaster is literally just a way for streamers to bait people to watch

I'm enjoying godmaster

I'm a masochist though and I wasn't really satisfied killing radiance

No I thought the same


>that terrible fucking lipsmacking

i generally play an idiot moralfag in souls games and don't kill people for their items or because I don't like them or anything

but I REALLY want to kill salubra

Clearly you do because you didn't beat it.

"Our game is too good, lets fuck it up to keep it in line with everything else"

well, molluscs are hermaphrodites aren't they

I did, last night. ;)

Don’t sit on benches for more than a second so this never bothered me. The biggest issue i have with the game is that godseeker is too far away from a stag station

Attached: bossrush.png (347x469, 196K)

>274 hours
What the fuck were you doing? Did you leave the game running overnight or something?

well fuck and I bought this game recently too, I wont bother with shit past the base game and if I have interest will just look up stuff about the rest of the content.

nigga just play the shit

salubra IS base game

grimm troupe is out of the way optional side content that you don't have to touch

godmaster is a ballbusting boss rush mode if you really love the game and you want to go all out

I want to fuck that bug.

Also, < 300 is nothing.

>Also, < 300 is nothing.
It is for Hollow Knight. I have already done everything there is to do and I clocked 100 hours.

then how do I make sure I avoid the stupid bullshit

there is a mod to get rid of it right

Game overall is fine but the Godmaster free update is just dumb. You dont need to "git gud" to see that.

I just thought she was based off Ursula from TLM.

Attached: ursula-696x452[1].jpg (696x452, 30K)

Even the sexiest girl has shit inside her body and salubra is that shit

Again, replays, and of course not rushing every time.

It's pretty genius, actually. You can make content for a game as shitty and lazy as humanly possible, as long as you include at least one thing that retards on the internet can defend until their dying breath for hardcore points.

>muh atmosphere

>Nuh-uh you didn't actually have fun, it was fake fun

Outside of the hallownest pantheon 30+ fights, it's fine though. You get some new bosses and ability to fight some variations of existing ones to boot. Plus the zote thing which is definitely worth a chuckle if you can find it.

hard disagree on that, it's not fine outside of the hallownest pantheon and they should have incorporated the added bosses (not pure vessel and absolute radiance since those make no sense to do) into the base game instead of as side things, there is no reason you couldn't add the ability to fight the tutors and Bug Yoda

the entire thing is a pointless exercise in frustration that makes you work for new content you really shouldn't have to work that hard for (i.e. actually difficult bosses)

it's like going to school for your degree and at the end of all of your effort you have to get another degree, but in this case the only thing you learn along the way is how to be perfect at a video game

the game calls itself an "atmospheric action-adventure game" in advertising so blame the game for being an autism game

Your last paragraph applies to pretty much every game that I thought was worth playing. Also the first two pantheons are really easy. It is kind of lazy but it’s not bad for a throw in bonus

>taking almost 300 hours to get through pantheon 5

>not going for the slow run world record

That's not what was being said, you fucking nigger ape. Any criticism of this game in any thread is dismissed by at least one retard spouting hardcore gaymer memes. The devs, rather intelligently, have only done things to further encourage this.

words words words git gud and cope harder casual spend less time damage controlling and you wont fucking suck

Nice story you wrote there but you're still fucking bad.

Its what the radiance wouldve wanted

now THIS is autism

Just because it's a good game doesn't mean it's a good metroidvania.

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