Thoughts on Simpsons Hit and Run?

Thoughts on Simpsons Hit and Run?

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the grid took my boy...

sneed's feed and seed was not featured in this game

it was under different ownership

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Too good for a licensed Simpsons Teen-rated GTA clone.

Both characters were actually in the game as unique pedestrian models in the countryside section.


Unironically better than gta 5

It was a bit sneedy

Somebody needs to make a custom mod for the game to include Sneed's feed and seed (formally Chucks)

whats the best version to emulate?

Why does Yea Forums and Yea Forums actively sabotage anything good with shitty spammed memes?
Unless I'm forgetting something, Yea Forums only does that with bad games.

una vela

I played the shit out of this game when I was young, I found out there's only 5 world cars in each level that drive around

sneed's literally in the game

it okay

if i remember correctly you can drive past homer's tomaco farm and the two farmers are generic NPC's you can run down

God damn i love this game so much. I believe i might be one of the few people who actually bought it for the gamecube. A GTA clone with SOUL that i could replay for days on end.

It's pretty fun

Best Simpsons game.

Some janky corners (hit them and it stops yourcar to zero), but you learn that it’s rough and play around it.

The final world stages just plain shocked me as a kid with all the SOUL put into it.

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Great game released just when the Simpsons was cancelled forever and didn't continue on for 20 years getting worse by the second.

she actually looks really cute in that pic and not creepy. I'd adopt her as my daughter

What is the best season of the simpsons and why is it 7?

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Yea Forums struck gold with Baneposting and they can't do anything else worth a shit.

Good shit
No, I don't want the HD remaster

fuck outta here

Kys now

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why do games even nowadays struggle to make their graphics resemble the cartoons they're based on? the 3d models look terrifying

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user calm down just accept the sneed

Peak soul.

>make HD remaster
>try adding in newer jokes and gags
>realize nobody knows them

This game came out in 2003

The Simpson's writers are hip to what the fans want, Hit and Run was made when we were already years into Zombie Simpsons

Needs a remake.
Battle for bikini bottom + hit and run for licensed games kino

nah it wasnt that bad
coming out in 03 would have made it around season 15. at the very least lets assume 2 years dev time making it around season 13. Thats not zombie territory, that's when it was crashing down.

1-6 is classic, 7 and 8 are silver era, anything after 9 is shit. maybe not zombie, but not worth remembering. after the tony hawk one, there was no hope for the simpsons.

Farmer 1 is, and there's a tomacco field.


Because Simpsons threads on Yea Forums are offtopic and belong on Yea Forums
To derail them is a righteous action


>season 15 was 16 years ago
Fuckety fuck yikes!

Why are you still forcing this meme

We really should do the same here to eceleb threads and shitpost them into Yea Forums since they are just entertainers in an audiovisual medium just like comedians.

Season 1 & 2 are not really "Classic Simpsons", they're good, mostly, but they're mostly setting the stage for Classic Simpsons.
Season 3 - 7 are the best Classic episodes, and full of the best remembered memories.
Season 8 & 9 there is a noticeable decline in quality, the writers are more lazy and petulant, but it's still well remembered and not all bad.
Season 10 and onwards is just full of garbage, very rare to have a good joke at all, let alone a good episode.
Past season 13 and people don't even remember anything.

How exactly did this 15 year old game gain popularity all of a sudden?

>all of a sudden
summer please leave

It's obviously 6, fite me irl scrub


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just bought a ps2 and finally get to play all the games I missed, this one included
what am I in for besides driving?

Unironically reddit

Bad platforming

Aris flushed it so i dont like it either

San andreas but with a Simpsons theme, the entire world is chock full of classic Simpsons references and places making it a mix of a sandbox, collect a thon and mild racing game.
And it actually somehow works by not overdoing any of these

The game is much more enjoyable depending on how much of a fan of the simpsons you are.

And now the same shit happens in Yea Forums
And in Yea Forums, even when it's a video game
Yea Forums is just fucking shit, even by Yea Forums standards.

GTA but actually fun

>not just emulating
PCSX2 is shit yeah but even a mid tier PC can run it at stable framerates now

soul and kino and based and epic

Post your reaction to
>the last mission of the game

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Not him but even when it runs well, PCSX2 is terribly inaccurate and pretty much every single game has visual glitches.

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>suggesting PCSX2 for games that can be emulated on Dolphin
I played hit and run on dolphin and had 0 problems.

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I actually liked playing the last missions.

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i'm not sure i remember it, was it the UFO one? it was pretty hard

Linear game, various worlds crafted to trick people into thinking it's simpsons but GTA in the commercial but they're circuits, shit driving, shit melee, pedestrians are weeble wobbles but no ragdolls. Prove me wrong, as I did have fun playing it and seem to remember the downtown area fondly now that I think about it.

Road rage was better in every way

Hit & Run and Road Rage are the only good Simpsons games from that era. Wrestling and Skateboarding are atrocious.

you know Hit and Run is on PC right
fucking brainlets

>no save states
I am not doing the final mission without save states ever again


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Great fucking game
reminder this game is considered abandonware

needing save states for a children's simpsons game
jesus christ i hate zoomers

>beated that level at age 12 back in 2005

>reminder this game is considered abandonware
because vivendi went bust?

>Not enjoying Raimi, Sheev, high ground, and arguably Deh!

Half of those belong to reddit now

the PC version

>it's a Lisa level

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Lisa's not the bad part, it's going through the pier whilst keeping your hit and run down

>that racing mini-game

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I remember being really angry about it, and stopped playing. Then I played it a week later and beat it on my first try. Happens with a lot of difficult levels to me, no idea what causes this.

More driving. That's practically all the missions

Is this him? I can't find the other one

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I meant the actual mini-game. The one you unlock by collecting the Buzz Cola cards.

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Shit I forgot all about this, but just seeing this picture, I remember. Until now, my memory of getting all the cards was just a short Itchy and Scratchy cutscene in the comic book guys shop.

That's for all 49.

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There was a cheatcode to change the camera to make these halfway playable.

that's son of sneed (formerly sperm of sneed)

with modern GPUs and advanced shading computing units you can reproduce any cartoon look with enough effort

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Yeah, the top down view is fucking shite.

There's the problem.