The games are just comfy as fuck, regardless of quality. What’s the reason?
Why are Nintendo games so charming?
your a manchild
Soul. Nintendo games have soul.
Anything made by anyone else is soulless.
They just are.
>The games are just comfy as fuck, regardless of quality. What’s the reason?
I’m watching the gameplay videos for Links Awakening and it just looks so relaxing to play. Why can’t AAA studios do the same thing Nintendo can do?
>Why can’t AAA studios do the same thing Nintendo can do?
Spamming wojaks is not an argument.
Best post ITT.
They make them to be that way where as other devs want to make mature gritty experiences for adults that will be played by 13 year olds
Fuck videogame
They aren't, you're just a nintendo nostalgia fanboy most likely. Grow the fuck up.
Self perpetuating bias resulting from the adoption of other people's thoughts on the matter ("NINTENDO IS SO AWESOME!"), which ultimately originate from childhood nostalgia.
I never had a Nintendo console as a kid. The Switch is the first Nintendo console I’ve ever owned, so you’re wrong, idiots.
Reread the first part of my post. Basically it means you see other praising Nintendo and join the party, perpetuating a perception that has its roots in nostalgia and is thereby immune to the many, MANY shit qualities of Nintendo hardware and their game.
Ya seethe?
I have a Switch.
Ya boil?
You look for certain things in games that others don’t. Taste is normally subjective.
nice rageface dork