2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten

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So what do you want this thread to be? Do you want a Vita thread? Or are you a turbo autist still seething a decade later?

What a terrible console.
Bought one. Played FF9 for a few days. Realized that I can play FF9 better anywhere else.
Looked for any other games. Found none.
Sold off

just like the 3ds

is there a bigger meme than handheld gaming?

Vita 1000 vs 2000, which one should I get to hack?

I still want to kill myself for not picking up a PS TV when they were $20. Not to mention when they went up to like $50 and I still didn't snag one. Now I'm never getting one

1000 has a much nicer screen
2000 is a little nicer to hold with slightly longer battery life
Depends which you value more.

I love my Vita. great little emulation machine and plenty of jrpg's to appease my autism.

Japanese devs didn't forget Vita.

Hard choice, any downsides to either one?

Yeah, but Sony did.

Isn't psx ff9 the best version?

I could play it emulated on PC, i could play it on a PS1, I could play it on a PS3, and if I really needed to the Steam/PS4 versions at least are upres'd well

Nope, it's a very minor revision, the 2000 was made mainly to reduce production cost, going from the 1000's OLED screen to a more typical LCD one.

I play my PSTV everyday
nearly done with FF9, and will probably start on persona 2 at some point

really wish this thing could play ps2 games. seems like sony really fucked up by not including emotion engine support.

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Sony forgot it about 7 years ago

I swear Sony's handheld division must have been the janitor's closet considering how they treated it.

paid $70 for my bundle. came with 8gb memory and some lego game I never bothered with. not the best price for the bundle, but i'm glad I got it before it jumped to $200.

Why does she wear the mask?

No, you are not.