Nintendo has betrayed us all.
Play super clash bros.
Super Clash bros. Is better than Super Call of Duty smash Ultimate.
Nintendo has betrayed us all.
Play super clash bros.
Super Clash bros. Is better than Super Call of Duty smash Ultimate.
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Can't wait to see this get C&D'd this week
What for being better of a game than call of smash ult
>no shantae
Is this like Super Mario War?
Imagine being this underage and ESL
This shit gay as fuck, of co-
>Michael Jackson
Doomguy is in it.
Guaranteed to be doomed within the month
Im so underaged my first game is ghouls and ghost
Im sick of smash being the fucking same all the god damn time its been the same for a decade.
We need livelyhood
wow it's a mockup for a KS scam, gj.
just a friendly reminder
Oh btw the game is going to be clash bros not super clash bros now.
I seen someone suggest to him to take the nintendo stuff off of this asap.
Id choose this game over all smash clones if this was on steam and you could mod chars
The Kickstarter says it's going to use its own original stable of characters... which brings up a different problem. Every single time someone tries to use Smash-style gameplay with OCs, it either gets a niche cult following at best (Rivals of Aether, Brawlhalla) or outright falls flat on its face (Icons).
Smash was ever good.
>Id choose this game over all smash clones if this was on steam and you could mod chars
I’d pay money for that, yeah. Like 5 bucks.
Does he have an artist for his OC characters? Like, a good one?
Those games flopped because they don’t have good character design.
They flopped because smash is bad and without brand recognition there's no reason to play it.
I think this has better gameplay than all of those 3.
Alot of these smash clones have brawl mechanics which is a huge no for me
Icons still had that shit.
This does Some thing new but yet familiar.
If they made melee and outdid all of it i think it would be a success too.
If it gets support of indie titles and indie character ala binding of isaac or others i think it will be a hit.
Same up to 15 if it has a ton of good work
I can smell a C&D on the horizon, also
>those sonic physics
>that camera
>If they made melee and outdid all of it
Stop with this fucking shit. Smash is Smash, if you're gonna make a Smash clone, you should DEVIATE from Smash as much as possible and craft an original identity by experimenting with the genre.
RIP in advance
That wouldn't really be a "smash clone" then, woudl it?
Are we going to ignore OPs blantant shilling and try hard responses?
Only out of pity.
Lol, that game has got to be the most embarrassing flop I've ever seen. $4 million thrown into a heaping trash fire.
Good point. Don't make Smash clones. Make fun platform fighters instead.
That is exactly why PASBR sucked.
Yeah, but only because he's so pathetic. Look at that shit.
>those contrasting sprites
that bothers me more than the idea of him trying to get patreon shekles for what used to be a free newgrounds game
Take melee as a base.
Out do it
360 degree attacks
Aerial smashes shields clanks
Light and hard hits do more damage vs less damage
Light and hard allows for jumping to be controlled
Double and triple smashes.
Litterally outdo them
>That is exactly why PASBR sucked.
And the opposite is why Icons flopped.
actually now that i've bothered looking into it it looks just like a smash brothers version of mugen/super smash flash with open sourced skins
still wouldn't give it a dime but at least it has some, if little, originality too it even if the character movement is really specific too the licensed ones they're aped off of
Cope call of duty ultimate posters
This sounds like the ultimate idea guy nonsense. It's no wonder you don't even do game dev.
Where, then, is the middle ground?
Wasn't icons project m?
I mean yeah pretty much. If ninty sees any quality in a project that uses it's characters it's getting bopped.
>That is exactly why PASBR sucked.
No, it sucked because it was bad
The thing about changing up a formula is you have to change it to something good instead of something terrible
I can't tell what half of those are even supposed to mean
Have you even played a Smash game?
>WL4 wario
fuck yeah
As a base
360 degrees on all A attacks
Aerial 360 attacks
Aerial clanks
Light hit on button = light attack
If you hit it slightly harder light attack plus whatever. Heavy hit harder attack.
Add this to jumps and smashes
Double stick di on top of the light drag of a stick or heavy dictates DI of the game.
You input smash and another smash and you can juggle a dude or miss completely and leave an opening.
I want a perfected melee game
I was just browsing the catalogue and smelled something horrible coming from- Oh, its just the OP.
>360 attacks
>On a 2D plane
Around the body.
Can I get a fuckin, uhhhh, Outfoxies clone instead?
Not from above but the side user
How did this ESL monkey manage to make a thread
The OP probably meant something like an eight-way aerial attack system with diagonal inputs, as opposed to Smash using just the four cardinal directions and a neutral. Maybe, it's hard to parse due to the dodgy English.
By 360 attacks do you mean rotate the stick 360 degrees? If not, why not just add QCF inputs?
The visceral nature of smash is instant. Qcf would delay the game.
Are you shitter shattered
Card Sagas Wars is probably a thousand times better, free, already out and without OC and Kickstarter bullshit.
Diagonal inputs would be stupid. Maybe you can get away with ONE down+forward, as games like Blazblue and such have that as a standard, but all the way around would lead to so many missed inputs and such... Plus, what's even the point of giving each character SO many attacks? The cost of each character on animation no goes through the roof. He wants light and medium attacks too.
So it's L, M, H, x 8 for a total of 24 normal actions + 8 more specials.
Most fighting games characters don't even have that many, unless we're talking Tekken.
Ryu and Ken do just fine.
The Shotos have those special moves as a gimmick and an intentional throwback to their source material. I wouldn't let it be standard in a free-moving platform fighter, especially if you're expected to have more than two fighters on the field.
I was more thinking of more than diagnol even to lesser degrees like if a player pushes the stick towards the base of a players foot it would knock them up slightly where if you were to connect with a higher kick direction of stick wise and on thigh it would push the dude away.
I am thinking melee wise not other fighters.
This would dramatically change up melee and it would evolve the series as a whole
Once again, regardless of intention, Ryu and Ken's existence in Smash completely proves your point of it "not working" completely wrong.
I still don't know what you're trying to say. If you mean doing your side tilt diagonally up or down to slightly change the angle of the attack, a lot of characters in Smash can already do that. I believe it's been a feature since 4. You're not innovating. Perhaps you should play more than just Melee, as Smash has indeed evolved in numerous ways, but Meleetards are too set in their ways to notice.