Mastpiece or hackwork?

mastpiece or hackwork?

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Depends if you're a sony fan or not

yeah because if you're a sony fan you probably actually played it

>Not Ape Escape 4

A really good game.

that boat doesn't have a mast so I guess the latter?

A fun game that was too easy but a good basis for future entires. Add air combat and regular jumping back, maybe a few more weapons or flesh out the runic attacks. With another layer of complexity this could be just as good as the first series. Has anyone played the original God of War lately? It's just as barebones as this from a gameplay perspective. Also the only excessively movie-like part of this game is the intro.

its ok but overrated

Reddit the game

hackwork. shoddy gameplay, enemy design and level design "cleverly" hidden by good voice acting and pretty graphics. killed a perfectly fine ip just for nostalgia dollars.


Even better than their predecessors

Neither. It was mediocre and the really standout thing God of War 2018 had going for it was the well written dialogue.

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Hackwork. Completely destroys what the series was about.

all the "can't jump, look around for a ladder to climb slowly" shit that takes up 70% of the game is excessively movie-like imo

>Muh weeb trash
Fuck off pedo

It’s a row boat

It's not awful, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't either bored or drunk during most of my time playing.

I agree with that in concept. Also all the uncharted-like CLIFF LEDGE HIGHLIGHTED WITH WHITE shit is annoying. Why have climbing if it only serves the same purpose as a ladder, and can't be done freely? Seems needless.

>game about monkeys
I think this is enough information to diagnose autism

>"You're a pedo because you like games with shotas and lolis"
>Not the game with realistic child
Typical of Resetera

Hackwork that is very competent by the low standards of console kiddy games that aren't Nintendo

Fuck off with your shitty tier lists

That’s probably the most shit tast/bait list I’ve ever seen in my life I’d like to see you defend this ever

None of what you said made sense.

It’s a great game
t.nintendo fan

combat was fun but i fucking hated how seriously the story took itself, also the boss fights were really lack luster compared to the old games

The definition of "that was alright". Too many fucking trolls, can't skip cutscenes because it MUST be one shot to be true art, that also leads to maybe 2 full hours of the game crawling through tight spaces. both of those lead to me never wanting to replay. For anyone who will tell you that you just didn't get it because you're not a parent I'm a dad and it didn't make a bit of fucking difference in how much I really didn't care for the story. Also the key attack of tossing the axe that they worked so tirelessly on only really works in the first half of the game and after that is completely useless to do unless you wanna go hand to hand which I feel is the worst of your 3 attack options

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I agree with this user in saying that it's mediocre
>only 2 weapons
>that one boss repeated like 8 times in a 15~hour long game
>incredibly forced character development (Atreus)
>sequel baiting, ending incredibly lackluster, where's the final boss?

Then there's the 1 complete camera shot for the entire game thing which I don't really care about so I'm not sure what to think, I had a bunch of fun with the game though but it felt lackling in regards to violence and other things God Of War was known to me for in the past
I can only hope the sequel is twice as long and has maybe a tenth of the son

>It's a "reboot" that didn't need to happen

>It's cares more about it's Cinematic story then it does about it's gameplay, and the story isn't even that good

>It prioritizes Graphics over Frame rate which makes the game 30fps

>The game difficulty is artificially since it's a loot fest, so an enemy will always act exactly the same, but will arbitrarily kill you in one hit due to having a higher number above it's head.

>The game is open world so to extend it to 30 hours instead of just the 8 or so hours it should be, they copy paste the exact same activity 100 times though out the map.

The only complement I can truly give NuGoW is that the dialog most of the time is actually good, but the story it's self is just poor, you can't make any significance progress to your main goal, without being told constantly you can't proceed until you turn around completely and go do some set piece that doesn't end up mattering in the end. All the game is was set up for a sequel that maybe interesting shit will actually happen in.

God of War may have been mainly a button masher on lower difficulties but there was still a satisfying challenge to the combat on the harder modes and there was always something about the combat that you could have a good time mastering, NuGoW ditches all the progress made with that combat system, and now has a combat system significantly handicapped due to you inability to fucking jump, which takes away half everything you used to be able to do.

NuGoW is a video game for people who only pretend to like Video games, since I can't see anyone who actually cares about games can be at all impressed by it.

I didn't hate it or anything, but after beating it I had pretty much no desire to touch it again. I found it had too many long and unskippable walking sections and too little enemy/boss variety for there to be much replay value. The puzzles weren't interesting either and I can't remember any that deviated from the formula of either A) freezing/unfreezing obstacles with the axe or B) quickly hitting those nodes when the Blades are enchanted with Hel's wind.

In terms of bosses, I thought it felt like they poured all their effort into Magni & Modi and treated the rest as an afterthought. Hraelzyr in particular would get my vote for worst boss in the series. Mechanically speaking he's really restrictive and he doesn't have much going for him in terms of spectacle, something GOW bosses are normally good at. At the time, I didn't even notice that the way you kill him was a reference to how you kill the Hydra in GOW1 because the fight bored me so much.

I think changing Kratos' voice actor was a big mistake. It was already difficult to see this Kratos as the same character given that he behaves so differently & we aren't shown how he came to be this way (all of his "character development" seems to have happened before the game begins). Christopher Judge sounding so different to T.C. Carson really exacerbated this issue for me.

Good game, but a little overrated and its way too subdued for the franchise it's in. The sequel should fix this though after how Kratos start letting loose towards the end.

Having played every GOW game apart from Ghost of Sparta, whose story I'm still familiar with, the story didn't do anything that the series hadn't already done before. Chains of Olympus, Ghost of Sparta and Ascension in particular were all really effective at humanising Kratos, and I would argue much more effectively than GOW 2018, since Kratos in those games had a violent side to contrast his more human side against.

Kratos and the violence in GOW 2018 in general are really tame. The only particularly violent execution animation I can remember is the Wulver's. In places, it feels like the devs wanted it to be as cathartic as the previous games, but stopped halfway there because they were afraid of making this new Kratos seem like not such a nice guy.

This half-baked approach rears its head again in another area, the "theme" of grey morality. The Dark Elf king's dying words implies that Kratos & Atreus helped the wrong side, but this is never brought up again or expanded upon. Earlier than that, they dedicate a fairly lengthy scene to Kratos consoling Atreus after killing a bunch of human raiders, but this is the only time you fight humans in the entire game (when earlier versions of the game had you fighting humans much more often). The gameplay reveal trailer also showed a troll begging for mercy just before Kratos kills him, but they cut this from the game too. The story would have been more interesting if they kept this sort of stuff in.

The OST really disappointed me too. GOW has always stood out to me as one of the few series with an orchestral soundtrack that really stood out from the rest, but I can't remember a single track from GOW 2018. Felt like white noise most of the time. The worst part is that there isn't a remix of Zeus Wrath Divine/Phoenix Rising/Brothers of Blood.

it's not a masterpiece when compared to vidya as a whole, but it did deserve GOTY the most

Some things I thought it did well:
>the hitstop makes the weapons feel very good to use
>decent amount of side content
>the voice acting and dialogue were generally good
>the art direction is good and the game in general looks very nice

TL;DR I wouldn't call it bad, but it tries to do too many things and as a result doesn't do any one thing particularly well. The previous GOW games do most of the same things but are much less bogged down by design trends of their eras, so both their combat and stories feel much more focused.

the baldur fights were the only good ones in the whole game
its also funny how enemies can jump all over the place but you cant

Do they ever fuck?

A fun game, plays smoothly once you get the hang of the camera, but it lacks a polish. It does more than other God of War games, but the potential for more is so much.

> or drunk during most of my time playing.

Wow. Thats sad, I hope you get the help you need

the only help i need is someone giving me a refund on this ps4

>no persona 5
And don’t use the excuse “it’s on ps3”
You have vita games and collections

Waiting on Persona 5 Royal

Garbage. Not only by virtue of the fact that its soeylent cringe and reddit Viking norse paganshit, but it's just a punch in the dick to an already browbeaten, once-great game series. God of War had such potential, all of which was squandered in GOW3 when every single possible planned resolution was thrown out the window and Kratos accomplishes nothing. The only good thing that came from that game was loli Pandra and this brown titcow. There is nothing that can save this former masterpiece franchise from the gutter.

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I wouldn't say master piece, but it was fucking phenomenal.

Yea Forums has a dog shit taste in vidya, if it's not Souls-shit or doesn't have a lolli they hate it. That's why it gets so much flack here.