Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User

New thread. Talk about the game, OC stand ideas, and the numerous sequels in the works.
Other Jojo games are welcome as well.

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when and how did you get into jojo

Adult swim aired it

Really wih i could mod moves/events into this game, some stands really need more love

Some faggot I was friends with told me to watch it.
kys ace

How does this game play?

a fangame? yikes

herd about it for years but never started it. BF had seen a few episodes before so we decided to watch it together. All that was about 2-3 years ago.

What’s the worst explanation for Gold Experience Requiem you’ve ever heard/thought of? Being correct is optional.

saw my big bro read it and thought it looked strange. learned later there's an anime adaptation so I caught up to part 3. then I waited for part 4's anime before reading part 5 to 7.

Who was the guy giving out mystery OC Stands. He had the Stand called Night Witches, I wanted to take it.

thats too bad, part 4 anime was shit compared to the manga

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anyone know the max FP the gang can have?
i'm doing ng+s now, dunno if i should start ignoring everyone but the person whos route i'm going for so the counter doesn't get maxed
also i really hope the translator decides to do the new update stuff too

yeah, I realized that way too late.
everything looks indeed way better in the manga, even part 1 to 3.

I first heard about it when Western Shonen Jump did an article on the series probably around 2006, I thought it looked pretty cool but there was no real way for me to access it yet.
I ended up reading the manga when the anime started airing. What a fucking ride it was. A poorly scanned sloppily translated ride at points.

I saw a compilation of ASBs special moves though they were cool and them I searched about the series and decided to read and watch it, it was when part 3 of the anime was in the beginning of Egypt
In less than a month I was already on part 7 and waiting for the next episode

based ace

What would be a good ability for a stand called The Beatles?
I was thinking something similar to Jotaro and Red Garland, but instead of its power coming from time stop or soul manipulation, its power comes from affecting thoughts and emotions. The attacks themselves aren't too powerful, but the damage is amplified due to your feelings being hurt.

A couple years ago I saw the part 1 manga my local comic store and thought it looked cool, read it then watched the anime.

I started reading the manga back in 2007. The pages frequently posted on Yea Forums convinced me to check it out.

the true gay ability for any mentally ill dilation station.

Post the stand you created thinking about the stand you would have, R8 other anons stands and give advice in how to make them better
『Techno 』

Power: E
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: C

The stands appearance is that of a amorphous blob that can change its color and shape at will and it can separate into smaller parts

『 Electronic Dance』
The main ability of the stand is the power to control machines by entering them
When the stand is inside a machine any damage to it is also reflected on the user

After Techno is inside a machine for a certain amount of time proportional to how advanced it is and the amount of the stand that entered the machine it will be able to freely copy how it, but the stand must connect to an energy source to use this ability

『 Techno Remix』
The stand changes its form and colors to disguise itself or someone it is currently covering

Because of its composition the stand cannot harm anything but it also is difficult to harm as it is like trying to punch jelly

Also what color is your stand aura? I can imagine a light blue one with this stand because it is commonly associated with technology

It can distort the perception of others as if they were on an LSD trip

2008 erepublic threads. Dio Brando was the president of Pakistan.

Like an RPG. You go around, beat the shit out of mooks and bosses all the way to Egypt. When you're not fighting you're going around and exploring the map, bumping into events. For the most part you have a party of 1 to 4 members.

I think they can go up to forever.

Is it really worth exploring the areas for friendship points? It just seems to amount to
>walk around for 5 minutes
>kill assasins
>15 second text event
>1 FP
>rinse and repeat

>wanting to miss out on the SOULful flavor text

Just look at the walkthrough if you don't want to miss anything. It's there for autists who can't stay still if they're not 100%ing everything.

>tfw have Miracles and wanted to roll with Iggy but everything just destroys us due to my stand's general uselessness by it's self and Iggy's low level
welp, rip pup

Is there a sequel planned ?

Saw gay memes on the internet.

Told myself "It can't be that gay" and watched it for the gay memes.

It wasn't gay, it was fabulous.

Well the one on part 4 is basically stuck in development hell, and some randos are coming together to make one based on part 5, and two dudes are also working on translating the latest update of this game. So, maybe?

So was it even possible to beat that Utah nigger? He was strong as fuck.

Also, where was the secret stand user of the week in the port-map?

Also, where was the german bro from part 2 in the port-map? Some security guard mentioned him.

A buddy of mine had me play the fighting game and read fan translations of the manga with him back in college.

There's one direct sequel based on Part 4 planned, but it's in development hell.
And a few groups have been created to make games based on other parts. I think one team is doing Part 6, and a few separate teams are doing Part 5.

I kind of want to see dumbshit like Star Platinum Over Heaven and Heaven Ascension DIO

Saw memes about it and thought it was just some dumb gay shit
A few months later I was bored outta my mind and decided why not give it a shot
Needless to say it was the best decision I ever made

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In order:
Hidden behind a pillar to the northwest.
Go northeast, he's next to the jeep, but hidden under the building.

How do I get more SP?
Are Tactics worth the trouble?
What are some good equipment? Everything looks garbage.

>when they start calling you by your nickname
what a cute feature

Techno is the Stand, and Electronic Dance and Techno Remix are the abilities? Overall the stand is pretty good. I'm not sure giving it an A in Durability, since you can damage the stand easily by breaking the machine it inhabits, and you already have in A in Range and Precision, but it does make sense since it's basically jelly in the default form. I like the Techno Remixes ability to cover someone else, but the ability to copy any machine once you've spent enough time in it seems a little too busted. Couldn't you just pull out a weapon whenever you wanted to if you had a portable power source with you? Unless the power supplied determines how much Techno could transform into, it seems a little broken.

Capcom fighter, then the Stardust Crusaders manga

Damn, fuck me.

Where is the secret stand user of the week during the ship stand? Any cool secrets over here? I'm about to smash the gorilla to pieces with my nigga Polnareff

Food vendors, restaurants, or items.
The Knife is a good starting item. It increases your power by 5.

Check the corpse of the nurse and then look in one of the beds on the first floor.

Go talk to all the dead bodies near the shower. Then find the hiding nurse in one of the other floors.

once you find the gorilla out of the cage, check all of the corpses in that room on the bottom floor, then there's a stand user hidden in a bed on the first floor of the ship.

Check one of the bodies in the room before Forever for the nurse, and go 2 stairs up to the south.

I willf finally play this. I need to know something special? I read here that a specific decision in the game can block you from a lot event. It's true?

Post best boys
Also, how do I learn ripple? I got the 12th book but I can't use on NG+ since I already learned, and I only have 27000 of cash to buy on the game room.

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You guys are so based. thanks.

I really couldn't beat Utah, fighting multiple opponents is my Stand's Weakness

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Yeah, if you choose to not go on a journey with the anime bros then you get an ending and miss out on the entire game. Really common mistake by newbies.

Post OC stands, lads. Those of us creating the new games need fun ideas.

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HftF, then the Stardust Crusaders OVA, then the anime. I know I'm casual shit but I've never bothered reading the manga beyond snippets until this point.

the game's soundtrack is nice and all but I like the anime ost as well.
wish there was a mod with the anime midi music

Ignored anime recommendations in Yea Forums and espeically jojo for the last 7 year because gay meme then ends up succumbing to it and actually enjoying it

What did you guys think of this week's episode?

I am an ESL so when I put machine I was thinking something more like watches, air conditioners, computers, vehicles with auto pilot and other things like these, is there a better word for them?

you're really missing out, the more recent parts make the earlier ones look like a baby wrote them

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That's why you get one of your bros to do that. Maybe not Jotaro.

You just read the books, or stay with Joseph if your stand can do it. If you don't sell it, you could just give it to Jotaro or something.

adbridge series

Thank you for posting this combo.

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Saw a picture of Jotaro and thought he looked cool

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I was searching for manga to read ended up finding Part 1 and speedreading until I hit Part 7. Once the translation finished I reread the whole series.

Electronic devices. To be fair, machine generally refers to electronic devices you aren't wrong. But the word 'machines' can really refer to anything with moving parts if you make it broad termed. That being said, stuff like EMP devices and induction coils can be used as weapons and are purely electric powered so under the term 'electronic device' I can imagine they count, so you're probably going to get a weapon either way you use the term 'machine'.

Are the songs in this game just generic RPG Maker 2000 songs?

I ended up making it based on that Jojo tabletop that a guy posted in one of the first couple threads last week, but here.
Stand Name: Tally Hall
Power: B
Range: E
Learning: E
Durability: A
Precision: B
Speed: A
Stand Type: Substance Assimilation Type
Stand Ability: Temperature “Combos”
Description: Tally Hall manifests as a pair of normal looking boxing gloves when not worn. When the gloves are worn, Tally Hall morphs into a pair of demonic looking fists. Depending on the temperature around the user’s body, Tally Hall will slow down or speed up the attacks used against enemies or objects. When a slow attack is used, the temperature of what is being hit will rise, while a fast attack will lower the temperature. This can cause heat stroke or even frostbite on humans, if used effectively. When the temperature is considered “normal” for Tally Hall, the user will be able to use “combos” that can change the temperature in the stand’s full radius. These can range from a flurry of jabs to cool down the area, or a single devastating uppercut to heat things up.

Reminder that the anime for part 2 is undisputable better than the manga. The same can be argued with Vento Aureo

Is there any way to fix combination attacks in the colored version? As soon as the attack starts the game crashes, with a "Monster not found" or something warning.

Older bro and I liked playing Jump ultimate stars and he told me to go read some of the manga's of the characters I was playing(Kenshiro/Jotaro) because they were good. Dunno how long ago that was though, it was back when we only had Duwang scans for part 4 and shitty part 5 scans

Some are, but most of them are custom made.

There are quite a few original ones like , but most of the town and battles themes are just from RPGMaker. You can kind of tell the difference if you look in the music folder.

okay retard

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Undercover Angel
Power B
Speed D
Range D
Durability E
Precision B
Potential E
Insulting the stand user, whether it be right in front of them or behind their back, will cause the stand to produce a tag that, once placed on the target, will cause them to experience increasingly negative and painful sensations whenever they insult anybody, not just the stand user i.e. Nosebleed>Headache>Vomiting>etc. until eventually they spontaneously combust.
>Killing the Stand user will not erase the effect
>Constructive Criticism will not cause Undercover Angel's power to go into effect
>The effect will wear off eventually if the target abstains from insulting people for a period of time, say 3 months
In-Game would act as a status-effect stand with the main attack similar to toxic from Pokemon.

Through my brother. Started out as an anime-only after part 3 had finished airing. Took a break, then binged the part 4 anime, then read the rest.
I'll read the earlier parts at some point, since the manga's apparantly usually better.

Mad because it’ll be the last time we get King Crimson

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Power A
Range E
Speed B
Durability A
Precision C
Potential D

The Stand is composed of two muscular humanoid bodies made out of what seems to be rigid spheres; Oxynoid A, a blue one, and Carbonoid B, a red one.
Beyond close range combat, aided by an intrinsic capability for teamwork between both bodies, Chemical Brothers' main ability is to transmute matter, handfuls of atoms at a time. The Stand needs to be able to physically handle the matter (gases are valid, however) and it can only turn atoms of an element into another element.
The Stands can actually produce molecules by melding the matter together as it is being transmuted, one with each hand. If both brothers work in concert, they can manufacture complex matter.
Chemical Brothers cannot transmute living matter nor Stands.

i saw this gif a while ago on Yea Forums and people said it was from jojo so i decided to check it out
this combined with various jojo references in terraria and ss13

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Read everything after seeing that part 4 was getting adapted
FUCK animeonlies

I found a compilation of Joseph saying "OH MY GOD".

I never really thought about the possibility of using weapons with this stand, I always thought of it being a utility stand that has very useful abilities in the current age but is basically helpless in combat and the user instead of fighting has to use the stand to create diversions to be able to escape
But the using electronic weapons could also work because not only is it hard to find these things and the need of a power supply could work if the need of power is big enough that something you can easily carry won't be enough for more than one or two uses

This sounds amazing, but how are you supposed to do a 'slow' attack with your fists? If a fast attack is like Stand rushes with DIO and Jotaro, then I could see a slow attack being just a normal punch. But honestly outside of souped up Stands there really isn't a fast/slow punch difference. Does Tally Hall speed up the max speed punch at all?
Persisting after User's death and wearing off after 3 months seems a little much.


A friend of mine was raving about it. Showed me a, star platinum clip and the sound effects moved me.

2014 heard about it from friends

What if I get rid of the persistence and tone it down to a week?

Not him and I disagree on part 2, but the anime for part 5 is the superior medium. The few anime original scenes improve on the source material, the pacing makes some of the weaker fights like Little Feet and Talking Heads/Clash actually enjoyable, and the soundtrack and voice acting are really good.

Crossover with Mad Father

So I'm guessing there's no fix? Damn, I'm really digging the colored version but missing on combination attacks is rough.

There are portable EMP devices, though those aren't *really* a weapon to anything but electronic devices.
Perfection, pic related, reminds me a lot of Cheap Trick

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Kajetokun did a video with the Jojo OVA in it, watched it then played the fighting game.

so how would games based on the other parts work?
>black sabbath giving you a stand before giorno kills him
>pucci giving you a disc based on your personality to try to kill jolyne with
>you get to choose whether you're a spin or a stand user when you enter the race

How exactly did you get the colored version to work? did you just dump the files into the uncolored version?

As cool as they may be there's rarely a time where you might REALLY need them, the only exception being the boss rush and that's optional, sucks that they don't let you use them against bosses

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Yes, but then it asked me for harmony.dll, so I just downloaded that and dumped it into the folder and it worked.

road rolla da spam on Yea Forums back in 2006

thought it was a fun series

always thought it was fairly overrated but still fun

Actually, to clarify, the download for the colored version comes with AN uncolored version and the files to turn it into the colored one. That's the version that I dumped the colored game files into, not the vanilla version.
What some anons have been debating in previous threads is wheter the version that comes with it is the latest one, which if it isn't could explain some of the bugs people have been founding.

My idea was more like the lock but more offensive and targets people who actually deserve it.

Jesus asks you to help johnny and offers you one of many gifts to aid you on your quest

Long ago I just copied the harmony.dll from the uncolored game to the colored one. I thought that's what caused the sync attacks to not work, guess they just don't work in general. Oh well.

>A stand has access to one of its weaknesses
Do any cannonical stands do this? This sounds very interesting

The idea of a slow attack would be something that takes a bit more to wind up, so to speak. So a haymaker, a charging attack, or even just an uppercut could be considered "slow" to Tally Hall. If that sounds a bit too simple or dumb I might try to think of a better system for it, since I actually plan on trying to use this in a tabletop session.

>Part 7 not just being you using a pistol until you get in the mountain to awake your stand based on the choices you have made so far

I mean, there are Stands that can harm the User/Stand like Killer Queen. I suppose plants need air to survive, so Stray Cat has the ability to create a vaccum to an hero. I haven't read part 6-8 because I'm waiting on part 5 to finish, but i think most Stands that work on the user can kill the user. I don't know about a Stand that, for example could conjure water put was specifically weak to water. That type of weakness doesn't really happen I guess.

Never mind everything other than this is wrong

i got specials for my second run on New game plus (but with relationship levels and exp levels reset, but everyone else still has all their skills)

who is the best partner for specials?

Newgrounds WRRRRRYYY memes and OVA clips got me into JoJo

Heritage for the Future memes

In general a short range stand user should hang with somebody with range, but Specials is actually kinda flexible with who you can go with, so basically pick whoever.

Okay that makes more sense. It doesn't sound simple, just didn't occur to me. It make more sense probably in a tabletop setting, where a 'slow' attack would just be one you need a turn to charge up. Thanks for clearing that up.
My other question was if Tally Hall gives the user boosted abilities when worn? And also, can anyone wear Tally Hall, or just the User?
Also,can you explain how combos work a little more? The way I understand, if the environment Tally Hall is used in is 'normal', the user can basically just heat up the air or cool it down by shadow boxing? That sounds pretty interesting, but I wouldn't want that to be limited to just 'normal' temperature.

Post your favorite event, mine's Hol Horse pulling in to BTFO Dio with you if you took the submarine route and tried to talk to him in the Boingo scene

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The shitty duwang dub memes

I do that too's gotten to the point that I try to turn every other song into a stand.

『I F E E L L I K E D Y I N G』
Power: E
Speed: E
Range: A

The stand's appearance is essentially a tall gaunt zombie like humanoid creature with long dread like appendages coming from its head.
The Stand's ability is to raise itself into the sky, then to create an area of effect in which the radius of the area is their line of vision. Everything that falls within that area, becomes empowered by the stand. It makes those empowered physically stronger, faster, and more capable but most of all a feeling of ecstasy. The closer you draw to the epicenter the stronger this effect becomes, however those that leave the effect, experience immediate withdrawal.

>Howlin Wolf howls when Iggy dies
I wasn't ready for this feeling

I'm shocked wildhearts doesn't.

Wanted to watch for a while, then it came on toonami.

I had a friend who wouldn't shut the fuck up about it so I got around to checking it out one day when I was bored then proceeded to not shut the fuck up about it to my friends until they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it as well.

Anyone got the DL for the colored version? I want to try it out. Also my music stopped working again.

What level were you guys when you got to India?

>yfw you found JOJO by watching fist of the north star

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>Our stands will be the judges

Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately.

I do I into ripple techniques? I only found one book in India and was the first volume when I was walking around with Avdol and he geeked out on books

I know that if you have Ocean Blue and stay in a hotel with Joseph, you have a chance of learning a ripple move. You need ripple breathing first though.

For the first part, Tally Hall's user is a boxer, so he tends to use it for himself since he has no other way of defense. Because of his training and experience with fights, the only boosts so to speak are his attacks being able to burn or freeze the enemy. As for the second part, it's not necessarily the environment, it's moreso the temperature in the user's stand radius. So if say for example you're in a desert and throw a flurry of jabs at your enemy, and it drops the temperature to something the user considers comfortable. That would be when the combos would be able to be used. Obviously using a combo would mean you can't use another one until you mediate the temperature, but it's intended to be sort of a final blow-esque move.

can someone give me rundown on what this game is exactly?

Some really cool moments and it looked really nice, but the directing was a mess imo, mostly just because of all the long, clunky monologues. I know it's just a pretty hard thing to adapt and that they work better in the manga but this episode was especially bad about it.

There's other books with ripple techniques
If you learn any ripple technique then certain stands can learn a ripple move after staying with Joseph at the inn, not all of them can.

Fuck off, Randy Bobandy.

An RPG about Stardust Crusaders, and it has elements and references to other parts before and after it. You get one of 18 stands and set out to fight Dio.

From Yea Forums shortly after the first season aired.

Do you know which stands can? I only know of Ocean

2003 era Yea Forums when WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY was a meme

Do the other groups have blogs or some other website I can check out?

high school roommate

no u

I heard an 8-bit version of the End of the World OP in a GenoWhirl70 video about his YouTube comments

I only know the blog for the part 4 development.

Ocean, Sonic Youth, and Quicksilver

That absolute state of this board. Please fucking go back

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I've got to the original route where you get shot but I'm starting to regret it. Red Garland is starting to be a pain in the ass to use and I might re roll.

We basically just started them today.

Wanted to try it since its a franchise with a long history, and fuck watching 1000 episodes of One Piece.

Part 2 is the most kino of them all

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okay newfag

Okay, that cleared up the combos bit. I asked if the gloves power up the user simply because you put a B for Power and an A for Speed. You said you're going to be doing this in a tabletop session, is that IRL or online? I'm kind of interesting in doing a tabletop thing, especially one about JoJo.
I'm almost abolutley positive this is bait/copypasta, but I've never seen it before. I think JJBA is a really good shounen, but another example of an intelligently written shounen with big brained fight scenes and an okay fanbase is My Hero Academia. There are some legitimate cool applications of Quirks in MHA, and can lead to some pretty intelligent fights.

A smash brothers thread dried for this. Fuck off


Oh, sorry. Good luck with them.

How so? If you're trying to fight tanks then you're doing it wrong

>zoomer watching babby's first anime calls anyone a newfag

I don't like the meta elements to this game. Wish it were just Part 3 but with an extra stand user on the team instead what we got.

That's understandable, lots of the enemies in the submarine route don't get up close anymore, so you might want to roll back to not following Pol if you're able.

Everything's long range and my character seems so fragile.


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Are small range stands always going to be this weak compared to long range? Long range stands seem better from what I'm seeing.

You might wanna try grinding a little, just run around the base on the overmap and enter it to heal after a fight or two, i'm not sure if you can buy bullets on the base or not but rd gardland can shoot them like Crazy Diamond and Star platinum

Honestly the stand is still a work-in-progress from how I'm feeling about it, since I do agree that B for Power and A for speed doesn't make much sense considering the concept of stand rankings. As for the tabletop session, it's online but nothing is super concrete yet.

I quite like the meta elements since I'm not a filthy anime only

Start using guns, they just dump a bunch in your inventory for a reason. Also consider swapping to a defensive stance in the shift menu.

What do you mean meta? The "meta" elements are actually just MiH time fuckery

why is my music not working? was working the first time i started but now its gone, every other sound still works, but no bgm.

Do you have to METAGAME at all here?

Download VirtualMidiSynth and use the Fatboy soundfont for it, should clear things up and it'll sound even better than stock midi

Given the fact that Pucci already reset the world, does 7SU technically take place in the Ireneverse?

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be it's own universe

In terms of raw power, close range stands are great, but suffer when something gets out of there range. Even so, not all long range stands have a good time just because they can hit someone from (L). So if anything, medium range stands are kinda the best, since they're the most flexible.

The Ireneverse only happens because Pucci dies, it isn't the same verse as the one that MIH makes

i have never experienced anything jojo will i still get enjoyment out of playing the game or does it require i have knowledge on jojo to have a good time playing it?

I downloaded it, and the font from the faq do i need to hook it?

Trust me you don't want the soundfont from the faq, makes the battle music is pure ear rape

You'll have more fun if you know more about Jojo, but even so it should be a good time. Still, read/watch up a bit okay?

Yea Forums WRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY memes way back when.

I just prefer a more self-contained story is all.

so if i download fatboy do i just load it with the application or do i need to do another step to have it work with rpgm? Because the other soundfont didnt do anything.

>Chaos mode makes it so there's a chance that your family are descendants of the zeppeli
I thought that was already heavily implied by the fact that your character learns ripple techniques like nothing, you joining in with the joestars and caesar saying his brother raised a family in japan when you reach the end room

okay, got it what is a good point to get into jojo, ironically enough i have the mangaka's book "manga in theory and practice" but i have never read or watched jojo

Well if you need a an extra person I'm willing to participate, and I'm sure other anons might too.

Honestly just read/watch it. Reading it might be a bit faster though, but you could watch most of the anime thats come out, no harm in that.

I heard The Hand's theme via some youtube video, investigated further and figured the series was worth a watch
The Hand still remains one of my favorite all-time stands

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It was left ambiguous on purpose, this is just heavier confirmation for that particular run.

Download fatboy, unzip it into a folder somewhere (it uses 7zip so you may have to download that too), then load it up into the midi program

i'll give it a watch then, and find out what everyone means by saying that's a jojo reference

If thats all then it doesnt work, thanks though.

Did you actually apply it in VirtualMIDIsynth, or just load it?

『Gratitude 』
Power: A
Speed: B
Range: C
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: A
Gratitude can freely change any form of cellular matter, so long as it in contact with it. It could turn a slab of pork into a small puppy, turn an arm into a tree trunk, etc. Making big things small is easy, but if you were to make something larger, say a dog into a pig, it would require a ton of food to stabilize itself, or it would wither up and die

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>cutscene shows Polnareff and I ambushing Dio
>Jotaro is in the battle instead
But why

i loaded it, hit the plus selected the file, then I clicked apply.


Oh yeah, dio's fight in general is a little sensitive to glitches, you should be fine if you beat him tho

Is the box next to the file green?

Nightmare fuel.

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The Capcom fighting game two decades or so ago.

What the absolute worst stand you can pick? Going for the challenge mode.


What's the stand tier list?

Halloween issue of Shonen Jump I read back in middle school had a still from the Yellow Temperance fight, so I got curious & checked it out.
The scans & translation quality got way better ever since the anime gave it some more buzz, but holy fuck, Stardust, Diamond, and Vento were godawful back in the day, you new kids got no idea how good you got it.

And the file is an .sf2?

Watched the D'Arby the gambler fight with some friends. It was then I realized what I had been missing.

Speaking of, here's the bug fix for the first fight with Dio in case anybody wants/needs it


Is this a fix for the infinite loop?, cause i like to farm that one

Then I dunno why it wouldn't work, guess your computer is gay

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How do I get the game boy color version and does it work with easyrpg?

You're a saint

Yeah, but some people might be disgruntled about it.

Kys faggot

Stand name: Cyne

A small piece of chalk that can materialize any item it draws, limited by the user's artistic ability and the fact the drawings have to be in tact. Smearing or distorting a drawing in any way will cause the aforementioned item to disappear. Only one drawing may be "active" at a time. For example, the user can draw a gun and several magazines. Only the gun will materialize and the magazines will appear after the gun has been erased (though the user can cheat this by drawing a preloaded gun with a magazine sticking out). Cyne can only be used on solid surfaces that a normal piece of chalk could conduct. It's ability is limited to items and vehicles., biological items will not be materialized

Attached: images_0.jpg (402x399, 41K)

Hundreads of memes pounded me into submission to the point where I caved in.

>Hey remember when tactics and a well thought out battle strategy won against the enemy Akira?
>Sure don't other akira, im gonna keep adding in more deus ex machinas and time lords though

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Pls respond


Probably Miracles
t. got Miracles

Your damage output is total garbage


What's the best stand? Sonic Youth?

You can beat the game with any stand, but most people agree that in straight fight, Miracles ain't the way to go. He's not even that useless, just bad damage until the endgame.

Who's Akira? The Red Hot Chilli Peppers stand user?

Snapping anubis in half early

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>eyes of heaven on PC never

yare yare

whoops, meant Araki
My point still stands though, anagram withholding

One of the support stands I would guess. I got the merchant bitch stand and most of the game was pretty harsh.

is the colored version complete?

Brainlet here. How do I play the game in windowed mode? I've seen people doing it but I can't find an options menu and I didn't see it in the readme.


F4 or 5 I think

F4 or Alt+Enter

Kinda, you can't to sync attacks

An old friend that had the same taste in games and anime as I did. We drifted apart but I miss texting that guy.

Red Garland, probably

Thanks, friends.

>The Sun was knocked out cold!

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Is he really that good? I've had him but he's total ass unless someone gets up close.

Stand Name: Synchronicity

Stand Ability: [Psychometry](

Power - D

Speed - C

Range - B

Durability - C

Precision - A

Potential - B

Description: The power to perceive the residual information of an object and/or person. Variation of Extrasensory Perception. The user obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they observe. With objects they gain the knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. With living beings or parts of the body the user learns their general life-history, but...

And its evolution :

Stand Name: Synchronicity II

Stand Ability: [Property Manipulation](

Power - C

Speed - B

Range - A

Durability - B

Precision - A

Potential - E

Description: The power to change the physical and chemical property of matter. The user can change the properties of matter, including density, color, shape, state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), hardness, ductility, rigidness, etc. They can make things harder/stronger or weaker/more brittle, turn gas into solid, make metal stretch and rubber break as glass. They can make things hotter than the sun, or...

Attached: Police-album-synchronicity.jpg (300x300, 86K)

I downloaded this like 2 years ago and never finished. Have any major updates come out or am I good to continue on this file? Is colored playable yet in english?

general utility probably deep purple
it's slow, but it has a skill for pretty much any fight and gets a hit-all insta-kill move that has a surprisingly great proc rate early.
pure dps, red garland at short range is unmatched.

Because once you get Red Garland Requiem, you fuck every fight in the mouth. It's basically like Caravan having a nuke.


Caravan already has a nuke though?

Yes, that's what he said

Help me out with a final boss Stand I had in my mind for some shitty fanfic I’ve had on the backburner, I feel like it needs more “oomph”, or I ain’t doing it right.
>>Dr. Feelgood
>Power: A
>Speed: C
>Range: E
>Durability: B
>Precision: A
>Potential: C
Humanoid Stand depicted as a tall, thin skeletal monster, covered in piping, with long claws, pendulum-shaped feet, and a large, oblong skull with gold rings jutting out the top. Tankers of fluid come out of its spine, shoulders, elbows, and legs, where illnesses are kept & fed into by the claws & mouth via piping system. Eyes glow green like a traffic light.
Dr. Feelgood can drain injuries & illnesses from the target (read as: user) alive as a sort of life support system, granting psuedo-invincibility so long as its claws or teeth pierce the target to drain from them. It can also drain life from the targets, and expel drained ailments onto recipients in the form of a toxic cocktail, which when injected, can cause serious internal damage, convulsions, and total body shutdown in mere seconds. Dr. Feelgood has a mighty power drawn from the weight of its frame, but a poor speed compared to other Stands to make up for it, as well as range; the user’s speed & resilience must make up for Dr. Feelgood’s shortcomings to truly land its killing blows. Having drained a number of lives, bacterium, and deadly illnesses over the years, Dr. Feelgood essentially functions as a portable biology library in order for its user to take strains from.

I envisioned the user as a deathly-ill medical genius of a criminal family, who accidentally becomes a vampire via the Stone Mask & begins to abuse their power to try & unleash a biological attack on the world. My only concern is that the Stand would take a backseat with how busted vampire shit is without Hamon users around, and straight sucks compared to regular final boss Stands, but I enjoy the idea too much to demote it to semifinal boss.

How many badges of honor are there in each playthrough?

Thats my point, once he gets that you win any fight hands down.

Two dudes seemingly are going to translate the latest version, so lets hold onto hope for that.

It's up to RNG.
I went for every opportunity my last playthrough and only got two. One from emilio the chickenman and Dio himself

Assuming you everything that you can, realistically you could get 9 per play through. You could get more, but it might not be probable.

That's for the better

What the fuck do they even do? I've got four I've hoarded in my inventory because I'm worried I might need them for something.

Endgame shit

If you use them they can give you an arrange of cool shit, do feel free to save scum if you get something you didn't like, also you can new game plus and other post game shit

Damn, guess I got lucky on chickenman and blind water dude

I think you need at least one for new game+, I wasted one of mine on a shitty ability when I really should have gone for a fuckton of money
Don't be afraid to save scum when using them (the first time I used one it fucking exploded)

You need them to unlock NG+ and other useful things.

They have the chance to give you something good, but you can keep them for things like skiping cutscenes or NG+, you need 1 badge for NG+.

>Yellow Hermit gets cocky
>Against me, a chad ZA JOYKIRA Stand User
Heh, nothing personal kiddo

Saw the stick man Road Roller when I was like 13. Thought it was cool, but couldn't find out where it came from. Then I saw footage of the Part 5 game and remembered Arivederci. Was disappointed to find out it wasn't coming out translated.

Finally read the manga about 9 years ago now, in a big marathon.

>yellow hermit
Based low IQ power stand user

So I'm small brained as hell, and I'm trying to get a couple friends into 7SU. Is there a way to patch the soundfont into the game fully or do I have to use virtualMIDIsynth at all times?

To the guys planning on making the part 5 fangame: More D'arby the gambler and Rolling Stone mansion style sections, less actual boss fights. Check the PS2 capcom game for part 5 if you need inspiration.

I fucked up, but understand me user, I oneshoted that faggot so fast that I couldn't even learn his name

>Power stand

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JoJo only works well when the main character's power is retard strength.

Interesting and crazy abilities should only be for antagonists and side character.

You're not main guy though, that's Jotaro. You're just some OC insert.

Could you explain a bit why you think that user?

My buddy was pissed about the part 3 dub, and was showing me clips he thought sounded awful, got interested from what i saw and marathoned it, this was around when Part 3 was wrapping up in english.

I like the dub.

Anyone have any music packs? specifically to add original music in place of RPG maker tracks.

I first started watching it back in like 2014 since it was super popular all over the internet, dropped it after part 1 then picked it up again a few years later when my friend got into it and kept saying how good it was. Don't regret it one bit.

Arakis formula works best when the main character power is something simple and must use his mundane toolset to win when being attacked/confronted by something fucking weird.
New jojo is a good example of the araki not really knowing what to do when he gives his protagonist an ability that isn't something simple.

but part 8 is great

Part 8 is good tough.

So is the latest version with chaos mode ever going to be translated? Seems rather interesting with random events like having the PC and their family start as ripple warriors descended from Zeppeli.

What else does chaos mode do?

I can understand and respect that, but I feel that if it's too simple then the audience might not be willing to believe that Jojo can beat there enemies if there seemingly more flexible that our main character.

By the sounds of it, two dudes are preparing to work on it.

Someone give me a quick rundown on MR. BIG. I got him in the personality quiz and I want to know what I'm in for.

>time to start
>personality test for the stand like pokemon mystery dungeon

I will be fine with this shocky squad for my first walkthrough?

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You can do a little bit of everything but won't get huge damage, even with the gun manuals.

Pretty high up there on the applicability tiers, maybe third or fourth, you'll be fine

>Rainbow can join the adventure
>When Kakyoin chops Grey flies neck, he knocks him out, skipping the fight
>Devo could get stuck in the fridge and die, skipping the fight
>Joey might kill your entire family after fighting Kakyion in Japan
>You can go to the hospital with Joseph when he has Empress
> You can fight Steely Dan, but have to killl him in one go with 999 damadge or it's game over
>It's somehow possible to trap Vins in a death loop like Diavolo
Just lots of stuff.
here's the Japanese wiki about it.

Refer to Really every stand in the game is balanced(and generally pretty strong) for a blind playthrough to get through without too much if any trouble

The gun manuals do give him pretty fucking devastating debuffs and a chance to ohko

That Vin's one explains why someone in another thread brought up the PC being able to use Gold Experience Requiem in Chaos Mode.

Is there even a villain of part 5 that could be done that way?

>Who is Johnny Joestar?

>low chance that the flight to egypt goes off without a hitch

I have yet to get into Jojo, is it easy to get into? I know I have to watch it from the very beginning. Just seems kinda overwhelming with all the seasons.

Nothing happened : The Stand

>input your zodiac and blood type during character creation
>melone uses it to make another Babyface to send after you
Could then make that Babyface a puzzle boss.

Just do it, it's a fun time

Literally just watch it in order from season 1.

>MC can be born into an evil family or not have a family at all
>MC can have trouble controlling his stand at the beginning
>You can repair the plane with Carpenters and skip to Egypt
I've only read a little, but this seems like real insane shit, I love it.

Early 2000s. A friend of mine had a Dreamcast and Heritage for the Future. Came across the OVA not much later thanks to late-night anime on random channels that I don't think even exist anymore.

I'm a manga-only who has only seen little individual clips of the show. Why do people say DIU's adaptation was mediocre? It's my favorite arc.

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Quality Queen.


I'm a huge Berserk fan, so low budget means nothing to me. Was it well-directed and good, outside of some mediocre art?

I thought it was fine
You should watch the anime, it's fun

Not really. They butchered the pacing and feel of high-action chapters like Highway Star. Even the manga panels had more kinetic energy.

>just got to cairo
What can I do here? Can I come back to the map after I trigger the Pet Shop fight?

Yeah, but only if you don't enter Dio's manor. Then you can grind, do the Rolling Stones Maze, and stock up on items and supplies, even do a boss rush if you feel up to it.

Watch the blurays which fix a lot of the original's QUALITY issues, I still think the manga is superior but I really liked the anime too.

You still remain in the same map after the petshop fight, do try to farm iggy up a lil bit if you don't want the canon outcome, the map will have a lot of new things after said fight such as a boss rush and evil ripple users

Is the DiU 7th Stand knockoff deathbound?

Oh shit it gets better
>The runaway girl can have a stand
>MC can take a bath with the runaway girl if he has the pedophile trait, but then he has to fight Strenght alone
>You can obtain a fragment of the arrow
>Diavolo can overcome GER effect and fight you, if you defeat him you gain GER
>You get a whole revenge arc if Joey kills your family

Development hell at the very least. If they don't fix their broken fucking demo by the end of August it's 100% dead.

I really fucking hope polnareff joins you on that revenge arc, maybe take it a step further and have him be the voice of reason in this situation while the mc is the reckless one

has this game been completed? i remember playing it ages back but ended up stopping because it was a buggy mess
literally could not finish it because some of the story scenes completely broke
how useful are the agents? do they get much dialogue?

saw an out of context page of the dark blue moon fight and instantly knew i wanted to read it

Where do I find these gun manuals?

Literally 3 days ago. I honestly don't know, just seen memes and decided to watch it

There's a secret shop after the Lovers fight. Find it yourself.
Alternatively, Cairo.

>Was grinding in cairo with avdol the whole time
>Everyone else is level 25-29 while me and avdol are lvl 50
please tell me theres a way to let avdol live on first play through
hes my bro

Hope you pumped his FP.

I hate how 99% of the Stands are stupid and useless in this series. Tries way too hard to hit that bizarre quotient

Technically on cairo, but you can find a secret shop on karachi
Game can be completed fine now, if you do have trouble with the final boss try

Sadly the page doesn't go into much detail on most events so I don't know if any of the companions have special lines, but if they have then this will be pure kino.

define pumped
hes my highest at 21 fp

Thanks, user. Now I shall become a real Stand marksman, better than those fucking rats from Part 4 could ever wish to be.

It'll be alright, just go with him when entering the mansion also maybe get if you enter a loop, trust me you'll know when you entered one

You are good man, go kick Dio's ass.

thanks friends

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I got tired of not getting the memes in my group and I started watching after my gf left me (her parents didn't approve of me, probably because I'm black)

Did it went like

[Where are We now?]
Able to make portals that connect to one and other on any flat surface
[Rebel Rebel]
can summon an "Asteroid Belt" from the waist and pelt the enemy with fast moving projectiles.
[Queen Bitch]
UFO is called upon and can be used to flay around at great speeds and height to spot threats from the air

Attached: [SPACE ODDITY].png (540x564, 159K)

Is she Asian? Because know that she was just using you for the clout.

I love my black brothers but Asian girls who date black or white guys exclusively are thots.

if you're adept with the version of rpgmaker, there's a 2.50 version of this that adds a whole tons of minebending crazy shit


jotaro dying if he smokes 10000 cigarettes
1/1000 chance of Joey killing your whole family with murderdolls

I Feel it needs a [Starman] Ability

Yeah she was a half japanese, half russian girl I had a crush on for a while.

Give me a quickrundown on this game, I'm about to hit the sack and start phoneposting from the comfort of my bed. I just downloaded the game and set up my character, got ant stand, and beat up some punk that was crossing the street.

1/255 actually, apparently it rerolls everytime you enter your house after you bonk Kakyoin

i hope somebody here translates it. i feel like i'm playing a lesser version of 7su

Beat up mooks and assholes, makes friends with Jojo and bros, change canon a little or a lot, grind a bit. You got the font fixed right?

I don't understand what this has to do with modding the game but that's nice, hopefully the guys working on it haven't given up

Last thread some dude said he and his Japanese friend started working on a translation, so we can only hope he was telling the truth.

Oh I saw the fonts doing some weird ass shit, guess its a bug?

Check the read me to fix it, or use this

Are there no more opportunities to get FP in Cairo? I quickly skimmed the wiki and it doesn't seem like it.

i was suggesting that if you had the mind to, you could take care of the technical aspect of what would go into a translation patch

You get FP with whoever was with you when you complete the boss rush.

There's one user and his japanese friend who are supposed to start translating it soon. I honestly can't wait, I kind of got bored by the time I reached Cairo, since everything goes almost exactly like the manga even with your OC there, but instead of cool fights you get to have boring rpg maker combat. Everything up to Dark Blue Moon felt cool because it was new, but then shit started getting real repetitive. Rolling Stone mansion and D'arby were some nice touches but I can't be assed to finish this.

Maybe you should ask the magic crystal ball

Amazing, thanks aniki, I'll check it tomrrow.

Ah sorry i didn't mean to imply i can do it

What's this Demonic Ruler attack Jotaro did when I synced with him? One battle ago, he did Demonic Rush, but this one is different.

there's plenty of variation in how the game ends, can save kakyoin or avdol, if you have enough low karma, you can join dio and convince polnareff and kakyoin to join you, and then if you wanted, you could betray dio

also if you have enough badges of honor you can even....

this is really cool so don't look

last warning!

get a stand disk that lets you start the game as josuke with crazy diamond

you get two types of team up attacks, a generic one and a unique one

I just started binge-watching it randomly, and by the time I was done with part 3 part 4 was on the current seasonal.

I've already seen the spoilers before, dude, it's cool, I know all about it.
The thing is, I'm not enjoying the actual gameplay, I find the combat to be really boring and I can't be assed to grind. At my character's current level it's either getting EXTREMELY lucky or using brainstorm during bossfights, in which case I could just watch the anime or reread the manga.
Half the time I'm playing I'm either thinking about how I want to play a JoJo tabletop RPG or how I wish there were less combat sections and more puzzle/gimmick parts in the game.

>beat the racing mini game on hard in a couple tries
>can't beat normal because I start exploding uncontrollably in the tunnel

Watchmojo and the memes

(Carless Whisper)
A stand that can send anything it claws at or eats to a pocket dimesion. The user can enter this dimension and can go any where they've been in their lifetime. If the user leaves the pocket dimesion and there someone in there they die.
It sort looks like pic related

You forgot your image buddy, also I think you misspelled the name.

I thought this game had been out forever, whys it getting so many threads lately?

A voice actor from Lets Read Homestuck really liked it

Yeah I know my bad

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Lots of people regaining interest or finding it the first time by the looks of it.

>If the user leaves the pocket dimesion and there someone in there they die.

Holy shit my bad I wasn't paying attention to my spelling. What I meant to say was if the user leaves the it anyone in it dies

Supply & Demand

Power C
Range E
Learning C
Durability C
Precision A
Speed B

Basically a robot that can slink around any part of your body, it can submerge and emerge at will, with maximum distance being around pelvic range for around 4 ft worth of body. Robot looking Stand with a glass panel face and a collar and tie looking design that's actually just part of the chest piece. Main ability is that it can absorb kinetic energy in one hand, and then redistribute it or apply it to another. Basically just a human sized robot that can fly out of any part of your body, absorb incoming attacks, etc, then apply kinetic energy to a fistful of loose change to send shrieking shards of metal flying at an enemy for distanced shots, or a redhot burning fist for close range. Good for defense, but only has two arms at base form. Since it's so close range though, the user essentially has four arms total, so if the user can use their own arms for part of combat, they're pretty much unmatched in CQC, as two arms can pin an opponent's arms, and the other two can choke them or fire a gun in their face, etc.

Used to have a pic of it, but I'm away from home and my doodle box, so maybe later if I remember, kek.

Been rolling with Pharoah Sanders. Good damage and crowd control at mid range, what's its weakness?

Also who's the best crusader to pair up with? I'd like to use Joseph but Jotaro seems to be the most useful so far.

how long is this game

Pharoah Sanders has no weaknesses

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Very long, the game has lots to do and see, so it'll take time, and even if you don't do everything you still invest lots of time into it.

『C O L O R I N G B O O K 』

The stand has the appearance of a colorless flat childlike drawing similar to the drawings in Thoth, when activated the stand gains random coloring.

The stands ability is to make the target believe that the user is anyone the user wishes to appear as, real or fictional. The viewer will be compelled to believe this completely, even in the face of wholly contradictory evidence. For example, if the User was posing as a specific individual and the individual appeared. The target would be compelled to believe that the user is the true person regardless of anything the specific individual said or did.
The Stand's effect only lasts a single day and afterwards the target will be able to recall all past events clearly, ie see that the user was an imposter all along.
The stand can have multiple targets and pose as different individuals however it cannot change how the user appears to different targets until an entire day later.

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Admit it. You started playing because of the chucklefuck on the right

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I played first it two years ago, but I don't remember how I discovered it

I like to think me and the other 3 guys chilling this game a few months ago peer pressured him into playing it


Jesus I can't stand to look at Pat.
I keep fogetting how inhumanly short he is.

I don't even know who anyone on this image is.

What the fuck was Kira's problem?

I think I coincidentally heard about it a few weeks before I heard Woolie was doing an LP.
He was a narcissistic psychopath

Unironically autism

He should just wear stilts. A foot or two on his legs would completely fix him.

He's that guy you know who doesn't really have any hobbies, and the one hobby he has, he doesn't want to talk about it.
basically he's Yea Forums with superpowers.

>The game starts with you having arrive in town for the race.
>There's plenty of minor quests and events to do, from dealing with thief's to simply answering a guys question of why did you come to the race
>Each thing you do and how you do will affect the stand you will receive.
>When the race starts you are sent to a larger map like the submarine route, dealing with wild animals, killers and even encounter stand users like the family-whose-name-I-forgot
>After arriving at the mountain and received your stand you can encounter Gyro and Johnny and hang out with them.
>Each time you stop in a town there is a B-plot for your character
>You can end up with endings for the characters you built through your journey
>From saving Gyro, Diego and Hot Pants, to joining with Valentine

fucking hell how tall is he like 5'1?

Weren't there already pre-existing stand users before the race? Might be an option to be one of those guys, though getting it during the race sounds cooler

I do have to agree that this is cooler, it would also avoid looking too much like the original game by not relying on a personality test, at least not a direct one

>ending where you betray Johnny then betray Valentine, taking the corpse for yourself and become the new president
>ending where Gyro wins
>joke ending where you team up with Pocoloco to fight Love Train Valentine
>recruitable Ringo

I had been seeing the memes for it for years, so it was always on my list. I told a friend of mine about it, and he watched the first two seasons and highly encouraged me to watched it, so i did. anime sucks now, jojo is just way too fucking good. i went to watch the new season of super after watching parts 1-4 and holy shit it was so fucking lame and boring!
hunter x hunter cool tho

Who do I give the stat boosters to?

If you have problems soloing some content, give them to your Donut, otherwise give to your favorite character.

>Ending where you, Hot Pants and Diego kill Valentine and go off to another adventure

I like the idea, but I'd make it less Durable if it gets damaged by attacking whatever machine it inhabits. Maybe have 『 Techno Remix』be another form or something like that, with different stats to reflect its changes in ability? Other than that bretty gud/10, would use

Now for mine

Power: C
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: E
Precision: B
Potential: D

A stand resembling a lithe diving suit, with a smile painted on the face area of the helmet. The stand can extract and inject the sensation of pain as a liquid, as well as spray it in a fine mist. However, should the stand's holding tank retain too much fluid, it can leak out, hurting anyone with which it comes into contact, including the user.

I imagine it would have a purple aura

>option to get the Dinousaour powers instead of Diego

What does diego get then?

Sounds like kino. Wonder if anyone's working on a part 7 game?

>The joke ending with Pocoloco features Hey-Ya! Requiem

I wish. Everyone talking about Part 5 and 6 when SBR is the only one to have a sense of adventure like Stardust Crusaders

>It just makes it so everyone can hear it

The new games don't have to be the exact same as this one. They can all have their own qualities that make them unique.

dubbed episode of SC as a pilot. watched 2012 anime and started reading from SC on after that

shitty memes and then I decided to watch it just because I felt like it.

seeing it air when watching toonami just because it was on, one of my first episodes was the one where alessi turns polnareff into a boy and he bathes with the woman

there was a video going around on Yea Forums that had roundabout playing in it. the video is hardly relevant anymore and was some "take that sjws" type deal. hopefully someone here remembers what im talking about. it had a bit with wonderful 101 in it

I've been thinking about how stand names change in English versions (either "official subs" or dubs) in Jojo, so I censored almost all of the stands from this game
Red Garland -> Iron Fists
Howlin' Wolf -> Howling Wolf
It's a very innocuous name, but just in case
Ocean Blue -> Blue Ocean
The Joykiller -> Grim Ripper
Like Jack the Ripper, but also a pun
Sonic Youth -> Super Sonic (/Sonic Heroes/Knight of the Wind)
Makes sense when you know what Sonic Youth is about, ironically, Sonic Youth is the only song I've listened to out of all of these
Wildhearts -> Wildbeast
(Endless, Nameless -> Silent but Deadly
...I think it makes sense)
Deep Purple -> Purple Death
Pixies -> Pixie Dust
Miracles -> Miraculous
Napalm Death -> Death Note
Probably wouldn't work, but oh well
Carpenters -> Carpenter
Quicksilver -> Glass Cannon
Cardigans -> Love Nurse
Cardigans isn't really fitting for a nurse, but I couldn't think of anything good
A lot of name changes are very disappointing, so it's a feature
Caravan -> Caravan
Mr. Big -> Longshot
Specials -> Anonymous
Pharoah Sanders -> Pharoah Servents
Adam Ant -> Hivemind

Attached: 43341614_p3.png (1000x1412, 525K)

>oh wow, Woolie's gonna play 7SU? this is gonna be great!
>5 parts in and they haven't even left Japan
>stops every 5 minutes for JoJo talk
>it isn't even fun JoJo talk since the other guy has such a thick accent you can't understand what he's saying
I stopped at around part 6, did it get any better?

Were those stands actual musical references?

Yes, even Wildhearts' "Endless, Nameless" attack

2005/2006-ish? TANKU-LORRIE DA and other JoJo related flashes were big on /f/ back in the day, and I looked into their source material. At that time, I only read the intro to part 3. I've since read up through halfway into part 6, and I own all of the english print volumes. I haven't finished part 6 because the app i use on my phone has every chapter as entirely double spread pages, and having to zoom in on every page to read anything is super annoying

Attached: literallyme.png (640x480, 33K)

To be fair music references are piss easy to make, mostly because of much of it is made every year. Like take the previous sentence; there is 50/50 chance that there is some obscure garage band/DJ/remixer out there who has used that as a EP/LP/song/demo tape/whatever name.

>babby's first anime

retard that's Dragon Ball Z/Naruto

also WRYYYYYYYYd the manga.

>Responding to 8 hours old bait
You are better than this user.

im pulling an all nighter on myself and im tired as fuck, I really don't care too much.

Go to sleep, we'll probably have another thread up by the time you wake up.


Are you supposed to use only one partner or grind all of them up?

Good morning people i want to kill myslef

I keep collapsing and getting murdered by "???" what the fuck do I do!?!

>get ripple book from the evil ripple warriors in cairo
>vins says that there's no way sunlight can reach dio's basement and that i can't beat a vampire like her
lmao fucking idiot

I have Caravan and a knife in my inventory but nothing is coming up when sleeping. Not even a "this is hard..."

A friend told me about it. Also I've been seeing pictures from it in different places before. I liked the artstyle.

>teaming up with Hol Horse against fucking Rolling Stones as an alternate path after taking the fall for Avdol
Fuck this game is kino

Are you sleeping in an actual inn and not inside Act 2?

I think so? Apparently it should even be able to learn it in Japan. I think.

Then you are just being unlucky, keep trying.

Shouldn't a message of some kind come up if it fails or no?

Man stumbling into the other path without knowing it exists because I just wanted to help my boy Polnareff out was a great trip

The to be continued meme
I saw it in Shonen Jump but didn't know what it was about based on the cover

That fucking beetle meme video was intense so I decided to check the source material

Playing female -> taking submarine route -> convincing Hol Horse help you to take down DIO -> joining up with him and Oingo Boingo brothers on the airfield is kino as fuck.

Nothing coming up is a common ocurrence, you have to keep trying.


Should I go with Polnareff or stay with the others on my first playthrough? I've gotten involved with Stroheim and Speedwagon if that changes anything.

MC can't be a true Zeppeli, after all he/she isn't affected by Zeppeli lineage's curse to die just before the final boss and leaving a power up to JoJo.

sacrifice ending

going with polnareff means you get to do something original instead of following the manga, which stroheim and speedwagon help out with if you get them, and the chance to befriend hol horse, but just a little bit
the downside is that you won't be able to interact with the crusaders until judgement, where you also replace avdol

I guess going with something original instead of just manga events ft. OC donut steel sounds more fun for a first playthrough.

miracles is good, actually

Miracles is alright, but when your attacks basically don't do damage, people turn away from it.

Specials is my favourite even though apparently it's not top tier.

>find a cool program that let's me convert the game into a vpk so I can play it on my Vita
>I have to tediously go into the menu whenever I want to use the radio and the mariah scene is nearly impossible

What does the stand tier list look like roughly?

is napalm or quicksilver better for pure damage

What's chaos mode?

Don't remember exact year, but it was time when part 7 was almost finished. Everyone called it JJBA instead of JoJo back then.


>tfw you will never have a stand

Attached: 1560800349726.jpg (380x380, 34K)

>he doesn't have a stand

Attached: 1562350783178.png (1920x1080, 2.74M)

Played a Jojo FATE hack a little while back with some friends, here's the stand I made for my German mad scientist-type, if anyone finds it interesting.

Power: A
Speed: D
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: D

A hulking mass of stitched-together flesh and metal, the humanoid stand is accentuated by iron bolts potruding from its head, limbs, and chest. THE WALL towers over other stands in both size and power--being roughly twice the size of the average man--but the green and grey titan loses out on some reaction time and precision as a result. Aside from that, it has two main abilties:

THE WALL has large stitch marks all over its body, primarily around its joints. THE WALL can separate parts of its body from these stitch marks and have them act autonomously of the main body, up to an effective range of 50m.

『 Just another brick in THE WALL』
THE WALL has a multitude of “steel wires” in its body, which can exit from any open orifice on/in the stand, the wires typically coming our of the stand's fingertips/underneath its fingernails. When inserted into an object or individual, the wires take control of the subject's body and mind in about 3-5 seconds. Motor control is spastic and sluggish, and the controlled object/person is unable to process much more than simple commands, along with any subjects having to remain within the stand's effective range, lest they regain control.

I have no idea, I'm just going off what I've heard in these threads but the games explain that some stands are better for combat while some stands are weaker but have more sub-events they can unlock.

top tier: sonic youth, caravan with the early nuke
low tier: every single stand with only close range options (including red garbage)
mid tier: everyone else

Red Garland
Most of the stands go here
Take into account this is personal experience, there is no definitive stand tier list and all stands are useful in their own ways.

90s ova

but honestly jojo will always be the poor man's fotns

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Jojo stopped attempting to be FotNS after part 3, there is no reason to compare them.


>he isn't a stand

So would it be possible to use Carpenters to just break the game by save-scumming stat boosters or is that just a waste of time?

>can't romance any of the crusaders as a girl

Attached: Sakuya.jpg (200x200, 10K)

Yeah, it's possible.

Your trying to make some op shit.

kakyoin tries to put some moves on you in some events, like buying you jewelry or getting a drink order correct instead of fucking with you

But is it worth it? I'm at the Harbour and I just hit level 14 for Customize. Been save-scumming the items I've had in stock so far.

Yeah, if you are savescumming might as well.

>tfw miracles

Attached: 1492459144342.jpg (235x157, 4K)

Try a different brand of autism next time

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Is that shit any good

Roommate liked it so I watched it. January 2018 and caught up with part 8 that summer

It's the stand equivalent of a tactical carpet bombing.

Very good, you blow fuckers up real good.

>the end of the raoh arc

Attached: secret technique.jpg (460x616, 45K)

God tier on short and medium range, pretty meh on the long.

is minmaxing the character creation even good or nah

It's not necessary, but it lets you shit on the early game easily.

So what exactly is the point of fighting Kira? IIRC you get literally zero reward for it, not even exp

You reset the day counter.

It resets the day counter to 1, and you sometimes get sunlight remedies.

I don't even think it works, according to the wiki. At least getting the stand you want going down the minmax path. I know how it's suppose to work and it's easy enough to understand why but the stand doesn't always come out to what you desire. I think there might be some misinformation on it.

I was a fan of persona in highschool, heard people online say personas were stand ripoffs so I read the entire series from part 1.

I honestly didn't notice the homoeroticism until it was pointed out to me, dunno what that says about me.

Had the same problem. I could get very high stats but not the stand I wanted.

I downloaded this game back when it was first translated, I know that the the most recent update hasn't been translated, but were there any updates between when it was first translated and now?


Man these guys are fat

There was one that added cominbation attacks if you have enough FP with your partner.

>want to post my stand idea
>afraid someone will steal my OC

Attached: 1557983139394.jpg (311x376, 120K)

Just post it fag

In all honesty, Crazy Talk is a great idea for a stand

Ignored Jojo for over a decade because of the obnoxious cringe fanbase, but one of my close friends got me to read it, and I was pretty blown away. JoJo is worth all the hype it gets and more.

Stardust Crusaders Anime and that WRYYYY meme on /f/

you can change stands so if you have the stats you want keep with it

I thought that changing your stand with the Cinderella shop means losing the stat gains from the quiz though.

And GER get a free pass?

GER is a requiem stand, not an evolution

Tusk Act 4

>playing for first time
>get pharaoh sanders
neat, but what is this surrounded status? i'm not really gathering anything from the battle descriptions

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Surrounded means that for every turn that they have that status, they lose x amount of life per turn. For Pharoahs, it's 3% max hp plus 1.

cool, seems like it'd be pretty nice for lategame or even just cheesing high defence enemies
or am i wrong and is lategame just gonna be big dick numbers

You're gonna want some big dick numbers, but status effects aren't bad to have around. From the looks of it Pharoahs moves consist of damage plus making the enemies not move.

Napalm Death users represent!

Attached: 32a.jpg (1255x2300, 1.06M)

2 years ago, lots of memes and a friend kept telling me to watch it so one faithful day I started phantom blood.

Watched the part 3 OAV, then saw Heritage for the Future/Mugen.

Spamming nuke is my lifeblood

Attached: Konosuba-megumin-thumbs-up.jpg (640x481, 62K)

>get to second area at level 5
>encounter a Burn
>first attack misses, hit for 1/3 HP
>second attack misses, hit for the other 2/3 of my HP
maybe hard mode was a mistake

Attached: 1544068296082.jpg (225x350, 48K)

How about
Jojo Battle Royal, where 100 people random get their stand

There's already a Jojo BR user.

>Steal it
And then use it for what?

Attached: 1551157298711.jpg (275x355, 34K)

>Each party member will lose 10 FP
>Protag starts with lowered stats
>enemies with higher attack and new moves
Speedwagon warned you bro

Yeah, and it suck

he did, but i'm curious if i can muscle through it
it's fun in it's own bullshit way

And you think your idea will magically be good?

Does the personality avdol give you at the beginning matter at all?

Some interactions change slightly, the most notable is your encounter with Steel at the beginning of the game.

>it's fun in it's own bullshit way
Ya know thats a good way of describing Jojo in general

It's mostly dialog and flavor text changes, things like that. In the end it's all up to you.

I was memeing Jojo despite never watching the anime or reading the manga, then I decided to watch Jojo before the last episode of part 4 came out, when I was done with it the last episode of part 4 was set to release tomorrow and after that I read part 5, 6 and 7, about 2 years ago or more I think

wish this had at least snes level graphics, some stuff is downright unperceptible. also 16bit songs from the anime

Good job getting another thread to bump limit fellas, see you next thread.

Stopped watching after Woolie pussied out and changed his stand, so I couldn't tell you.

Orange Blossom Special

Power: C
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: C
Precision: B
Potential: D

The stand is takes a robotic humanoid form with large vertical circular pauldrons, a visor covering its eyes, 2 small aero fins where humans ears would be and 1 large aero fin ontop of its head. Color Scheme, white and orange.

Ability: Acceleration Manipulation

The stand is neither a physically strong or durable stand but does have the ability to manipulate its own acceleration and enemies acceleration. Orange Blossom Special is able to manipulate the acceleration of one body part at a time so if it needs to speed away increasing the acceleration of the foot pushing off can send Orange Blossom Special into breakneck speed. If Orange Blossom Special were to be attacked by say a kick or punch one touch from OBS could decelerate the attack to zero making stopping the attack mid execution. OBS while not physically strong can use this acceleration manipulation to exponentially increase its attack power i.e. if OBS were to punch an individual in the abdomen enough that they moved backwards for an instant, OBS could accelerate the individual to fly quickly backwards into debris or walls. However the greater the change in acceleration desired, the more energy OBS has to charge (larger changes in acceleration takes a larger amount of time to charge).

OBS however cannot change the vector of movements and cannot send movements/attacks in the reverse direction.

Stand aura would be orange of course.

I think certain interactions are locked behind certain personalities, like there's a guy you can drinnk at the bar with if you are confident enough.

Stickman Dio WRRRRRY meme. A truly honorable way to get into it

how the fuck do i even install this
don't i need some old ass version of rpg maker and a bunch of patches to fix shit

>find one of the secret houses
>infinite supply of bottled water
is this cheating? this feels like cheating

the readme that it comes with tells you all you need to know

i think you mean "guy"

I just dropped the folder onto my desktop and clicked the RPG_RT.exe and it opened right up