ITT: games ONLY YOU played
ITT: games ONLY YOU played
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Literally NOBODY played this
Which is a shame.. it is quite charming
And? Is it worth playing?
Yes. If you're into strategy rpgs, then I highly recommend it.
you think no one else played PlayStation shining force?
bro I played submarine commander.
I played this. Dryst was the shit.
I don't remember much of Tokobot other than you can use tokobots as a weapon and I think as a bridge to get through gaps sometimes. I don't even remember if I liked it or not.
stacking points in AGI was fun
I loved this game. Also best posting best girl.
I have no idea if this game is actually obscure, but I've never seen or heard anyone mention it in my life. Every time I played it I lost interest and just played Spyro 2 instead
Holy fuck, I used to play that shit on a demo disc.
And boy was I scared.
>"Move over Mario..."
Tried really hard to like it but it ended up peing probably the shittiest and most boring tactical rpg I ever played, and yes, that includes Odium/Gorky17
That gets apeshit hard if you use the cheat to play as that invading faction.
Used to call it the pedobear game, it was fucking weird
Borrow this from a friend once, so we both played it.
This game is fucking weird but charming.
Best bargain bin games.
I can't believe that this game fucking killed Mario.
ITT: Games only you think were special because you found them earlier in your gaming habits.
Does this game have marriage/waifus like FE? I've heard conflicting reports.
I've played some of the tutorial missions. I love the idea of territory acquisition in an SRPG. That, Dragon Force, and Rance might be the only games like it.
this game is unironically good
it is pretty challenging too
I think I'm gonna play it right now
thanks for reminding me
it's one of the best games you will ever play in your life, and I mean among all games no matter the platform
Mah nigga
Play Grand Edition, it's fully translated
That reminds me of Tenchi Muto for some reason
kill yourself you imbecile
Esgares isn't exactly easy, you're defending a lot of points at once and you lose units to the story.
Me too. This and Majora's Mask freaked me out hard as a kid, but I managed to get over being a pussy for the latter.
Happy to help and glad someone likes it. It just never clicked with me, but I remember it having some cool ideas going for it.
fuck off jim
Everyone has played this
wow rude
Played this eight years ago and i still whistle the castle theme. This was good fucking game.
I make sure to play it once per year.
There's also Dark Wizard, which I enjoyed quite a bit.
The game is only fun when you forcefully try to speedrun and invade with inferior forces.
Otherwise, the AI is easily cheesed by retreating then farming the invaders in a loop until you got your level 20 evolved monsters.
Also, Cortina a whore that willingly joins any nation for cash.
Cool, I'll have to check it out.
Aldis is the best waifu
That and the sea town theme we’re the comfiest shit.
Zeldaish overworld gameplay.
With 3D robot boss battles.
*were, fuck
I have, but I prefer the original.
Based off the live-action movie.
Legend of Forsena > Grand Edition, solely because of this
even when you "speedrun" you get overpowered monsters since you kill all the ai's one. That always pisses me off since they seem to have no knowledge on how to keep their monster alive
for some reason I never see anyone talking about Kingdom Under Fire on Yea Forums I know it was a pretty popular game, just find it strange
I only played The Crusaders
English release ruined original though. It's Epica Stella.
Lizard Kangz though, and proper Esgares story.
I will defend the live action movie to the death. The movie is literally too advanced for critics to understand, the jokes move at lightning pace and its constantly outdoing itself with all kinds of bizarre surrealist humor. The best live action Seuss movie, fucking fight me
I like the part where he fights against the elephant in the couch
I'm more a fan of the cupcakinator bit, specifically cat in the blonde wig and grandma sweater.
This was a complete missed gem if you're into top down shooters.
yeah but he beats the living fuck out of the elephant int he couch while his asscheeks are hanging out which is pretty fucked up
and the boy was smirking after he heard the elephant cry in pain
Erry thread its just me
>mech with pope hat
I miss the 90s
The AI needed to be better at grinding against each other offscreen, in my opinion.
The threat level of each country just disappears when you take out their leveled starting monster, and they'll never successfully bring a dragon or hydra up to level 10 ever again.
I remember that game, somehow the EU demo version still had the original JP intro:
I'm curious, what stuff the demo version had: training, story and vs mode, If All the char. sans the final boss were available and how many battles in story/vs mode the char. would had.
Saw this in a gaming mag a bajillion years ago, never saw it anywhere.
Based, Iscalio and Leonia have the best theme.
Posting in a Jim Metokur thread. I also played Brigandine. I was too young for it but I knew it was awesome even back then. I still have it too. I'm amazed that it's not more well known.
Here is one off the top of my head since I can't remember the name of my real choice
I tried playing this a couple years ago. But I don't remember much of anything about it.
Tfw you'll never see a remake or even a remaster
Shits hard after all. How to make forbidden coins? I don't know how exactly.
Sacred mecha with a pope hat. Savor his flavor.
I really dont need Rose's menstruation in hd
How hard and complex is this game?
On the subject of tictacs.
It's not that bad
i had no idea what the fuck i was doing this game made no sense.
i still dont know why my dad got me it
You can pick a Ghoul starting character.