Yo-kai Watch 4 confirmed, baby!

Yo-kai Watch 4 confirmed, baby!

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im surprised its doing well enough to keep going
i wish it was at least big enough to make pokemon actually try and work a little harder but it looks like its just going to slink by while gamefreak just ignores it and keeps being lazy cunts

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Doesn't level-5 translations take notoriously long? Regardless, I'm glad this and snack world are getting western releases.

Shiiit, thank fucking God. Was scared for a bit there.

They've been getting better over time.

>Yokai Watch 3 is already out of print in the West

Snack world is releasing the the west? That's surprising. Thought for sure it wouldn't come over.

Maybe. But with previous games we had to catch up because Japan had 3 already. So depending when they start on this we could get it late next year, or maybe Spring 2021.
Same. I thought it wouldn't happen since 4 hasn't been doing well even in Japan.


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That's because the 3ds is actually dead user. Also they made like hardly any physical copies in the west. I don't think I saw even one in store anywhere. Had to preorder mine online months in advance.

Localization company listed it: gematsu.com/2019/03/localization-company-lists-english-language-versions-of-the-snack-world-anime-and-game

I'll have to pick it up then. Good thing I didn't buy it when I was overseas.

Ha, had to hurry and bring it here to make up for it flopping in Japan.

It's making huge bank and you're surprised it's still going?

The mobile game actually makes more dosh then even pokemon

like Snack World?? and that game will release early 2020

Has anyone played it?

Is it any good?

They haven't announced that game's localization yet, it's not going to take years to release after they do. Yokai Watch is more of a priority to them and releases of the series have sped up considerably since the beginning.

It is most definitely dead in the west. Which is why it's surprising 4 is even being localized, but maybe Nintendo is helping fund the localization or something.

my bet it will be March/April 2020 now that Layton and ni no kuni will released Sept and Nov of this year

there are deader games getting localized i'm sure. besides can't cost that much just translating text

Yokai watch was actually doing extremly good until L5 fucked it up by flooding the market with yokai shit

I'm so glad.
Woah, that's awesome, source?

So what the fuck does 4 even play like? Ni no kuni 2?

Ni no Kuni 1 actually, you control human characters and monsters. Well, it's better than NNK1's battle system.

That's good. I enjoyed 1 despite its shortcomings. Probably not going to pick up the remaster though since it seems like it's just slightly prettier and that's it.

Damn I gotta finish 2. Had it since launch. Is 3 any good or should I skip to 4 after I beat 2

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Jibanyan for Smash?

can finally have pic related in a game I can actually understand, thank god
looks like they're skipping busters 2 but I don't blame them as long as yokai in that glitchfest of a game are in 4

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damn she is hot, funny how the only reason i want to play these games are because of how attractive the yokais are

How are they dead in the west? They each sell a couple hundred k