Anyone else having fun with Crapcom's new literal mobile trash card game? because I kinda am

Anyone else having fun with Crapcom's new literal mobile trash card game? because I kinda am

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I like it, it kind of reminds me of speed chess with how you have little time to think and gotta make plays fast

I tried making a general on /VG/ but it died after a while

I am. Wesker a best.

if the game is good why is nobody playing it?

Region locking this was fucking retarded.

I figured it was a global release with all the flags I've seen.

At first glance i thought this was Shadowverse.

It's only available in
United States of America

I feel like I saw Argentina but I might've imagined it.

Shouldn't take long for it to hit other counties I imagine.

Any tips on what to run? Seth, Cerb, Zombies and Arkham are a given but which destroy cards is the most reliable?

nergigante is surprisingly fun.

4: Kill one of your dudes to kill an enemy at raondm
4: Kill something with power 2 or less, 3 or less if you are at 15 life and under.
5: Kill one random of yours and one random of theirs

I don't think I own any of the 'kill thing, take damage equal to its power' but that's obviously also great.

Black Element is clearly the patrician choice of the game.

What are you running on Nerg?

>win ranked match
>see this

I swear to god if that win doesn't count

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>the date has changed
i lost my streak because of this what the fuck.


But seriously, that sucks.

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I can't get over the ugly HUD. I just can;'t

Shouldn't you be busy pimping out your sister Chris?

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man fuck megaman.
you have to shut him down quick or he uses jaggis and megabuster.
Thank goodness for spike launcher.

So the deck colors seem to (somewhat obviously) be;

Red: Straight-Forward. Built around damaging your opponent and buffing unit attacks

Green: Walling out your opponent by buffing health while they set up heavy attacks

Purple: Using all sorts of trickery to harass your opponent. Either by way of stunning or simply removing units from the field

Black: Riskiest deck. Your health and the graveyard are mere resources to make overwhelm your opponents.

This is possibly the ugliest UI I have ever seen or could even imagine.

What the fuck are these death throw animations? Why the fuck is my character/enemy taking up 40% of the screen? Currently no cards to take advantage of positioning, so why include this system?

This is what capcoms mobile division cancelled a mobile battle network for?

Got my ass handed to me by a green/black Nerg. His deck uses black cards that cause health damage and heals back with green. Then he uses the spike skill to basically wipe board

why is no one discussing how bad is the grind? I need to know if it's just a garbage cash grab like Hearthstone, or if the game showers you with rewards and you can grind everything in a reasonable time without being tied to daily rewards.

We just don't know. The game is still in it's infancy.

You're able to get card packs frequently enough via zenny and free in-game vouchers

>that feel when its getting to the point where I can't see games like this in the play store at all because they won't work with my phone

So did any of you do rerolls for this game or do you think it isn't necessary?

What's your phone senpai?

If the game is free AND made from a well known videogame company then it's P2W bullshit cashgrab.
P2W bullshit cashgrabs, not even once.

Nah it's region locked

Its not region its my phone, its an ancient LG phone.

I am just happy to have Darkstalkers shit in something.

Almost all of the leggos aren’t really that useful so no real need to reroll. You also get two legends from playing rank

I'm glad stuff like this keeps my beautiful kitten relevant.
However, I'm psychologically allergic to freemium titles.

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31 win 5 loss deck in ranked, destroys Morrigan and does well against everything else.

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Anything with Hsien-Ko is worth to me. Wish she was a character though.

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mobile only? or on pc too?

Mobile only, PC eventually i'm sure

did they actually end up naming the game Project battle?

they named it something stupid like heppo

It's like Tekken but replace the letter K with P

chunli 1 green black is pretty good with the usual tanky green units along with black debuffs and negates to disrupt opponent plays

My tablet is too terrible to run this, but it seems that the devs are working to get it running on emulators.

Do the characters have their own abilities? And if so how good is

You'd think his Devil trigger ability is OP but it only gives him 10 sec of invincibility. His Quicksilver is pretty good tho.

Looks like a decent card to run with Wesker.

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I still need to play with Dante, even if he sucks you can still play him in card form

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Post good Morrigan decks.

Wonder why they added Copy X and not X.