Grab the Apache, let's go

Grab the Apache, let's go.

Attached: apache.jpg (367x345, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

THERE IS NO APACHES IN TERRARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

calm down

>I want to believe

I have my joystick here, I can fly.

can someone mod the game to actually have an apache?

I really hope Terraria 2 keeps the tank and apache.

i have my joystick here i can fly


desu it has really good physics


settle down

Terraria 2 won't even happen.
8 years and these dumbfaggot devs couldn't even fix the NPC AI and are only now finishing some basic shit.
You could finish 2 Universities in that time.

Unironically what did he mean by this? Seems to me like he was plenty potato.

Hey guys how do I craft a tank?

Why does most of Yea Forums like this game? It is the most boring 2D minecraft game there is. Even starbound is better than terrarishit.

Terraria is Gabe Newell's magnum opus.

I will not leave this channel

Don't even start on Minecraft, that game doesn't exist.


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The sequel is fucking great too, holy shit the autism of this potato. The slow ramp up of rage gets me every time.


>there's snipers in terraria now
ayy lmao


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>tfw devs still haven't added an apache helicopter for a meme

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Even with mods, starbound is still worse than terraria.

terraria vs starbound is the most extreme example of soul vs soulless, respectively

maybe there is/someone should make a mod that reskins the flying dutchman as an apache helicopter

I fucking hate trying to fly the apache with m+k so I always skip it in singleplayer

Starbound is better than Terraria and you know it!

don't you have a puppy to kill tiy?

Starbound is what happens when you make a texture megapack for Terraria and try to sell it as a separate game

they dropped the game entirely until steam offered them an opportunity to market the game, and they STILL fucked it up by putting in am ediocre update with virtually 0 new content that hasn't been on beta branch for a year+.
Terraria is a more combat oriented crafting shitmulator.



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How important are mods to the Terraria experience?
Thinking about getting it for Switch?
Is there any word about local co-op coming to switch?

good if you've already done a full playthrough, also some good qol stuff
who knows

Expand on the “dont”

triple the base PC price for the halfassed console version that's missing content

>terraria on consoles
enjoy being multiple versions behind on an inferior control scheme with no mods

dont play console terraria, i started on xbox then switched PC when i revived my computer. The PC experience is better in every aspect

Dragons Dogma it is then

Does this not count?

Attached: Elf_Copter.png (70x56, 4K)



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It would be amazing if they added in an apache or tank with the last update


Terraria is like the most based indie game ever, chill

My only problem with Terraria is true melee fucking sucks to play.

So based that in 8 years the programming skill hasn't improved a single bit.
The only thing based about them is the procrastination and squandering talent.
Only 3 years were really put into Terraria.
5 years were wasted, with Otherworld being a fine example of wasted time and money.

They were never supposed to have good ai though?

Well yeah, when you lack the skill to make something good or improve upon it then it's not supposed to be improved in the first place.

how's the vita port of terraria?

Terraria is still a fun game, but you aren't wrong.


Attached: sbs.png (160x120, 2K)

you're acting like there was full team working on it constantly over the years, in reality its been a handful of actually passionate people steadily working towards putting stuff into the game at their own pace

That's the prequel user, this is the real sequel:

Steadily fucking up and adding modding community shit into it from time to time you mean.
Complacency from initial success squanders any further development thereof. Best reflected in Otherworld and also the lack of anything concrete regarding 2. At the very least they could have showcased that their programming talent and knowledge has improved to give us expectations of an even smarter sequel being possible, but not even that.

the fuck are you smoking kid sunflail/memeyo are ez mode or are you a shitter mad that they fixed iframe exploiting

Otherworld was made by a different dev. That's bad business, not bad coding talent.

Bad management, bad business, bad planning, overestimating skills, lack of skill development, squander of money, squander of dev, incompetent dev, it's an overall failure of the entire group. Pushing it onto "different dev" doesn't slide when the bigger picture is viewed and connected.

Who cares? They won't make another and you can still play Terraria. Thats like saying "wheres minecraft 2" Its not going to happen.

ah, so it's relogic's fault that they weren't psychic and were able to predict that the other company wasn't going to be able to do a good job
you also seem to have an issue with saying the same things multiple times but with different words


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It's not in the least like saying where's Minecraft 2.
Notch has the courtesy to not keep people hanging and be upfront that he is retired and nobody should expect anything.
These idiots however had two announcements of which 1 was scrapped and the other is now hanging in the abyss.
One is not a waste of time, the other is.

>ah, so it's relogic's fault that they weren't psychic
Nah, it's Relogic's fault that they have procrastinated for 5 years and haven't done shit except add community mods into the base game code while hoping that a 2nd project would give them positive marketing which it didn't.
You don't need to be a psychic to recognize if someone is capable or incapable of doing a project, you only need to have some skills to recognize skills. Apparently Relogic doesn't.

you seem to have autism

The words of a seethe.

That's not a question, Mr. Bond.

Be glad you got it
t. 16721st chaos elemental kill without rod

you're the only one mad at something nobody can fucking understand

Find a few dozen IQ points for yourself then seethie. I hear reading books helps, something Relogic could have done for the past 5 years.

so do you have an issue with the actual game or with games that don't exist?

With the devs squandering their own and everyone else's time and making worthless promises. Are you retarded? Need reading comprehension?

those are issues with devs and games that don't exist, not the actual game
do you have an issue with the actual game?

>This mad about one of the best games of the decade
>Wahhh they're programming isn't the best I've ever seen
Where did they say they were master programmers you fucking cunt? Jesus Christ I hope you spent money on this game and choke on it, lol miserable for the sake being miserable

but their not melee, you kill shit a hundred yards away

See the above, I get the feeling you're the same faggot.

How's a dev's lack of improvement not an issue which reflects on the current game which has only seen community mods implemented and some basic shit not being fixed until 8 years later while a shitload is still subpar? You still mentally retarded?

>have 8 years
>programming doesn't improve a bit
More like master procrastinators.

starbound sucks compared to terraria, but minecraft definitely trumps them both

can you actually name anything specific or are you just going to complain that they haven't completely overhauled the game, and that because the general gameplay loop is still the same that it "hasn't improved"
also there is literally nothing wrong with implementing community made mods into the main game

Literally all the endgame melee shit becomes ranged anyways, swords shoot beams, Vampire knives exist, cursed hatchet, paladin's hammer, etc.

1.3 and 1.4 could have been done together 4 years ago if they continued their pace.
AI could have been improved many times over up till now with AI overhauls.
You have to be especially shit when you can't even figure out vertical pathfinding for NPCs and this incompetence translates into other areas.
All the special features in Otherworld could have been already present in Terraria if they didn't squander 5 years doing nothing and having no improvement, just adding community mods.
>also there is literally nothing wrong with implementing community made mods into the main game
Bethesda Fallacy.
Hi Todd. It is when it is an excuse for your own skills to stop improving.

it has bossfights

imo the short swords should be even cheaper, nobody uses them.

>1.3 and 1.4 could have been done together 4 years ago if they continued their pace.
you do realize re-logic literally has 5 (five) coders on their team, right? and that at the end of the day, it is a passion project? they aren't going to be working on it consistently and at the same pace at all times
>AI could have been improved many times over up till now with AI overhauls.
how? it's a 2d game, how much more can you do other than "chase the player" and "shoot projectiles at the player"
>vertical pathfinding
>features in Otherworld could have been already present in Terraria
you mean those features in a completely different game? that probably wouldn't have fit in terraria at all, as evidenced by how shit old one's army is?
>muh bethesda
plenty of devs do it and it's not a dirty practice for indie devs to let mods influence their game

>you do realize re-logic literally has 5 (five) coders on their team, right? and that at the end of the day, it is a passion project? they aren't going to be working on it consistently and at the same pace at all times
Doesn't change the decreased trust in them and their skills.
>how? it's a 2d game, how much more can you do other than "chase the player" and "shoot projectiles at the player"
Give specific behaviors to enemies, full aggressive or hit and run, and such shit. There's so many 2D games in existence with varying AI, you telling me you can't name a single one where AI design doesn't stick out compared to Terraria which can be implemented into it? Even Regions of Ruin?
>you mean those features in a completely different game?
Most of them are already fitting under the new map generation overhaul that should have been done 4 years ago but is instead being implemented now.
>plenty of devs do it and it's not a dirty practice for indie devs to let mods influence their game
It's only dirty so long as it doesn't undermine their skill improvement. Loss of trust in their abilities to further make anything of value surpassing 1 has already been accumulated.

Yeah user, you tell him. Fuck that guy

they're pretty fun to use even though they're garbage, just the way they attack and how you have to move to use them and not get hurt is fun though, very action platformy.

forced myself to use them once when I played according to a custom ruleset where I had arranged classes with specific item restrictions, so there was a "ninja" I think that early on relied on shortswords.


Shit erm

Have anal

Present hole and we shall see it through

you seem to be the only one here with trust issues user, i can't really help you there
>regions of ruin
first time hearing about it, from a glance it looks to be completely differently paced in movement and style comparatively, i don't know why you'd reference this game specifically
only if i get to suck your dick after im done mmmmmslurpslurp

Wait a moment, i need to eat some hot spice so you can experience a proper shit when you near my hole.

>he didn't read the chart
bro dilate loses to everything except have sex, not the other way around

stop replying you fucking retards

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imagine being this fucking mad over something not worth being mad about at all lmao. Calm down you fucking autist

>imagine being this fucking mad over something not worth being mad about at all lmao.
I am not a feminist tranny for nothing.

seriously, what the fuck was his problem?

thread stay alive i like you


Was he mentally retarded or just extremely autistic

Since the thread has devolved into shitflinging (as it should) i leave you all with this

Most forms of autism come packaged with mental retardation. The majority of autists aren't spergs and savants.

Summoner best class, fight me. Don't actually fight me, fight my minions instead please.

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thats the point, the dev's didn't know how to balance melee, in original hard mode they tried to balance it by giving them tons of armor, but that failed, then they tried healing but that was nerfed so they just said fuck it and made them ranged

The art is way better, I'll give you that.
Still an absolutely shit game. Good pixel art! = good gaem.

This guy is a treasure


I don't know what you're talking about user.

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Next update I'm gonna finally try summoner as a primary build, what do you use though after all the summons are out? Just dodge and some kind of magic or gun?

Unless your going pure summoner you can use anything. Golden shower is always useful.
If you're going full summoner the tavenkeep's sentries can be spammed for massive damage since the attack cooldown resets.

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>tavenkeep's sentries
whats the earliest you can grab these again? And minions benefit from the golden shower debuff?

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EoW or EoC
Goldan shower lowers enemies defense, any damage is increased. Also golden darts are a good alternative since they split and don't require mana.

bumping this thread

>it's another "hindsight is 20/20 argument"
>it's another "I'm an absolute expert in the subject"
>it's another "Everyone is incompetent except me, a seer with a perfect record"
And perhaps most egregious of all.
>it's another "x game is shit not for what it is, but what it could be", i.e. being a fucking retard.

dont listen to them, get the console versions if thats what you want (and you know what you want). if you cannot picture using a mouse and keyboard as being comfortable protip its fucking not. vanilla has hundreds of hours of content by itself, mods are something for another day

you dont know what you are talking about. the pc version has worse controller support. the console version plays like a twinstick shooter, the pc version plays like a mouse and keyboard being emulated (and thats exactly what it is). you wont be able to see the hud on the couch and you control combat with a slow moving fucking cursor. no terraria isn't the kind of game that actually fucking requires mouse and keyboard accuracy, in fact i dare say the console dpad precision mode is more precise with less effort. for example it highlights a block in a row and you dont have to readjust your cursor for example

Have fun with that resolution

>vanilla has hundreds of hours of content by itself, mods are something for another day
Consoles aren't even up to date on vanilla updates.

its a fucking 2d pixelart game what the fuck does it matter? the only detriment is you cannot cheese the fog of war and it makes potions/shining items/accessories more useful

it wouldnt matter if it wasnt so fucking bad, merely inadiquate is one thing. being that fucking close so i cant even see what ive built for my base is another.
A 2D pixelart game should let me see what "Art" ive created.

I still remember back when I first started playing. I hopped on to my friend's server and saw the dryad near base and started talking to her because I thought she was another player.

what all content has been added inbetween 1.3.5 and 1.3.1? if your argument is pc version being the most up to date im not arguing against that, im simply saying if you wanted a console game, in this case the pc version is unacceptable. it has no controller support, you would have a better time playing with xpadder

i definitely recall the option to zoom out on xbox 360. i play exclusively pc version so dont recall but again im claiming that the pc version is not objectively better than the console version in this case. the console version is a better couch adventure game

you didn't play Terraria, why are you posting about it?

it does have a zoom out function, but it doesnt feel enough when you are building a massive base to house all your trophies,statues and resident NPCs and truely appreciate what you have built

im not going to try and speak for everyone but all the people i have played with made commieblocks and treated the game as an adventure game so he might not ever encounter the problem you have

i try to give them themed rooms and post them in places with their theme, such as the explosives guy underground in a mining looking room decorated with metal blocks or the Dryad bitch in a leaf wood house area. Am i playing it wrong?

Only beta numales that don’t want to get their hands dirty like being a summoner

Go spin a yoyo or farm chloro bullets plebeian

>says the melee smooth brain who swings their sword miles away from the enemy launching summoned projectiles

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Who was in the wrong here?

>Gabe Newell founded Bethesda and made Terraria

RNG is weird. Got 2 biome keys in a row a minute after activating hardmode and never saw another one again.

>the secret final boss of the final update is Skeltron riding an apache

Attached: 1561955936343.png (640x640, 551K)

funny every time I watch this

Where's the fucking server

reminder that expert mode and by extension the future master mode is a shit way of increasing difficulty by making everything more tanky and hit harder
only (somewhat) good thing are boss ai changes

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expert has new items which are usually pretty nice
i dont think master is going to bring anything to the table though which is unfortunate, there are better difficulties that mods introduce

why the fuck does summoner have so very little armor sets and weapons compared to the other classes?

It was tacked on in by the end
