Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
I can't believe they censored a perfectly fine bag of chips.
ape escape 4's reveal trailer better feature spike murdering the shitty mc's from the shitty moviegames
They want people to be degenerates outside like they are otherwise they'd turn out like those facist salarymen
you mean sayaka/yumi bending over to reaching something in a tight space with the camera zooming into her spats covered puffy cunny
>didn't censor the malegaze
It's green, could be vegetables, we don’t want to scare away domestic audiences/
Ugly white women and the Jews who believe they buy their games.
Pantyfags are the fucking worst, they're just fabric. Look at nudity like a normal person
All C*lifornians should be killed.
High capacity snacks are dangerous and are known in the state of California to cause cancer. Thankful Californian law makers are smart and have implemented some common sense carb control to reduce the obesity epidemic!
I will start to be up in arms about sony the second a good game is affected.
Is DMC5 good enough?
Word-filters would improve this site so fucking much. Every dumb redneck would stop repeating the same shit if it was filtered out.
>he lives in a flyover state
>no conventions, no muscle beach, no gnomon
it's too late then, as there is precedent established.
>oy vey shut it down
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
>he lives in California
>no guns, no low taxes, no clean air
What do the Jews hope to gain by censoring shitty weeb fanservice games?
Literally every other state is a better place to live than c*lifornia and it's designated shitting streets.
Kill yourself commie.
I live in the only state worth anything (Texas). If shitfornia is so good, why does your kind keep migrating to Texas? How many wars has your shithole state won again?
>its only censorship when it affects games i like
pushing their own agenda through shitty west cuck games
many publishers according to a certain infamous anime director are forcing diversity even into anime now
The better question is why Nintendo censored the navel on the Langrisser cover while even Sony let it through. Are navels even considered lewd?
why are texasfags so obsessed with texas anyways?
any fucking mexican restaurant i go to there's a fucking old white bitch saying how it's not as good as texas
>bragging about winning wars you didn't do shit in
American politics are something else
reminds me of that furry location map of europe posted a few years back
If Texas is so good why do you fucks keep flocking here to the midwest to steal energy sector jobs?
>being this triggered by your own inferiority
>white """"""""""people"""""""""" morality
Please don't associate the subhumans in c*lifornia with the rest of America. Hopefully that failed state is erased from history and every c*lifornian becomes euthanized or sold into slavery.
>Due to the high homeless population, San Francisco streets are littered with drug syringes, trash, and feces, resulting in a level of contamination "...much greater than communities in Brazil or Kenya or India".[68] The city spends approximately 30 million dollars per year on the removal of feces and contaminated needles
Looks like amerisharts have the real designated shitting streets lmao
I'm interested in seeing whether or not Sony censors Cyberpunk or if it's just anime boobs that are unethical.
"C*lifornians" buddy, let's set the record straight here.
I lived 5 years in Texas. The white flight is real. It's full of niggers, pajeets and spics.
9 times out of 10 they're cuter than what's underneath.
Cultural sensitivity is different.
Tolerance of shitty streets is due to the influx of H1B workers. The Bay Area has a shitton of pajeets now. Even the Chinese and Vietnamese complain about how Indians are taking over every neighborhood and business.
Nudity is gross though, pantsu are cute
Why do Texans hate Americans so much?
>pleb who doesn't appreciate a mound under panties
Stfu Wrex
Censorship - Soul
Waifu fuel - Soulless
Not everything is censorship you know sometimes it's just a different box.
lets filter incel to chad and have sex to good thread!
Might be about killing a competitive industry. If user can't fap to his jap games he will go back to his western pron and pay us again.
Yes, the Switch boxes are narrower and longer than PS4's so cutting out the guys arm around the other girls shoulder on the Switch cover isn't censorship, but getting rid of the navel is.
Don't forget no reasonably priced gasoline
Because ethics committee.
Liberals have become what they hated most: the modern day equivalent of religious soccer moms
I don't understand how or why San Fran doesn't have shortages of low wage work there. You would think anyone with a brain would fuck off right out of there and look for places that are way more affordable to stay at, unless theres like 8 people living in one room to share the rent or some shit.
patrician as fuck
Nobody around the bay understands why anyone lives in san francisco
They voted commie long enough to destroy their state. They flee, but learn nothing and vote the same way. They are a virus.
gotta stop american population some how