looks good to me
Everything looks good to a shit eating Obsidrone
wow it's like I'm playing fallout 3
always disabled kill cams in NV and 3 these are so annoying and don't even look good
new bioshock?
How is this news? This game never looked good to begin with. Are you just now finding out about it or something?
Please be joking
Im not joking. I really cant see anything wrong with it.
Will they be generous with the stats or do I have tp specialize again like with fo4?
Destiny 3 came out?
what is this garbage
What's the issue here? The combat looks just as janky as FN:V and you fags love to suck its dick.
so true, it was definitely part of the charm. Hopefully the rpg elements will be good
At least NuVegas had decent writing unlike this shit.
>Really discount fallout
jesus christ that's embarrassing
I expected much more from Cyberpunk 2077 desu
how old is NV and how old is this game again?
Hey at least those writers are actually women, and not trannies?
The point is these games have never needed, nor had amazing combat to be good. It has always been serviceable at best.
If there is an option to turn off this cinematic bullshit then I don't see the issue.
>Muzzle flash stays aligned to the barrel of the gun when it kicks up
nice goalpost
at least NV has the excuse its old as dirt, this shit doesn't
looks like game from piranha bytes
At least they're better animations than anything bioware has made
the excuse for NV isn't that it's old, it's that they had limited development time and had to use gamebryo
It's not really a goalpost change. The combat was just as acceptable back then as it is now. Even though now and back then we had games with far better combat systems. Which only shows this trend will likely never change. So to sit there and whinge, because your beloved bethesda didn't make it is the height of hilarity.
are you the same faggot from the bloodlines threads?
you better delet this right now pardner
What's the excuse here then? They're not using gamebryo and it still looks just as shit.
>wowsocinematic cutscenes that break up the gameplay highlight their stiff animations and shit like the characters' unchanging expressions even while getting shot, and the fucking muzzle flash being attached to the gun
>this is on top of what has consistently (across all gameplay footage I've seen from this game) looked to be like some of the most bland and uninteresting combat they could put in
Everything about the gameplay in this game looks to be at its best, boring, and at other times, outright garbage.
>press x for awesome shooter edition
Absolute mystery
When will obsidorks finally learn?
This probably isn't the right thread to ask but if I have an nvidia 965 is that good enough to run new vegas with graphics mods or am I got bad computinators?.
I thought we all already knew it'd be basically fallout but not really
how again that excuses it having the "gameplay" as it is now?
Yeah, but apparently people don't remember why Fallout's gameplay is shit.
(X) Doubt
literally fallout with guns
Is it pretty safe to say devs who like rpgs, story, and fluff, are usually not good at making good action games, and all the devs who like action and crunch are gobbled up by bigger companies like EA and Activision?
I'll admit thats pretty funny, user.
It literally just looks like Fallout 3/4/New Vegas.
It looks like a worse Fallout 4
What game?
>they had limited development time
Not really. The engine was already there and the majority of assets were already made in Fallout 3.
New Vegas is a glorified mod.
Probably Outer Worlds
It's more akin to new vegas with a 2018 texture pack. Look at those janky stiff animations
So this is the final word on Outerworlds huh?
>doesnt even show an example of bad writing in the game
>just posts women
Kys incel
>Current year +4
>Playing AAA games
If you can disable the kill cams, I'll be fine.
is that what bongs really look like?
Oh you
it's literally fallout 3/4/NV
Yea Forums will eat this shit up
I get that you guys love the writing in New Vegas, I do too, one of hell of a game. This probably will have good writing too, but why in the ever loving FUCK, would anyone tolerate bad gameplay when the whole point OF A VIDEO GAME, IS TO HAVE GOOD GAMEPLAY. The animations look fucked, do they not have eyes, it needs more work, the guns need better sound so it animates well when it point of impact is seen. Gameplay first.
>being a indie hipster
Hows being edgy 15 year old
Trannies are better than real women because they're still men
Fucking THIS
Wait a second, the entire dev team is woman?
I can already tell this game is going to suck.
this dev is trash
you guys are fucking retarded
t. plays Nintendo games like autism crossing
How's being a dipshit who supports painfully mediocre videogames and scummy business practices?
You're correct but nothing you've just described is a component of actual gameplay, you fucking retard.
>bought by Epic
>turns out it's utter dogshit
Every time. Its like there's some kind of universal force in place that dictates all EGS exclusives must be shit.
>diversity hire the shit out of your team
>niggers and trannies hamfisted into a shitty game
god I hate women
>improve the gameplay
>lists a bunch of complaints about animations
Found the playstation owner
I tolerate it in NV because they were stuck with the engine on a short time table
but why would you deliberately ape the worst parts of F3 and NV in a brand new game
>animations and sound don't tie in with gameplay
Are you guys actually this retarded?
Mods can fix the gameplay, and even then it's not the most terrible game out there gameplay wise.
And that's a good thing
>plays it for 5 bucks on gamepass
>looks good to me
>dude i'm high, am i doing it right?
>that posture
>streak from gunshot just floating there
>wrist is broken
gotta love this shit, get your snaks out and watch this trainwreck
Literally was a goalpost change though.
>It looks as bad as New Vegas, and you guys like that game, so you guys should be all over this one!
>New Vegas' gunplay was serviceable I mean! And it didn't need it to be good! So this should be good!
It sounds pretty much the same, but in one you're outright saying New Vegas' and this game's gunplay is terrible, and we shouldn't give two shits because we like New Vegas, then you move it to say that New Vegas was fine and that both games will be fine because it has a good story (which you can't be sure of)
She must have attended the CNN school of shooting
So is this, like, Fallout 69 or something?
>recoil from a laser gun
>Epic paid $50 million for this piece of trash to be exclusive
Whats the problem? You all wanted a Obsidian game and you got it. Looks just as shit as New Vegas
I dont support indie shit tho
Okay, Todd
The guy shooting is a journalist, and the guy telling him he's a fuckup is the dude from the army, right?
Funny, but if you're serious, then you're actually clueless.
Is the game out yet, or are you just obsessed with women?
Go outside.
probably. (then again he'd have been properly instructed before shoot-out)
His rickety spine unsettles me
No, the Army guy is a retired General and a paid CNN analyst who was demonstrating "full semiautomatic fire." He didn't talk about the journalist's ...shooting stance.
looks good to me :^)
did they literally steal bethesdas engine
It's funny how in most cases you can clearly tell when somebody is the type to explicitly state their pronouns
It's clear to everyone that Microsoft and Epic are working privately together against steam and playstation but they're not doing such a great job
Nice reskinned fallout game losers
But I played NV when I was growing up so it's good.
what the ever living fuck
is this another fallout game
That's kind of the point, this game is releasing in 2020 and, at best, looks like Fallout 4 which already looked dated when it came out... in 2015.
I'm looking forward to this game but let's not lie to ourselves. It doesn't LOOK very good. The art design looks alright, but that's about it.
>Wait a second, the entire dev team is woman?
No, that picture is just every woman working on the game. It has more men working on it than women, and the two lead devs are the guys who made Fallout 1/2.
You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet, user.
Are you retarded?
this, how the fuck did they make it look exactly like a bethesda game?
Is that a New Vegas mod?
its probably been in development for 18months
Yeah, your image is about as legit as that one photoshop of the Steam best sellers being porn games.
I think Megan is the only real woman in that pic.
gamebryo haters BTFO
So did any of those women actually work on any of the fallout games?
Looks like a game made by girls
Why are british "people" so fucking ugly?
What is this even?
Why is it some kind of scifi victorian steampunk instead of normal? There wasn't a single space scifi rpg since andromeda.
This looks fucking worse than fallout 3, why is obsidian so useless?
Obsidian's never made good combat.
I hate this bullshit so much. does this person really need to get in line with the LGBTBBQ+ community as a straight biological woman if she never has experienced any gender confusion issues in her entire life whatsoever? Is it really just shallow pseudo solidarity?
Bethesda always wins baby.
Kills-in-Shadow is a monster. She's frightening and hairy. She stinks of wet animal and has an insatiable bloodlust for violence and slaughter. She's also a clever hunter, a brutish, skilled fighter, and is tenaciously loyal (unless, of course, she has sensed a weakness) to whomever she chooses to follow, whether that be her ruthless sister, Creeping-Death, who was the last leader of their savage tribe, or a human Fatebinder stronger than even the toughest of Beastwomen.
As a member of a race of partially-humanoid, feral Beast creatures, Kills-in-Shadow is intelligent but uneducated, hulking but agile, and an unapologetic killer but not evil. She's a highly evolved predator, forever marked by the magic of Haven's dark forests–primarily driven by instinct and an insatiable lust for violence. She is also boastful, daring, smart, easily excited, and has a quirky sense of humor. She often snorts, snarls, growls, and chuffs with laughter.
As the last surviving Shadowhunter, she's on a single-minded hunt for blood and vengeance, and will not be satisfied until each and every Disfavored has been wiped from Terratus. And though her kith were slaughtered mercilessly during Kyros' conquest, the Shadowhunters had a reputation for being one of the most vicious tribes of the Tiers. If most Beastwomen are hyenas, Kills-in-Shadow is a lone lioness–proud, regal, and wholly deadly. Drawn by a spectacular display of strength and prowess, she is now stalking the Fatebinder's scent.
And she likes to play with her prey.
whats wrong with the third woman? the other two get a no-no for the she/her/xim/xir shit but surely you meant something by including the third one.
Someone thought this was a good character bio.
Original FO devs were all male iirc
This is FONV's dev team
Virtue signalling gives a strong dopamine rush when it becomes your belief system
oh no no nonononnononnonononon
Every time I see this game it looks like absolute shit.
I see women.
No land whale rainbow hair SJWs
Need a picture of modern day obsidian
There's nothing wrong with her, the person who made that pic is a retarded misogynistic incel.
Trying to transform to this?
A fallout 4 mod basically
yeah because that's a fucking high bar
its fine assuming it has a price point to match
but we all know its gonna be 59.99 so fuck it
People praise it a lot, but not for the combat you retard
>She's frightening and hairy. She stinks of wet animal
remember when JE sawyer added gun autism to NV simply because he found guns interesting?
Im assuming this game lacks NV's creative and technical talent
obsidiots will lap up anything
how could anyone who enjoyed NV look at this and say yes
this is truly a spiritual successor
in the vein of the greats
passable acceptable good considering its precedents
Did Valve dodge a bullet here?
This garbage is Epicuck exclusive
That too, your post was pretty cringe.
you aint wrong, trannies cringe af
Is HRT that much expensive that you can`t get a dental plan
dodge a bullet? it hasn't shown any indication that it was interested in hosting this game, or any game
Literally the only thing Valve has shown any effort towards is its miserable dota spinoffs like Artifact
basically fallout: white guilt edition?
oh obsidian, how the mighty have fallen
this guy made journos so mad
Really milking his fifteen minutes.
dont open
at least it ain't Cosmo
shhh he could be here right now
I was gonna buy that game on release, now I will and to see how woke it is before making the decision. Thanks user.
Is this real, do people stream themselves looking at Yea Forums for things to be upset by?
>western video """games"""
lol as always
kek literally a fallout clone, down to the shitty animations
will probably pirate it some day
>name is narcissa
>these people dont respect my name
Well he had a moment of self awareness when he picked his name. That convo about malaria looks more interesting desu.
Christ this looks like shit
fallout 3 in Unreal Engine
Looks like a graphically better version of New Vegas with a different aesthetic
So yeah that's fine, I'm not expecting a fucking revolutionary super game or anything, just something objectively fun
you just know people ok with this are shit posting in a cyberpunk thread over a car or some shit
it disturbs me that fallout 1 is responsible for this somehow
The people shitposting about trannies in this thread are the same people shitposting about trannies in every thread.
Get out /k/
I want to see ironman numbers, summerfag.
>new vegas
>deep writing
"Hurr look at all these factions split perfectly into government types for brainlets to easily digest!"
Individual writers don't matter; who the creative lead for the project matters. See how Avellone helmed games are radically different than the games where he was just part of the team.
>a video game doesn't need good gameplay to be good
Maybe Yea Forums is the board for you.
this webm is a laughing riot
>old online handles is now dead naming
Or was he really named after a fairy?
Not a single game is safe from them.
jesus christ no progress was made over a decade
Ahem, attention please Yea Forums posters!!
The best games are always janky.
>Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines
>Fallout New Vegas
>Alpha Protocol
>Deadly Premonition
>EYE Divine Cybermancy
>Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
>Mount and Blade Warband
>Gothic 1 and 2
>God Hand
worse than sharts, pure subhumans
Cyberpunk has had this shit for fucking ever
It even has furries
Stop bitching when you aren't even familiar with the source material
Cosmo is his actual birth and legal name
Never did I imagine that women could actually out-edgy your standard fedora-weeaboo in character creation.
I dont hate cosmo
I feel bad for him, look how much of a broken person he is
trannies are mentally ill
Its a cheap and easy way to virtue signal. Virtue signaling is like a prayer, you're pretending to help people when you're not actually doing anything at all.
Dude, come on. Genderbending shit is absolutely cyberpunk aesthetics, why is this such an issue?
I'm not arguing who is and isn't mentally ill
But Cyberpunk is all about extreme body modification and transhumanism. It's had bolt on tits and other degen stuff like furries for a long fukcing time. For once its not being shoehorns in for the giggles its part of the world
John FUCKING Numbers sure did fuck him up.
Fuck if we only knew how good we had it before gamergate
>She is also boastful, daring, smart, easily excited, and has a quirky sense of humor.
For me it's Kills-in-Shadow - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
god hurry up and fucking do it already
but what if you replied to a cringe with have sex?
I don't get it.
Can I play as a robot in this game?
>these people look weird to me
The absolute state of discourse on this board.
Mass Effect 3 has some good animations you meme spouting fag
From what we've seen you can ONLY play as a robot in this game.
I don't even care about this game but that looks like shit you shouldn't show yet.
Oh that's vats so I can just ignore it like I always have
I have absolutely no experience with shooting. Why is he standing kind of curved backwards like he is scared of the gun? Was he instructed to do so?
link to a version with sound?
I'm not a fan of Detroit become human type shit. I'd love to see more Chappie robots.
but thats all you need
Most creative people a lefties, pretty much all musicians for instance, it's a fact
>we were made by women
Why don't mods filter all these
Roll for a gf Yea Forums
whats this crap
have sex beats everything except for dilate
you would win
Is this how regular women look in us?
go away mossad
But you can't get dubs or trips on Yea Forums anymore
good to know that epic money is paying off
it's kind of an intuitive response to picking up something that is long and has some mass, you lean backward to counter balance the weight
most people who have never handled a gun before do that before being taught a proper stance
>being this much of a newfag still
Then what the fuck is this?
dont know why your saying oh nonononono that only works if everyone think something looks good
outerworld looked like shit since day 1
yes, that's the joke
it's literally just another new vegas dlc
>nu-Yea Forums despises modern games that closely resemble classics that actual Yea Forums used to love
This board is really fucking sad.
9, 7, or zeroes come on
Did they add them back? They removed them years ago cause they hated fun
Oh fuck
Yeah okay, sure. Rolling.
Yes and we all saw how triggered they got when tranny shit in cyberpunk was less about xir's demands for triangles on public toilets and more about futa cock strapping traps
this looks cute, but I just somehow know it ends up in some weird fucked up porn
>it's the same fucking literal who picture posted over and over in each thread
>300 million people in the US
hope they have dicks
Who gives a fuck, you complaining its in the game is just as annoying as them complaning its in the game
This degenerate shit is part of Cyberpunk if you don't like it don't play it
Only if you consider sex with a ghost and incest fucked up
I would but its raining and my 18month old is happy with his jam sandwich sitting on my lap while my 4yr old is insistent on throwing his stretchy dinosaurs everywhere.
While the wife is trying to do work as dustyspringfield plays in the background.
If you werent mentally ill you would have a nice family too and laugh at the tranny freaks that come to Yea Forums
Where did I complain? Tranny twink fetish is apart of cyberpunk world.
Why are you so obessed with mental twitter users?
>acts like a retard
>naw bro it's okay because I'm doing it with a kid in my lap
okay bro
Your family is as imaginary as the trannies you obsess over.
It's all this guy does, he keeps a folder for each game and just reposts the same material over and over until another game comes out.
The worst part is 80-90% of them are just ripped straight from Reddit
when you modded new vegas too much
He's a family man dude, you wouldn't understand. Amirite resident tranny lover?
how i see all sports fans in general
Rollan trips
> am black
> called nigger here often
> call others nigger
> don't care
> this fucking dyel beaver breaks down over that
a Yea Forums classic
can i have the sauce pls
risky roll
this is actually sad lads
Oh look the thread derailer that these faggots are rolling for is still up.
How hard could moderating this board really be? I'm curious.
have fun
But for real, have sex.
>naw bro it's okay i'm obsessing over twitter trannies
>look here's my kid
okay bro
cyberpunk as a genre started out with "wow, body modifications are a terrible idea" and then the gays ruined it
How do other people not see what is so wrong with this game? All the footage so far looks terrible, it looks twice as broken and awkward as a Bethesda game. I thought the gameplay footage would make a lot of people concerned, but all I'm seeing everyone is how hyped everyone is for it. I still think it's gonna get bashed even by the most shilly of journalists when the review copies get handed out.
Rolling for 000, anything else is unacceptable.
Maybe you could try to tell everyone what's wrong with it. Is it muh grafix? If so you might be on the wrong site.
AA games are still a thing, a little jank here and there never hurt anybody that had any ounce of taste.
You should probably go back if you can't handle bants about mentally ill freaks
Hey if you could contain your "bants" (autism) to places where people would care then nobody would have a problem with you my dude.
All you have to do is go start a thread on a different board. Your obsession with obsidian is just not justified. Simple as.
Kinda feel sorry for the kid if it's actually raised by you.
>try to make snarky answer to fallout 4
>end up making a game that looks and probably feels worse
this is actually extremely impressive and can only be answered by 1 thing, women being lead on the team.
of course
What counts as handling bants?
>browsing tranny twitters with his child in his lap
idk m8 from my perspective sounds like YOU should go back, whatever that means
When its the same pictures constantly every thread it gets tiresome
easiest trips of my life
the fuck kind of faggot name is felix
it's always the same pictures
he'll just abandon this one and start another one anyways
>muh gwafix bad cuz woman bad
Nice post dude.
>whatever that means
You bet im laughing at you faggots, keep posting
Why is every video game company filled with employees like this?
These janky games fall out of popularity quick unless they're actually Bethesda. No one is gonna be modding this piece of shit to make it better.
alright well have a good day bud hope your kids turn out ok
let me guess, Reddit?
I was gonna do that you mad fuck
end me
>These janky games fall out of popularity quick unless they're actually Bethesda
lol newfag
Taro games
Suda games
Pretty much every single slav game now that I think about it.
The list could go on but it does not have to.
Go back.
how many shekels do you get for posting that?
>le reddit??
Double nice dude.
yep called it stay buttmad :'( too bad you cant downvote me right?
this is where all those liberal arts fags go after college. insufferable in college, insufferable out of college. I know biz fags get this muppets on the cheap but godaym niggy.
Too much
If you play the webm slowly you can really see how lazy those animations are
All trannies are, that's why you bully them into being normal, it's better for them
yea alright let's do this
>u mad
Nice number 3 and 4.
Oh god uh oh
>getting shekels meanwhile posting jewish cartoons
seems legit
goobergape merely outed the disease. it existed prior.
but i think the main cause is talented people fled the industry because there is no money in it. so this is what's left. You have an abundance of "highly educated" women with no real career path out of college. But they can do menial tasks with writing and programming. Easy to hire, cheap and expendable.
>be tranny
>easily triggered
>mentally ill
>browse the cesspit of the internet
Should I be surprised by this behavior? I'm not really sure.
I'd think the boys would be circumcised if they were jewish cartoons
Goddamn it, Limmy.
You have never played a single Obsidian game if you think this is new.
based nigger
>jews perfectly know circumcised dicks are disgusting
>instead they are drawing them normal to brainwash the weak minded
I'll take 000, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, or 42
Is this the new meme fags are using? I know girls that have literally thrown up looking at uncircumcised dicks. No girl dislikes circumcised dicks.
>that post
Why does this game look so fucking soulless and boring?
>I know girls
he chose to become a tranny and regrets it
you didnt choose to be bkacj
check those trips and my new wife
More like roll for a future rape accusation.
So what it's fallout in space?
what a stupid looking game.
New vegas is not even 10 years old what the fuck are you smoking?
Thats the fucking point, retard. Theres no excuse this time. Theyre purposely making it feel as jank as gamebryo and for what fucking reason i dont know
Hmmm. .. . . kinda looks like modded Fallout. From what I've heard and seen of the writers, I'd rather play modded Fallout.
Lack of forearm strength.
. . . . not sure I like the odds.
This just feels like pure suffering, holy hell.
> Just turn your eyes off!!!
>It's alright when Bethesda does it
Yeah, but having brown skin is not the same that cutting your dick off, fucking your organism balance and having a mental disease.
It's mostly white men at fault here. Behind ever woman is a white man propping her up and shouting how progressive he is.
It's like there's a man stapled to the front of another man.
maybe a 0's quads will save me
So this is just the space DLC for NV and takes place centuries after they make it to the moon and beyond right?
>This is a game for people who think looking like that is cool.
And what's wrong with that? Gotta love when these people go six million percent hypocrisy.
Metro Exodus was good though.
>is tenaciously loyal (unless, of course, she has sensed a weakness)
How do these people have jobs in the industry?
Is it the same couple of people making threads starting like this over and over all the time, or is oh no no no posting genuinely and unironically popular?
Give me 0, 7, 5 or 2 so that I can disarm them and kill myself with the weapon.
Holy shit that is awful
Did they seriously give us VATS? Are they mental?
You dont know me
are they embarrassed to be on camera or something?
This is a $40 game, correct? Not a full-priced release?
You know it only costs $100 to get a game on Steam right? That could easily be fake.
>weeb picture
now you're gonna preorder it right?
>somehow convinces developers to do retarded things
you can't just turn the other cheek in these days, faggot.
Are they still using that shit engine?
You're a fucking retard.
>no romance
I think it's more likely that they sold out to Epic because they had no faith in their game rather than Epic just randomly ending up with shitty games. I'm pretty sure Epic has a spambot at this point and every studio that agrees to the terms know their games wouldn't sell.
of course they are. I'm convinced they have no plans on making a new one either.
That's a good thing. Waifufags are cancer. Let the gooks have those retards.
Probably just a few. Not too many people here like nigger shit.
I don't understand the twitter thing. Why do people feel the need to add the description she/her if they're female?
i dont remember 3 having kill cams
Name one game with romance options in it that wasn't complete garbage.
nice bait
no matter what game I say, you're going to act like a retard and say it's shit
john numbers needs to be locked away for what he did to cosmo
so thats what he's been up too huh
Because white men dont get hired anymore
And now most of them are gone and nuobsidian replaced them
>I t-total-ly have examples but I'm not g-gonna tell y-you b-b-B-BAAAAAAAAAITTTT!!!!
>n-no it's good
>name one
>n-n-n-no I can't
Why can't you just admit it's bad writing but you enjoy it? Why is that so fucking difficult for you freaks?
i don't know why, but everything i've seen about this game other than its supposed to be a spiritual successor to FNV just seems off. this thread is solidifying my choice to seriously wait for the reviews before i grab this game.
kys coon
Most games that are good dont spend the advertising campaign reminding you how much you liked other games that are "just like it".
definitely got the monster part down
i want to send this nigger to a compton hood for 2 months and see what kind of conclusions he comes to with gangs
it's funny; saint's row the third had the same options but i don't think it actually bothered anyone because volition was like "it's a video game; do whatever the fuck you want" so it was just more funny than anything else.
this whole sjw movement bullshit really ruins it though.
you're not wrong. i felt the same way about anthem before it released. i kinda knew bioware was already dead at that point and had no idea why the game had so much hype behind it.
Never knew Damiani a Liverpool fan.
>no mods
>no romance
What a shit game
>hulking... beautiful
>brutish... quirky sense of humor
>insatiable bloodlust for violence and slaughter... not evil
>tenaciously loyal... lone lioness
>stinks of wet animal... regal
can this bitch make up her mind
nice random pictures pasted into a png. have sex
>im offended on 4channel
Why are there so many posts like this?
impotent lashing out because of nosex
ew americans.
I wonder what your post would have looked like a few months ago before the have sex meme took off on reddit. I'm trying to remember the last buzzword, was it nazi or was that two buzzwords back?
What else did you expect from the creators of the dullest RPG of all time? Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
i wonder why the have sex meme holds such power and why people fear it so much
i yell that when i bang my wife up the ass.
>You're pretending to help people when you're not actually doing anything at all.
Actually they are.
she wrote deadfire and tyranny which sucked ass
Because they want to make sure they arent mistaken for an undesirable
i think its just that the real nerds arent using social media
and these special little snowflakes are attention black holes
this person needs help desperately, in a society that tells people to do whatever they want, no matter the consequences, when the consequences so often result in pain and death. This webm actually makes me feel really bad.
being a nigger isn't bad, user. being a niggerfaggot.
Isn't that the guy with the ostrich
>cyberpunk where the setting is desolate and the villains are mega-corps
this shit belonged in the trash from the very beginning. very disappointed with Obsidian desu.
>could literally stop the tranny shit and regain a lot of viewers instantly
>just continues to suffer for no reason
not a mental illness though
Finally a clip with context
God I wish they'd do it more often.
This looks good, not great nor excellent. You buffoons will complain then if the co decides to target graphics, animation and physics the cost goes up, any sense (if there is any) of originality goes out to window to grab a casual market.
This is why we are always stuck with AAA trash that looks good but hollow as fuck.
>new original IP
>minorities and trannies are "hamfisted" into it
That's like saying the last buzz word mattered or the one before that or the one before that. Stop it you racist manbaby nazi incel have sex
you only go for the quick paycheck in the first place if you have no faith in your game.
>he hates Donald "We want more immigrants but they have to legally" Trump
Sounds based to me
based KILL ALL TRANNIES poster
you're probably full of shit but ill post it anyway
Is this the next Tortanic?
>haha trump has dementia!
>wants to be referred to as "they/them"
uh huh...ok bud.
He'll find out soon brother.
We're goin home. Soon.
No need they're so fucked up in the head they usually kill themself anyway. That energy should be spent on blacks.
not really. he'd be milking it if he had a youtube channel with weekly uploads on "EA WORST COMPANY SJWS DESTROY CYBERPUNK????"
It's just a zoomer forgetting it's ok for something to last more than a week.
I legit never see that live in the webm
Is this the (not) Fallout game?
>what character traits can we giver her, hmmm...
>oh i know, all of them
Seems like that one line may have been added by someone else, it's just so odd and out of left-field
God I can't wait
>game is unmoddable
>not gonna be able to make this dyke suck my dick
Who said it was unmoddable
It's like an unholy abomination of edge and twilight. And people thought men were the autistic ones.
>literally plays like beth-fallout
This game will be the end of Obsidian.
New vegas is one of the best games ever made
Keep seething broski
Men ARE the autistic ones, if an autist wrote that we'd get a hexcode for each and every color.
The most based and redpilled post I've ever seen
holy friggin yikes!
Yeah I agree. I feel like these fuckers are mad because it's not smooth. Fuck, it's a video game, who cares if it's easier to tell the systems apart. It'll actually help you understand them better.
the women back then where most likely non writers and not devs, most likely money managers or some shit.. now we have 20 percent male rest female in these company's.
pic related is the ubisoft team now
seems like common sense that men are better coders
spent to long on this meme
>Narrative Designer
>Narrative Designer
>Senior Writer
I don't think Obsidian has enough clout to have AAA budget.
I don't get it, genuinely looks okay.
It's not the best but still looks a million times better than FO4
its worse than that. it's using the unreal 4 engine. they made it look like beth-fallout on purpose.
WHAT THE FUCK. That can't be true. Are they insane?
I legitimately can't freaking WAIT to play this!
It's my understanding that video is from an old-ass alpha build, I don't mind that your companions have some sort of "mysterious stranger" special move. I'm thinking it's either something you can activate like crits in Fallout 4, or something that happens on it's own, that you can turn off "emphasizing" just like enemy death in the fallout games. A Fallout style game with the arcanum devs at the helm'll be glorious, and it's not fucking open world "travel 2.7km to get the next objective" bullshit, thank christ
that's just like the janky Bethesda fallout games though, seems like they went out of their way to emulate it
I don't mind the jank, I'm thinking it'll be fun to play based on the stuff I've seen so far. It looks smoother than New Vegas, and we know it'll have variety of play styles and plenty of double cross potential. Fallout 4 felt more fun to play than the previous ones, even if it was at the expense of EVERYTHING ELSE (and literally because the DOOM devs designed the gunplay) And even than, it's still not as good or smooth as other modern FPS. One of my favorite obsidian games ever was Alpha Protocol, and that was unpolished as fuck. This game has confirmed stealth options, and unlike Bethesda, Obsidian seems capable of learning from previous games
Why do you freaks always have to sexualize everything,fuck,I just want to look at cute animal people
>No girl dislikes circumcised dicks.
>source : "Dude trust me." pg 89
How is this possible? Even a child that has watched a few action movies will have a better posture when shooting a gun.
This is a city dweller conditioned to fear guns all of his life. Look at his face, he is legitimately afraid every time he pulls the trigger.
unfortunately it can't.
see Skyrim combat
even with mods it's still disgusting.
It's because of the intention. SR3 gave you the option because of its "do whatever you want attitude". Current implementations are there to tell you to pay attention to it and give it reverence.
this might as well be a Fallout 4 mod.
fuck this looks like shit.
>doesn't emulate the open world of New Vegas,
>doesn't emulate multiple factions of New Vegas,
>emulates the shit combat in New Vegas
Of course it wasn't going to be open world, but there's still areas that let you lurk around shitting on monsters (possibly people too) like in NV, and it's clear that there are multiple factions