Is this the greatest Third Person Shooter of all time?

Is this the greatest Third Person Shooter of all time?

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MP2 is superior


max payne 3 is small time

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Yeah, it's a masterpiece. I'm going to take some deep breaths in here before the boomers come in here and stink the place up.

MP1 is superior

It's among them.

Not even the best in the franchise.

it's some of the best gunporn ever released but it's also a hot mess with a garbage script and awful pacing. it makes endless gameplay sacrifices for the sake of being cinematic and replaying it is a fucking slog. it also dumbs down the gameplay of 1 & 2 and replaces the gutted mechanics with awful cliches like turret sections and 'press X to do '. they also fucked the gameplay balance by making each individual enemy way too easy to headshot so they turned each level into whack-a-mole to compensate.

Your son was killed in gun battle. A battle he started.

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Mp 0 is superior

Resident Evil 4 and Vanquish is better

MP -1 >>>>>>> The other games

Not even better than Resident Evil 6

anyone that doesn't think mp3 is the best in the series is insecure

it's easily the shittiest game in the franchise and one of the worst ""games""" ever made
I'm not even sure if I can classify it as a videogame since a movie "game" would be much more fitting
fuck rockstar

Max Payne 3 only has great technology and attention to detail. The actual gameplay is quite mediocre.

Vanquish is a much better designed shooter.

1) game is ruined by the bullshit forced cutscenes that play every single time you do something as mundane as walking through a fucking door. It even makes you sit through them when reloading because the checkpoints are BEFORE THE FUCKING CUTSCENES
2) the gameplay is decent, but it's still not the best 3rd person shooter. That honor goes to RE4, the best action game of all time.

MP3 is probably the only TPS I ever played where getting the laser aim attachment is actually a bad idea.

If we are only considering how satisfying it is to shoot yes.

man, this game has such a special place in my heart. the music, atmosphere....but also makes me depressed that it was so long ago that i first played it

MP2 is the worst in the series the only thing good is the bullet time everything else is way below the first game. MP3 is at least refreshing in the series even though it has a billion cutscenes

Remember shit flinging with "muh new york" boomers back in the day. Good shit.

Top10 3rd person shooters:

1) Metal Gear Solid 3
2) Dead Space
3) Max Payne 3
4) Hitman: Blood Money
5) Resident Evil 4
6) Max Payne
7) Dead Space 2
8) MGS: The Twin Snakes
9) GTA: San Andreas
10) GTA: Vice City

was this pulled from reddit or something

If you could disable the cutscenes after every fucking encounter yes. It drove me mad.

Your list is all fucked.
>Hitman is not a shooter. It just has shooting
>No Just cause 2
>No Saints Row 2

I like MGS 3 as much as the next user but LOL

How is Hitman not a shooter?

it's a stealth game you dummy

No, in fact that's the 3rd worst Max Payne game so that's a very confusing statement to make.

I didn't know IGN editors posted here.

>He doesn't go for the Mass Murderer rank


but the game is called hitman so i just hit everyone

You can go through the whole game shooting people with your pistol.


re4 is maybe one of the most overrated games i've ever played ngl

it's probably because I played it really, really late so I played all of the games that derived from it like dead space first but it just felt like a bog standard TPS. It's kind of like half-life 2, surely impressive at the time but at this point it's mostly just

pretty good imo

>story that chews out the player for committing a War Crime to advice

yeah, the pretentious bullshit makes it not good.


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it's better than dead space though

I like dead space 2 a LOT

autism at its finest

its time to let me go
give up on us
and follow what you want

>cutscene simulator
Max Payne 1 is my favorite game of all time but 3 is just atrocious, i wish they ended the series with 2.

should've ended it with 1 tbqh