Chad or incel?
Chad or incel?
Autistic chad
My wife(boy).
It's called husband
Definitely not incel, he was tripping over thirsty thots and told them to begone.
the chad volcel
>Autistic chad
Truly, the best kind of vidya character.
>Good looking and kind
>Popular and crushed-on
>The closest friend of the beautiful, smart, and talented daughter of a major company - could likely start a relationship with her at any time
>Literally cannot stop reeeeeing over his past mistakes and doesn't take advantage of any of the above because of it
>Ends up running away to train, Ryu-style, like a hobo against some bears and jerks off over meat/protein when introduced to a number of cute girls
He's a based chad
Literal volcel, but he doesn't realize it
he's a voluntary celibate. doesn't really give a shit about anything other than getting stronger and has no real interest in girls. that is unless it's femc, then he suddenly remember he has a dick and wants to plow her hard but that is an exception since she has main character powers.
He wants to plow FeMC because she reminds him of his sister, which means his siscon makes Yu look normal by comparison. So find some nice genki girl who acts like his dead sister and he can have his fantasy wife.
She also has charm +4 when she hangs out with him making her better than the other girls
I want to spend a long time with Akihiko
P3P Shinjirofags are cancer. Dating Akihiko is the only correct male route. Aigis is a qt robot and the ultimate true route
look at this design and idle animation and just try to tell me aki isn't chad.
He's gay
No it's not.
Built for Shinji cock
come again?
but girls cant date girl robots
Red shirt boys are gay and need to have sex
Same with that disgusting haircut
Kill yourself
That's where you're wrong, user. Aigis isn't a girl, she's a robot - that means it's fine
Not Canon :)
The correct FeMC route is watching the chad boxer senpai fight with a fucking 11 year old boy over you while Junpei is caught in the middle.