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Hey hey

new video?

lol alt-right dogwhistling, f'in EPICamirite fellow gamer??????

do E.Y.E

Sseth is dead .

The most recent reviews have been too tame, not enough racist jokes. His best video is the Morrowind one.

I decide how good or bad something is ENTIRELY on how "offensive" it is. Sseth is slipping. He needs to go full stonetoss if he wants me to keep giving him money.

Gamma/brightness settings in his recent videos are horrible

This thread is autistic

>takes your own shitty memes you've seen here a million times already and feeds them back to you with ADHD editing so you don't have a moment to think about how shit it is
>earning good patreon money from this regurgitated talentless shit
Sseth is Yea Forums's guy because Yea Forums doesn't deserve anything better than this.
I get it if you're underage and lap up "board culture" because you're still at the age where you're desperate to feel like you're part of some kind of club but if anyone over the age of 18 likes this, they're definitely just fucking braindead.

you do know he's actually jewish right?

>implying he can ever beat that game


nice pasta

I get it if you're underage and need to feel superior because you're still at the age where you're desperate to feel like you're better than other people but if anyone over the age of 18 acts like this, they're definitely just fucking braindead.

His best videos are unironically the league of legends videos.

he's kinda funny, the problem is he tends to use the hottest buzzwords of the month in every video he makes and as someone who visits this place daily it's not entertaining enough

Reminder to mods: With Etika's sticky. e-celeb threads are now legal. Deleting this thread would just show how much of a faggot you are.

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>theres people who take this pasta seriously

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I love this pasta. It never fails to get under the zoomer whiteknights who shill for this faggot all day long's skin.

>mfw sseth piggybacks on you useful idiots and then dumps you for the r/Yea Forums crowd, switching over to regurgitating safe edgy mems for a wider audience

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He's only Yea Forums approved because he talks almost entirely on "Yea Forums core" games while posting topical memes. He's funnier when he exaggerates shit while deadpanning

And he gets hundreds of thousands of views on his videos. All from Yea Forums, right? No, underage retards and redditors. And dimwits here still love the idea that he's somehow "ours"

Fuck off, /pol/

underage retards and redditors frequent this board, you should know that by now

they already did erase an e celeb thread, one that talked much more about video games than ecelebs