Attached: 1538673190271.gif (400x200, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does the hat bounce? Hats don't work like that.

Left: Soul
Right: Soulless

looks like a fucking lemming

Humans dont walk like that either. Now that I think about it, they don't look like that either. Strange.

I think it looks good aside from the hat

Why only 12? NES could run 60fps

very similar now that you mention it


Attached: 1478540632377.png (500x633, 413K)

If they wanted his head turning and his hat flopping around like a fish they would still have included that regardless of the framerate

soul soulless

can't see a shit, idiot.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-05-22-18-45-463_org.floens.chan.png (1080x1920, 175K)


Right looks like shit

Kill yourself you underaged faggot


the hat should spin and do a flip

Get this mf's exif user niggas

Kill yourself phoneposter fuck off bacl to your shithole twotter shitscord or whatever shit you zooms use

go back to





Are there any more cringey 'upgrades' like this, I want to see them all

>the virgin "step"
>the Chad Bustle

Look at 'em go!

obviously it's not realistic but sometimes a detail like that can still seem out of place


Attached: 14-19-49-d90.png (644x800, 15K)

>Yea Forums
Found the newfag

i'm pretty sure the site automatically clears exif data on uploaded images to prevent that

what the fuck does exif mean?

you can find out stuff like that a lot faster by searching on google or your preferred search engine


Haha I'm here phoneposting. Do something about it faggot.

STFU, proxyhohol

Attached: 14807358528380.jpg (1000x759, 261K)


Attached: dickhat.gif (400x200, 24K)

imagine having a head the same size as the rest of your body.



Attached: dickhat.gif (400x200, 24K)

Retarded indie faggots have too much of an obsession with bouncing caps and hair. Ridiculously over-animated.

how is that an upgreade just increase the framerate lmao


Attached: dickhat.gif (400x200, 24K)

The busier it is the better it looks or something to that effect

Whoops fucked that one up

Attached: dickhat.gif (400x200, 24K)

Because the guy didn't know when to quit. Reddit-tier.


if the cap didn’t flop around like a flaccid cock it would like ten times better

low test bait

I want a version where he;s just jiggling and flailing all over the place

I'm not an internet celebrity.


Sent from my iPhone

the cap flipping is fine but the hat bouncing looks retarded. way overdone.
the run itself is okay but nothing about it seems like a mario run. there are tons and tons of references for how mario should run so making up a gay little prance is an oversight. smoothness doesn't automatically make you a good animator,
the turning of the head is also stupid. that shit looks good when it's subtle but pixel art isn't subtle and people don't shake their head from side to side when they run.
they also fucked up his shoes and gave him pointy elf boots because they were trying to go for that smooth sonic the hedgehog look to the feet. it's also overdone and the tip of the booty rapidly changes size with each step.
see me after class

>Hats don't work like that.
Really? Please cite the natural law and physics theorem that proves this. My guess is that your bluffing

>turning his head every frame and hat bouncing like mad
I mean, that's a cute animation at all, but it's way too different from the original to be called a simple "upgrade".

low IQ retard

fuck outta here

wouldnt look good in the actual game, really.
people forget how fucking fast mario goes.

That's all well and good but the hat should also spin every time it bounces

Didn't think /vr/ bait worked just as well on Yea Forums

Get a fucking cap.
Go outside.
Walk around.

Note that your fucking hat doesn't repeatedly bounce up and down on top of your stupid fucking head like a god damn flubber jello mold.

Yea Forums had exif data years ago before it was automatically scrubbed on upload, you new fag

stop trying so hard to fit in

I just did and actually bounces

You're wearing it wrong, user. You're full of shit, user.


Attached: stage23_080123al.png (400x315, 155K)


I sleep.



IN 2013

Just like my callofdutys

>arabic chanting and distant gunshots playing

Brawl was fucking horrendous. Muh realism in Smash Brothers. The cartoony game where Mario's fist expands in a cartoonish way as he punches against Link and Pikachu.

Isn't that exactly what he was implying?

it's four frames so that they can play the animation proportional to mario's speed you fucking donut
whoever made this shit has to be retarded or baiting

Why do zommies like all that movement?

>military time
>44% battery
Fucking. Yikes.

I fucking hated Brawl's art direction as well and I'm glad that with Ultimate we've finally reached that sweet spot where things look as crisp as Switch's shitty hardware can possibly handle but it's also cartoonish instead of unsaturated brown and grey shit


Agree. That hat wasted good animation. What a fucking nigger.

High-framerate animation in pixel art looks fucking weird, man.

Not him but, my question here is: why are you so fucking retarded?, It's not about physics, it's about how well you adjust your hat you faggot. If you don't adjust it well your hat will likely bounce. The only way for you to actually make it bounce is if you walk like pic related (dorothy), otherwise nothing will happen. I told you this because i use a hat every single time i go out so don't try to fool me with your shitty explanation.

Attached: thewizardofoz.gif (396x287, 645K)


Attached: untitled.gif (400x200, 25K)



i'm dead, thanks user

Attached: 1521621320167.jpg (519x533, 94K)

His hat is dying please get it back to the ocean



Attached: Untitled.png (99x96, 560)


No one has posted the others yet?

Attached: 1538669815850.gif (400x200, 32K)

Woah... so realistic...

Attached: I CAN DO THE DUCK WALK COOL HUH.gif (400x200, 38K)

Attached: dbnayu6-d6c58c4a-34ba-4beb-a99e-bf64b074db92.gif (400x200, 31K)

>military time

Attached: 1559070545938.jpg (1080x1080, 90K)

Fuck, now nintendo's never gonna hire me

This one seems alright.

what's with this nigger and floppy hats

this ones actually legit an upgrade

Attached: dbn7ksd-b0bbbc53-00d0-4b68-a13b-4ad0f2be8ac5.gif (400x200, 34K)


I actually like this one

This one is by far the best

>Not using a 24-hour clock

Attached: 1463279796276.png (720x540, 924K)

whats up with this dude and bouncing headwear, is he like the bimbo wonderbread florest bulldozer?

Take this gif because flash is gonna die next year. You gotta hum the Mario RPG music yourself.

Attached: bouncin' touhous.gif (320x240, 36K)

imagine thinking you could upgrade the Belmont stride.

Attached: 621.gif (400x200, 31K)

Why isn't Mega Man's helmet flopping about like a leaf in the wind?

the wot

Trying to be "cartoony" and "full of personality", but it just comes across as retarded.

looks like the lemmings animations

these two are alright because they're just extensions of the original, not trying to fit too much detail into where it doesn't belong, mario's floppy hat looks stupid and scrooge looks like he has to shit but he doesn't think he can make it in time
this is just heretical though

Attached: 15556127.png (327x243, 52K)

The head-swivel is so ugly and weird.

>military time
As opposed to the retard time you have?
No it's called normal time for non-imperial retard users.

fun fact, this screenshot takes up more memory than the entirety of Super Mario Bros.

Attached: file.png (300x263, 51K)

i know, tumblr blablabla, but it was the first image on google

Attached: wwww.jpg (1103x1841, 255K)

Is this loss?

>military time is bad

What a fucking pleb.

why does he have a limp in the """"""upgrade""""""

Can I get uhh, hat wobble?

Fucking kek

>as retarded

How? Care to explain?

Would anyone dare attempt to improve this?

Attached: TMwalk.gif (256x224, 15K)

His leg hurts after cramming it up Dracula's ass

man fetishes are fucking bizarre, i wish psychology wasn't seen as hocus-pocus because finding out what part of the brain fucks up to get off to the concept of rich white women buying bread would be phenomenal
i can understand vore and scat but stuff like this and the nigger into girls with big knees or the guy who draws rick and morty with stickers on their bellybuttons are genuinely strange to me, something so devoid of sexuality but clearly obsessed about like a fetish is just completely foreign to me

Attached: 1561037973714.png (338x338, 230K)

I like this one

these ones didnt really need it since the original ones have strong key poses
this one I really think is an improvement because the og always looked weird

I remember someone posted a 1kb (or somewhere around that size) photo that looked exactly the same that caused Yea Forums to lose their shit

Attached: upgrade.gif (400x200, 33K)

Attached: lemmingsparadise.gif (500x500, 83K)

give him a floppy hat obviously

I would just fix the pallet error. Other than that it’s perfect

It's distracting, forced, and physics defying. Scrooge doesn't even walk like that in the show.

Tell me about 12 Frame Mario, why does he wear the head salmon?

F for not enough "F-fort", see me after class.


Attached: upgrade.gif (400x200, 33K)

Bouncy Hats
Realistic Textures
Unreal Engine
Realistic Textures
Motion Blur
Realistic Textures
Exaggerated Movement
Lack of Soul
Lemming Like
Realistic Textures
The 14 phrases! Now the road to Fanmakes will be reached!

I'm assuming one of his first crushes was of a rich women he would see buying wonder bread.

Seeing the women enough, depending on how hot he found her, I'd take a guess the whole event,repeated over and over again, became entirely sexualized for him, probably to the point he would get hard just seeing her.

Now he forgets the face if the women, but the synbol as a whole is still sexualized.

He also could just find it comical to make artists draw the same thing over and over again

Who keeps doing this faggotry?

Attached: IMG_20190401_013225.jpg (1000x752, 68K)

>all these examples, and nary a mention of Tile user

omegachaino, his stuff's alright when he's not being retarded

Attached: mega_man__by_omegachaino_dd6h483-pre.png (894x894, 458K)

Is there any way to generate a nude mario?

I'd play a game this bouncy

this is so silly of a fetish, but why is he bothered? people get too emotional because other people have different objects of attraction

Some of his stuff feels like it's trying to hard.

Attached: dc950fe-7769cd41-ebae-4f30-afa1-0c11788838f1.png (960x640, 83K)

Take out the hat bounce and head turn and it's perfect.

most western pixelshitters do

Kill yourself racist scum.

consider it UPGRADED

Attached: untitled.gif (256x224, 8K)

tile user and ohio user are bizarre too but their not commissioning or drawing assloads of tile/ohio themed art


That's just dumb enough to work.

geno is literally the only one that looks decent and thats mostly because we don't have a more recent reference for him

>fisting, diaperfur, and anal vore are fine
>but women buying wonderbread? too far!

Fix the color goof pls.


Seemingly innocuous stuff like this doesn't feel like fetish bs to me. More like someone who's bored with money to waste for laughs and attention.

Attached: LaughLoGH.jpg (640x480, 39K)

Because they never consider what it'd look like in motion, they just think more detail = better

Good shit.

why does it look passible

ohio user?

firsst you autism summoner.

The hat bouncing off the head is fine. Mario Odyssey does that and it's a nice little detail.

No rim on a hat flops up and down like that. I don't know what the fuck he was thinking.

Attached: 1515970828151.jpg (276x305, 28K)

Attached: chadstride.gif (256x224, 7K)

make the hair bounce.

>People still don't fix the shoe color error

>that orange foot at the end

what if he has a rubber flap?

Attached: giddy.png (253x354, 145K)

You turned him into an onions boy. His erect hat represented his confidence and virility. Now it just flops around like a pathetic, flaccid dick. Shameful.

He needs a bigger BULGE

Overly bouncy hat is kinda annoying, but other than that pretty good.

>literal dickhead

>chad's hair
I don't think so champ

Attached: chadstride.gif (256x224, 7K)

It's chad hair
If anything, it should stay at a fixed position

Actually, I think that's the bottom of his right shoe due to perspective

Attached: Jelly Mario.webm (700x545, 2.7M)

>military time

Attached: 2394873222.jpg (887x1097, 77K)

>Opposed to the retard time you have
user, the US, Canada, Japan, Australia, the UK, and generally a lot of English speaking countries use both.
Why are you lying about not being a third worlder?

That entire era was shit.
>2006-2010 Let's take cartoony characters and make them realistic or give them realistic designs
More ironic was despite the visuals, the gameplay was dumbed down with tripping, almost like they were trying to grab the REALISM GRAFIX crowd that doesn't play games.

Attached: 400px-Eggman_06_Final.png (400x600, 166K)

The bouncy hat is fake you retards.

No it's not you double retard

the truth is that both of these are fucking bad

SMB1 is a pretty ugly game ugly in a kind of charming way but still ugly

>He doesn't know that Jumpman has a red pet rat on his head

it's the bottom of his shoe

>country has the most powerful military in the history of the planet
>their entire culture is based on it
>still refuse to use "military time"
Is being able to subtract 12 too difficult for the average burgerlander?

Attached: 1516722489708.png (359x425, 252K)

this one's actually good, but that's only in comparison to the extremely shitty original animation

This. Unironically.

This one at least shows an understanding of the importance of key frames. That's an actually good walking animation just with more frames. He didn't ruin it like with the rest of them.

Brawl looks better than Ultimate and 4. I want to go back and get away from this flamboyant saturated era

This really loses the illusion that he's such a skilled ninja that he can run and only his legs move.

which also shows that just adding 3x more between frames to something doesn't make it better
good animation comes from an understanding of kinetics not this kind of mundane busy work of trying to squeeze as many frames as possible into something

Not only that, but you attack while moving in that game, it would look really weird to have the upper body move into an attack frame while it's bouncing around like that.

>Upgrade changes the colorscheme from what carl barks intended

geno looks like Coldsteel the Hedgehog u lil edgelord

Baiting is too easy nowadays. Just screencap your phone and get "GGRRRR shiny phone bad *dialup noises*".

Attached: fug.png (684x642, 511K)

It goes much deeper than just wonderbread. He draws women buying wonderbread, cutting down entire forests with chainsaws (sometimes decorated with Wonderbread branding), and women abusing other women. I think he's racist too cause he commissions art of blonde white girls doing this and he's also commissioned art of Korra being Asami's slave cause he didn't like the KorraxAsami ship. Here's the description he wrote for pic related on deviantart
>Any of you lads watch Cinderella? I want you to envision all the slave labor that poor woman went through throughout those dark years of her miserable life before the fairy god mother came and made everything better for her in the end
>For Korra's case there is no fairy god mother coming to help her
>5 AM...on the dot she is freed from her broom closet which she is forced to sleep in and told to bleach the entire mansion. Make sure the entire house smells like disgusting chemical cleaner. Bleach everything until your nerve ending becoming non existant to the burning your hands must be going through scrubbing every single individual tile until your hands and arms ache.
>Then whip up a large banquet for Asami to stuff her mouth with namely consisting of Mayonnaise on White Bread Sandwiches and various meat products mass produced from her Factory Farms and Slaughter Houses who pump their cattle with Genetically modified corn product from the Monsato corporation to make them fatter.
Look into murrlogic. The guy is a fucking weirdo. Even shadman turned him down

Attached: oh_no_asami_is_home___right_now___by_murrlogic1_d9vqd4h-fullview.jpg (1024x820, 93K)

You tellin' me that you don't think THIS is cool af?

Attached: Boxart_jap_bomberman-act-zero.jpg (480x676, 84K)

Do you happen to have that fetish request that even shad refused to draw because it was too fucked up?

check out his kiwi farms forum, literally all he talks about somehow ends up being about wonderbread, it's so bizarre

Oh wait it was the same guy that does this wonderbread shit that wanted that fucked up shit from shad?
that makes it even more ridiculous

Attached: When+even+shadman+calls+you+a+fag+_385365d7d52a125f87568a2ee8c2ba3f.png (1080x223, 27K)

>I am a great magician

Attached: darkest superstar saga.gif (600x403, 1.92M)

That's pretty fucking bad when Shad doesn't want to draw something.


Attached: shooting star.webm (540x304, 2.9M)

why does the bounty hunter have crab legs

what a horrible perversion

Try dancing like that, it's fun.

>not commissioning or drawing assloads of tile themed art
It's really easy to just commission tile patterns for the sake of "decorating" or wallpaper. It's even easier because no one would assume your commissioning for your fetish.

Why does he have a magikarp on his head?

It’s fucking retarded just like you

Ducktales had the blue dress, get over it Don


It's not an error, it's due to how sprite palettes work on NES.

In an alternate universe, this game was successful and became the de facto Bomberman design.

I genuinely thought it was suppose to be the bottom of the shoe.

Attached: 1552864529152.gif (600x431, 739K)

>making the heads rotate slightly on pixelart isn't awful to look at I swear


Is it weird that the thing I find most annoying about this is the fact that the mermaid monster's animation loop is twice as long as everyone else's?

I didn't notice it at first, but now it's all I can see.

It looks like that green fish guy also has a longer animation loop to match her, one full loop and a second one with a blink

I missed that, good catch. Maybe he should've made it do a little more different for the second half of its animation to make it clear that all enemies have double the animation put in.

I think that's how it was in Super Star Saga too

Attached: B1bg2g[1].gif (500x333, 531K)

I would play that. looks fun

Melee looks fucking awful too

He just didn’t want to do it because it’s not “cool” enough.
Dude knows not to be associated with someone who has their own kiwifarms page. It’s also just really too specific.

No it doesn't?

Attached: bepis.gif (95x165, 8K)

>he thinks Melee looks good

Attached: tumblr_mwgqmuxI2F1s1v3pxo2_640.png (630x677, 318K)

Left: Soulless
Right: Soul

Literally want to spit in the face of whoever made the right one

based as fuck. the virgin tumblr artist on the left, and the chad spriter on the right

it's been said a few times who it was

Explain how it looks bad!

Attached: 1561676036200.png (743x476, 249K)

Gee dude gonna fit in too hard here

lmao dude really prefers the washed out look of late 2000s games

Remove the head movement, it's retarded, people don't run with their head wobbling left and right, keep the head looking forward and stable.
Do that and it'll actually be decent.

I can buy it with a suit of armor because it might be clunkier and have limited neck movement, but you're right


Attached: mariorun.gif (144x148, 5K)

Why is his head on a suspension frame?
All of these have unnecessary head movement, it's makes me think who ever made these has never exercised a day in their life, the amount of brain damage people would have being active if this was the case.

my god why am I actually laughing at this

Yea Forums calls this forced animation

How woulf this artist do ness and lucas and the pokemon trainer

Attached: 3983569.jpg (2048x2048, 1.12M)

all these, years, nintendo being so lazy has passed my eyes. Tonight I am awakened

>the common wealth
>it's called IMPERIAL for a reason
yeah i see you still sucking that monarchs cock eh?

Anyone here like sub-pixel animation?

Attached: subpixel-bosslaugh.gif (200x150, 4K)

Attached: the chad stride.gif (211x214, 8K)

Yeah, so not anymore and anyone who thinks so is a retard.

I like this one!

Not everyone is a newfag who has to constantly refer to le epic screencap.

Because he's a retard with "standards" who has no qualms about drawing an underage girl with a 4 foot long cock raping her own hyper endowed mother.

>hasn't played the game

embarrassing, user.

>6 man party on a turn based RPG

wow that doesn't seem outrageously tedious or anything


THAT'S why he's a racist? Because he took a lesbian duo and took it to it's most logical next step, being one of them the dom and one the sub? Strong women being turned into abused slaves is one of the most common things you can find in porn once your interests are more specific than "man and woman having sex." Samus gets turned into some kind of slave or bimbo in like half the fetish art for her.

>Skinny people when steve was alive
>Fat people for his kid
I miss Steve.

the walk looks nice
but imagine him looking so bounchy the whole game
it'd be a little jarring honestly

This isn't Unreal Engine…

Attached: image0.gif (225x200, 8K)


I don't really get why, he's drawn comics that are just school shootings or random murder sprees, yet they still have sexy girls in them. They weren't pornographic or anything and just edgy. The dumb factory wonderbead slaves or whatever the fuck it was doesn't seem any different than what he normally draws when he's just shitposting through a tablet.

top was in australia
bottom is in amerilard land

Well done!

Attached: Oh+god.+My+sides.+My+fucking+sides.+Funniest+_44503876b7bc50227c0601d6e1e474bd.jpg (800x800, 217K)

i like the goofiness of the original

The left is so jittery looking

put these two side by side, and it will be complete

Attached: the virgin walk.webm (169x165, 64K)

oh and make his hoodie black with earphones too

>normal length cargo shorts
absolutely soulless and un-Australian

Thought it said "origami" at first. lol

I think he just thinks it's stupid and not sexy. It's like asking him to draw tiles or Ohio.


Chad original vs virgin “upgrade”

Attached: 1382993147181.jpg (768x576, 99K)

But thats usually sexual slaves or brood mothers not literal slavery to the point of ruining their bodies in a non-sexual way

Other way around.
Virgin Original vs Chad Update

Attached: 5402567+_37f6a2754f57e5fbb1a0976421293785.png (400x390, 91K)

>standing right next to the beast, doesn't give a fuck
>trying to stand as far away as possible, ready to break into a run in the opposite direction at any time

Soul and soulless

A lot of Brawl's design decisions were to remove advanced techniques Sakurai didn't like since they change how Smash bros play looks. Tripping was likely there to make dash dancing unpractical (there was also an initial running animation added which makes it overall harder to pull dash dancing).

Sakurai's pretty notorious for hating comp fags, but Ultimate is built more around them which is odd.

>when mom says no more tendies

The splash should move to the left, not stay in place.

now animate all of it

He hasn't done that move since 64. Now he just has the gay flame hand.

>but Ultimate is built more around them which is odd
He's explained why multiple times.

Attached: ezgif-1-c06b30ed1671.gif (249x249, 2.42M)

It’s almost as if Nintendo is slowly realizing that supporting esports is potentially profitable for them

Mario's hands grow huge in a lot of his moves

The hat bounce is a bit extra


Attached: 1359434005497.png (700x400, 429K)


Attached: 277741.jpg (1280x720, 780K)

Why do people try to maker Mario characters edgy?
it always looks ridiculous

Attached: tumblr_ps9ks945U61r7z4xh_1280.png (1024x640, 561K)

Is it windy in the Mushroom Kingdom? Why is Mario's hat bopping up and down like that for?

God i want demon spongebob to raw me

This lmao. Not to mention the look of pure joy on based Steve's face

Attached: 4cf.png (152x254, 40K)

It's actually really impressive how insanely repulsive he managed to make it with just 12 frames. That's a special skill.


is he punching his hat?

The left looks like ass.

Found it on a pixel tutorial site weirdly enough.


Sent from my iPhone on tapatalk.

The reason this looks off, is that he's not hitting the lean.

Attached: 1548709837847.jpg (700x700, 10K)

>take a game that’s intentionally dark and depressing and evokes the feeling of being in a lovecraftian horror story
>make it happy jumpy fun time RPG


Attached: 12356.gif (566x263, 439K)

Isn't that just the bottom of his shoe?

it's beautiful user

Me on the left

Yeah, that's fucking stupid. Just made this myself, could probably be compressed even more.

Also the SMB ROM is 40kB

Attached: Super Mario Bros. (World)-190705-191527.png (256x240, 2K)


Attached: 8KTtscB.png (300x162, 31K)

>2 KB
almost there user

you're so new it's painful

it does in mario odyssey actually but either way that gif looks horrendous

My main gripe with these "upgrades" is that they don't keep to NES's limitations on handling sprites.

It's the opposite of the edgy fan redesigns and it's great.

sent ;)

oh boy

fuck i remember that video ;-;


the music is now stuck in your head

I want to say the animation is trying to emulate the NSMB run but I could be wrong, I can't find a gif.

Can't really tamper with perfection. But I tried to give him more of a lean.

Attached: lean.gif (240x240, 8K)

Every time I see it

Also, the artist has some good stuff on his Twitter

Attached: walkcycle.webm (608x800, 118K)

how about a heavy lean back and forth EEnE style?

Tiles are fucking hot, fuck you

>he doesn't blow loads to exceptional tiles

The absolute plebeians on Yea Forums these days

What's the fucking point? We can look outside to know if its day or night, you stupid white nigger

It's called 'juicy'
They 'juice up' their sprite animations with literal forced movements that sometimes make no sense like that hat.






Listen, characters can be animated, but

They don't have to be noodle people


Attached: images(5).jpg (300x168, 3K)

