What killed the tactical shooter?

What killed the tactical shooter?

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Can't sell 500 trillion copies of them. So the same thing that killed every other genre that's over the shoulder and/or open world.

same thing that killed everything fun in gaming, normies.

only indies are playable

the hero shooter

>What killed the tactical shooter?

but R6Siege is a tactical shooter

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They turned into Overwatch teir shooters. *cough* siege *cough*
However, Arma 3 exists. Though it's milsim.

>R6Siege is a tactical shooter

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>Siege aka Overwatch but military look lol
>Tactical, let alone good.

Squad is an alright middle ground. Although 90% of players are fucking retards that don't follow orders.

Trips of truth declare that Siege is shit tier and Arma is god tier.

Who was the brain genius who thought playing as a floating crosshair was a good idea?

The real, real, middle ground is Rising Storm 2 Vietnam. Perfect balance of arcade and milsim. Squad's like inbetween Arma and RS2.

seriously though tell me why its not.

It's coming back

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Because it's literally peek simulator the game, on confined corridor based maps. That isn't tactical. It's for autists who know the maps on the back of their hand. Games like Arma, RS2 and Squad are tactical because they aren't massive corridors, health bars are non existent, maps are much bigger and varied. They even do close quarter combat better.

RS2 is too chaotic, people just running fucking everywhere like it's CoD or Battlefield.

you're confusing tactical shooters with milsim shooters.

I mean, it is a Vietnam shooter. True to the history with its chaos. However, the maps can cause the chaos, some are just not that fun.

How are they not one in the same retard? Either way, R6 is not tactical. Insurgency I'd say is more comparable to Siege then, which also does "tactical" better.

*that's not

sounds like you're just gatekeeping the term tactical shooter to exclude games you don't like.

>r6siege is tactical
r6 hasn't been tactical since vegas

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sounds like you're a retard

>Sonic 4 is not an RPG
>Stop gatekeeping you nerd it's an RPG if I want it to be


they'll fuck it up

>Arma 3
But most fags use third person or play on RP servers

>public servers

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>Everyone sprinting around not using cover with lightest gear and a famas
Yeah that was tactical as shit homie

I've heard of the first one but not the other two. I'll be watching.

Jesus Christ user. Vegas?

Your mom sat on it

Well yeah. The autism of 3 people in a private server easily exceed a 200 person public server. The only people who enjoy private servers are those autists themselves

Join a unit, my man. There are plenty of big units out there that do serious ops together. Last one I was in was about 50 people.

Don't @ me unless you played true combat

Gamepad limitations and normies. ‘Hardcore’ CoD is the most commercially tactical you’re going to get these days.

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stop me



you have to go back

haha epic autismposting my friend
you truly made your argument is a succinct manner
i cant wait for your next post!!!


Sandstorm's still alive. Doesn't get much more tactical than that.

They're very heavy on AI and level design, two things that are kryptonite to modern developers.

don't. join. a. milsim. group
join a private of people that just want to play and make some at elast somewhat serious stuff with ranks or locked class and shit like that, milsims are full of either full blown autist or retarded POGs

fuck you

>without ranks or locked class
fucking hell i'm full of typos, i need more sleep


kek you're not fooling anyone.

They were too rigid. Stealth games or immersive sims can be fantasy, modern day, sci-fi. Tactical shooters are always ww2 or modern day. Where's the sci-fi tactical shooter, or the horror tactical shooter?

The most interesting tactical shooter right now is the hideous destructor mod for Doom.

>How are they not one in the same retard?

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Was it tactical?

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Eww gross, just play Escape missions with friends.

>Autists too awkward to join a group of people in a shared hobby

C'mon son.

>you're an autist for not wanting to play with autists
weird flex but ok

Lmao see? What salt



Teamspeak, mumble, and Discord

>I want to play this autismo game but I don't want it to be TOO autismo

literally nothing wrong with that

>pixel roguelike no. 4523987 is fun

Jewish business practices.

>sim city butchered
>sims killed
>zoo tycoon slaughtered
>dungeon keeper defiled
>every new IP dumbed down so far that a dog with a controller could play them.

hollow knight is one of the best games i have played in years.