Why is Yea Forums suddenly turning against Valve ?

Pic unrelated

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Only thing suddenly turned is your sexuality, faggot

Chink shills and contrarians

Zoomers being gullible idiots.

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>having no problem using a launcher that isnt steam is being a contrarian

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>caring about what launcher takes your data and not submitting yourself to the digital age
Nothing you do is private, nothing is stopping google from keeping profiles on anybody who visits this place and uses their services. For all we know they could legally be taking our keystrokes as metadata

Valve were always shit, that doesn't mean I like Epic. At this point Valve might as well change their name to the Dota Company, it would be a lot more accurate.

>have shit sales, abysmal functions, and barely any worthwhile games

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Whatever you say mr. Chinaman

Zoomer + eternal summer

Calm down gramp

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ah yes, your new image to spam. Lets see how long until it gets filtered by mods

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It's not. Normal people simply are tired of going through the same pointless arguments over and over again, so they leave the pro-Epic shitposting unchallenged.

>shit sales
yes $10 on top of a % discount is shit amirite

>lol i love epic games because it btfo pcbros lol u mad valvebros
This is basically what every other "supporter" of EGS looks like that isn't an obvious shill.

and steam does 20%-90% sales all the time, and doesn't ban you for buying too many games. Your point?

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Except on all those games that got pulled or had their prices raised to offset the discount. Right?

>EGS contrarianism is so bad that mods have worldfiltered valved.rones


Epic is at least doing something of note with their Fortnite money. Unreal engine and a new launcher that's better for devs are both a pretty big deal for the industry. What has Valve done? Shartifact? Ripping of a Chinese Dota mod? A thousand dollar VR meme?

blame the retard that accidentally leaked their EGS discord group. It was full of people trying to rile Yea Forums for the sake of raiding

hades was like $6
you could also get $10 discount on non-released triple-A games

And I can get it for $0 on piratebay

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So one game had a discount and then you could get a seperate discount on like two other seperate games. Doesn't really seem like "$10 on top of % discount" to me.


A shopping cart

I guess you're just blind and retarded.

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thread didnt need to continue after this

there was discount on most games + that $10
on games with no discount (unreleased games) you still had that $10 discount

Was, huh? As in there no longer is. I wonder why....

thats only a few games who cares

You mean publisher, they literally planned the sale beforehand, but some publisher jewed out. At the end a lot of costumer got pretty cheap games for a fair price

>i-it doesn't count

Rhodoks can eat my ass, swadian charge for life

I mean, it was pretty obvious even without confirmation.

they raised their price because epic games added a % discount on their unreleased games
you could still use the $10

EGS only has a few games in the first place. Plus, I thought you fags cared about developers. What happened to that?

Man you can't expect a company like Epic to be able to just implement a basic feature of digital storefronts in their digital storefront

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do steam have discount on unreleased games during sales?
at least epic had that $10

>Epic is at least doing something of note with their Fortnite money.
Yeah, bribing publishers for exclusivity contracts.

stealing anything from chinese is not a crime since re-stealing is ok

the reason everyone is turning against valve is because they charge a ridiculous percentage and make a ridiculous amount of money, but then waste it on shit projects that don't go anywhere, and their client is shit.
if they were still making good games, everyone would be cool. if the client was improving, or good, everyone would be cool. but they just sit there like a landlord and get their 30% cut and then waste it.
they left the door open to be challenged like this by epic. it's entirely their fault.
i will exempt their VR team from this, though. those guys do good work.

They're not even being particularly intelligent with these exclusivity deals, either.

Buy them from third party stores and you generally get upcoming games for $10-15 off all year round. Does Epic allow third party stores to sell their games?


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Valve lost people's favor when people realized Valve won't be making games anymore.

>ridiculous percentage
>Sony and Microsoft charge the exact same rate
Fuck off

>got one of the 5 biggest game franchises there is
You people are so ridiculously out of touch you'd think something like Senura Kagura is a bigger exclusive than Borderlands 3

Literally yes, but it doesn't include shitsites like g2a, even piracy is better.

And they also waste money on incredibly niche shit that will, almost guaranteed, not make them anything

Sony and Microsoft manufacture all physical versions and host an entire online multimedia service.

Actually the only site it includes so far is Humble Bundle which rarely sells below MSRP and is useless unless you're a retard and buy the monthly sub for that paltry 10% off. Call me when Epic games are on Green Man Gaming.

>Epic doesn't support 3 parties
>Eh but this doesn't count
You got btfo stfu

The point of buying up all the indie trash isnt to make money, it's to get the gullible retard indie devs into moving to epic. No matter what steamtards may believe game launchers aren't products, big publishers made their own launchers and if the only games that are left are steam is nichichbangbang rpgmaker shit people will go to where actual videogames are being released

You know the word stores is a plural right? Of course you don't Chinese being your native language must make small details tough.

Whats this new shilling technique? You getting paid an extra penny for your shilling faggot?

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>The point of buying up all the indie trash isnt to make money

I can tell that much. I do hope the egs continues to flush epic's money down the drain, though.

Valve also has Achievements, Steam Workshops, Reviews, Shopping Carts, Cloudsaves, Multiplayer Servers, and a bunch of other features on their storefront, which necessitates a higher cut because they have higher operating costs, 你他妈的黑鬼

No one cares, fucking kill yourself you worthless shill

I have never liked valve. Left 4 dead was their only decent series and vermintide is better.

Half life is and always was ass.

>but it doesn't include shitsites like g2a
>kinguin, CDKeys, G2play
oh I'm laffin

No half life 3

>moving the goal post again
Boomer get your life straight and dont act like a subhuman


>stop exposing my lies

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i hate valve for not making games, not for some stupid kiddie store war shit.

>Literally nothing
You know the costs of physical copies are muuuuuch higher than having an award system to jerk off

I dunno if it "necessitates" it, but it is a pretty standard cut, and Valve does have a good host of features for both consumers and developers/publishers.

Your argument hinging on grey market sites says a lot about how much Epic appreciates the devs, don't you know those sites cause trillions of dollars in chargebacks for poor innocent developers. Tim really is scum.

Holy shit, the chink shills got outed pretty fast ITT. Their bait is just too weak.

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Yeah, and physical copies then consequently have a higher cut

CJS CD keys is a legitimate Euro resaller stocked by devs themselves.
Why can't you stop lying, are you being paid for it?

Are you fucking blind ? Just look at the prices most of them (90%) are either region locked or has the normal store price. Steamcodes on the other side are dirt cheap compared to the store price, don't ask me why :)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEIR STEAM PAGE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE THEM BACK IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Epic has multiplayer platforms that are much better than steam as they universally support crossplay in all titles as long as the devs enable it.

I totally get hating Epic. But who the fuck has any positive feelings towards Valve. They're beyond incompetent. And haven't made or touched a good game in at least ad ecade.

*gives you the best deals and free games in your path*

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Big Yikes chief. Even their site says they get them from wholesalers not developers.

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>game that is on Uplay, which you need regardless of where you bought it
you didn't even try, nigger

You don't even know what distribution even means based reddyikestard

Holy fucking based

Are you sure about that bud?

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Because competition is good.

It's shills and shitposters posting positively about epic games. not Yea Forums.
It not being steam is not the problem. It being a very shitty launcher that you are forced to use it you want to play a select few games is the problem. That and they are snatching up games and making them exclusive at the last possible second and proclaiming everyone else is at fault for the problems they cause.

Tim Sweeney is a piece of shit and I don’t support anti-consumer bullshit like exclusives. I don’t want console bullshit like exclusives to invade the PC market. For all of that fat fuck’s laziness, at least Gaben doesn’t pull this shit

Valve literally failed at everything the did since the release of Dota 2. Controller, steam machine, VR, OS, card game, now auto chess clone. Valve is literally a total failure.

>ban you for buying too many games


Yes they do.
But they don't allow them to change the price below what they sell on EGS store unless its sold for more.
essentially making it entirely pointless to buy from a third party store because it would cost the same or more.

>title says one thing
>update says the title is wrong
>title still isn't changed
Hang journos

Almost every game on the epic store is available through the windows store, gamepass, or Uplay. You are quite literally bitching because it's not on steam.

Reddit meme

Because the egs is amazing, it doesn't have a shopping cart. Thus, you need to buy each game individually. If you buy too many games in a short span of time, you get locked out of buying stuff, I think temporarily. I don't believe it bans your account, but it's still pretty shit.

even the biggest steam shill uses their brain at some point and realizes how stupid they are for kissing gabes ass 24/7

The publishers jewed out because Epic didn't inform them of how the sale worked and it was making their unreleased games look back if they sold them at a discount before release.
The Sale was giving unreleased games a bad rap and the publishers removed them.

user fucked up, You're not getting banned but it's still fucking retarded.

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Key word. "Almost"

>the reason everyone is turning against valve
lol a good chunk of the popular indie devs like relogic and some big aaa studios already said they aren't gonna fall for epic's jew tricks

>Gives away literal trash for free you can get if you dont get banned from the sale or it doesnt get pulled because the store is a piece of shit summer project

>big aaa studios
So you mean all you will be left with is fucking garbage???

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>Why is Yea Forums suddenly turning against Valve
A handful of shills and that one retarded tripfag aren't Yea Forums.

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store

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Better than indies that sell 9 copies lmao

Im just saying epic is mostly paying off nobodies who make shitty games

Are you saying buying an exclusivity deal for shenmue 3 wasn't a sound investment???

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>No reviews

Doesn't it have "opt-in" reviews? That's still pretty retarded, though.

Epic is paying refunds out of their own pockets.

Valve has more games like that thab epic
Not really

Are you saying buying an exclusivity deal for shenmue 3 wasn't a sound investment?
>All that bad PR
>All those chargebacks
>Now Epic is paying for refunds for a game that the core fanbase will now never buy
>All this for a shitty nostalgia painted yakuza/sleeping dogs clone
Sound investment for sure

There is a reason its taking almost 20 years for it to actually get made. As much as it's a meme series to Reddit and there is a small niche audience that actually likes the games, it's a shit game to buy exclusivity for.

How many dollars does it take too add a shopping cart?

The corefanbase will most likely still buy it but it's not gonna be the pc version

>china bad

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>EGS isn't trying to be facebook-lite

how is this a bad thing?

I'd imagine the majority of the core fanbase probably already bought it via the kickstarter anyways

It would be nice if it at least tried to be a competent digital storefront

>Shopping cart is facebook!!

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YSNet got enough money out of it to make the game bigger and to let Shenmue 4 happen, so it was certainly worth it for them.

>one of the 5 biggest franchises

HAH yeah okay randy

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Ali Express has a better store front than Epic.

ITT Yea Forumsirgins argue about which corporation they want to their allowance money into

I'd imagine the majority of digital stores are better than the egs



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Fuck you, I use GoG

I'm sick that people keeps relating Winnie with China s

Fuck Xi Jinping

All me

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>*gives you the best deals and free games in your path*
more like *gives you free shit games. ''Best deals'' OH NO NO

>Free games
Hell yeah

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Whoever wins, I'll win.

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>piratefag nigger pretending he was totally going to buy games

valve drone


Literally no one said it's good though. The point is that there is no issue that would stop anyone from instaling it other than breaking the oath of faithfullness to daddy gaben that you took when he took your anal virginity.

*buys out devs then charges the same prices as everyone else while claiming you'll save money*

I dont mind not using steam, but nobody likes having to open up 30 different launchers everyday.
>open steam to play DS
>open up UPlay to play the division
>open up epic to play battlefield
>open up oculus to play VR
It just gets super fucking annoying.

>"oath of faithfulness"
how about the fact its a half-baked pile of shit run by a dirtbag with a grudge against steam for no reason, whos openly said players don't matter, and whos company is constantly doing bait and switch bullshit to screw people over?

Every pirate is another $60 of Fortnite profits redirected to actual game devs. It's pretty immoral to buy games from Epic in this situation.

I love it because you fags can't hide how triggered you are over this. I can't wait for Steam to shut down

>immediately steal when slightly inconvenienced
lmao you guys are terrified of any little change, it's almost cute

lmao I just pirated your post gaylord. Come and sue me.

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>"If you dislike A, you love B!"
>"I dont care about B, I just dont like A"
>"Haha, coping B-drone, another B-shill busted!"


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>I don't know what competition is

EGS CAN'T compete, its why they have to resort to buying exclusivity

>there is no issue that would stop anyone from instaling it
Other than the spyware

Holy shit based

Valve is shit

>Zoomers being gullible idiots.

Zoom zooms love Steam though because they're not old enough to remember PC gaming that wasn't digital only.

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Terrible edit

Fuck both and bring back physical disks and CD keys

>this edit
except steam doesn't enforce exclusivity shit

Really good edit, based user

>not tomorrow


The Shenmue 3 kickstarter literally can't give away Steam keys unless the game is on sale on Steam - Valve is fucking you and you're in denial about it

>a new launcher that's better for devs
The sale and how they add games to it prove otherwise.

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Bad joke

>having to download a client you don't want to play a game on a disc you have in your drive isnt exclusivity

>T-t-they could just host the game themselves!!!1

Unless your game is an MMO, running your own services and servers for your game makes no sense.

If steam as client is shit, how the fuck should we adress the egs then?

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go on lad! this one's on me

>Sony and Microsoft manufacture all physical versions

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What servers and services do I need for for my single player game

all titles that are made in ue4, nothing more

I don't know, ask Dark Souls.


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dark souls isn't a single player game

>take exclusivity deal from epic
>drag your feet for a month to see if it will blow over
>b-b-b-b-but its steam fault you guys!!!!!!

>not even half the features of steam
>still needs more resources

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Calm down shrimp dick.

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Holy fucking shit why does Bethesda take up over half a gig.

That's where you're wrong sweaty.

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Gamebryo isn't know to be easy to optimize.

Why is Tim Sweaty so stupid
Pic related

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All first party games.

it's a good thing to see the era of steam monopoly getting crushed. it's like the kids are cutting out their middle man weed dealer and going straight to the source. valve/steam are fucked. f-u-c-k-e-d.

How many does steam/valve fulfill?

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A large portion of Yea Forums never liked Valve. In fact, Yea Forums seems to like Valve more than usual lately, but it's only a backlash against Epic Games whose shills can't even manage to be subtle when they're paid to post advertisements here.

>right click

was waiting for you sweety.
still using that same image i see.

>wahhh valve has exclusives!!
>those exclusives are just the games valve made

neck yourself, hong kong phooey

when epic MAKES games they have every right to keep them as exclusives. what makes epic, and cucked sweeney, shit is the fact they buy finished games to force exclusivity

Steam never had a monopoly on anything.

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>running all launchers at once
Have you tried... you know... not doing that?

if it didn't you wouldn't have to defend it 24/7

Well almost everything (you can't just make a store with a entry fee based retard)

it's not, but there is a VERY obvious shill operation going on trying to make it that way. this post is an obvious example of it. it's easy to find the posts if you pay attention the guy spams 24/7.

Which ones? Name them and at best give examples of how they're enforced if it's really so obvious to you.

which ones?

>Full Control over Supply
I know this isn't one of them, because games can be purchased elsewhere. Even Steam keys can be purchased elsewhere.
>Price Marker
I know this isn't one of them, because individual publishers set their prices on Steam. Valve doesn't decide prices on anything except for Valve's own games.
>No Close Substitutes
EGS shills tell me that EGS is better than Steam, so this one can't be true either!

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I know you get told to act that stupid but it really doesn't help your cause. Just makes you look retarded.

They can't give away steam keys because a ToS that has been in effect for years.
They can't give away keys for a game that won't be on steam. Because there is no keys to give.
It's a problem The shenmue publishers and Epic made themselves and are bitching at steam for not rewriting a ToS that has been in effect for longer than Epic had a store.

>call steam a monopoly all the time
>don't even know what a monopoly is
>get corrected/told its not

it seems xian jhizon here needs get another portion of gruel, his brain is eating itself

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>It's not Steams fault
>... except how its Steams faults

You guys make this too easy

>Post a pic
>Wants an actual disscusion
How old are you ? A Yea Forums picture is not a basis for a discussion, try again.

And you need a new pair of balls

>ToS states you can't sell a game available on steam at a lower price anywhere else or valve will ban you from their store
>game has to confirm to guidelines and community standers or be rejected
>downward demand curve is obvious
>no substitutes is obvious

Funny thing is besides Dota2. None of that is exclusive to steam and they are funded and made by Valve.
It's like getting mad Mario isn't on the Xbox and only on the console the company that made him developed.
Epic on the other hand is taking third party games and paying the publisher out the nose near release simply to give the middle finger to valve for a few months.

Stupid underaged nigger get a gripe, take a look at the pic, it's a picture for a different case of monopoly (entry fee), it's completely bullshit, next time come with something that is actually a reliable source.

Tell me why you need a DRM client open if you're not playing or downloading a game tied to it

Steam is still the best option,GOG being the second.
People want steam to have competition because they're becoming more jewish and lazy each year, I doubt their happy about exclusives.

Xboners took years to implement a shopping cart in their store.

Oh and another barrier of entry is you have to pay valve an upfront fee of $1500 (I think) to be able to list anything on their store

It isn't though. Why would Steam have to pay for and give away keys to a game that they don't have and never will have on their store.
That's like bitching at baseball store for not giving you football. They can't give you something they don't have when it isn't even their fault they don't have it.

Piratefags who have always been around getting more vocal but mostly Epic shills. Did you not notice the copy and paste threads all sharing the same template that were being spammed multiple times a day a few months ago? Mods finally started cracking down on them and they had to change up their tactics from spamming the same threads over and over. Either it was shills or the autism lord who gets triggered by random things decided Valve was his next target.

>>ToS states you can't sell a game available on steam at a lower price anywhere else or valve will ban you from their store

I guess Warner Bros. should be banned from Steam, then, because for years, Fanatical (which gets its keys from publishers) has been selling the F.E.A.R. bundle for $4.99 while on Steam it only goes down to something like $13.74 during sales. It's obvious that this guideline isn't enforced.

sounds made up.

>valve will ban you from their store
That literally not what it says. You won't get banned, at worst your game will be delisted if you refuse to adjust the price. Besides, the price itself is always determined by the publisher. Valve just keep the right it has as the store owner to not get shafted.

>game has to confirm to guidelines and community standers or be rejected
That's one and even then debatable since it's unclear about Valve "open doors" policy since they refuse to comment on it after the one statement.

>downward demand curve is obvious
user, you literally don't know what that even means if you think that Valve has any influence on it. If at all it shows that they don't have one since other stores exist as well which negates your last point.
So again, what fucking four points does Vavle fulfill?

>advertise your game and kickstarter with the promise of being on steam
>game is well funded and on its way to being done
>drop to your knees for that rice dick

It's 100$ once to list the game. Holy shit at least try to inform yourself before making up such obvious lies.

user is talking about steam exclusivity, there are thousands of key sellers but everyone of them are based on steam prices, you can't sell a cheaper gog key on release

>talk about resources
>somehow it's about monopolies
Are you illiterate or just need a way to get enough (you)s for your score to improve?

Oh my god, you stupid Chinese commie who doesn't understand capitalism.

In the context of monopoly, "barrier to entry" refers to the difficulty (financial or otherwise) faced by potential competitors trying to enter the industry. In this case, it would be the cost of starting a new PC game store and the difficulty of staying afloat while competing with the likes of an established store like Steam. The developers and publishers trying to sell their games on Steam are suppliers, not competitors.

>the graphic clearly just shows the usage of the stores
>somehow that means you need them all open at once
Keep on going. I know there's more retardness where that came from.

literally every store will do this, why would they host your product if you're going to undercut it at another store
valve has said their only guidelines are that its not illegal, while tenncent store has said they're going to force guidelines and not allow games that are "trashy"
and no one is stopping companies from trying to make new stores, people love GOG, but you're correct egs isn't a real substitute for a real platform

valve used to be an amazing game developer, half life is the most underutilized and sad franchises of all time, and they won't even make a new portal or left 4 dead, all they have is a catch up to auto chess and a shitty card game that no one plays.

>Please note that Steam keys cannot be sold on other sites unless the product is also available for purchase on Steam at no higher a price than is offered on any other service or website.
Literally taken directly from their ToS you retard

>>no substitutes is obvious
Wow, you mean there's only one PC game store? I guess people should stop complaining about having to install half a dozen clients, then. Because GOG and Origin and Uplay and Epic and Discord and Battle.net don't exist.

it goes like this:
> fat man is running race by himself and is winning
>slim, young man enters race
>slim man, he gonna win
>fat man, he gonna lose
run fat boy, run. slim man gonna get you.

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Read the last sentence of the post to which you just replied.

>you can't sell a cheaper gog key on release
Yeah, you can. The rule only applies to steam keys. Valve lets you generate as many keys as you like, that you can distribute wherever you please. But they don't want you to sell them trough your own site cheaper then what it would cost on steam. You can still sell a DRM-free version of you game on gog or your own site cheaper then what you want for it from steam.
Valve still has no bearing on the price that you want for the game, they just want to keep the price of the key the same. And even then you can circumvent it by simply saying that it's for a 1 week sale, since that is clearly pointed out as expectation to the rule.

Time to add egs to my filter list

>games get pulled during the sale because publishers didn't approve the discount
>users banned for buying too many games
>good sale

>there are thousands of key sellers but everyone of them are based on steam prices
But I just gave you an example of a Steam key seller whose prices for a particular game are consistently lower than the price on Steam, all year round.
>you can't sell a cheaper gog key on release

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Oh so you're upset over an extra 100mb that's only running because you're also using the unreal portion of the client

You are literally lying holy shit

Steamtards are so brain-dead like holy shit

>*gives you the best deals and free games in your path*

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>Valve drones are now denying valves very own terms of use in order to blindly defend them

Zoomers are the main people who like Steam. I remember having to download Steam in like 2003 to continue playing CS and I thought it was fucking gay. The friends list didn't even work for two years. I pirate all my games anyways.

isn't this the place that got caught selling cracked .exe?

Please go somewhere else Chinese shills. Tell your Winnie the Pooh president to suck my American dick.

Would you mind explaining why you think he's lying? Because I think was referring to the Steam key policy which, obviously, applies to Steam keys and not to things that aren't Steam keys.


Where's the policy document which states that developers can't sell non-Steam copies of their games at lower prices?

>run fat boy run

Attached: EVERYDAY IM SHUFFLIN(1).png (680x352, 171K)

>implying epic game won’t just crash and burn along side their store when fortnite and/or the battle royal trend as a whole starts to die down

>still using launchers

Attached: 1561475424958.png (633x874, 64K)

more like
> fat man is running race by himself and is winning
>slim, young man enters race
>slim man, hes paying people to carry him to the finish line
>fat man, hes running

GOG games do not need GOG Galaxy for the most part though.
No DRM, remember.

>user tells you can't seem cheaper on other platforms
>Steamcell replies with you can b-but may may

I bought Resident evil 2 remake pre order steam key from Greenmangaming for cheaper than steam.

>What is unreal

Attached: Steam-lgbtq.png (1425x804, 1020K)

Yeah Epic is gonna go bankrupt after the fornite money is gone. not like they have an engine that 90% of games use and that gives them 7% of all profits those games make across all platforms...

Attached: file.png (632x671, 315K)

>Yea Forums is one person
People are using Epic to shitpost. It's clear it's a barebones pro-publisher store who is trying hard to build some consumer base. It's just that it makes people seethe, so it's easy to troll with it.

What do you mean? They've never hidden the fact that sometimes they have to circumvent DRM on some old games. It's not illegal if they have permission to do so.

Or are you saying they got caught using someone else's crack without permission?

Tim is neither slim nor young, and he ain't gonna win

Greenmangaming is a steam seller, they are literally steam v2

Are you illiterate?

Provide direct evidence that Steam tries to control prices on non-Steam copies of games, or fuck off.

>still pretends that he doesn't understand it
At least I hope

They sell keys from everywhere

>claims something
>gets proven wrong
Not even surprised. You need a new tune to play Chang.

Tell me what I'm missing instead of vaguely alluding to nothing to disguise the fact you have no actual argument.

Not on the EGS.

I love GoG as much as the next guy but they need to step up their update game. There is a large list of games that are just worse on GoG than anywhere else because they neglect to really ever update anything.

Are you just retarded ? Just read the steam tos

Damn this gay ass nigga wants Gabe in his ass.

Saving ten dollars is not worth having spyware installed on your systems you absolute fucking shitters.
If you don't think they're doing it you need to read up on what China does to their own citizens, let alone foreigners they see as sub-human.

>the graphic clearly just shows the usage of the stores
Is that sentence really that hard to understand?

Unreal engine is not owned by Epic?
You listening to yourself?

But they sell steam keys with Gabens yes or nay

Everything on Epic is garbage though, nothing redeemable on there, name a single game worth buying.

Based gigachad

Where? Are you referring to this?


That's policy applies to Steam keys, not to non-Steam licenses.

>paying for a cracked .exe

Attached: 1557482701494.jpg (610x610, 176K)

>even steals memes
Epic is just sad.

>changing the subject

Why do steamtards lie about literally everything? If Epic is such a non factor why do you constantly have to lie about it to make it look bad?

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yeah because you have none to pirate.

It's literally the same outcome

Are you retarded?

I don't know about Dota but both CS and Portal dev teams were bought out just so that Valve owns the ip. They were not made by Valve.

You mean like how Epic bought out psyonix to get the rocket league IP?

So are we back to the "it's ok when Valve does it but not Epic" argument?

Just answer the fucking question faggot

>one point has been added to your social credit score

Tim has the answer :)

>its ok when epic does it because competition!
Shitty practice is shitty practice chinkshill

But it was ok when Valve did it?

>Calve has every right to get exclusives!
>Valve buys out entire fucking PC game dev teams
>Waaaaaahhhhh monopoly!
Come on, the hypocricy is so fucking obvious. Who in their right mind would take this seriously?

When did Valve do it? with what game(s)?

Considering you are ok with it when EGS did it now, why not be ok with it when valve did it 15 years ago, epicshill? What's the difference?

Did you even read 2 posts back before you barged in to share your invaluable output with the world?

When did Valve ever make an exclusivity deal? The only games that are exclusive are those who belong to Valve.
You remember CS was originally a modification for Half-Life, a Valve game? As for Portal, it was because of a previous game they had made that caught Gaben attention, who offered funding from the game. Portal wouldn't even exist without Valve funds.

I never said I'm ok with Epic doing it, I don't even use EGS. I'm pointing out that you're rabidly attacking a company for doing something while defending another company that does the same thing. Probably due to stockholm syndrome because they hold all your games. Or YOU are the paid shill.

I never said I'm ok with Valve doing it, I don't even use Steam. I'm pointing out that you're rabidly attacking a company for doing something while defending another company that does the same thing. Probably due to stockholm syndrome because they hold all your exclusives that you cant get anywhere else. Or YOU are the paid shill.
>Being this self unaware

Ebin hate aside steam sells broken old games that GoG fixed ten years ago.

>Being this self unaware

i feel like epic games store’s existence has made Yea Forums more defending of valve than ever
and rightfully so

>totally missed the point
As expected of a chinkshill

you made no point

What was in the leak?

>epicuck wasnt even here during the paid mods fiasco

I fucking hate modern day valve the most but I also hate the chinks at epic and i fucking hate blizzard

fucking hell bros why are we cursed in this timeline

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>even reddit told that fat guy to get fucked

Lol, the point was obvious
You epicshills are accusing them of doing something you say they did 15 years ago, yet have no problem with epic doing it now
Yet you dont use epic. You dont even have a reason to care. But you still defend epic and bash valve. And yet youre totally not an epicshill. Yeah. Makes total sense

You're fucking braindead.

Everyone's been shitting on Gape for years for everything from releasing a DRM platform disguised as a launcher, inventing paid lootboxes, and holding all of their beloved IPs captive since they refuse to develop games that aren't trendy cashgrabs.

>says the chink
I really cant take you seriously even if I tried

Hating Valve is fine if you think that they do more bad than good, but only a genuine retard would shill for epic if they aren't being paid.
The Epic Games client is a fucking piece of shit. No cart, no cloud saves, no features of any kind beyond starting the games EXE. It literally just exists as a spyware DRM to get in the way of downloading and playing your games.

so it's steam without the bloat.

TinyBuild just came out and blamed everything on their community manager, and they say they'll update all their games on GOG on Monday.
So that's something, at least.

Because the "YOU HAVE BEEN VAC BANNED" message is the biggest anti consumer bullshit in the existence of gaming.

No, I was never vac banned, but literally fearing every time you join a vac server that some program will get your account cucked into hell makes me unable to play online games with steam. I have a steam account since release of steam and you can be sure that this account will never see any online games.

The best thing about Epic is simply that they get console exclusives. Where is Gaben? This asshole won't even bother wasting a launch break to get Persona 5 on PC. Epic is the only hope we have to get Persona 5 on PC if you like it or not.

Already proven wrong stinky chinky

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running 10 browsers at once. nice.
i'd rather a greasy yellow chink stealing my datas. i expect it. it's natural.
a greasy fat old man doing it? it's creepy.

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>Windows Store

Attached: giphy.gif (332x215, 1.99M)

>Epic is the only hope we have to get Persona 5 on PC if you like it or not.
As much money as they're willing to throw around buying exclusives and paying for kickstarter refunds, they've been weirdly lazy at the same time. Where's the heavy hitters like Demons Souls or Bloodborne? How the fuck do they have the money to buy Detroit, a Sony funded and published game, but not fucking Demons Souls?

As far as I can tell the developer retained the rights and got bought out by a Chinese company that is probably partially owned by tencent anyway.


What bloat?

Attached: YNki0wM.png (297x859, 118K)

Actual unironic question, has anyone figured out how to unchinkify the EGS launcher yet?
Searching anything about disabling spying or telemetry just shows Windows 10 articles even though I never even fucking mentioned Windows

everything that doesn't double click and start the game .exe is bloat. all of it.

So the whole EGS client is bloat, got it

yes, but it's chink bloat. it's to be expected.

>mfw I'm bloat

Attached: f10e2a.png (211x172, 75K)

Because of summer sale fiasco.

> A thousand dollar VR meme?
That doesnt even work properly.

Attached: 1562368455003.jpg (456x488, 46K)

A mix of retards, trolls, and actual honest to fuck Epic shills. Most of the regulars here are still anti-EGS because the EGS fucking sucks in comparison to steam.

I use Uplay and while I don't like it as much as Steam, I do not have the same burning hatred for it that I do for the EGS. Get fucked Tim, your storefront sucks and the only thing your exclusive snatching bullshit is doing is making me and others take up pirate hats and the peglegs again.

They need direct billing for it. It requires some work with currencies, local taxes etc.

>EGS uses more than Steam
>despite not even having half the features
holy shit what a blunder

Attached: 62-623624_post-ed-edd-n-eddy-laughing-clipart.jpg (880x583, 209K)

honey, you're not bloat.
you want bloat, open up task manager and look at nividia shit as well as razer shit. now that is bloat.
no one ever mentions that though.


One was a mod. The other wouldn't even exist without Valve.
This isn't like Epic which just bought out already successful devs that shown they could stand on their own and lifted them from store fronts they were already on.

Companies shilling on Yea Forums is usually a joke but I feel like Epic actually does it just due to the artificiality of these memes.

GoG fixes old games to work on current hardware.
In turn they don't update or fix recent games.
While steam does the opposite.