Hey Yea Forums I wanted to tell a story, I’m not sure if this is the right place, but I’ll just go with it.
>be me >high school >really like Persona 5 >game is really cool and the mesage is pretty nice >get fucked over by teacher >she treated me like an animal because we disagreed on political shit that doesn’t actually matter >tried to report her to the school >no help >apparently being routinely slandered and bullied by your own fucking teacher isn’t big issue >have friends who also like Persona 5 >some of them have similar stories >man school is fucked up >realize I sound just like the characters in that game >adult bad >teenager good >hatch a master plan >me and nigger friend decide we gotta take action >but we decide to do it like in the game >aside from the alternate reality and magic shit obviously >make custom logo >make codenames for one another >make group name >we spend a week or so getting our friends in on it >give them codenames and shit >figure out a basic formula for exposure of targets >drop notes in the hallway and in offices when you’re in a crowd >has to be with lots of people around because cameras >notes can contain pictures and messages >gotta get going >this is so cool >decide on a target >”Hey user, I know this kid that’s got some dirty laundry” >”Who?” >”Fagbro” >”Oh shit I know fagbro, he beat his gf a couple times right?” >”Yeah I heard about that” >Fagbro never got punished for physical and possibly sexual abuse >Perfect >Have a friend of mine that can get into peoples phones over to my house >We drive near Fagbro’s house >Finds that there are three phones besides ours nearby >searches them >one of themselves is Fagbro’s >going through his text history >find Fagbro’s ex gf that he was suspected of beating >lots of dirty laundry >”You won’t hit me if I do right?” >solid evidence >download it and drive away >james bond music in my head >we spend 2 days looking through it (To be continued)
This ain't the real Fuukafag The real one has names for all his fuuka pics
Blake Carter
Damn, although shouldn't be long for the real one either.
Angel Gomez
(Continued by OP) >holy shit there’s a lot of stuff here >screenshot things like nudes he sent and shit >try our best to not show anything his gf was forced to say/send unles we have context included >don’t want to get the school on her ass >make cards that can be dropped and left without suspicion but are hard to miss when the crowd isn’t gone >got everything we need >share it with rest of the gang >”Holy shit user, how tf did you get this?” >”Me and xX_El1t3-H4ck3r_Xx had to break into his phone and grab it” >We all discuss what to do with all this info >I tell them that I will give them the notes they need to drop >We all do it on different days as to not make it super sudden >I tell them to wear their coats inside (it’s mid February during this so coats are not suspicious) >Have a drawer in my house of loose gloves that no one uses >I wash and grab most of them and pass them to my friends before school >they need to wear it and hide their hand in their sleeves in passing period so they can drop the note without anyone seeing it and without leaving fingerprints if shit gets bad >feel cool >have one friend do it over the course of a week >week is almost over and school makes announcement >”Students, make sure to not leave pieces of paper in the halls, we find note for your friends everyday” >they know >apparently a lot of people were finding them and either throwing them away without looking or reporting them >we sat at different tables during lunch to not make it obvthat we all have a connections >Discord is popping >”We did it user” >fuck yeah >one friend starts saying that I should be their leader >”I mean user has already done most of the work, he deserves the title” >Mfw I’m a Persona protagonist >fuckyes.wav >people are gossiping about the notes and Fagbro at school >we found out that Fagbro was out on parole for distribution of child pornography and assault (To be continued)