>play old Game set in the future
>People still use PDAs and Discs
Anyone else sorta love seeing wrong predictions like this? Like in Deus Ex people still use huge desktops for some reason.
>play old Game set in the future
>People still use PDAs and Discs
Anyone else sorta love seeing wrong predictions like this? Like in Deus Ex people still use huge desktops for some reason.
"Wrong predictions" sorry they're not Nostradamus like you supposedly are
Also unlike Cyberpunk 2077, Deus Ex has an amazing and long standing aesthetic
>Ex people still use huge desktops
? like now
No. They dont use fat monitors
I'm a big fan of retro scifi futurism like that, that's one of the things I loved about the Alien game with Ripley's daughter.
why aren't we all wearing one-piece jumpsuits yet
Why are you posting pictures of my wife? It would behoove you to ask next time.
Your wife is ded
>OK, here's your personal communicator, it's extremely advanced, so take good care of it
Who do you think took her out of the morgue? She's fine now. I will make sure to get punitive damages out of Momons ass for what he did to my wife!
Cyberpunk 2077 will be remembered as fondly as Deus Ex is today in 20 years.
all jump suits are one-piece, you idiot
Delusional CDPR fanboyism - replace Cyberpunk 2077 with Bioshock Infinite and you'll see how funny your statement is
idk i'm not a woman
That's pretty much half the charm of old-futurism.
Batman Beyond still has people using payphones and button cells. Pretty sure a few CRTs popped up too.
Bioshock 1 & 2 were garbage and anyone could see that Bioshock Infinite was going to be garbage as well. CDPR has literally never made a bad game.
w3 is overrated as fuck
Nah, if anything, it's underrated. I'm sorry Anthem didn't sell well, if that makes you feel any better.
I liked w2 more and hold it in really high esteem. It was kind of like Mass effect (1) in gameplay archetype. W3 Is a really great game and considering it was what it was with a dev that had yet to make a “hit” was great to see. It also had DLCs that were huge and well done. Probably the least jewed game we have gotten in years and deserves all the praise it got. It’s everything western games should be and take notes from. That said, I’m pretty much done with it.
The society in Deus Ex just came to the conclusion that CRT is and will always be better, like any sane, rational person.
i called anthem being shit when they first showed the announcer
In Deus Ex they use holographic desktop all-in-ones.
>game set in 2019
>they have flying cars and androids indistiguishable from humans
>First antagonist of an Isekai is a sadistic villainess
This is a good trope.
It takes place in a better timeline than ours
>game takes place in the far future
>Feels like a even crazier 80s or 90s
CRT sucks. They're way too big compared to flat-panel displays and have poor resolution.