How do we fix horror genres, Yea Forums?

How do we fix horror genres, Yea Forums?

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stop using jumpscares.
try to use the gameplay for once as a way to scare people.

why not make our own?

What would it be called

By not talking about it.

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Why not

be creative with your monsters.

Yea Forums used to love horror games

what happened?

Attached: Dare you to stare.webm (720x400, 2.88M)

i wonder why God made Asians so ugly and soulless

>no weapons
>enemies kill in one hit
>you can run like 1 second
>no inventory management
>main character is voiced by a donkey in heat

Make the game set on a bus

Hate to sound like a shill, but Darkwood recently did an excellent job:
>No jumpscares. Instead rely on tension and "foreshadowed" threats.
>Eliminate the "safe zone." Your safest location is also your deadliest, and there's a five minute span where you literally cannot leave it, but being there is not 100% safe either, requiring you to always be at attention.
>Strong amount of atmosphere is centered on musical cues and ambient sounds.
>Enemies can't always kill you in one hit, but you have low health and can get fucked up easy - fighting them requires timing, and your only weapons can break easily and unless you have another prepared, you're shit out of luck.
>Fatigue is your deadliest enemy - run out of stamina, can't get healing items, all your items are broken, enemies are well aware of where you're hiding, can't stay out of the light because nasty things hide in the dark, it will all add up and be the death of you.

I dont get it

More ghost pictures

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Meh, she's alright. The one in the background is a pass though.

Weak and fragile little girl as main character with RE1 difficulty.

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Is that Nevada-tan?


game? Fatal Frame? which one

poop frame

Nevada-tan aka boxcutter-tan.
12 year old who killed a classmate with a boxcutter knife

Attached: nevada-tan.jpg (527x352, 25K)

She’s a little ugly now but I bet she grew up just fine

>insectoid doing insectoid things
that's another day for them

She is 27, you delusional fuck.

>We can huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>Make them like
>like more scary you know...
>like... spooky game
>but no screamers
>he he

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More spook

What are some horror games where we can protect cute girls?

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Is there supposed to be a correlation with your post and that insectoid picture, pedo?

It's always the same fucking post with the same fucking reply about jumpscares, kill yourselves


your forgot incel, roastie lol

Almost as if jumpscares exist in almost every horror game, you stupid fucking schizo yellow knight.

You have to go back.

Do you keep track of every ant's action in the world?

>hey user check this shit out

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More jump scares.

ching chong to you too yellow roastie lol

Has anyone ever noticed how bloody psychotic most people seem once you get to know them?

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Asians culture bro

Better get used to it because they breed like rats and look like rats.

What is the purpose of the booth?

>seething because he got brapped on

dont try to make a horror product that exists to sell copies, just let people tell the stories they want to tell, provided that they're at least decent


amnesia was pretty good story wise

only the first one
gameplay wise the first one was best as well
why did machine for pigs suck so bad bros? is it because they got those walking simulator devs to work on it?

The problem with horror is that everyone wants something different